Medi Chat - Jan. 8 to later on

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  • so funny Brooke!
  • Confessions
    Hi You'll!

    I am sad to confess that today i fell off the wagon and cheated! I had a Taco Salad from Taco Bueno (w. sour cream and gacamole)! I even ate the greesy taco ball Then later on the afternoon i had 3 chocolate cookies! I am SO ASHAMED of myself!!! I did not want to tell you'll but i need accountability for my stupidity... The worst part is that i feel like crap and i feel like i am gonna throw up!!! Not quite sure what i should now... Should i eat some more MF meals or not eat at all... Any clues?

    Well I am guilty . I won't cheat again though... I am back now, ready to lose some more

    Thank you all for your support It means so much to me...

    Michelle: As far as the BF goes, well i got his key back and helped him pack all his things yesterday. He cried... and said that he would work on his issues so that we could be a family again... I am not sure that i really want that but at the same time I am scared of being lonely...

    I know God will provide me with the right man for me, but I am scared that i will miss him and just assume he is one of these players that i seem to keep running into... lol

    Ladies, you all are pretty much my only support system so THANK YOU so much! Your posts and progress is what keeps me going with my weight loss and keep me motivated!
  • I have only had 5 mf meals once maybe twice.

    I've done the same, but only because sometimes I have a hard time actually eating everything plus a LandG. There are days where I just don't have the time for my LandG also.

    Drinking all the water really seems to be a struggle for me though. Some days I just can't do it.
  • Hey ladies!

    Here's to the start of a brand new week!
    I am still just taking this one day at a time, one meal at a time.

    Flo: Who can't relate to this? I certainly can! One of my favorite quotes is "It's not's feedback". So ya got some feedback. You can get right back on track!

    To everybody who lost weight this week:
  • Quote: Not quite sure what i should now... Should i eat some more MF meals or not eat at all... Any clues?
    Well, NS tells everybody that you must eat your 5 MF meals each day no matter what else you ate. That never made sense to me in that if you went out to lunch & ate a whole pizza for instance, wouldn't it make more sense to just have a soup or shake for the rest of the day if you can to try & make up for the calories instead of having a bunch more meals? The other arguement is that you wouldn't get all your vitamins. Well, the 5 MF meals put you on the high end & over (with some vitamins) + the vitamins from the food you ate so I don't think one day would make much difference.

    I try to remember that they are a money making venture and 5 meals adds up to more profits than if you only had 3 for the day.

    I always wanted to say this but never could over at MyMF!
  • Quote:
    I am sad to confess that today i fell off the wagon and cheated! I had a Taco Salad from Taco Bueno (w. sour cream and gacamole)! I even ate the greesy taco ball Then later on the afternoon i had 3 chocolate cookies! I am SO ASHAMED of myself!!!
    Remember it isn't about deprivation. I've done the same and I've felt guilty also but then I have to remember that when I reach my goal I will have regular food then and sweets occasionally just not to the extent that used to be normal for me. Don't be too hard on yourself. You didn't undo all the good you've been doing lately just because of this one day.


  • Quote: Anyone try any syrups they love??? We disliked all of the little Capella drops. Found SF Vanilla and
    raspberry Torani and they are good. I am looking for SF Peppermint, that would be good in all of
    the chocolate stuff.

    I weight everyday too and it does fluctuate.

    Today is my first official weigh in and I am down 5.5 lbs!
    Congratulations on your first official weigh in!

    I love the Torani and DaVinci syrups. I have nearly every flavor made by DaVinci, and I love the variety. I use them every day to turn shakes into delicious goodies such as peanut butter cup, tiramisu, raspberry truffle, and so on. My favorite flavors are banana, spice blend, egg nog, pumpkin, peppermint paddy, orange, butter rum, and coconut. Couldn't imagine not having Kahlua, German chocolate cake, Irish Creme, Amaretto, butterscotch, or butter rum either.

    I'm fortunate to have a sugarless bakery nearby that carries the full line of DaVinci syrups, but you can find them (and oodles of other SF products) online at

  • Oh poor Flo! Youv'e have a tough weekend. You did the best you could do and it's sunday night and you survived! Don't worry about the tbell, you just forget it and start where you left off. Here's a hug (((flo)))

    Suesully, I love the hearts and pink!!

