"JB" Blue Team Chat # 8

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  • Yay Blue team! Yay Josephine.

    IMO....Josephine's life calling is to start a vegan boot camp at her house. Kayaking in in the morning, swimming in the afternoon, running on the beach in the evening. Sign me up for two weeks!
  • Hiya, Bluesers!

    Nori - I'll be thinking of you today. Hope everything goes smoothly and all results are clear.
    Dora - Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures.
    Kelly - Onederland is a great goal. We're routing for you!
    Anna - I've never been much for introspection, but I'm starting to think that there is something important about journaling/blogging to make permament changes in our behaviors. A little over a month ago, I had reached 40 pounds lost and I was almost into my incentive jeans. I was on top of the world and so excited. Now, I'm over 7 pounds heavier and I'm no where close to getting into those jeans. I don't really know what happened. I've decided to start journaling again to figure it out.
    Anjuli - looking forward to seeing how the big breakfast changes work out.
    Josephine - You are a force, girl! Congratulations!

    I slept in today. I'm a bit headachey and sore...but, it's all good. I see it as confirmation that I'm moving out of my comfort zone. My committment is strong right now. I'm going to hold onto this for as long as possible and enjoy the ride!

    Hope everyone has a great on-plan day.

    GO BLUE!
  • Quote: [IMG
    Nori - I was loving your new avatar, then came back to the kiwi again, what happened?
    I have no clue. I didn't change it back. So odd. I'll have to go into profile and see...
  • Quote: Yay Blue team! Yay Josephine.

    IMO....Josephine's life calling is to start a vegan boot camp at her house. Kayaking in in the morning, swimming in the afternoon, running on the beach in the evening. Sign me up for two weeks!
    My husband would be THRILLED that I'd have gainful employment again, so you may have something with this idea.

    Thanks guys!! *boogie woogie oogies in joy*

  • Congratulations Blue Team...We did it!
    (Even though I didn't contribute at all for this week's WI)

    Jo, words fail me...Congrats girl! You're amazing!
    Rhonda, I'll let you know if the breakfast change works or not. It's different though
  • Quote: My husband would be THRILLED that I'd have gainful employment again, so you may have something with this idea.

    I am not kidding. I drive for free, so I am in the truck and on my way when you give the word!
  • WTG BLUE! And Josephine, you just rock on! Congrat on your new job! LOL!

    Dora - I'll gather up all my routines and fax them to you. hopefully you can make sense of them. Or at least find a couple useful routines. Like I said, I don't always use each routine in it's entirety - I pick and chose which chest, back, shoulder, bicep, tricep exercise I want to do on any given day. Sometimes I do pyramid lifting...so when I do shoulder raises I get set up with the 8,10,12 dumbbells and then do 15 reps with the 8 followed by a 30 sec rest period, then do 12 reps of the 10, rest, then do 8 reps of the 12, rest, then start it all back down. 8 reps of the 12, 12 of the 10, 12 of the 8. That day I would do everything pyramid style - chest, back, biceps. Build it up and then take it down. KILLER!

    Anna - It is amazing how our bodies respond to exercise. Obviously they were created to do this! I'm no where near you yet, but I am honestly amazed at how my body is changing. My size 16W are getting loose and I'm wondering if I will be over 200 pounds and into the misses sized clothing. Wouldn't' that be weird.

    Today is day 2 of push ups for me. I do upper body at the gym today so will do them there.
  • I don't know - it tells me the upload has failed, but then I can see it new pic again?
  • Dora-Leo was in the Marines and went to Iraq for war. He was an E5 at the time. He no longer is in the military because of his ptsd. It took over him when it came time to reenlist and said screw that. It is a really really hard thing to deal with and like i said before, if you haven't had it then it's something you will never understand. Words just can't explain it. There is so much more to the drinking and depression and put downs and anxiety.

    Amy-yes, negativity does come with the PTSD. Leo is the same. Everything in his eyes are negative. I get so frustrated because you try your hardest to bring yourself up or your marriage or family and all they see is nothing but negative. No matter how hard you try to turn it around, it doesn't work. That's all part of PTSD. You are doing a great job.
  • Yay blues!! Congraulations to Joesphine especially!

    Thanks GirlGirlSeba and Jillybean720 for the support. It is the first morning and already I feel strange, teary, tight across the chest, ready to rip peopls's heads off, really hungry and agitated : ) . God I wish I had never become addicted.

    Anyway, I plan to spend more time at the gym to keep my mind focused.
  • For those of you who like me need more upperbody strength (hence the reason I am doing the 100 pushups routine), I was looking around and found this. Pushuos are cool, but I have always wanted to be able to do pull-ups. My Parents have a machine that allows you to do assisted pull-ups, but since I don't have this machine, I can only work on it at their house. I found this:

    Try developing your pulling strength with an elastic flex band. Tie the band to the bar, and let the loop hang down to about knee height. Grab the bar overhead, and place your feet on the band. Straighten your legs-you should feel the tension of the band supporting your weight somewhat, but you'll still have to pull hard to complete a rep. The band should allow you to get one to two sets of three to five reps. In each succeeding workout, try to get another rep in each set-when you can do eight to 10 reps, switch to a lighter-tension band and start the progression over. Keep switching to lighter bands until you can do a few reps without a band.

    This is my next challange. I want toned strong arms.
  • Hey Blue Team, congratulations!
  • Quote: It is the first morning and already I feel strange, teary, tight across the chest, ready to rip peopls's heads off, really hungry and agitated : )
    Hang in there, Hon! I remember pacing the floor and crying because I wanted cigarette so badly. But, each day, the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms got less intense. One day, I reached the point where I didn't even think about a cigarette. It will get easier...I promise. Don't give up. This is too important to your health and your future.
  • Went to the doc this morning--she upped my Metformin with dinner to 1,000mg (from 500mg) to try to stop the cycle of having high morning readings. She also gave me Janumet (sitagliptin/metformin) tablets to try in the morning instead of just the metformin (very kind of her to give them all to me as samples so I didn't have to pay for them!). I'll have to do some research tonight to see what it's all about, as I've never heard of it before.

    She thought the post-exercise spikes were odd, but she wasn't concerned. She said they'll hopefully even out as I lose weight and continue doing what I'm doing.

    My weight was down even on their scale (I never trust their scales since they're used a hundred times a day), and my blood pressure was down to 110/90 (previously had been 145-155 over 85-95).

    I go back in August for a follow-up and for her to order a fresh round of blood tests since that will have been about 3 months since my diagnosis.
    Quote: IMO....Josephine's life calling is to start a vegan boot camp at her house.
    Totally Tyler Durden style, too--you can scream insults at people who spend days standing on your front porch before you finally let them in...

    Sorry, I admit I'm a bit of a movie geek
  • Quote: Totally Tyler Durden style, too--you can scream insults at people who spend days standing on your front porch before you finally let them in...
    Of course! Between that and the nasty acid burns I'm not sure I'll have repeat business.