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Old 03-30-2014, 01:00 PM   #256  
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Ceejay ~ Thanks for commenting on my weight loss

Susie ~ Thanks for commenting on my weight loss

Happy ~ H~E~L~L~O 2 YOU

Im about to walk for the 1st time today and then I'll walk again before it gets dark.
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Old 03-30-2014, 02:39 PM   #257  
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Morning all,
Better get at least started on this before the day hits me. If I don't get finished then I will have to post and start again. Seems you can't leave things sitting on this site any more, they just disappear.

Okay, so the feet are better today. I no longer look like a 90 year old when struggling off a chair and walking down the hall. My left foot is still a little sore, and it is in the foot arch/ instep that it was really giving me pain yesterday. It seems that the shoes have support in a place where I don't really need support. I'm wondering if I can take the lining out and put something in that is less high. As I said, I may have to see a podiatrist.
It was a good walk apart from the wind and the fact that some of the traffic on that road don't obey speed rules.

Laura - sounds like your day was a bit like mine. Started off gray and grim but ended up nice and sunny and warm.
Jazzercise and taxes done. Well done you.
I have finished the push ups exercise challenge. Must admit my arms and core feel somewhat better for it. No weight lost though. But no gains either. I am starting over with that and adding a couple of exercises from the Abs challenge as well. Another 30 days.

Terra - congrats on the weight loss. Sounds like you were holding on to some fluid there.

Susie - well done on the weight loss. Sounds like you earned it though. I think we all go through the 'geez, why did I put up with that so long without saying anything....' syndrome. Now I speak my mind clearly and if anyone thinks that I am an eccentric old girl then so be it. My exDH thinks I hate him, which I don't I just disagree with him from time to time. He thinks he is always right and I give him another version of the story. I don't have time to hate.
What sort of dress did DH get Layna?

Happy - sometimes an uneventful day is good for the soul. There is no stress, no panic to get things done. And we all deserve an uneventful day from time to time.
Friday was one of those days. I was sitting here contemplating three things on my desk and knowing that I had to go see three people before I could continue on with them when another 27 landed on the desk and I had people stressing out in my office all of which had to be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Then just before knockoff time, I had one of the guys come over and ask for a document to be written NOW. So I stayed and did that only to find that his 'short' document had holes in the story and we had to try and find people (the Indians are really good at hiding sometimes) to fill in the gaps. Naturally enough it is like putting 3 engineers together and WW111 breaks out because each of the consultants had a different point of view - usually after I had completed or thought I had completed the document. It's like the military here - hurry up and wait. Eventually it got done, I bought a bottle on the way home and everyone was more or less happy.

Annie - glad Royce is a sleeper. That will help DD a lot.
The job is better than some I have had over the years. However there are times when it has it's limitations. Still I am glad to be having this time back in NZ. and catching up with the family.

Okay, back to work and the three documents still sitting on my desk from last week.
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Old 03-30-2014, 06:30 PM   #258  
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Almost caught up from the day's off which were nice. Did almost nothing but sit around. It was to cold to get outside.
My sister in Missouri text me Friday afternoon. They were leaving to come to Arkansas where their newest grandbaby was born on the 29. My step niece wasn't due until April. The baby weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces. From what I can see she's a pretty little thing. Pictures are on my FB wall if any one is interested.

Congrats on those pounds lost. Don't blame you for not wanting to gain them back.

I envy you on getting to sit in a Jacuzzi. Think that would help my lower back.

more later. Need to finish key punching the sewer lift station run time reports.
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Old 03-30-2014, 06:57 PM   #259  
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Hi all, Yesterday was a big day due to the market so i couldn't spend the time catching up with the worldlies.

I had positive response to my new trousers though the market is still too quiet to make much money.

I'm down below 70kgs now. That's a great milestone for me. Only two kgs away from healthy weight range.

My reef trip was cancelled. Blurgh!!!

Ceejay, thank for filling me in. I hope you are back in mood with your food again by now.

Terra, Thanks for your welcome. Well done on the loss.

Michelle, Thanks for the tip about finding the new thread. I'im so pleased to hear you went to the doctor. I hope the shoulder gets better soon.

