The Plan - 2004

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  • Hey judi, I got my beds planted yesterday but not my potted flowers. I am leaving today around 3 so maybe I'll get a chance to do it then. If not I have to get it done Sunday before leaving again. It is supposed to be rainy the next couple days so at least they won't dry up and die in their little pots.

    No, does no good to look back! We just have to forge ahead, but try to learn from mistakes. My DD put on a few lbs. at school this year so now that I have her home we are both working hard to keep our food nutritious and low cal. We are taking the trip to Ft. Worth together and have spent much time planning what to eat. We'll be taking an ice chest so we can take a lot of our food.
  • Judi, thanks so much.. was just curious. my daughter in law works and joined a group and cannot attend so thought i would let her know. Yes i am getting more excited daily. can hardly wait. we get all pumped up to with the meetings and all the lossers and how much they have lost and all. alot of encouragement and inthusium . I will just miss my tuffy. hes a boston bull terrier and hes blind. he searches the house for me when out of sight. but hubby and daughter will be here for him.. so they say go enjoy and not worry. so i pray alot and know i will have a ball. i am getting ready for a walk in awhile. nice morning for one. my eating this week has been ok to. we leave friday morning and its our tops meeting so no weigh in. so really have to be good as it will be two weeks before we weigh in. but going to do some cooking at the houses they have kitchen and all. saves some to. also have dibetics in group and helps them alot to. so will be fun eating that way we can watch it better. I am glad all is going good with you and the ww. sounds neat all those tools to work with. i have the ww material so keep points some to. then they came out with the new pyrmaid thing with points and its looks like its helpful alot.

    Ledom glad all is going good with you... we got the potatoes in garden. dalias are coming up so good. still waiting to do rest and get my petunias and germanias and all. is alittle cool here yet... so taking no chances. hubby said apple trees are loaded with little apples. so looks like a good year for those. i am going to put some flowers in pots a nd sit around this year. want to get some in my bowls i got.,

    Aleka,, hey how are you and lacee doing? been missing you and hope your back in soon.
    Have a good day to all. LaDean
  • Good morning!
    You girls are going to have fun, fun fun! Go and enjoy to the max

    Tuffy sounds so sweet. Marley (Lhasa Apso) follows me everywhere. Having these little companions is such a blessing.

    My D put on weight after the baby. She is quite concerned because she has always so slim.

    I am looking forward to doing this WW thing.

    Have a great day all
  • grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Well I said I would weigh in this week and I did and I was up 6.6 pounds!!!!!!! I have been back on track for a few days though so that is good!!!! I have had a busy weekend doing lots of yard work, but that has kept me from the Y. I guess I count the HOURS of digging up the yard to reseed as exercise. I did have a little "accident" though.....classic 3 stoogies, stepped on my rake and bonked my head with the rake! I saw stars!!!! but besides a lump on my head I made it! Then week nights I have been doing some other planting.

    So I guess I need to get on the stick and get back to it! I have no kids, and I am not married, so you would think my time is my own, but I still run out of it everyday . I do have a goal to get down to 230 by August 1st! I think it is do-able and I will feel alot better. My plan is to eat only one "larger" meal a day with 2 smaller ones, like a sandwich or lean cuisine. That way I can eat a bigger breakfast of dinner if I want depending on my day and plan. I also will exercise at least 5 days a week and mix it up with walking, biking, swimming and strength training thrown in!

    Anyone have any suggestions?
    Thanks, Lily
  • Hi,

    Sorry that I've been MIA. I believe I mentioned we were selling our summer cottage. The day after we got home from FL the RE agent called to tell me that everything the buyers wanted to do was approved and that she'd get back to me with a closing date. So, that meant we had to clean it out which took 3-4 days to do. We closed yesterday and between cleaning the place out and closing, I was sort of blue and just couldn't even think about dieting. I'm still kinda but, glad that everything is finally over with. It was a long and drawn out process.

    A week from tomorrow (Fri.), Lacee, DH & I are heading back down to FL to seriously start looking for a house. We'll be gone for 2 weeks.

    I'm more than ready to get back to eating right and exercising. Yesterday I dug out my WW material to look over.

    I've been lurking to see how you all were doing and it looks like you all are doing wonderfully. Keep it up.

    ledom, LaDean, I hope you both have a great time on your trips.

    Lilybutt, Welcome! Your plan to lose weight sounds like a good one. I've stepped on a rake before and it really does hurt.

    judi, good luck with WW. Glad that you're looking forward to doing it. I'm going to read over my material today. I really think I'm ready this time.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • mornin'
    Alice!! You are moving to Florida! Wow! That is exciting news...did I miss something in the early posts or is that "breaking news?" I can imagine feeling about the cottage, it sounded so lovely. House selling and house hunting is stressful at the best of times. Best wishes for you!!

