The Onederland Express - Hop on Here!! #3

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  • Ah, Monday again... I have to go get routine bloodwork done this morning, so no coffee or breakfast til after that. That's making me a tad cranky, and I'm so hungry that I can't stop thinking about grabbing something "bad" for breakfast out. I'm having a bit of a hard time re-assimilating after the holiday food fest! Grrrrr...

    Arabella, a woo hoo to you for getting your mojo back! You've definitely got the right mindset going on there! I'm still in a bad way from the weekend, but trying to get it back together again, so I'll try your new motivation technique. After coffee.

    I can't even think straight right now, but have a good day, everyone!
  • Mel - You'll have to post pics of your 9 ft tree decorated!! So nice! I'd like to get one of those ones with the lights already on it. I've had that full feeling before, but not very often - usually I really look forward to breakfast!!

    auntie g - Speaking of breakfast, how annoying, no breakfast or even coffee until after? blech!! Well if you have to grab something, try to make it something fairly healthy, although goodness knows healthy breakfast choices on the run are not very available!

    Arabella - Good for you!! I like your mantra, I've been thinking the same thing, I don't need to worry about anything as long I stay on my plan, which is a forever plan - other than I WILL incorporate more exercise soon!

    Carri - Hi!

    Anyways as for me, terrible night sleeping again, I must sound like a broken record! If it wasn't one of them, it was the other. And then Jacob was up at 5:30, ugh. Oh well - going to get the christmas lights up today, and going to make some coffee now! Have a great day, ladies!
  • Arabella- I love the new attitude! Glad you had a great dinner. I am hoping to get totally back to normal soon. I am ready to see a 2 pound loss this week!

    Auntie-I hope you fight off the urge to eat a bad breakfast,good luck with the blood work.

    Liz-I will post a pic of my tree soon, this website always gives me trouble posting pics lol Hope you can get some sleep soon. We are going to try to put up our outside lights today too.

    Hi Carri!!

    Hope everyone has a productive and great week!
  • Morning everyone, sorry I was MIA for the holiday weekend...had alot to do, shopping, spending time with family, and of course over eating...haha, but like Arabella and Auntie G I am back on board for the few weeks before Christmas... I was able to put my tree up on Friday, those of you on fb already know this and have seen the pic maybe, haha ...

    Mel - I am the queen of bloated today...but I am sure your situation is still from all your bowel troubles...glad they are easing up for you...and yeah I wanna see a pic of the tree...i LOVE Christmas !!!!!

    Arabella - love the new attitude, we need to all accept that and throw away the word "diet", puts too much pressure on us

    Liz - sorry to hear the sleepless night, here is too a great one tonight ...

    Auntie G - great job on the loss, was that pre-holiday weight? If so just dont weigh again for a week, haha

    I had a great four day weekend and just so sad ( and tired ) that it had to be over today....need another day just to relax and do nothing...

    Have a great day girls !!
  • Welcome back Carri!!

    We put up all our outdoor Christmas lights last night, about 20 mins after we came in the rain started lol And it has been raining ever since so I am glad it is done. I will post pics soon (if the site lets me). For some reason I haven't been feeling the weight loss lately, hope to get out of this funk.
  • *yawn* Tuesday
    Could NOT sleep last night. Tried every trick I know -- oh, wait a minute -- I've got a self-hypnosis audio. Must load that on my MP3 player. In any case, yeah, about 4 hours sleep last night.

    Still on plan here, waiting for the scale to congratulate me. Shall be very diligent and know that it will happen.

    Auntie g, I feel for you. Brutal to have to face the world without food and coffee. Hope you had a good breakfast and primo java afterwards.

    Liz, I should be grateful that a poor night's sleep is the exception for me rather than the rule. It's amazing how we can run on fumes sometimes when it's necessary. Hope all sleep well tonight!

    Mel, you might not be feeling it but you're doing it -- have a look at your ticker, Woman -- you're doing fantastic!

    Carri, yeah -- let us not be derailed by any parties or other impediments to good behavior that crop up in our paths. Let's feel GREAT when we get to Christmas.

    K, I'm out of here. Have a good one, girlies.
  • Finally got back on track yesterday, after 5 days of misbehaving. Feeling pretty crappy again, but hopeful...

    Liz, hope you're getting some sleep!

    Mel, hope you're feeling better, too!

    Carri, yeah, pre-holiday weight... You're right, I may not weigh in this week! Can we be good for 24 days now? LOL!

    Arabella, stay on the straight and narrow! I'm sure I won't be pulling ahead of you this week, so GO for it!

    Gotta get to work. Bleccch! Have a great day!
  • Arabella - Sorry to hear about your lousy night's sleep, hope last night was a better one! At least for me, no sleep comes with the territory, but when you can't sleep because your body won't let you, that's really frustrating!

    Mel - We did our outdoor ones on Monday too, I love having them up! We have to do our tree soon. Oh and those progress pics are coming, one day keeps sliding into the next but soon!

    Got a busy day today, shopping and a mom's group I go to, and then dinner with the MIL. Hope everybody has a great day!
  • Morning Girls, here I am chugging along, haha ...yesterday was my first day without soda ...I have been hooked lately on Cherry Coke...which is odd for me since I never really even drink soda due to my diabetes, but I got hooked and was having quite a few glasses a day...taking little steps back in, first no soda for a few days, and then my next step of cutting out the sweets...if I go all crazy and drop everything at once I wont stick to anything this works better for me...

    Auntie G - how did the routine blood work go? Good results? Can we be good for 24 days? I doubt it

    Arabella - get better sleep last night? HOpe so....great job staying on plan, I am sure the scale will move for you this week.

    Mel - still waiting on those tree and light pics, haha are things "moving" for you? back to normal now?