Happy, really nice to read about your yoga experience. I'd say that this approach is not common. Ask her more about her training and stuff. I'm curious. I'd suggest its quite a religious/spiritual approach but that's ok. I'd probably enjoy that class even when not stressed. Although i tend to go along to yoga for a workout. However, since i've spent a bit of time focused on buddhist mindfulness in the last few years, i am much more willing to go along with some of the more spiritual experiences, though i'm basically secular.

re the plant sterols. go legumes. - lentils beans, split peas. These foods are the bees knees for sucking up cholesterol out of your blood. I think i read about it on the nutrition wonderland webiste in the article about fibre. But i've read it elsewhere as well. I have a few bean recipes on my blog thread. I try to eat them a lot. But a warning, if you don't normally eat lots of fibre, then increase your intake gradually. It can cause a bit of tummy confusion at first.

Another idea is to just cut the spreads out altogether. I don't like margarine either. And sometimes i go without butter on my sandwiches. If you are using avocado or certain other foods on your bread you don't need any spreads. You could even use a bit of mayonnaise if you really want some oily substance on it since that's not high in saturated fats.

susie, Thanks for the explanation of TOPS. You are lucky to have a real life support group.

Shad and Annie and Laura - BIG HI!

Its quite a task keeping up with you all. lol.
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Old 03-30-2014, 10:59 PM   #260  
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Haven't touched the three bits of document on my desk today either. *sigh*
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Old 03-31-2014, 10:56 AM   #261  
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Morning all. Happy Monday.

Pattience – Glad the trousers went over well. Do you spend this slower time sewing a lot to be ready for when the market gets busy?

Terra – Congrats on the weight loss. I’m up a couple pounds and I know I haven’t been eating lightly enough to lose weight. But that still doesn’t stop me from hoping that my sore muscles are holding water and that's part of the gain….

Ceejay – Sorry your lower back is hurting you. Is the Tylenol helping? Did you ever try those stick-on “back plasters“ that warm up your muscles and make them feel better? The Jacuzzi sounds wonderful right about now – I’m sore from my weekend.

Susie – Congrats on your weight loss!! Sorry you didn’t get done what you planned on Saturday, but you needed to be there for your friend. I like the idea of being paid to do what I need to do anyway, but that’s a tough job – memorizing routines, being fit enough to do all of them, being in front of everyone. I have a lot of respect for the good fitness instructors I’ve had over the years.

Shad – Wow, quite a walk! Looking forward to seeing the photos when you get around to uploading them.Sorry your feet were sore afterwards. Yep, the shoe really makes a difference! The bath with the book and wine sounds lovely. Yay for completing the challenge and getting going on another one!!

Happy – How was the fundraiser yesterday? Hope they had a good turnout (and a lot of donations). I’ve read a couple Patterson books in the past, but I think the subject matter is disturbing, so I don’t read them. So says the person reading Patricia Cornwell’s book re Jack the Ripper. By the way, it’s due in a couple days and I’m not even halfway through it. I haven’t been taking a book on the train lately because I’m trying to work through my collected bits of Sunday papers instead. I would have thought things are starting to re-open now up by you, but when you explained it, it makes sense – lull between winter and summer seasons.

Hellos to Annie & Michelle!
Rest of Saturday…hmmm…a dog walk, then out to lunch w/ bf (thai food). We watched the movie “Nebraska” that evening. It was a really good movie, and funny too. Bruce Dern and Will Forte were good as father and son, but I think the actress June Squibb who played the wife/mom sort of stole the show whenever she was on screen. I recommend it. Dinner was pizza. I will not lose weight and will, in fact, gain if I don’t start making better choices!

Sunday morning I read the paper for a bit, then went to the 11 am yoga class at the gym. Before the class, I had a bit of time so I popped in to the Marshall’s store a couple doors down from the gym and bought a pair of exercise bottoms. The waist is a bit lower than I usually wear – we’ll see how that works out. Glad I didn't pay a lot for them.

This yoga class is a rather rigorous one if you ask me, but I still feel like I did well. I don’t know what type of yoga it is, but the instructor’s pretty good. I don’t recall this from the one other time I went to the class, but she did go around and offer assistance & advice during class. One of the Jazzercise routines the day before really left me sore, so it was good to get some more moving/stretching in.

After class and a shower, I went out in the yard and raked the leaves that had migrated to the flower border in the backyard. I still have quite a bit more raking to do in back and front, but it’s a start.

After that was lunch and a dog walk. Then a rest in bed in which I channel-surfed, then read, then dozed. Up for dinner and some tv and then back to bed.

