Fat Smashers 2011

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  • Yeah, when I allow myself a cheat item, I can get overboard sometimes lol! The good part is though is that I get back on track afterwards. Normally, I would just quit the diet all together. I'm still doing good on other days. I even got my boyfriend to start eating whole wheat pasta. We were already eating whole wheat bread so that was no biggie. I just switched from thick slices to thin slices. I'm going to try to find a copy of Turbo Jam. I heard a lot of people who enjoy doing it so I'm going to give it a try.

    You're at 189? So you lost a lb? That's great! You beat me haha! I only lost .8 last week.

    Have a good day!
  • it's tough to keep with it-this past weekend was an overload of "events" that had all the food I shouldn't have I ate it but got back on track yesterday.
    We are trying to keep on point tonight-tried the rice spaghetti-t's pretty good.

    I'm getting a little bored and need to start looking for more recipes.

    Hang in there all
  • margarita124 - I'm in the same boat as you with last weekend. But the good part is that we got back on track. That's the good part. Don't give up! You're lucky, I searched everywhere for Rice Spaghetti and never found some. Does it taste like regular rice but just the shape of spaghetti?

    I'm still doing pretty good. I noticed I'm cheating bits and pieces. I think I might start marking everything I eat so that I notice just how much I'm allowing myself to cheat on. It's nothing MAJOR but still. It could affect my weight at the end of the week...

    I've been thinking of getting the program "Chalean Extreme". Has anyone tried this yet? I think it would be a real ***-kicker (what I desperatly need).
  • oh gosh yeah the weekends are so hard! why do you guys think that it is. The only thing different about the weekends is that there isn't really a strict schedule like the work week. I have to sit on my hands on weekends or else I'll gain like crazy.

    Oh no sophie last week on thursday I was 191.1 and by saturday I was 189.
  • That's great PrimeTime!! I got your one pound lost from your tracker. hehe! 2 lbs is even better!
    Weekends all has to do with schedule. At work, I prepare my lunch and that's what I eat, nothing more. At home, I can eat anytime and also, on weekends, we do things with friends and family. They aren't on a diet so you try to follow them. I don't have anything planned this weekend so I'm going to be good.
    I weighed in this morning at 168.0!! I'm even starting my TOM so that is like CRAZY! I just might hit my goal of 165 by Halloween. Only 3lbs to go! I received my book for Extreme Fat Smash. Wow, is it ever different than the first one. I may try it when I have less weight to lose.
  • I like EFS so much better and it really doesn work. When you do it corretly you can lose 3lbs a week. Each week that I stuck to it, I have. I might take a look at my old book just to see what a did differently back then to make me only lose lb a week. But CONGRATS GIRL. That means that once you come off of your period, you'll be way lighter.
  • I found some smoothie recipes online for fasting. I was thinking of doing a day of fasting once a month. The smoothies contain fruits & veggies and I think milk? It says it's a detox. What do you guys think of this? I would only allow myself pretty much fruits & veggies only for a day/month (I would pick a day from the weekend of course). It says to drink at least 8 glasses of water/day. It says that after a disciplined detox juicing diet, people usually report improved energy, clearer skin, improved digestion and increased concentration and clarity of mind. This is the link for the article: http://www.juicing-for-health.com/sm...for-detox.html

    I think I may try it. There's no harm in doing it for a day right? It would pretty much be a day in phase 1 on the fat smash
  • doesn't sound like it could hurt-you are eating many fruit/veggies as is so it won't be a shock or something that will kill your stomach.

    rice spaghetti-not bad at all-it cooks faster than regular pasta-need to rinse w/cool h2o afterward-it smells like rice...but I don't think it tastes like rice..or spaghetti..I cannot describe the taste-it's mild and soft. I can say- I enjoy it MUCH more than whole wheat

    This week we didn't food shop and plan as well..and it has been CRAPPY-less planning=more cheating.
  • margarita124 - Don't give up! You're doing great. Slip ups happen. You just need to get back on the horse. I know it can be hard. I haven't been exercising AT ALL! Which explains the slow weight loss. I'll be starting tomorrow though. So forget about the past and focus on today You're on phase 2 now right? Did you try doing the apple bake yet? It's delicious!

