Around the World with 80 Chicks #2

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  • and 26 degrees today. I am tired might be something to do with me waking up at 05:00hrs and taking so long to get back to sleep I hung my washing out on the line whilst I was awake!!
    Tomorrow I have 4 weeks to go till my trip to the big smoke...London!! I hope I am feeling a lot better than I do right now. So tomorrow is the start of my 4 week diet. Help me girls I do implore you I NEED to lose some weight...why is such a simply task SO darn difficult?
    I have finished renaming, resizing and organizing my birthday bash photos, so here is a small selection of them to keep you on the tips of your toes and wheels till I get the rest of Salzburg downloaded...
    See you soon.....Linus good luck for the approaching Monday....hope you are getting a lot easier now.....

  • Love it!!! Is that one of those drinking cups in the last one??? Even with my glasses on I have some probs with the PC at times!! The cake is terrific!!! so glad you huffed and puffed and blew those 4 candles out!!! On the second one I thought there was a fireman's hat in front of you and got all excited!!! Nice party you had!!! I also hope you are feeling much better for London. But if you decide to go swimming again PLEASE do not over do the exercise and spoil your trip!!! Sorry if I'm a nag but I would like to see you have another good time!!! Helps me to live vicariously! How can we help with the diet?!?! Just say the word and we'll whip the crap out of you if you eat anything that's ot good for you!! Now get going and make and eat the right foods!!(how was that? stern enough?)

    Everyone else is asleep or amongst the missing I see. I went food shopping and bought my usual "diet" fare and started cooking today. Meatloaf is in the oven, fruit salad in the fridge already cut up. tomorrow will make rice, potatoes and some veggies. I do much better when I prepare in advance and pre-package. The grand re-opening of the store save me some $$$$ and the sale continues to next week. I'll go back on Thursday too!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and be happy!!!
    Good Morning sunshine....have a great Saturday!!!
  • Weigh and measure as promised
    Weight - 75/75/75/74.5/74/73/ 74 Up 1kg or 2lb
    Upper Chest 40/39.5/39/39.5/39 /39.5/ 39.5 Same
    Bust 44/43.5/42.5/43.5/43.25/42.5/ 42.5 Same
    Lower Chest 36/35.75/35.5/36/35/34/ 35.5 Up 1.5inches
    Waist 36/36.5/35.5/35.75/35.5/34/ 34 5 Up 1/2inch
    Upper Hips 42/41.5/41/42.25/41/40.5/ 40 Down 1/2 inch
    Lower Hips 41/40.5/40/40.5/40/40/ 39.75 Down 1/4 inch
    Top of Leg 22.5/22/21.5/22/21.75/21.75/ 21.75 Same
    Top of Arm 12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/ 12.25 Down 1/4 inch

    Impress Rate - First thought - no, not impressed with that at all. Second thought - well the inches are moving. Third thought - this is just all too hard. Last thought - Tears.

    Will I let it beat me - NO I BLOODY WILL NOT!!!

    It’s time to try another track. Back to the drawing board and think again. Obviously the weight training, running and body balance has had a lot to do with the loss of inches - the weight must be controlled by other mechanisms in this contrary body. So it is necessary to embark on a series of eliminations this month.

    Enough - want to know what I intend to do about it - read the journal. (maybe it has instructions for inserting zips in mouths)

    Teel great photos. I take it you were drinking wine when the photo on the cake was taken?? As for getting rid of some flab, well join me in the search for the flab trigger. It's got to be there somewhere - just where is the question. What I want to know at this minute is - where is the justice - I'm beginning to think there is none in this cruel cold hard world. Also I am with Mel, take it easy on the exercise first couple of times - water is a great resister - so use the resistance to exercise the muscles gently. You don't have to go crazy to get a good workout - are there aquarobic classes at the pool? Try one of those but GENTLY please.
    Talking of worlds - where is happy2bme?? Maybe she is halfway to MEL's place for a cuppa. Or maybe she wants some peace and quiet and is on the way to 'Nae's - who is also AWOL. Linus has an excuse. She is not well and has not yet perfected a way to lie down and type.