Today my muscles are sore and I’m generally fatigued. It would have been very tempting to call in sick this morning and lay around in bed with the heated matress pad cranked up, and maybe use the Jacuzzi at the gym…BUT…it’s the boss’s last day today and I wanted to be here for that. I bought a card for her on Friday. We already gave her some company logo gifts (one was very nice, the rest kind of lame) at the happy hour last week, but we didn’t give her a card…I’ll have to get that circulated for signatures. Gonna miss the boss – did I mention I don’t have the same confidence level in the new boss and the new manager?? This will be an interesting year.

Okay, I have some quarterly work to get done. Off I go. TTFN!
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Old 03-31-2014, 12:37 PM   #262  
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OMG - I lost my whole freaking post that I spent 30 minutes typing.

I don't have time to re-do it right now. Will have to come back later.

this crazy website.
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Old 03-31-2014, 12:49 PM   #263  
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Good morning ladies,

I had a lovely weekend. On Friday night, D got home from work around 8:30, so we relaxed and watched TV. And he was home on Saturday evening too. It was great to get to spend time with him especially since he'll be out of town officiating volleyball tournaments in Reno for 3 of the 4 weekends in April.

Yesterday, I teamed up with a friend who does housecleaning to do some cleaning at B's place. I did what I could, but it wasn't much with my back and my shoulder pain. I think B is going to hire my friend to clean on a twice monthly basis.

We got some much needed and lovely rain on Saturday, and we're going to get a good storm in this afternoon, and it's supposed to last possibly through tomorrow.

I have physical therapy exercise class today after work, which is about 20 minutes of a cardio warm up and 40 minutes of core work and stretches. I also might walk at lunch if the rain hasn't started by then. Last night I did a 20 minute walk with the dog and did ok. So when I do walk on my lunch hour, I'll just start with walking 10 minutes and then turning back, rather than walking until my back starts hurting and then having to walk all the way back.


Annie - I'm glad the phone interview went well, and I hope they can come up on the salary. And one thing I tried to negotiate with my job offers if the $$ wasn't there initially, could I have a review with possible salary increase after 3 months, or a bonus if I met certain realistic accomplishments. That sucks you're still getting snow. I talked to my ex-DMIL the other day and like pretty much everyone out there, she is really sick of winter.

Shad - I hope the niece had a lovely birthday. Sorry that your Friday went to he** in a hurry. Good on ya' for doing a 10K (and even more)! Bravo! Sorry that your feet paid the price for it. I like what you said about not having time to hate. I agree. I don't have the time or energy to waste it on hate or holding grudges. My philosophy is life's too precious to be anything but happy. And I try and remember that nearly every cloud has a silver lining. I'm glad this job has gone better than some of the others, and such a bonus that you're able to catch up/spend time with your family.

Laura - For my bursitis/tendonitis, the doc suggested that rather than roll my shoulder forward (as can often happen when typing or texting), to focus on keeping my shoulder rolled back, and to frequently bring my shoulder blades together and down. You're doing so great on the challenges. Mine fell by the wayside as they bothered my shoulder. But I'm going to start them back up again ASAP. Congrats on getting your taxes done. Did you have fun at Jazzercise? I want to see Nebraska too. And I think that my cable provider (Comcast) is offering free On Demand this week, so I'll see if that includes some of the movies I wanted to see in the theaters but didn't get around to it. Sorry that you have to say goodby to your good boss. I hope the new one works out. I'm nervous about taking a yoga class at the gym for the reason you mentioned...being rigorous. I hope it helped ease the soreness from Jazzercise and raking.

Terra - Congrats on the weight loss! Well done!

Ceejay - I hope the lower back pain eases up. I hope things go well with your friend's visit. You're a good friend to let her stay so frequently. Congrats on the birth of your great-niece! I couldn't find the pictures of the baby on your facebook. Laura's suggestion for the stick on back plasters (like Icy Hot or Ben Gay or others) is a good idea. Those help me.

Susie - Congrats on the weight loss!! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend losing her father. So very sad. Isn't it nice now that we've matured we're very selective about what we'll put up with. In my case, there are a lot of things I used to worry about that I don't anymore because I'm learning worrying about the future does nothing but do any good and only ruins your present. Sure you can evaluate what changes you can and want to make...but then just make a decision and don't stress. That's something I didn't do well in my 20s and 30s.