    Liz - sounds like a good full day, have fun !!!

    Have a great day girls !! It has been snowing here all morning and it is so pretty...temps hanging around 30 degrees though, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  • 24 days to go, so let's GO!
    Feeling much better than I have been for days. I think I've been fighting a cold. Maybe I've won? That would be good. Plus, yes, a glorious night of sweet sleeeeeeeep. Mmmmmm. And I feel energized again.

    I FEEL slimmer this a.m. too, although my scale says it can't see a difference. Maaaaaaan, it had better take another look by Friday.

    Auntie g, hope you're feeling better today! I find it doesn't usually take too long on the straight-and-narrow to make me feel like myself again. It's just that in-between time is so risky -- feeling like crap, not so much focus, etc.

    Well, I would surely love to post a loss this week. Would settle for being back to ticker but how sweet it would be to slip under... Shall stay diligent, in any case and maybe it will happen.

    Liz, it is frustrating to be cozily in bed but wide awake -- and always makes me feel like I should be able to figure out a way to do it. On the other hand, being woken constantly when you could easily be sound asleep is pretty frustrating too. How well I still remember that feeling of juuuuuuuusst closing my eyes and starting to drift blissfully back to sleep and hearing the baby wake up again.

    Carri, that's one thing I always think when people DO drink lots of soda -- just cutting out that one thing can make a big difference. And you're smart to ease into things. You could always do the points system and just set a higher point level, fit in a treat or two.

    I occasionally go to 30 points and feel like I blew it and then go "oh yeah -- that's only about 1500 calories, should still be okay."

    Mel hope all's good in your corner.

    Let's make this one count!

  • Hey ladies just dropping by real quick before I fold laundry. I got all my presents wrapped today! So thats one less thing to worry about. I have had a terrible 3 days food wise...for some reason I just never feel full which is really weird for me. I am hoping to jump back on track goal this week is to not GAIN! I think I will change my Christmas goal to 195 bc it seems like it could actually happen!

    Hope everyone is doing good, I read all the updates and will reply better tmw!
  • 2 good days and things are looking up. Haven't heard anything yet about my bloodwork, but it was mainly a cholesterol check, and I am on pills for that, so not expecting anything weird. On the other hand, DH had his done, monitoring his GERD meds, and they found high triglycerides. Sigh... The doc told him it was not about what he was eating, but hereditary. I'm definitely going to improve the eating factor, though, just in case. More motivation for me!

    Carri, you've got snow? Nice! We've had torrential rain and wind all day. Giant tree limb came down next door and the rest of the tree looks like it could go any minute. I hate the high winds!

    Arabella, hope that scale starts cooperating for ya! I'm hoping to be "back to ticker" this week, too. Even though I haven't had an official WI that was above it, unofficially I can confess that it's been messy...

    Mel, you've got all your stuff wrapped already? Dang! I was impressed that I finished my shopping (except for one troublesome person who I haven't got a clue what to buy for!) Haven't even considered starting to wrap yet! What are you gonna do with the rest of the month? LOL!

    Liz, hope you had a nice day!

    We're getting our tree this weekend, and hopefully I'll finish decorating by then, too. I'm trying to declutter a bunch of Christmas stuff and it's really slowing down my progress. Anybody need any ornaments or knick knacks??? Oh, the pain...

    Survivor time! Later!

  • I think I got a wake up call this morning! I was 199.2....nooooo!!! But I'm not surprised. Ok time to get this food thing in control!! I am going shopping for my bro,sis in law and nephew today so plenty of walking! I hope just dropping my calories will drop me down by sat! And I think I figured out why I have been hungry all the time, I switched to Jolessa (every 3 month bc pill) and I would normally be starting this weekend so its my PMS time lol Hopefully the pills work and no TOM for 3 months!

    Auntie- Good luck with your tree! I went through so many lights this year and tried to switch to led since they don't go bad as fast. Half working light strands drive me nuts! I hope that the food change helps your DH.
  • Morning Girls....

    Auntie G - Survivor last night? What a hot mess...geez ...they couldnt stick it out 11 more days? Quitters ....of course I might get desperate too, who knows I guess...just seems like a waste after 28 days....I didnt like Na anyway so no loss there ...My tryglicerides are always high too, my Dads are as well....I know weight loss would help me with those numbers...

    Mel - I bet you are so hungry because for a week or so you really couldnt eat that much, so now your body wants to catch up ...dont worry about it you will get back on track.

    Arabella - I actually had a little soda yesterday, was getting the caffiene withdrawal headache pretty bad, so had a half of a bottle of Mountain Dew to help with it ...oh well I guess...still moving on

    Hi ya Liz

    Hope everyone has a great day !!!!

  • Hey gals!!

    auntie g - Glad to hear things are going well! Probably not hearing about the blood work means all is well, no news is good news, right?

    Mel - Wow I'm impressed by your wrapping being all done too! I am so last minute with these things. I still have quite a bit of shopping to do, sigh. Hey and at least you caught a tiny little gain early! You can totally make your 195 by Christmas!

    Carri - I have a major pop addiction too, although it's to diet coke so no problems on the calorie front. Good luck with your gradual weaning process!

    Arabella - YAY for a good night's sleep!! Don't worry, you'll beat that scale into submission in no time! And yes, last night, I was blissfully drifting off to sleep when I heard her start crying, three times! Ugh. She's teething, and like my son, it's a long drawn out process!

    I did some comparison pics, I added a new pictures from yesterday. For some reason paint wouldn't let me add any numbers, but the picture on the far left is approximately 260 lbs, the middle one is 196, and the last one is yesterday which was approximately 168 pounds. I don't see a huge difference between the last two but still, it's progress!