    Time for me to disappear and get ready for Body Balance. Then it's back to the telephone to organise the floor sander for DS2. He's just so bloody tired at the moment he is totally and completely useless and has left the decision to me. It makes sense I suppose as I have done the meet and greet bit and asked the silly questions and yesterday I contacted the Building Services Authority to question the credentials of the 5 tradesmen. They pointed me in the direction of the Internet and search for the licences and indescretions or otherwise. 4 came up okay, but one doesn't even seem to have a tradesman licence. No prizes for guessing who that one might be. Yep, Arfur the Irishman. So he is completely out, if he wasn't before! One down, 4 to decide on. Okay, on to Body Balance. Catch up later.
  • hi all i wont ask how you all are as you sound just as pi**ed off as i am still sore but trying to be the hero and killing myself with painkillers just so i can be a half proper mum took craig shoppig for his longed for chain and ring if i had known which ones they were before i took him i might have had second thoughts the ring looks like something a rapper would wear its half an inch across gold with white gole shoulders{sides???}and is covered in diamonds if that thing catches me in the eye ill have to dictate what i want to say as ill be blind and to say the chain is big is an under statement its 8 grams of solid silver and looks like it should be on MR T and bless he thinks he looks brilliant ive tried to warn him that **** be walking at a stoop by saturday but he refuses to take it off made dh take it off when he was sleeping i was worried incase it strangled him in the night well dh has spent three hours away from his comp yes unheard of he thought i needed cheering up ?????? so he put craigs new billy conolly dvd on and yes i did laugh nearly wet myself so he thinks its safe to leave me for half an hour dh and kids decieded to buy me the rest of the harry potter books as id got the prisoner one but hadnt read the rest we got them yesterday so yesterday i read the chamber of secrets{conner pinched the philosiphers stone first} and half of the goblet of fire and today i read the other half and all of the order of the phoenix so tomorrow ill read the philosiphers stone and then ill have to wait while j.rowling writes the rest and as much as i liked the films im a self confessed book worm and definantly enjoyed the books better shad i think ive found the answer to your dietry problem my hubby if you have to eat his cooking more than once a week youll certainly lose weight i am but thats probably the fretting thats doing that i try and cram a whole days housework into the two hours peace and quiet i get before they get out of bed in the morning at least cleos stopped bleeding but this morning i went into the kitchen and discovered a horrid stench it took me nearly an hour to work out someone broke an egg in the egg bowl in the cupboard and left it there needless to say the house still vaguly smells of rotten eggs and as it was in the thitys here today you can just imagine actually dont your better not knowing well im getting grunts from the bedroom i must be on to long and hes just remembered stay good and ill speak to you tomorrow
  • Hi girls,
    I'm sorry I've been away - seems like I say that alot lately, don't I? But I am sincere no less. Here's what's been going on with me the last few days...

    I have ridden my bike most every day. And I admit I do feel better - less achy in the body for getting some regular exercise again. The neighbor saw DH and I riding and said we looked so "cute" doing things as a couple. I am getting more used to riding and can go for longer times than when I first started but haven't made it to a full 30 minutes yet. I have eaten alot of salty foods the last 2 days - unusual for me and last night I noticed my foot felt "tight". When I looked at it, I almost fell over. Both feet were swollen, the left far more than the right - it was like a puffy balloon and the skin was so tight it felt like it was going to burst open. Sometimes when I've had a bit more salt, my rings get a touch tight but I have never encountered anything like this. It's gross!!!! I can't really sit around and put my feet up as they suggested other than sleepy time but I am sucking down the water, flexing and moving about. And really watching the salt in the foods. I'm hoping I just made a series of bad choices and it's nothing more serious than that. Odd for me as I don't like salt at all.

    I did manage to obtain an interview with the new company that bought ours. It's across the country and I will be flying for a one day interview soon. If all went well it would mean selling the house and moving - a general pain in the butt but it does get us away from the cold winters. My Mom would be heartbroken. But no guarantees, just a chance and that is good. I sent out at least a dozen targeted resumes / CVs and didn't hear a thing. I am convinced you have to have someone personally present you in order to just get a smidgeon of interest. And I have just about run out of people to talk to. It's very sad and frustrating.

