Beck Diet For Life/Solution – May 2013 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Good Morning, Coaches.

    Jumped off plan yesterday at 4 pm and was back on at 5 pm with little damage done. Skimped on dinner and the calories were fine. Credit for not letting grains get into the slip. I am committed to being off grains until June 1. Weight still 1 pound under.

    I wrote in my journal using the 7 question technique I am supposed to use. I discovered I slipped for the same old reasons. DS and I were on the second movie of our weekend Harry Potter marathon ( I bought all 8 dvds). We were celebrating the weekend. I popped him popcorn, took a few tastes and thought, "It is fun to be free from a food plan." This is old thinking. I must continue to practice mentally that true freedom is staying OP because then I am free from regret.

    We are going up to Tahoe for the weekend. I have planned bike rides and Yoga. I hope to cook at the cabin and avoid going out.

    BBE: Online traffic school is penance for a speeding ticket for ten mile over the limit. I must say it is much more pleasant than sitting through an 8 hour lecture at a Motel 6 conference room ( I had to do that 30 years ago.)

    HHM: I made a decision at the beginning of this year to get a wash and blow out every week. My hair lasts through my work days (with help from dry shampoo) It saves me precious minutes in the morning and looks great all the time. Best treat in the world.

    vegansauraus: I admire your planning for when you manage the hotel. I remember jobs I had that were constantly filled with prohibited foods. I was terrible. Good for you for taking proactive steps.

    Wave to all!
  • happy I don't actually write these cards in the book, they're hardcopy on index card in the purse and digitally on "postits" on my computer. I think you'd be fine without it if you don't want a hard copy
  • Still struggling to haul myself back on the Beckmobile. WHY do I struggle for one month every four months, it seems? I do well enough for four months to see progress and feel progress, then have a month of decisions that are less than stellar that set me back on the scale. Mentally, I'm wrapping this month up today. I find myself LOOKING for splurges. I'm struggling and DH basically keeps saying, I find an hourglass shape on a woman very attractive, I don't want you to lose your butt. I don't want you to look like a preteen boy. ... Okay, hon. There is NO WAY my body shape will EVER look like that and even when i was 25 pounds down, still an hourglass - always have trouble finding clothes that fit my waist if they fit my hips, so they are always altered. I know 100% that he would love me however I am, but I look around and see temptations more often when he says things like this. I keep trying to bring him to focus on our shared goal of the hiking trip later this summer, but no success. I need to make it my priority, and not hope that it's his, too. When he strays, I'm giving myself the excuse stray and this isn't working. Thanks for letting me vent and gripe about my poor choices here. Beck's book is coming out for another start tonight.

    We went to see The Iceman last night (violent but I knew that going in). Was so frustrated with myself to see that I missed The Angel's Share ... need to write the title down to rent when out on DVD. Anyone seen it and liked it? Came home at midnight and, though chilly in upper 40s, we lit a fire in the firepit and sat outside under the full moon for about three hours until 3 a.m. Out of my norm. But oh, so relaxing. And yes, it did include a few toasted marshmallows for me and a s'more.

    I ate an early (4 p.m.) lunch/dinner so I could eat with him before he left to work night shift. Now he found out that his boss forgot to tell him that he didn't have to work this weekend so he could do other sked next week - we made no holiday plans because he worked all nights until Wednesday. Grr but good news once it sank in, as we'll tackle big yard projects, I hope.

    We went back to the nursery and walked in the muck for another hour, looking at all the possible newcomers to our home and picked the one that we both loved earlier this week, but was too $$ and too big. We kept coming back to it and I said we go with our gut instinct, so it'll be delivered and they'll help us plant it. I think it's about 12-14' tall. Then ... build the retaining/border walls, etc.

    Bill: Keep healing, and keep reading. Your book sounds very much like the movie I watched a few months ago. Illuminative and educational and frustrating and shocking. I remember running into my kitchen to look at ingredient listings only to find the dreaded HFCS crap in my stove top stuffing and "natural" blueberry muffin mix. The two things I DIDN'T look at the ingredients on. And I typically make my own muffins/coffee cakes and not from a mix. They're still sitting in the pantry. Grr.

    Maryann - Your weekend plans at the cabin sound so wonderful.

    Beth - Good luck with the continued smart choices, and enjoy the festivities! Major credits for doing so well.