Happy - I hope the vertigo and leg/back pain have both eased up. I hope you enjoy the book. I've never read James Patterson before either, so you're not the only one. How was the fundraiser? No cortisone shot was offered. The pain has lessened a bit. I just have to be mindful of my arm placement. For example, folding my hands in my lap rolls my shoulder forward and causes pain. And typing does a little bit too unless I make an effort to not hunch/slouch. That sucks that you lost your post. I hope the rest of your day goes better.

Pattience - Congrats on the weight loss!! And on your trousers getting a good response at the market. Sorry to hear about your reef trip. Is that to the Great Barrier Reef? That's someplace I'd love to see. I'm going whale watching on Saturday, which should be fun. It's interesting how Yoga can be good for so many things and that people do it for different reasons. You said you go for the workout, some go for stress relief, I go for physical rehabilitation. A woman I met in yoga class and I are considering splitting the cost of semi-private lessons with an instructor we both like. Although she has found another class which is more of a workout, that she likes better. I don't do yoga to burn calories, I do it to help strengthen my core and my back, while hopefully relieving pain. Thanks for the tip on legumes when it comes to getting rid of cholesterol.

Well, I'd best get back to it.

Much love everyone,
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Old 03-31-2014, 03:43 PM   #264  
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Ok, going to try again although if I was smart I'd type this in Wordpad or something and then copy and paste it into here. Not sure what happens - it goes fast, the screen changes and blip - post is el gone-O. Bah. Only happens here too so I don't think it's totally me.

We're getting a good steady rain outside which is nice because a few days ago that was supposed to be 4 to 6 inches of heavy wet snow. That crap stayed further up north so no road trip to check out BBQs, no sushi fix either But I'm glad it's rain although it makes for mush puddles as the ground is still frozen enough not to absorb much.

Went out for a burger yesterday but the bar is about to close down for a month so they were running short on just about everything including Bloody Mary fixings which is sacredligeous sp?? out this way. Didn't matter as I just had a Coke. Then we headed over to the Humane Society fundraiser. It was ok. Lots of people I didn't know - surprisingly - the ones I did know didn't show or were recruited into helping out. They had samples of wine (I had 2 glasses of Riesling), cheese, ice cream from the local ice cream shop and desserts galore. Other than the wine, I didn't care for anything and neither did DH. They had a silent auction - some nice baskets were donated for dog stuff or bbq things. They also had a spin the wheel and get a prize thing for 5 dollars a chance. I "won" a bottle of stout - supposed to be good from the reviews but I am not a beer drinker and DH does not drink stout. I will either save it for the BIL or will use it in a recipe. We only stayed for about an hour. Oh and we did sign up for fostering cats in an emergency situation. This is very SHORT TERM - sometimes it's only for a day or two until they can place the animals. The cat manager at the shelter assured us that it is not a long term thing and she understands it's not to introduce them into the household with the 2 we have already and it's not that they would foist 12 cats on us because they were full at the shelter. This is mostly wee kittens. She explained the point of the program - there is a big, short term need, especially as spring rolls in - for the safety of all the cats as well as the kittens, you can't introduce them into the shelter environment. There was another lady there who we met at the recent awards dinner - she got "conned" into fostering by her husband and B was very helpful with practical advice. I figured at best we can use our laundry room in a pinch, at worst we have a heated and air conditioned man cave that will also work out. Plus it's incentive to me to get things straightened out - never a bad thing

Came home, had a snack as we weren't hungry for dinner and watched some tv. Was going to go swimming with my cousin today but she decided she could not make it. I stayed in and am doing some housework and laundry. Going to try and get a yoga session in at home here.

My vertigo is still bothering me - this one is different. Feels like my head is stuffy - like when you have a cold. I am a bit unsteady at times - actually feels like I have a slight buzz going on. Too much sitting for an extended time - whether it's in the rocker or the desk chair or even laying on the bed - bothers my hip and leg so I am trying to keep moving and stretching. I feel like I am making some progress here believe it or not. Weight was down again - 3 pounds so far in the last 4 weeks. I bounce a bit but have found I have to eat only 1 main meal and a light lunch in order to lose. About a thousand calories or so. That's hard to stick with. I'm hoping as I move more I can increase the calories to compensate but at this point, this is what works so I have to accept it.