    I woke up 3 days ago with my nose hurting so bad that it brought tears to my eyes to touch it. A big giant pimple or something buried deep on the tip of my nose. My nose is swollen and as red as Rudolph the reindeer's - in fact DH could not help but mention just that - bless him - NOT NOT NOT. So... I am at my highest weight, I can't fit into my business suits, my foot is swollen so badly that I can barely get a shoe on and even so my foot "spills" over the side of the shoe and I have a big red nose. I'd say I'm in perfect shape for an interview, wouldn't you? It's one of those times that you just have to dig deep to find something good in life....

    ... at least I didn't nearly cut my toe off with a safety razor or burn the shower curtain down with a candle

    ... I don't have a child who walking around imitating Mr. T with his jewelry (Linus you crack me up - you are so poetic with your writing)

    ... and I'm not brought to tears by working my bottom off, being good and seeing no results on the scale. At least I can account for each measure of the tape and if I wasn't the best for July, well... at least I enjoyed it.

    I have so much catching up with you ladies -
    - Teel, it is so good to see what you look like. Such a pretty lady having fun on her birthday. Loved the picture on the cake too I sure do wish we could all get together and vacation / holiday as a group. We could count the number of countries we'd be evicted from for being a silly giggly picture snapping band of laughing non stop chatting women!

    Shad, I sense your frustration with the diet. I looked over your journals for a week. All I can suggest at this point is to cut the carbs out for 2 weeks and see what happens. The dried fruit has many times the sugar of fresh fruit. And you have several carbs a day - I know, low carb is extremely difficult to adhere to, and I hear you on the sandwich being a quick lunch alternative. I found myself the only way I can truly lose weight consistently is to measure out everything and cut the carbs and salt out almost totally. Fats I can cut as I get heartburn from them. The problem with me is that I need to lose a substantial amount of weight and I can't stick with the meal plan that will make it happen for more than 3 months. It's good to say - well eat the right things in moderation but while keeping you rather healthy and satisfied it doesn't always make the scale budge. I was going to ask if you are in a clothing size you are happy with - perhaps you are fighting your body's set point but I remember you talking about your concern over the weights for the judgemental insurance people and I can understand that.

    And then there is always the option of letting Mr. Linus' husband cook up and ship our meals to us - My hubby's a pretty good cook but he only makes the main course and none of the fixings - that's my job so you'd have a good piece of fish, meat or some nice crispy bacon and scrambled eggs but not much else.

    Mel, I'm glad to hear they got the lift on the bus fixed so that you can get out AND get some decent groceries. I know you do better when you can fix and cook away. I just bought some watermelon too - think I'll go have a slice. Anybody else want one?

    Linus and Teel - I hope you both are feeling better. Teel, I will join you on a diet challenge for the next few weeks. Just healthy eating in the right portions and doing a bit of movement of some kind each day, ok? Is it a deal?

    I think this would be easier if we could go over to Nae's place, raid her garden, go for long nature walks - I will be happy to push chairs for those who need a bit of an assist. Shad can get us up at sunrise and we can all stand out in the field doing yoga at sunrise, just like the videos. Then we can walk to the patio for some fresh coffee and breakfast. I will bring the camp stove and we can eat outside and listen to the birds. Nothing more lovely than the taste of bacon and eggs in the fresh morning air. Doesn't that sound lovely?

    Enough rambling for me, I think I'm going to try the cool foot soak now. Have a lovely weekend everyone. I will try not to be such a stranger.
  • Happy~ Some doctors recommend epsom salts in the water for the foot soak. I'm not sure why but I have seen it work. Also they ask how many eggs do you eat as the whites hold salt.
    Good luck with the feet and challenge. Hope you'll be ok for the interview!! OMG I almost fell over laughing! Why do things like this always happen!! If we all go to Nae's I'll get a wagon and pull everyone. Sort of like a hay ride!

    Shad~ Nice to see the inches moving at least. I thought about the carbs in your diet too but you do so much physical much lower could you go and not keel over from low blood sugar?!? Someday we will find the answer and probably be surprised it was right in front of us. I think you are the moost logical choice for picking the sander man too! LOL After all you know them all now!! Good luck.