    Lexxiss - Credits for taking care of "your stuff" ... I feel guilty when I do things for me instead of for the house/yard/DH ... and am ready to dump that feeling tout suite.

    IBelieveInMe2 - YAY on getting to the gym and being at a 9!!

    Spanky - I have been laughing at the image of the end-less (literally) croissants that your son wouldn't notice were missing. Great image and honesty.

    HHMommy - Hope you have a wonderful weekend with the mother/daughter outings. Sounds like fun. I never had that with my mom, though I had wonderful times with her. We never did "girly" things. And I wouldn't count the glass of chocolate milk as a negative myself! If you were hungry, I find it a filling option.

    Vegan - Kudos for passing on the mac and cheese (I chose to mention that one because I LOVE it, but never have found one that I like as much as the one I make with 1% milk, etc., but I keep wanting to TRY others)... You go! Keep on staying strong!
  • Sunday - Sally Ride Day
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Raining all day made DW the gardener happy, but made for a miserable day. Our morning bird walk excursion to the Atlantic coast was cancelled - sea ducks don't mind the rain but optics used to look at them, even though nitrogen sealed against water damage, aren't fun to look through with raindrops on the lenses. Oh, well.

    Exercise was, again, shopping for chairs for both the kitchen and dinning room. Nothing made me happy; it seems that my only idea for a chair is an overstuffed chair suitable for sleeping. Some human beings were not made for shopping. I didn't eat candy from a bowl in the store only because there was no bowl of candy - I even looked, LOL. None of the other shoppers looked particularly happy. Maybe buying chairs is supposed to be a miserable experience. For the money furniture costs I'm sorta expecting ecstasy - which might be a barrier. Gonna check if the local Center for Adult Education has a course titled 'Male Furniture Purchasing.'

    Debbie (Lexxiss) – Congrats for having a palate that rejects over salting.

    maryann - Happy Harry Potter Marathon Weekend - what an idea! Kudos for spotting as a Sabotaging Thought, "It is fun to be free from a food plan."

    nationalparker – My take is that it's a real conflict to want our SO to love us in whatever body while simultaneously pushing us to change. Going for the shared goal of summer hiking sounds good. [I HATE finding HFCS somewhere unexpected.]

    Jo (veganasaurusrex) – Kudos for your 6th day OP. Sounds like you're doing well at your hotel with its special distractions. I love that you wrote '"SIT" on your hands - Beck should include that in her next book.

    happyhoustonmommy - Happy three generation Mother-Daughter Day. Super set of rewards all unrelated to food.

    Readers -
    chapter 5
    Get Ready: Lay the Groundwork

    Guidelines for a Doable Diet
    . . . Rather than basing your diet selection on speed, consider these factors:
    . . . Your diet should be healthy. Because you'll be following this diet for a long time, you need to select one that promotes good health. Choose a diet that allows you to eat a reasonable variety of foods. Be wary of any diet that unduly restricts healthy food choices. You might be able to lose weight on a diet that isn't nutritious, but eventually your body will rebel - and you'll start to gain back the excess weight.

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 65.
  • Some trouble...and then some success!

    Friday night I did not eat in a Beck way - no cards, no sitting, just hanging at the kitchen counter, chatting with my kids and one of the boyfriends. Not only did I eat that donut I had earmarked as NO CHOICE, I had a biscuit. With butter. And I ate less chicken and none of the salad, with dressing, so I could 1. fit in in, as I was honestly not that hungry and 2. justify it so my calories would not be over. could have been worse, but I was not in control.

    Saturday was a new start - family party with lots of choices, good and poor. As soon as I found out the menu, I planned what I would eat, what I would skip, and how much dessert I would have. Fit into my calories and this time I was in control!

    Today - company for dinner and making a favorite meal of mine (pollo guisado, which is a Puerto Rican chicken stew with carrots, potatoes and peas, over rice, with string beans and salad)...and probably a slamming bakery dessert (I don't think I have time to bake). So my plan is - good breakfast. Small lunch. One serving of dinner. I can have extra veg if I feel like I want more. One serving of the dessert. I need to put it into MFP and see how it comes out! I have been too busy to even walk this weekend so I do not want to go overboard on the eating. Control control control!
  • Hi Coaches!

    I've had one of those days where everything food related just jumps out at me and I want to eat it. Donut...biscuit with butter....saw a menu downstairs that had come out of our car and I thought oh Mexican...I could go down to that restaurant.
    So: credit for getting up and weighing, sending my food plan to my diet buddy and for resisting any such off plan urges, so far.

