Get me out of the 150s!

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  • opt - While you can't spot reduce, lunges are good for the thighs and butt to tone the muscles, which would make it appear they are a bit smaller.

    Sorry I haven't posted ladies, I got thrown into training two new people again so I'm busy all day trying to catch up with my already behind work and trying to train them both at the same time. Needless to say I'm very much looking forward to this weekend! Today's Friday, which means it's almost here. I cleaned and went grocery shopping last night since my mom and step-dad come over tonight to spend the night at our house. Which means I didn't get a chance to do my 30ds before I was ravenous and I hate working out after I eat, it makes me nauseous. =/ Anyhow, I will be doing my 30ds tonight and skipping my run... which equates to no runs this week and that makes me a sad person, lol. I should really be honest with you ladies and let you know that my 3 week slip a couple weeks ago gave me some weight back. I'm sticking strong at 159 and not too happy about that. I also changed my goal to 140 (if you might have noticed) so now I have like 20 pounds left to lose. Oh well, if I can lose 60, I can definitely drop 20 more! I hope you all have a lovely weekend if I can't make it back on here...
  • Hey guys,

    How's everyone doing? I've been totally out of the loop these last few days. I worked out with one of my Jillian Michaels dvds on Tuesday, but haven't worked out since. Wednesday I got called into work (for the first time) and it was awful. The way they balance their cash is completely different from what I learned on and I was waaaaaay out at the end of the night. And it was a last minute thing. I went to bed late thinking I had nothing (because I wasn't even supposed to get a call about when to start until Thursday) and then they woke me up first thing in the morning. They were desperate and called like...four people before they called me. *sigh*

    And yeah, the work day wasn't bad, it was just rough at the end when I didn't know what I was doing. *sigh*

    Wednesday night I had dinner with my best friend as a pre-birthday celebration. It was great. I had my favorite salmon, but I was definitely retaining water the next morning. Yesterday was my birthday and (since I already met my goal) I just kinda took a peak at the scale and let it go. I was up a couple of pounds but given my dinner the night before it didn't bug me too much. My mum and I went shopping alllll day and I got a few nice dresses (one of which I'll wear to grad. I never buy dresses and when I do they're always black so this was a nice change. One's this really pretty greeny-yellow and the other is a ton of bright colors. And they were 40% off. Score). I got shoes that work with both dresses annnd a new lululemon jacket that I had been dyyying for. I also bought myself a new running outfit (my favorite shorts and tank top, yeah I'm addicted). Mum and I had lunch out so I probably overate a little then too. Dinner was lasagna and then my sister and I went to see Sex and the City 2. I had an icee (birthday treat, haha), and a handful of junior mints.

    So all in all, I haven't had the best last two days. However, I'm gonna do a dvd and go for a run today and I have a few runs and workouts planned for the weekend. I just feel bloated right now and like I need a good workout. Here's hoping I don't get called in to work at the last minute again.

    And that's my ramble for the last few days. How's everyone's day going so far?
  • stargzr - I am staying strong at 159 too. My scale was up a pound this week. Both of us have already lost a lot, of course we can go to our goals! It just might take us some time.

    Rockstar - happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a great day. Don't let those couple pounds get you down. They will be gone in no time. As you know I love me some lulu, what jacket did you get?
  • Hey girls! Sorry for the day late update.

    Well, I took yesterday off of jogging/walking to give my calf a rest, it's doing a lot better today. Hopefully when I do it today the pain officially stopped. Woke up and I'm at 156 I'm hoping it's just me being bloated, but the chili last night isn't exactly the...healthiest thing ever.

    Today..had myself an apple for breakfast and 2 cups of the left over chili. For dinner I think I'll have a salad. I hope that I can get back down to 155 for the week. Hope you ladies have a great day! <3
  • sotypical Yeah I know, it's mostly just water weight. I'm going to go workout now. I'm trying to decide if I should chance a run outside or just do some weights in the basement. My allergies have been bad the last few days though, so weights would probably be a good thing. And I got the Stride Jacket in Angel Blue as well as a pair of Groovy run shorts and a cool racerback. Very excited to wear the last two during my workout.

    Just found out I'm working all day tomorrow and I'm already dreading it. Haha. This is gonna be a fun summer.