    Linus~ Poor Pet!! ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) for you and the pain and having to eat the DH's cooking!! Send some over here!! I could use some pounds gone!!! Eggs, kids, Cleo and God knows what else!! LOL No wonder Mum is worn out!!!
    Hope you feel better soon. I loved the Harry Potter books!! I watch the dvd's all the time! And is it the Sorceror's Stone? Have a great read!! If you liked those books then you would love the series called The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper. But they need to be read in the order they were written as it's a continuous story. I read them twice. He was like a Harry Potter but she wrote them many years ago. Feel better Miss Linus!!

    I think I have the day to myself. Haven't heard from the bookkeeper. His wife has ovarian cancer now. They just told me last weekend. Sad. He is not holding up well either but both have a brave face on. So for today I think I may lounge around a bit and just make some foods in between rests. Feeling a bit worn out but I think it's from the soda/food combo and all the parties etc etc etc. I MUST behave myself eating and get that water in. I already started

    Have a nice day. Ours is starting sunny for a change!
  • Morning
    Hurrah it is Saturday and I did try to sleep in but my Teeka had to get up and out the door at 6am. We also got up at 3 to see the moon lighting everything outside so awesome....the month of the blue moon it should be gorgeous tonight also. Last night I tried to get a pic of it as it first beckons over the moutains.
    So nice to read about everyone and to know we are still around to fight the good fight and share our lives and laughs. So are you ready for another wilderness adventure? Thursday morning we met at 7:30 early for the rest of the work crew but not for me..... and we headed down river. Here is a little geography for you..... The Salmon is called the River of NO RETURN from the Lewis and Clark expedition....even though they named that a little too early future explorations found that statement to be so true. As the canyon narrows you have no option but to follow the river to its outlet to get off of it. Very daunting cliffs mountains hold it all the way to the border of Oregon and Washington. It flows North from its very start and turns at North Fork to the west. It is the largest river that begins and ends within its own state lines. The illusion of such a forceful river flowing due North is very odd and confusing when you first see it.
    The river road is so narrow and has so many sites to offer. I had never taken the time or opportunity to drive down as far as you can go. There are fruit orchards down there so amazing is this country and the mountain sheep with their little ones are all over the road and cliffs beside you. One little guy dislogded a boulder as we went by and it came plunging at the car as we went by.... it did fail to hit us.... To float from the end of the road out to the rivers end at Riggins requires a permit by drawing so it is busy with guides and boats and people at the dock area.
    We got on a Jet boat only a few permits for these guides. Off down the river after we loaded our cooler with lunch and of course I had to have some beer along.... We went through rapids and over boulders and torrent of water very exciting. stopped at the drivers lodge nestled in such thick brush you would miss it. Stopped and saw engraved rocks of previous dated from 1892 and then they returned in 1905.... in those old wood boats amazing they floated that body of water in those days. We even boated over a section that are falls.... right a big drop off.... yee haw.... pulled over for lunch and some fishing... one of the guys onboard hooked a sturgeon those ancient giants that still are living in many waters around the world... didn't get to see it as the fight broke the line. it is of course barbless hook catch and release. sorry am I boring you all? So I was in the water with my life jacket and fins and just had a ball..... it was a thrilling day and we laughed alot and felt the awesome force of nature all around us with all the slides of masses of land and boulders that are a continuing effect of rain and wind upon the landscape.
    Well I will leave you with that for now... sometime I will tell you about my bosses famous father. He is no longer on earth but made a dramic impact while he was here...... I wish you all a great day and good health. I had to escort a hummingbird out of the house this happens so much I have the technique down so they are not harmed.
    Love to All My Buddies Around This Great World,
    P.S. You are all invited to my house any time..... it would be so grand!
  • Nae, can I come live in your yard? I won't be much bother, I promise. Loved the description of your yard. And when the fffffffffffffrreeeezzzzzing winter blows in, I'll just migrate over to Shad's place. I can't fathom the idea of a hummingbird in the house much less escorting it back out in the wild. It sort of makes me wonder, why do I stay here in the city? Oh... probably that little annoyance called a job and self doubt that anything other than the current rut is a foolish venture.

