Tbl-black Team!!!

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  • Also if you check out calorieking.com you can view nutritional value of meals at fast food restaurants. I keep my calorieking book in my purse at all times so I know what I can and can not eat at these restaurants. Could you bring a lunch with you? I've got a small soft sided cooler that I bring with me and put a freezer pack in it so stuff stays cold throughout the day. this way I can bring a ham & swiss sandwhich along with some fruit and carrots or something similar.
  • my workouts this week are down the tube I couldn't even think of working out last night with not feeling well. This morning I woke up early and was going to work out, but just standing put me in a sweat. Not good. I'm hoping I'll be able to work out tonight.
  • Quote: my workouts this week are down the tube I couldn't even think of working out last night with not feeling well. This morning I woke up early and was going to work out, but just standing put me in a sweat. Not good. I'm hoping I'll be able to work out tonight.
    I know what you mean, I think I have bronchitis (sp) I stayed home from work Tuesday but I managed to get on the treadmill as long as I kept it really slow. Last night, however, there was no way I was even going to try. I had fever, sore throat, body aches AND a migraine. I'm afraid this week is going to be a bad weigh in for me
  • Hey ya'll!! I apologize for being MIA lately!! Hubby has been home since Saturday, so we have been having 'family time'! (i.e. pretty much NO puter time for mommy! LOL)
    Valentine, sorry to hear of your breakup, although you are one amazing gal & are handling it perfectly. You have a positive attitude & you are doing what YOU need to do..SO PROUD OF YOU!!
    Cassie, girl, I soooo hear you about AF. slimy wench. She is kicken my arse right now too...specially since she was 5 days late!! grrrrrrr
    Dixie...your advice made me laugh out loud..LOVE it!!
    Andi &.....(CRAP...I forget your username...but 'he's my motivation' is your subline! lol) CONGRATS on the weight loss! You ladies are kicken *** & takin numbers down!
    My eating is going OK, my biggest obstacle is the exercise. I have to make a serious effort to get more active. Moving all this extra weight is so much harder than I could have imagined. It sux. Walking in place is the easiest for me to do right now, with my weight & kids. LORD willing, I can actually DO the slim in 6 dvd I have...pray for me! lol

    Southern sweetie & the others who are feeling poopie(sorry, my memory sux right now as to who posted what) hope you all feel better soon!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday & I'll try to pop back in later!
  • I guess the "hard time exercising" bug is going around. I have had to drag my obese hiney through every workout every day this week. I have ZERO motivation right now. My eating is okay. I've noticed that I've felt a lot like snacking all day today - so I'm chewing gum.... it's the only thing that seems to help on days like this. By the way - for all of you who are doing the "Flight To Freedom" challenge, way to go on winning 2 challenges in a row!!!! Just remember post your times AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! The one this morning came down to within half an hour!! If you aren't competing... DO IT! It's a LOT of fuN!!!!
  • Hey all sorry I missed the Monday update, as many of you I have been ILL!!! so I missed check in, that is ok though since I am up due to water weight and stomach issues that makes my stomach all bloated (still trying to figure that out). Hope everyone is doing good and I love the challenge thread!
  • I'm sleepy. . .

    I think I stole everyone's exercise bug. I've practically lived at the gym this week. My boyfriend wants to go every waking second. It's all I could do to convince him to go to the driving range tonight instead, haha. I guess I'm lucky to have him, though. Otherwise, I would just be watching tv every night.

    We're running out of food at the house. I have no idea what we're going to eat tonight. I had to make last minute decisions about what food to pack at work today, too, and I'm already starting to get a little hungry. I might have to resort to some instant oatmeal to hold me over until I get home. I'm a little bummed by that, though, because instant isn't exactly nutritious.

    Btw, 8.3 lbs is amazing. GRATS!
  • hey there ladies - if you haven't done so, post your exercise minutes in the "Flight to weight loss freedom - BLACK TEAM" thread...... this one is really close this time around....................
  • My food has been ok I suppose today. I went a little crazy with the Stauffers Chocolate Animal Crackers. But I did do 8 miles on the exercise bike today... so I suppose Ill be ok.
  • Okay, so I got the urge to go work out again. I can definitely tell I am still dragging. It took all I could do to get through 1 hour of walking/jogging. By about 30 minutes into it I swore my knees were going to give but I knew I couldn't stop, had to push myself. I figure if they can do it on The Ranch, I can do it At Home! I want to be able to push myself like they do on TBL, but I just can't do it yet, I'm getting my hiney to the gym nearly every day though so that is a start...right?!

    There is a bootcamp where I live that I really want to start going to, it's $120 for 6 - 1 hour sessions...I just can't pull myself to pay for it though...I really want to though..... I'm torn on this one...
  • Quote: My food has been ok I suppose today. I went a little crazy with the Stauffers Chocolate Animal Crackers. But I did do 8 miles on the exercise bike today... so I suppose Ill be ok.
    Wow! 8 miles on the bike?! Congrats!! And yes you can go a little crazy on the animal crackers every now and then, don't want to hold back too much otherwise you will go WAY crazy with those!! (or at least I would! )
  • Quote: Wow! 8 miles on the bike?! Congrats!! And yes you can go a little crazy on the animal crackers every now and then, don't want to hold back too much otherwise you will go WAY crazy with those!! (or at least I would! )
    Yep. I hope I can get some time in today too. Im going away this weekend. I wont be home til late Sunday night or Monday morning. I went ahead and weighed in today and put it up on the weigh in thread just in case. If I have a chance to get online before 11 monday night Ill reweigh.
  • Hello, hello everyone! I hope you all are having a fantastic Friday.

    I'm getting ready to place an order for some more exercise DVD's. I think I'm going to get one Karen Voight, and 3 more Leslie Sansone DVD's...I just love Leslie, lol.

    I accepted a challenge to eat clean all weekend, starting today, and I'm off to a great start. I hope to have a good weigh in on Monday.
  • Hello my fellow losers!!!

    I am offically changing my weigh in days from Monday to Fridays!!! Since I missed it this morning, I will weigh-in tomorrow (saturday) and then not weigh in again until next Friday! I think this will be a lot better for me so that I don't have a weigh-in following a weekend (which, if I have "cheat" days [not really cheat days - I just use my weekly allotment of WW points]) I use them on the weekends!!

    PS, if you haven't yet posted your exercise minutes in the "Flight to Weigh Loss Freedom - BLACK TEAM" thread - do it!!!!! We're neck and neck with the Blue team! I think we are ahead of them by a SMIDGE!! C'mon ladies!!!!!
  • Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA this week, it's been a tough one. It started out great with an almost nine mile walk last Sunday. Then it was packed with kid/school volunteer activities that started sometimes at 7:15am, helping a neighbor with her kids while she was away on a family emergency, learning my own great aunt passed away, and then having my husband leave on Thursday for an annual guys trip away. Needless to say, my exercise has been non-existent since the long walk, and the eating/drinking has been off plan. Not out of control, but not exactly in control, either. I'm up 1.5 pounds this week, so I'm not much help to the team and I'm sorry. Next week is going to be better, and hopefully I'll even make up for this week. Good luck to everyone else, and I hope those of you who have been feeling under the weather are better soon.