    I won't be checking in here tomorrow. I work early and won't have internet by the time I get home and the masses of holiday travelers are headed back to Denver. I will email my diet buddy with my food plan.

    BBE, ouch for missing the fun exercise then having to exercise while shopping for chairs. BTW-I've been looking for months...even hit Ikeaseveral weeks ago. Glad the candy bowl eluded you...reminded me there were some green/white stripy candies somewhere last week that I kept avoiding. (??where were they??)

    sparks, great job getting up
  • Busy day here and the sun is now setting. Got out to mow at 9:30 ad worked out in the yard until 4:30 p.m. with a short lunch break. We finished clearing our berm, and I started in on the stone wall and I'm realizing it's a bigger project than I anticipated and will run a good bit more money. But will be beautiful aspect of the yard when done, I think. I'm not the best with the level, so level, tamp, tamp, add more dirt, level, no still off, tamp, tamp, level. Okay close enough. And onto the next wedge paver. Hopefully the close enoughs will be that.

    Got the halo effect of hours of exertion and opted for making baked ziti tonight. Portion was reasonable and hoping that I burned some of the calories off earlier. Did a healthy marketing trip tonight with good fruits and veggies and now to USE THEM ALL UP.

    Will head to the cemetery tomorrow for DH's grandparents, who kind of almost raised him. Bought a gorgeous geranium to place there. My mind keeps thinking, oh, let's stop for brunch somewhere... instead of thinking, make a healthy smoothie and sip it on the long drive.
  • Hi all!

    Another successful OP day. Again at the hotel where food is usually a huge problem. I had a plan, I ate exactly what was on my plan, everything on my plan was vegan and healthy. I got all my exercise in this weekend. Still fighting off the terrible fear of "when things go wrong". Down another lb today so that was nice but I feel like it can't last. *fingers crossed though!*
  • Monday - Memorial Day
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – The walk (CREDIT moi) included Whole Foods for peanut butter. I never tire of watching the stuff come out of the grinder - in fact, I feel cheated if the grinder is out-of-service and I have to buy a pint they've already ground. I happily accepted a sample of sashimi tuna - about a cubic centimeter - as an easy fit into my rare and unusual exception. (Good grief, I just saw the pun with rare, LOL.)

    I avoided some opportunities for cookies, CREDIT moi. Even though factory made they still yelled my name. At some later point should I be asked to redesign heaven, I'm not sure if I'll design Girl Scout Thin Mints with no calories are just ban all cookies. I have time to work on this.

    Debbie (Lexxiss) – LOL at jumping to an old menu because it reminds me how easily our minds can be triggered.

    nationalparker – It does seem that all projects are bigger than anticipated. Kudos for absorbing that and moving forward.

    Jo (veganasaurusrex) – Kudos for sticking to your plan despite the distractions of your hotel. Recognizing those Sabotaging Thoughts, "when things go wrong," and "it can't last" is half-way to defeating them.

    sparks17 – Making choices in the midst of reality is always a challenge. Kudos for threading your way with enough control to stay your path. That "pollo guisado" description has me drooling.

    Readers -
    chapter 5
    Get Ready: Lay the Groundwork

    Guidelines for a Doable Diet
    . . . Rather than basing your diet selection on speed, consider these factors: . . .
    . . . Choose a diet that includes food you like and can easily prepare. You'll be much more likely to stick to a diet that allows food you find both tasty and convenient. If you like the food, you'll more easily find the resolve to make the required recipes and to eat the required meals.

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 65.
  • Happy Memorial Day, Coaches.

    Terrific mini holiday. Just the boys and me. DS and I watched Order of the Phoenix on the computer while DH went to Reno (30 miles away) to turn in a coffee can full of change at the casino. Over $500 smackaroonies plus he won $50 at the sLots. Wow! Then we took our tandem kayak (it is a fishing and diving one so it holds the three of us) on the reservoir behind our cabin. Really beautiful. Then the boys puttered in a boy-like fashion and I went to an hour and a half "restorative " yoga class which is simple lying on bolsters in various positions—no stretching or stress. WOW. Very meditative but I'm glad I also paddled the kayak to burn some calories. Then DS pick was a favorite restaurant in old town. I made a terrific choice for dinner and then out of nowhere ordered a gourmet cupcake. DRAT!!!!!