  • Okay...Day 1 of the 4 week weightloss challenge! Welcome aboard Happy! and by the way that liquid in those glasses is either a diet coke or a no added sugar blackcurrant squash!!
    I weighed on my scales just now and I am almost too embarressed to say it said ...79.4kg.That is fully clothed and late afternoon so probably not the best time to do it...but there we go.. I feel so gross and fat fat fat beyond belief. Happy I think you needed to put your spectacles on when looking at the no way am I in the least bit pretty...I feel very ugly and almost not fit to be seen in and allowed out in public. So today I have started my healthy eating plan. Breakfast was a few spoonfulls of muller light yoghurt (I was still full up after the Chinese last night ...I was out with a friend ) and lunch was a vanilla frappo. Un fortunately it came with cream on the top and a few lacings of chocolate sauce. I didn't think that was too bad though as I have only had a diet coke for the rest of the day. Dinner tonight will be a ready made low fat Ceasar salad with a peppercorn crust steak. Is that ok? And I bought some apples today and some grapes and cherries. Please feel free to ball me out on my lunch choice...I know it wasn't the best ....I even managed to fail on day 1. I really do feel an utter and complete failure. I have got to do this or it will literally be the death of me.I have done 3 20 minute walks with Holly this week and aim to go for another walk in the cool of the evening

    Sorry this has been a bit of a depressing post. I think the blasted chest pain is getting me down. I started the new pills this morning...back to the Oxycontin... What concerns me is if the consultant is right and the chest pain is referred pain from my thoracic spine, then this is a new development (well 7 months now) for me and it means that my spine is starting to degenerate a lot faster and cause even more problems than it previously did. If he is right then I really want to know how far has it degenerated and when or if will it stop? And more important a question, what sort of a state will I be in? Will I sooner or later be wheelchair bound? And of course if he is wrong and the diagnosis is that of Costachondritis, then I suppose being on the wrong pills will mean I get more and more uncontollable pain and it will take an age to get back to where I was before the holiday. I have 4 weeks to get this sorted before my holiday in I worried? Enormously
  • Ok, all of you go to the far corner and talk amongst yourselves for a minute as I would like a word with Miss Teel.

    If you are ugly well then since I have similar features to you, that must make me ugly and unfit to be seen in public myself. And I'll be having none of that young lady - and you ARE a young lady compared to me. There are people who are beautiful in the face but ugly in the heart. And then there are people like you who have a kind and loving face that says I know how to be a friend to someone. People like Mel and Shad - in fact I'm sure all of us have that kind of face and a bit of a mischevious (sp???) twinkle in the eye at the right times just to prove that we are lot of fun. As for the weight - put it in perspective - I'd be delighted to be where you are and Shad is near what I might be satisfied as a goal weight - yet we all feel we need to shake off the pounds. So lets just agree that we all have some work to do, no tears, no gnashing of teeth, no calling ourselves blubber bags, ok?

    I must also chastise you for you lunch choice. where is the fruits, veggies and protein. The frappo was a treat and perhaps a bit much but in my opinion I think we do ourselves much more harm when we have something like this and then skimp on the stuff we should be eating just to save calories. Dinner sounds lovely and some fine choices.

    Ok, the rest of you can come back now... I just popped in between household chores, back to scrubbing and laundry for now. I have some chicken breasts marinating for dinner, I think I'll add grilled vegetable kabobs and some cool watermelon. Lunch was a parfait of yogurt, blueberries, strawberries and a bit of cereal that has flaxseed and omega 3 stuff in it. Very healthy and tastes good. And I nibbled on a cheesestick for some extra protein. The foot swelling has subsided a bit.

    Oh, and I checked my email and I have another interview to schedule for next week. It is all about managing large staffs of people - will be far away from my blessed one on one current job and back to all the hectic life of a big manager again but at least I am getting a bit of interest.
  • Right well Miss Teel - now don't forget I have seen you in the flesh. Happy is right, you must not judge yourself like that. You are definitely not an ugly, blubberbag, druggy fatso. Ok, so you are not Liz Hurley, but who amongst us is?? and you are a much more dependable person than Liz anyway. You are a nice person, a lovely person and a really good friend - with a skin that I envy and wish I had one like it!!!!!! Yes you have a few disadvantages and loosing weight would probably help a few of them. Yes you are carrying too much weight, but the problem can be solved (maybe not with frappicinos). Solve that one and maybe a couple of others may disappear, or at least abate.