    Tjjs, i never drink all of the water, I get a cup in each MF meal and maybe drink 3 more cups a day, that's it. I can't do more than that, I don't fret over it. What is the down side of not having it?? If I knew maybe I'd worry more.

    I bought peppermint extract in the grocery store and put a few drops in my vanilla shake, it was decent. The box didn't list any calories or carbs, hoping it's okay.

    Happy new MF ing week everyone!
  • Quote: I am sad to confess that today i fell off the wagon and cheated! ... The worst part is that i feel like crap and i feel like i am gonna throw up!!! Not quite sure what i should now... Should i eat some more MF meals or not eat at all... Any clues?
    Flo, I think the worst thing you can do is to beat yourself up about having cheated. Feeling bad will not help you to stay on track. Don't waste your energy on anything negative. It's simply not productive. The best thing you can do for yourself is move on.

    I don't know that eating the balance of your MFs for the day is terribly critical for either the calories or vitamins (particularly if your detour was late in the day), but returning to your MF meals as scheduled is probably intended to get you back to the plan. There's also a potential problem with not eating anything at all after a splurge. If you ate at 3 PM, then didn't eat for the balance of the day because of the extra calories, you'd probably find it extremely difficult to go without. After eating extra carbs, you could find yourself feeling more hungry than you're use to on the MF plan. Better to prevent that extra hunger by sticking to a regularly scheduled MF meal than to feel even worse when hunger hits.

    We got some cookies from a vendor last week and the guys were talking about how great they were, and I couldn't resist trying one. They were right. It was a great cookie, and I only had one, so I figured it couldn't be so bad, but I was wrong. I felt like I was starving all night long. I hope I never make that mistake again.

  • Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs, Flo!

    It's okay, honey. It's just one day. There'll be another one tomorrow and you can start over. I do think God did us all a great favor in giving us a fresh start every day. You were probably upset and stressed, too, over the BF situation. That didn't help, I'm sure. I have found that the more upset I get, the more likely I am to eat. It helps if I can really gnaw on a piece of gum.

    Have a great week!
  • Thank you all for the support and the kind words!!! You re right, tomorrow will be a new day and i will get back on track No more cheating! It is so not worth it! I hope that one day did not kick me out of the Onederland!!! I will let you know tomorrow!
  • Flo- YOu have been under a lot of stress lately. You can't beat yourself up about your little food vacation. Just remember that tomorrow is a new day.

    I had a tough weekend. Hubby invited all his poker buddies over, they ordered pizza, served chips & dips, etc. I didn't touch any of it last night. This morning I saw the chips and stuck one in my mouth and sucked on it and then spit it out. How gross is that???

    Tonight as I was preparing dinner for the family I got a little sad thinking that for about a year, all I'm going to eat is MF and L&G. Then I thought, I can't do this, I can't. I want to be fat, I want to eat yummy gross fattening foods. And then the rational side of me said, HECK NO, I want to wear a bathing suit, I want to be thin, I want to be HEALTHY. And then the other part of me (hey, I'm fat, I have lots of parts) said, you can't do this, you're going to fail.

    So, I ate my chicken breast, my cucumber and lettuce salad with balsamic viniagarete. I was so full, I felt like I couldn't eat another bite. And with a smile on my face, I said, I can do this!
  • Good story! Thanks for sharing!

    Congrats on all the weight loss for this week
  • Flo, c'est domage! I can so relate (can't we all?). The weekends seem to be doubly hard. This coming weekend we are having a huge Superbowl party with all of those snacks!

    I plan to make those MF chicken wings and plenty of celery.

    Here is the link to that recipe book. It is posted by Quirky, I believe someone who is on the original boards. It is a great resource. I took the time to print it out, three hole punch it and now I have a nice cookbook. It is in Word, so if you don't have Word you can't open it.

    If people want I will save as a PDF and post it. I am on my other computer at the moment and can't open it either as I don't have Word on this computer.

    Flo, I LOVE Lyon. I was there this past summer. Can't go for awhile, the cost of the Euro or the decline of the dollar is making go other places.
  • Had to post again so I could update my weight.

    Down 2 more! That makes 12 in 3 weeks