Michelle - how nice that you got to spend some time with D for a change. He seems to lead quite a busy life! Sorry about the shoulder - isn't it enough with the tender back? I was told that a good part of my neck pain is from slouching - I have to agree - posture has gotten so bad in the last few years. Sounds like it affects you also - especially with the computer work I'm sure. I think it's very wise of you to take a 10 minute walk and turn around, rather than going longer and then causing pain in an effort to get back. To your comment about the yoga classes at the gym - look for words that say "gentle yoga" or hatha. There are many different kinds of yoga and tho they say that it's no competition, do it for yourself - some like my Thursday class - she does advanced moves that I would not consider senior yoga. So I do what I can but I much prefer the easier pace of the Wednesday class. Like you starting out, I am more interested at this point of stretching and flexibility. Pretzel twisting will come later ( )

Laura - thanks for the tip on the Patterson books - I didn't realize he wrote all his stuff on the creepier side. Nope, not for me. I admit I was interested in your Jack the Ripper book but decided against it for the same reason. Sounds like you got a really good workout between the yoga and the Jazzercise. Yoga can really make you use your weight in the moves and it can be demanding. Good for you for resisting the urge to stay home and getting to work. Bummer that they gave some not so great gifts to the boss - especially if she was the giving kind herself. It's nice that you got a card for her - I'm sure the sentiment is nice and will be appreciated. Good luck with the new boss - hope he's not a namby pamby although that is a mark for success now a days. Don't rock the boat. But ... things always change, don't they? It's just a lot nice when you enjoy a good leader and people you like to work with.

Annie - I'm sorry the money is not there for the job you are interviewing for. Get as much as you reasonably can up front. I never trusted the "can I get a review in 30/60/90 days". They always come up with an excuse. Unless you have a good boss who fights for you I still send you good energy each night before I sleep. Maybe a garden in the long run will be cheaper - especially with the price of tomatoes in the store, although I can appreciate just how tight money can be right now.

Shad - I hope you had a better day today - got some papers off your desk and did not have to spend a lot of time playing hide and seek with the contractors. Did you get a good night's rest after that impressive walk of yours? We are having mango cheeks with dinner tonight - thanks for the lesson

Terra - forgot to offer congrats on getting the scale back down again. Good job!

Susie - I know you are busy but can you offer any general comments on the composite decking? We are trying to make up our minds on whether to go forward with this project. Congrats on the weight loss - you have been working hard for it. That is very sad about your friend's dad's death. Sounds very tragic. I hope you can get to the spare room this week to get it ready. Are the painters scheduled?

Pattience - glad to hear the trousers were well received - at least you know the efforts are not waisted (ha ha pun - could not resist ) and you can use the lull time to make a few more pairs in advance of the season. Congrats on being so close to goal with the weight loss - must be a very good feeling! As for the yoga teacher's serenity - not sure if she was that way naturally. She said she started yoga in the early 90's to calm herself after quitting smoking. She is just such a serene person - it oozes out of her pores and calms everyone around her. Just very good at what she does I guess and I'm glad to have found her.

Ceejay - hope your back is feeling better. If you can't get to a Jacuzzi - just a soak in the tub with a cup of Epsom salts or eucalyptus crystals will help you too. You mentioned key punching your report - like computer key punch??? Oh my - that sure did bring back memories of the golden good old days.

I should probably get back to the laundry and cleaning. Talk to you later.
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Old 03-31-2014, 09:30 PM   #265  
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Thanks everyone was commenting on my weight loss, I hope I keep dropping
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Old 04-01-2014, 04:05 AM   #266  
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Don't post here any more, jump on over to the new thread
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Old 04-01-2014, 07:40 AM   #267  
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Ladies, its too hard keeping up with you. I don't think i can do it. Its too much to read. Forgive me. I wish everyone well and thank you for welcoming me.

I feel sorry for Happy who lost her long post. It does take a long time to read through everything and write replies.

I learnt about Kripalu yoga from this thread. I hadn't heard of that before. I am sure i would learn other interesting things if i could stick around. And you all helped me with your feedback about clothes. I am grateful for that.

Good luck everyone. I hope you are not annoyed with me.
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Old 04-01-2014, 04:13 PM   #268  
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We start a new thread every month.

For the April thread, lease join us at:

Pattience: Sorry to loose you. It was a joy to meet you. Come back any time!
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