    Like nationalparker, I have to wonder how I can be so on target for a succession of days and then have an equal number of days off plan. In my diet journal I wrote, "This behavior will not get me to my goal of under 150 when I turn 50 (in December)

    Food in Myfit. I do see a pattern of not writing food down and jumping into the sweets. If I do two things this week it will be commit food in phone and SIT DOWN.

    BBE: I have decided to only buy antique furniture and get it recovered. I am sitting on a hundred year old chair that is comfy to die for.
    vegansaraus: Congrats on sticking to your food plan.
    Lexxiss: I understand about the call of food. It is an insidious task master.
  • Happy Memorial Day!
    Home from the lake and need to back on board with a food plan. We celebrated my niece's birthday and our daughter's birthday (early) since my sister-in-law is in from New York. I enjoyed lots of various foods ~ some healthy, some not ~ and really didn't plan over the weekend. Right back OP now that we are home! I did keep up with my 15 minute minimum walking over the weekend, but still need to get it in today. Hope everyone has had a safe and good long weekend! I am remembering those heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom today ~ Memorial Day in the United States. So thankful for their service and their sacrifice! We in the U.S. are so blessed!
  • Hi coaches,
    What a busy weekend! I went to water aerobics on Sat. racquetball since it was closed and friend is camping. But did a first for me..dropped my daughter off with her 13 yr old pseudo cousin (my best friends daughter) at the mall. Then my BFF and I went shopping was such a win/win and made realize/remember what life was like before dd. of course I wouldn't change a thing and love being her mama but it was just fun to get out.. I bought myself some workout wear and a new swimsuit. It was fun to try stuff on at a smaller size!! I got to wear that new workout outfit yesterday when I went to Zumba. Dd came with me and did the whole class too. It was fast and jumpy and loud and so fun. My Fitbit almost burst into flames trying to keep up with the steps! It was a fantastic workout even if I didn't do the moves exactly like the instructor always. I didn't want to blow a knee or an ankle or anything else that would keep me from returning. I love the YMCA...

    Eating has been within range but I did have my first unplanned eating session. I made banana bread and had allotted myself one slice at breakfast time, I was alone with it later in the day and I indulged and was also standing up while eating. It did not feel good of course and I adapted my food for the rest of the day...I actually did have the thought that since I already ate off plan, that maybe I should just snack away. The thing that kept me from doing so was that I didn't like that full feeling that I used to consider "normal"... My new normal is to get a bit hungry and be okay with it until it was time to eat then eat an appropriate portion and feel satisfied but not overly full. For me, this is progress!

    I have a day today filled with getting a bunch of stuff for school completed, writing a big/important letter of rec for a former teachers assistant trying to get into nursing school and getting food and life ready for the workweek. I may take a trip to Trader others have TJs in non-PAC NW cities? It is healthy stuff for cheap. I don't live near a Whole Foods (jealous of you BBE) but make due with TJ at times...enjoy your day today everyone!!!
  • Happy Memorial Day everyone! Let's see...yesterday was a fun day. We went to a crawfish boil. Was mightily tempted but I didn't have any sodas AND I played a very active game of kickball with the kids *credit*.

    I had about 3 too many rosemary potatoes and I licked the frosting off of 2 cupcakes (didn't have the cake part, I'm gluten free). I was really hungry, so next time I know I'm going to a party where I'll be tempted I'll make sure to have a big salad beforehand and bring a Kind bar if I'm having a sweet tooth. Didn't see any negative impact today but still, it's a slippery slope that I don't want to go down.

    Today has been a totally lazy day--and it's been nice. The only "naughtiness" I've imbibed in is a dark chocolate covered frozen banana, BUT I planned on that in lieu of's my birthday!!!

    I'm about to head out to Barnes and Noble to buy myself a birthday gift and then tonight I plan on spending the Amazon gift card my husband gave me on books, books and more books. Book nerd in the hizzy!

    When it cools off I'd like to get the whole family to go on a walk after dinner tonight.

    Can't wait to get back into the routine tomorrow and my big kids only have 2 1/2 more days of school so it'll be a fun week for all of us
  • Happy Birthday!!!
    happyhoustonmommy!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
  • Credit
    Just happy to report that I continued my streak of 15 minutes of walking with a late night workout. Walked on the Bowflex TreadClimber for 15 minutes and burned 223 calories!!! CREDIT! Quick but intense workout! Feelin' gooooood!!!