    Hi Lilybutt! I would like to see 230 too! For me that would be a bit more than the first 10% WW encourages one to aim for a sort of first goal...I would like to be there by late fall anyway. Good for you for doing your gardening...that is good for burning up calories.

    Hi LaDean and Ledom.

    I am finding the high fibre 1 point bread such a diet saver...I can have sandwiches and they can be low point and I am eating a carb (carboholic here...) I am not making bread or buying any other type...out of sight out of mind.

    I had a real good week so far. PTL!
  • Aleka and Lacee, moving to fl how neat. i know its hard to move and all. but then things get to going and its fun... hope so for you.. can't wait till your back on here and tell us all about house hunting and all. that should be fun.. well i been busy today getting packed. got to get hair done this afternoon. then go by store. and packed tonite so no wrinkles. ha ha i am so excited and ready for a vacation. but to i am hating to leave tuffy. i know hubby and sis will take good care of him. but every since he lost his site i hate to go away. he looks all over for me when he does not have me near him. but God will take care of him so i plan to enjoy. my daughter and hubby said go and enjoy so i plan to. has been awhile since i have gone anywhere. hes ok and all and gets in playful moods. I am glad you got your ww things out. i like the plan been doing it now for awhile. once you get started as you know remember what alot of the pts are and all. well have a great day

    to everyone else have a great day. welcome to new one. glad you came to the board. good luck to all. no weigh in this week at tops. so got to be a good girl. we have a house and 4 of us in it. so going to take some things to eat and all there. so we will have a ball. so that time of it we will be eating right. lol/// well see everyone again SUNDAY... LaDean
  • Good morning,

    I did pretty well yesterday counting points. I did have to dip into my flex points though. We went to McDonalds for lunch to get one of their new adult Happy Meals, which includes a pedometer. DH & I thought wearing the pedometer will encourage us to get in our 10,000 steps per day! Hopefully I'll do better today and not have to do any dipping.

    LaDean, Tuffy will have some good sitters while you are gone. Lacee is the same way when I leave for any length of time. Once a week I usually take a day and have lunch and take in a movie or shop with a friend. DH says that Lacee just mopes around the house until I get home. Enjoy your trip!

    judi, DH & I just got back from FL a couple weeks ago. Before you came back I mentioned something about moving down to FL in a previous post when/if we sold the cottage. We had to close down our machine shop, which we've had for 20 years, because of no work. We have been talking about moving to FL for years. DH thought this would be a good time to go because of work and this past winter was very hard on both of us. We did look at houses while we were there earlier this month, but hadn't closed on the cottage so we really weren't actively looking. If we don't find any houses we like, we'll be staying in NH. I have found low carb bread in our area that is only 1 point for 2 slices. I try not to eat any bread made with white flour and this bread is made with good ingredients, or so the label says. When I was Somersizing, I really missed having sandwiches.

    Hey ledom, lilybutt, Way, hope you all are doing well.

    Have a good day everyone and a wonderful weekend.
  • Friday afternoon
    LaDean, Tuffy will miss his mommy for sure but ok too. I know I just go down to the store and Marley goes bonkers when I come back just like I have gone to China or something. Have fun with the girls this weekend.

    Alice, moving to Fl. is so exciting but you are living in a pretty nice part of the world already. Just snowy.

    I have been within my points all far haven't used any flex points. I am eating a lot of those packets of peas...they are a good snack because they are crunchy and a veg.

    I have been looking at no/low carb diets and cookbooks and sites...I could never do it, especially with not eating meat.

    My garden is being worked on today (by two people) it is almost there...a state where I can handle it, the gardening part I mean. Face it, I am too fat to be pitch forking and shovelling. I am so HAPPY about how the garden is turning out now that I have had help. Earlier in my life I wanted to do everything more.

    Are you shopping till you drop in Ft. Worth Ledom??? I found some nice stuff when I was there last year. I haven't done a megashop in anything for awhile.
  • Hey girls, I just wanted to check in before leaving again tomorrow. Alice, good luck with your house search. I hope that, and know that, you will find your answer for the right thing as far as settling down. Be careful on the road.

    judi, D and I looked and dreamed at Williams and Sonoma and Neiman Marcus, then went to Target and dropped a bundle, all the time thinking how much money we were saving. You know us, we love to shop, and love a bargain as well. But mostly we were visiting museums, I got a good art fix and know there is more to come when we get to SF. Keep fighting the the good fight on your eating and exercise, you'll be seeing and feeling results before you know it.

    LaDean, I know you will have had a good trip. I look forward to reading about it when I get back.