    GET IT??????
    GOT IT??????

    I just got back from taking DS1 into the airport. He is now in the air on his way to his new job in Adelaide. His new boss rung on Friday and was about 10 feet off the ground. He has given BJ a promotion and some customers of his own to deal with for a couple of months. Apparently some new work has come in unexpectedly which should take his business from a half million dollar turnover to around a million. Add to that he (the boss, not BJ) is getting married this weekend and he has yet to organise some bits of it. I suggested that he might think about getting a trainer in on the act. Not a lot of reaction to that I'm afraid!!!
    Happy, I am glad to hear that somethings are coming out of the woodwork for you. Two interviews is great. Hope the nose comes right for the coming week. As for the feet, keep up the water, elevate the feet whenever possible and watch the sodium contents of food. Get out there and sock it to them - you can do this thing.

    Nae, great to hear of the adventures in Idaho. It sounds like a lot of fun. Just think of me and I'll be there doing it all right alongside of you.

    Morning Mel, hope you are having a relaxing day up on the 2nd floor, reading the map and deciding where to go next. Have you used up the butterflies yet and the stars??? I'll send over some more if you need more!

    Linus I hope things come right very soon. You have put up with enough stuff, you and teel and Mel, time things went right for you all for a change.

    Well I have calmed down somewhat from the scale monster. I will carry on and just be extra vigilant. Yesterday was no bread, actually this week is no bread. Now that BJ has gone away, I can get back to normal meals, not that we had anything particularly bad, but it is exceedingly frustrating to find that my 30 year old vegetarian son eating the same (but more) food than me can lose a kilo in a week (and has trouble getting over the 77KG mark) and I put on 1.5kg and difficulty staying under the mark. Life is definitely not fair!!!!. This kid, I might add, ate his way through 2 loaves of grain bread in less than 2 days. (I only got 3 slices of that lot) And he ate 3 square meals a day and polished off the packet of chocettes that Simon brought home last week (of the broken tooth fame). Oh and I might add he is not exercising and riding his bike at the moment either - lord knows what he might eat then!!!!

    So I'm back at the drawing board and taking in the suggestions from the journal. I will have to draw up some sort of a meal plan - then join Happy and Teel on the challenge. Ho hum!!!!!

    Oh yes and I forgot to mention. Jason the torturer is taking a group of people from the gym on the Bridge to Bay run this morning. Will be well underway now. I think they started around 6.45am. Anyway he wanted me to join them.
    Jason I said - I can manage 6.5 painful k's on the treadmill, if I did the 12k's from the Bridge I would be dead before I hit the beautiful seaside. Go away and stop tormenting me!!!!!
    Can you lot imagine me in a crowd of around 14000 people, some go for the run and the prize, some go for fun in bathtubs, or in hospital beds being pushed by guys dressed as nurses and full of booze!!! There's wheelies racing, families held together with stretchy bands and mums with pushchairs. Some people have been known to take the family pooch. Maybe in another year or so I could get there, but definitely no, not this year.