    TOM and I'm feeling so BLOATED today. I feel like crap. I weighed in this morning at 168.6 so only down .2 from last Friday. Bleh! I'll be starting my exercise tomorrow so watch out scale! You're going down! Your number is anyways hehe! Oh, when I started this diet, my belt was at hole #3, it moved to #4 and now almost at #5 so that means I'm losing from the stomach so I'm thrilled of that! Yesterday, I was calculating in my head at what weight I want to be by Christmas. I'd love to get to 150 by then. If I can reach my goal weight of 165 by Halloween, that would leave with 15 in 2 months. It's very doable. If I workout with Chalean, I know it can happen. I can't wait to start!
  • Hello ladies! Can anyone tell me the difference between the Fat Smash and the Extreme version? I want to figure out which book to get!
  • They say to start with Fat Smash if you have more weight to lose. You have a list of foods you're allowed to eat. There's 4 phase you follow. Each phase you add more food and exercise. I love it!
    I just bought the book Extreme Fat Smash. It has a menu you have to follow and there's more exercise. I'm going to stick to the regular fat smash and once I have around 15lbs-20lbs left, I'll switch to Extreme.
  • Thanks!! Hmm, I am currently at 142 and my goal is 125. Which do you think I should start with? I was planning on doing the old WW points plan, but this sounds interesting. How long have you been doing the FS diet?
  • I started Fat Smash on September 7 so almost 2 months now. I'm on phase 3. The first 9 days, you can lose up to 9 lbs. I guess it depends on the person I guess. Fat Smash is more free to create things. The first 9 days is the hard part. You can pretty much only eat fruits, veggies, milk, brown rice.. No meat for 9 days! The whole wheat bread & pasta only comes in phase 3. I don't know much about Extreme. I know some people love it better than the original Fat Smash. I love this one since I can eat from the list what I want, when I want. I don't follow a menu. I think it's easier for me. I really love this diet!
  • Can I join you guys? I feel like such a floater these days because I'm continually switching from WW, calorie counting, fat smashing, etc and I need some stability here. I know my body is upset with me.

    I have the Fat Smash, Extreme Fat Smash, and 4 Day Diet books but I'm going to start with the Fat Smash. I absolutely abhor the first 9 days but I will be allowing myself a small amount of coffee. The 4 Day Diet allows coffee but the first 4 days are more strict then Fat Smash and exercise is mandatory. Fat Smash is the most laxed out of all the books.

    I haven't truely weighed myself since April so I know I'm in for a shocker when I start.

    What makes things slightly easier is it's cold where I am so I can make plenty of soups and stews, I'm all about one pot meals.

    I really thank you guys for keeping the smashing community going!
  • MeikMeika- I had coffee 3x during Ph 1 and black tea twice- my headaches were too bad to eliminate it all together but I still lost about 8 lbs in PH 1. I also allowed a teeny bit of low fat cheese for salad protein-the babybell rounds. If I forgot my water bottle, I'd be in a funk all day during phase one
    ALSO- I would not have survived Ph1 without the Fatsmash Recipe link I found on the forum!!! if you need it, let me know.

    Sophie-I definately need to start w/ the excercise- I walked a few times but felt like i couldn't focus on excercise AND eating per phase 1...so I focused on eating. I really like the podcast from Carlifierce and will use them for my walks-who knows...maybe I will actually couch2 5K someday?

    One different thing I am doing- so as not to be tempted by fast food when I become hungry- when we are out shopping, whatever, if I don't have my lunch bag-I've bought a single banana, apple, protein smoothie or single serve cheese stick--instead of a candy bar, chocolate milk, chips or drive through food. i bought some gum (not a big fan, but it helps)

    It's officially 10 lbs as of yesterday-happy and hope to push on through the next 10!

    We made a delicious stir fry the other night with peppers, onions, green beans, a splash of pineapple juice and a low sodium sesame terryaki-served over brown rice. Filling and tasty.