    Also, I need a new weight mini goal to decide on.
  • I had a good day. I went to work early and then got out early so now I'm on vacation until Friday!!! I've got a busy week ahead of me though and hopefully it won't be to stressful. My daughter is 2 1/2 and I plan on trying to get her started with potty training over the next week and then maybe a yardsale sometmie next week to get rid of more stuff. I had a pretty good day today. We had dinner at my in-laws house and I did awesome!!! She made hamburgers, pot. salad and cucumber salad all of which wasn't really healthy for you. I was so proud that I didn't over eat and was able to enjoy myself instead of obbessing over the food. I can tell that food doesn't hold me captive like it did before...
  • opt~lunges and squats are great for those areas. It will really help to tone up those muscles

    starz~ try not to stress to much about the weight. At least your back on track and before you know it you'll be down!! Enjoy your weekend off. How long will you be training people for?

    rockstar~ I bet you'll look great in those dresses. It's so fun to dress up when you feel good about it! Don't worry about those few pounds your up. They'll fall off quickly!!

    kruez~ How'd your calf feel? I hope it's not still giving you problems. You'll be back to 155 soon I bet! Sounds like it could just be water weight..
  • Rockstar, I don't know, those lunges are still obnoxious. I'll take her "vicious plank circuit" and raise you some bicycle crunches over those damn lunges any day! Haha... maybe that just means my legs are really wimpy! Also, I feel your pain on the last minute calls to work. As a substitute teacher, many of my mornings begin this way- at 5:30 am. I have gotten to the point where I just assume I’ll have to wake up at 5:30, go somewhere I’ve never been before, teach wild children and hope nobody gets hurt . It’s usually not this bad, which makes it somehow seem better . Hope work gets better for you!

    stargzr, what you said about goals makes a lot of sense to me. Last time I lost weight, I aimed low. I went by 5 lb bench marks. If I made it, I went for the next 5. That worked great until it got seriously hard; then I gave up. I couldn't see the big picture. I'm doing a lot of things differently this time, but aiming high (or low? ) is among them. I've learned to expect more from myself. In teaching, we always talk about how our expectations for kids can be a big factor in how successful they are. I think this true of ourselves too. We must dream big and expect ourselves to be successful, reach our goals, do anything we want to do. It seems so obvious, but I never used to before. How has the 30 day plan been going?

    Sotypical, sorry about the iPod. That’s a bummer.

    Optwoobs, welcome!

    Zephyr, I wish I could say the same about food not holding me captive. Needless to say, that this is not the case for me. I just have to think about it so hard! Hoping I can get there one day. Good luck potty training!

    So, it seems as though many of us are the same, very busy, boat. The end of the school year is absolutely BANANAS and I’ve been literally spending 13 and 12 hours a day at school, even when it’s not my day to teach! There’s no way I’m getting paid enough for this… I’ll be honest, while I’ve been amazing in the underpaid teacher department, I haven’t been doing great in the weight loss department. Although, I’ll give myself a little credit, I haven’t been doing horrible either. Since Wednesday, I’ve said no to 7 dozen cupcakes (yes, this is an exact figure), 2 dozen brownies and a plate full of some kind of frosting-covered pastries. And it wasn’t easy. I haven’t had energy to workout after work and I’ve not been counting calories. I may be up a bit, but I don’t think I ate enough to really gain a lot. However, I have been taking a break from seriously controlling calories. I’ll admit, I’m a little scared of the scale right now. I am planning on having a very productive weekend- counting calories and everything!
  • After drying the ipod for 4 days I plugged it in and it works! There is a weird line at the bottom, but not a huge deal all things considering lol. I will have to see what kind of charge it holds, but other wise it seems okay. I got it charged up. I will test it out in the next couple days. The line at the bottom of the screen is annoying, like a dead line or something, but it's right at the bottom at least.

    I don't think I ever said about today's weigh in, 159.8, boo. Up a pound. Better luck next week. I feel like I say that every week haha.
  • tuende Bahahhaa. You made me snicker. I used to hate lunges. I swear I did. They were my least favorite exercise...until i started doing that video. Now they're something I don't mind...because the rest is so awful. But to each his own. I don't know how you could take lunges over plank. Crazy woman.

    Yayyyy sotypical. I meant to suggest that to you! if you just let it dry and dont try and turn it on or anything it can work. But yayyyyyyy. That's very exciting.

    So, I worked today. It was way better than last time. Went for a run right after and my legs were already tired (I stand all day), so it was a slow run (and only 3.25 miles). I really need to up my time for my half if I want to make my goal. We kinda just had a frozen chicken thing for dinner tonight and while the calories weren't bad, the sodium is baaaaaaaaad. I'm not looking forward to the water baby I'll have when I wakeup.