    Okay, laundry, clean the kitchen, tidy the lounge and change the beds. Then some cerebral work to try to spice up the resume, and work out the last couple of problems in the bathroom. Have a good weekend all of you.
  • hello ladies dh is at the pub and the clan have finally stopped phoning so i came for a blether but first everyone except teel put their fingers in there ears TEEL YOU BLOODY STUPID WOMAN HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE DEGRADING THINGS ABOUT YOURSELF AS IF WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS IN LIFE WITHOUT BRINGING OURSELVES DOWN WAHT YOU ARE IS SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT NOT GROSS OR FAT OR ANY OF THE OTHER HORRIBLE THINGS YOU SAID I FOR ONE THINK YOU ARE A VERY LOVELY PERSON HAVE THOUGHT SO SINCE THE FIRST TIME I SPOKE TO YOU AND NOW IVE SEEN YOUR PICTURE I CAN ONLY SAY {for once} I WAS RIGHT YOU ARE A VERY LOVELY LADY AND GOD YOU LOOK SO YOUNG SO NO MORE OF IT OR IM SENDING ROSE TO GIVE YOU A WOMANS LIB TALK A VERY LONG ONE AND BY THE WAY DO YOU THINK YOUR FREINDS WOULD WANT TO STAY NEAR YOU IF YOU WERE GROSS OR DO YOU THINK THEY MIGHT BE ALL A BIT DAFT ????? THOUGHT NOT right lecture over my goodness how are we all good i hope i feel {finally} a wee bit better i had to go and give dad his dinner today {dh would go but my dad doesnt like him says hes not good enough for his daughter considering im the only one who has had both my kids to the same man and have stayed with the same the whole of my married life he might have got used to him by now but as i chose him over university and my master he doesnt like him}so hes got himself a new telly god they just keep getting bigger my sister told him the next one will be to big to fit in her car even with the seats down so hed better keep this one my freind and her bh are away to turkey on monday thats the couple we went to tunisia with they keep trying to get us to go away with them again but i couldnt leave the kid again so we said no{and no its got nothing to do with the fact id have to get on a plane again} but dh said if i was meeting you lot i think id get on the plane and guess what i think he might be right so look out if a strange wee scots woman is sighted looking lost in your neighbourhood it might be me anyway im going to go and try and shave my legs as i havent been able to get down far enough to do it for over a fortnight and no way is dh getting near me with a razor speak later
  • Linus - wear pants until you can shave properly, else we'll be sporting the bandages for the razor cuts on both you and Mel.

    How do we tell a wee scot's woman from the rest of the lot roaming around the area? give us a hint or two, will you - wouldn't be right me inviting just any old crazy in for tea on the pretense that it might be you come to visit.

    As for trainers, they all think they can make runners out of us. Mine was pushing me too and I was like No Way Jack - hit the road. You should be happy I'm doing the dreadful bike. He had me do this exercise where you take big strides down the hall and dip down on the knee - a popular exercise to strengthen the leg. Well my knee was popping and ripping such sounds pow, click, eeeeeeeeee, followed of course by several oof-duhs and the sound of my giggling when I bent a bit too far and banged against the wall being a bit wobbly and perhaps drunk with the excitement of another fine workout No, I told him, I am not a runner I am a dancer!!!!

    Now Shad, I think with a little planning ahead, the lot of us could make one fine running bed for the race across the bridge. Is it downhill or would we be needing Mel to give us a pull once in a while? That I could get into... I've seen races like that - lots of fun, except if you are an actual runner trying to win the race.

    Later chickies, the BBQ is blazin' here.
  • Actually the bridge itself is 1.1k uphill (5 degrees of slope I think) and then downhill and fairly flat to the city. The run used to go from the bridge out to the bay, but now apparently goes into town. Anyway they finish at a fairly pretty park just outside the city centre. There is a short course as well, but you would get knocked over in the rush for that one. You would certainly need Mel to pull you up the bridge if you are complete with bed. However, she could be a menace on the downhill side of the bridge. I'm not even sure I want to go there!!!!!!!!!
  • Thank you my friends. For bunging up the hole I was diving headlong in to. Don't know what was wrong with my psyche yesterday except something that happened in my chilhood has been on my brain rather a lot recently and disturbs me a bit. Well, a lot actually. I cannot post anything about it here. Perhaps if I feel brave enough I will p.m. Shad with it at some future moment.
    Well it is 02:23 as I I went to bed at about 22:45hrs as usual and felt it took ages for me to drop off to sleep, that I felt I still hadn't had any sleep and it was midnight. From experience I know that on occassions like these I usually am bordering hypoglycaemia so I took my blood sugar levels and yes, it read 4.2 mmol. So I had 1/3 of a glass of semi-skimmed milk (usually have skimmed but the gardener bought the half fat stuff when he came the other day... we haven't got a moo cow smilie but you get cheese from the white stuff so I think you'll foolow my drift ) and went back to bed. I think I have been asleep but not for long and here am I at this VERY early hour of the 1st August in England, and