    Lil, Way, and Cheryl take care. Be back middle of next week.
  • I just am feeling so bad and so fat today!!!!! I over ate all weekend because I could; there was no other good reason. How do you guys get back on the wagon????? I say this every few days, and then when faced with food choices, I make “okay” choices, but over eat that anyway. I know I can do this I lost 80 pounds just a few years ago, I have keep most of it off and my clothes still fit, but I tell you what, they are getting tight and I am getting scared that if I don’t get control back, it is going to snowball!!!!! How do you do it!!!!

  • Hello from the beautiful Canadian west coast!!!
    We are having a beautiful day here today and my garden is singing.

    Lilybutt, don't beat yourself up anymore. I know what you are feeling. I have been there a thousand times maybe a million ....wondering how can I start and STAY on it. This last time I prayed...honest...and it just kicked in, I really feel diff. this time than all the other times...we'll see what happens.

    Heh, heh, Ledom we have the same shopping habits...I wouldn't mind dropping a bundle at Neiman Marcus but nothing fits...though I do seem to remember didn't the bottom floor have plus sizes in (Neiman Marcus in Ft. Worth...maybe I am mixing it up with some place else.) There is something very gratifying with taking a cart at Target and Wal Mart and filling it up to the brim...sometimes I have done that and saw that the line to cashier was miles long with no other cashier open and just left the cart of stuff and went away feeling as satisfied as if I brought the stuff home. (My apologizes to those who work at Wal Mart or Target and have to put the things back on the shelf ) OK I promise I will never do that again
  • Hi to everyone... first of all Lilly.its nice to meet you. do not fret over when you over eat. its done can do nothing about it. but hey you can move forward to that day your at and go and do good. I have decided for me that i will eat anything i want what ever it be. i will allow for it.. i will exercise more when i eat more. i will drink my water. i will watch my portions. this has given me such a relief now to count the calories. give my self a set amt and then do it.. i was so tired of saying oh cannot have this got to have this. so this is helping me not to worry so much about it.. also i pray daily and i have a bible study that starts off my day or durning the day. this is helping so much... hope this is helpful

    to all the rest of you... My trip was the greatest. i needed it so much. i just never worried Aleka i just enjoyed. got to see a lot of things and places i had not been. so that was neat. never walked the beach i love that. but we had gals in the group who with feet and legs and such could not walk. so we took walks to our meeting and all. so that was good. i sit and watched the beach alot. we parked and did it and then the other group there condo had a view of it. but i loved our little house just perfect for us 4 gals and we had a ball. ha i got alot out of the speakers. i am ready to get the rest of this wt off and reach this goal this year. so have a great day all of you.

    Aleka, thinking of you in prayers. things will turn out.. I am so happy your with the ww. its fun and i change off and on with it and calories or do both somethimes. you will do it girl... woof tuffy says to lacee. yes there just like babies. tuffy was fine when i got home. glad to see me. the hubby and daughter never lefted him alone so he got spoilted. ha i am glad lacee is ok. LaDean
  • Good morning,

    Had a lunch and shopping date with my girlfriend. I was very good at lunch, had a turkey sandwich on pumpernickel bread. It came with stuffing between the turkey, so took it out, and had coleslaw instead of chips or fries.

    lilybutt, please don't beat yourself up about how you ate over the weekend. I've also been there myself many many times. I've been on some other websites that advise you take baby steps to healthy habits. Pick something like exercising, eating healthier, or drinking your water, keep doing that one thing until it becomes a daily habit, then pick something else, or pick as many as you think you can handle at a time. Like judi, this time it's different for me. Usually whenever I meet my girlfriend, she & I weigh the same, she can talk me out of trying to lose weight. This time she didn't influence me at all. We are all here for you.

    LaDean, thank you for your prayers. They must be working. Glad you had a good time on your trip. Enjoying yourself is the best way to have fun. I'm sure Tuffy was very happy to see you. DH told me last night after I had gotten home that Lacee was shaking while I was gone. WOOF to Tuffy from Lacee.

    judi, Shame on you! The worst part is, I can actually picture a heaping shopping cart left at the register. I used to get a Neiman Marcus catalog a long time ago, not that I could afford anything in it. One Christmas I did buy DH a sterling silver coffee measure, just to have a pkg. come to the house from Neiman Marcus at least once in my lifetime.

    ledom, Williams and Sonoma is my very favorite store. There is a store in Va Beach that DH & I used to frequent quite often whenever we'd be staying at my IL's condo. Hope you're having a great time on your trip!

    Have a great day ladies.
  • Aleka, i am so glad prayers are being answered. they always help me. yes fun i had. oh i know the little fellows sure miss us. its pored here all day and i usually go and play with our outdoor dog some. but today i haven't. she sure has missed it.

    I hope everyone has had a good day.. i am. LaDean