    Gotta run 6 miles tomorrow. Let's hope my time is better. How's everyone's day going/gone?
  • sotypical, I'm so happy that you have resuscitated your ipod! Good thinking with the rice thing. Maybe since it's working you'll be able to get some great work outs in and lose a bunch this week! Huh?

    rockstar, with all this talk of the trouble zones dvd, I actually did it this morning! I was thinking of you as I suffered through those lunges ! When is your half marathon? Have you ever done one before? I'm thinking that when I get home after the summer I might start training for one. How has it been for you?

    My weekend is off to a great start. I love working out in the morning which I get to do on the weekends. I actually have energy for it and it makes everything seem more possible. I also had a very successful shopping trip to Trader Joe's- god, I love that store- so I'm all set with beautiful, delicious food. I'm going to weigh in on Wednesday and see where I'm at. I'm a little nervous to see the number. That number is a huge part of my motivation and as much as I try not to let it, it really gets to me if it's not what I want to see. Something to work on...
    On a completely random note, I bought things at two stores today and both times the total was $30.30. I think I need to go buy lottery tickets or something...
  • rockstar - yay for running after working!

    tuende - me? running? hahahaha... maybe. I should just because I am so thankful it came back to life. I need to do something, that's for sure. My boyfriend was on my case today about the crap I was eating and me complaining about not losing weight. Way to go on your good start to the weekend. I really wish we had a trader joe's here! Funny about the two totals.

    So today wasn't bad. It was doing okay until about 3 hit. I hadn't eaten much, then a friend wanted to go for appies, then I got some cookies and starbucks. Anyway, I did track today at least - huge step for me. I didn't track yesterday though, too many unknowns. So the last two days have been kinda high - so need to work on tomorrow being lower. I would like to exercise tomorrow morning as well. I had meant today and then never got around to it - but I did vacuum, clean the garage and take some pop bottles back. Went for a bit of a walk and then did some shopping - so I wasn't TOO lazy. But tomorrow I need to ride my exercise bike or do some walking videos or something.
  • Where is everybody? Sheesh. I had to come here and brag a little about a major NSV today... I ran 5.5 miles! Definitely my longest run ever. There's this cute little lake with a nice running/walking/biking trail around it that is marked off with mile markers and I went around it twice! It was a very quintessential Seattle morning, all of us up early with our shorts on, running and walking in the rain . Aaaand bragging complete. Although I do have to say that I might actually enjoy running now. Just a little...

    sotypical, maybe you should start running! I used to absolutely hate it, but for some reason, did it anyway. Actually my brother-in-law would persuade me go with him. He was learning to be a personal trainer, so that was kind of nice. I was going to say that it couldn't hurt to give it a try, but then I realized that just wasn't true . Good job tracking your calories today. I know that for me, I definitely let myself go a little nuts when I decide not to count calories for the day. That should help get you back on track. Also, what is a walking video? I keep hearing about them, and I've always wondered what it is. Hope you have a good start to tomorrow!
  • I'm heeeeeeeeeere!

    That's awesome tuende! I ran 5.4 today with my sister. It was hawwwt. Especially for her. She's small (5'2, 115lbs) and hasn't run that far before, so the pace was slow for me and I wasn't exerting myself the same way she was. We jumped in the pool after. Haha. It was still a great workout. She's gonna run the half with me (or so she says). I'm excited.

    And to answer your question, I haven't done a half before and I just started training for this one. So far, so good. I have a pretty good foundation for running and I'm giving myself plenty of time to train so I don't feel rushed. The program I found online (Runner's World) is only 9 weeks and the half marathon isn't until October 17th.

    But seriously, congratulations on your run. You should definitely look at doing the half. If you like running and enjoy challenging yourself it'd be a great goal to set. My sister said she could never have run as long as we did on the treadmill, but when I took her outside and we ran 10, walked 1-2, she really enjoyed it (minus the heat). I agree with you. If you run consistently for a month, you learn to like it. I just find it so cathartic. I always feel better after I've had a run.

    P.S. I'm doing trouble zones tomorrow. Bahahhaa. Awesome. I'll think of you during "vicious plank circuit".

    sotypical I agree. Give running a shot. You might end up loving it and it's a great exercise you can do anytime, (almost) anywhere.
  • Tuende~ WTG for the run!!!!! That's such an accomplishment(that does not look right)!

    So I weighed in this morning at 154...YAY!! I'm only 5lbs from being at a normal weight...YAY!! I had a cookout at my parents this evening and feel really good about how I ate. I did have two hotdogs but not both at the same time an the second I was hungry and it was my "snack". I'm anxious to weigh myself tomorrow to see if I did as good as I think I did.. Tomorrow is back to the norm. We are just staying around the house and getting stuff done and maybe taking the kids swimming in the afternoon.

    Are you all having a good weekend? Big plans for tomorrow?