~~May Golden Girls~~

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  • Just a quick post before I go to bed. Just finished watching The Biggest Loser. I always love seeing how much the contestants have changed and wish them the very best!

    It's been a busy day and I haven't gotten much done here at home. Started out with brunch with my dh's retiree club, so it was a larger morning meal but we went from there to grocery shopping at two stores and when I got home I had a phone call from my dd so I never took the time for a snack like I normally would. Then tonight I actually had a lighter dinner so it worked out pretty well overall. I did snack tonight after church but stayed OP and my BS before dinner was great!! It had been high in the morning but my weight was down. I hope I can keep at it ...I'm still very determined and feel I've (hopefully) reached a new level in the mental part of this journey. Like they say on The Biggest Loser, it's not only physical but mental change that is required and I've always known that about myself.

    No time for personals tonight as I am tired and have to go to the gym in the morning. We have missed two days this week and I know I need it.

    Take care everyone!
  • Welcome Philo, congrats on the weight loses, and Zoe........ Sorry about your nephew.
    Hey golden girls I am 54 years old and would love to join you
    Sorry I've been too busy to do personals but it's very important I get my annuals in and established before the Flower Tour. It's been great that our home was chosen as part of the tour, it's inspired us to get things done that we've been putting off for a couple of years. I have some sculptured cement rings around two bushes that needed aligning, I took out a trumpet vine that was so overgrown that it didn't produce many flowers anymore. I actually had to take an axe to get it out. DH finally got the vegetable garden in yesterday, it's been so cold and rainy around here. The farmers are late getting crops in, some fields are not even plowed yet. The farmer that owns the land around our acreage is planting sweet corn this year. He told DH yesterday to help ourselves to all the corn we wanted, unfortunately I'm not a big sweet corn fan. A couple ears a season is all I care for, DH loves it. I'll pick some to give to DD, her kids love the stuff.
    I made a cute setting in my shade garden around the Mexican fireplace and redwood rocker and double lounge chair. I had 4 or 5 old bird feeders that I planted flowers and vines in, they are hanging from the trees. Yesterday I took one of the old squirrel feeders (little chair they sit at with a spike of corn attached) and put a small planter on the seat with Vica vines flowing out of it. My imagination is running wild and it's so much fun. I'll take picture of everything once I slow down and things are growing. We have about a dozen Orioles at the feeders this year, we have a liquid sugar feeder plus put a fresh orange out everyday. They also like bananas, who'd of thought? I attached the hummingbird feeder to the eaves right outside our living room window, it's so much fun to see those cuties hovering at the feeder. I went to the hardware store and purchased a fine chain to hook the large bird feeder up to, something the squirrels couldn't climb down. HA! What a joke that was, they can climb down anything...the little turds! Yesterday I broke down and looked for a squirrel proof bird feeder. The #1 best selling feeder was $89.99 plus shipping. Fortunately I checked Amazon before ordering it and they had the exact same feeder for $53.97 plus free shipping. You gals should always check Amazon first before ording stuff. Well I'm burning sunshine, you all have a great day.
  • P.S. I almost forgot to give you a tip Home Depot garden center told me. I was looking for a pretty climbing vine for one of my trellis, I've got Morning Glories coming up a few places and wanted something new. She sold me a packet of Burpee Sweet Pea 'Moody Blue Mix'. She said they are fragrant and get 8-12 feet, bloom all summer. The picture on this mix is purples, blues, lavenders and dark pink. Should be pretty...go get yourselves a packet!
  • Morning everyone..im feeling lots better today. and the scale was esp nice to me another 2# gone. another 10 and i will have lost 100# my next mini goal.
    Bobbie your yard sounds beautiful,we are just starting to see a little green on out trees. i have to bless my house today,and make my mil a bd card,and brownies. she will be 90 yrs young tommorow..best get started. have an awsome day.ttfn rosey
  • Hi Golden girls/sisters

    Our crazy weather is taking another warmer turn right now. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. But we've had so much rain that everything is soggy and muddy. The kids play soccer in mud holes! And I have mud up to my knees getting there to watch them. I finally got around to getting a hair cut and color today. Just my usualy short bob with lots of highlights. Yuppy, no grey.

    Z, So sorry to hear about your loss. But he's out of pain. Prayers for your sister and all the family.

    Bobbi, There you are! We knew you were busy outside. It must be nice there, right? I look forward to seeing the pictures. I've yet to plant a thing. But I always plant morning glories up my trellis in back and i'll try the sweet pea's. I like that they have a scent. Morning glories are truly glorious, but they fade quickly and don't have a scent.

    Rosie, YEAH!! Go girl!!

    Mary, weight loss is truly a mind thing. If you don't get your mind in the right plave it's kind of a waste of time. I'm glad you're there.

    Philo, welcome to our little family. I'm glad you found us. Come often. We have a very supportive group

    Tea Granny, I look forward to packing away my winter stuff, just haven't gotten to the point that I can. I'm still wearing them some days, even my winter coat.

    Lynn, You're ready for hot weather, now I hope you get some, at least warm, weather!

  • Hello Everyone! We got back this afternoon and I've posted pics and a video on facebook. We had a good time. We went to "Legends in Concert" last night and they were really good! Here are a few pictures. Need to get back on the "diet train" tomorrow for sure! But that is what vacations are for and I had a great time!!! Need to go and get some supper started... tonight is going to be something warm since it is cold outside and we are tired. Tomorrow back on track!!

    Have a great evening!

  • Good afternoon, All...
    KarenMO, looks like you had fun! Weather okay? And I think it's SO nice of you to get a room with a bed for the girls! Or did they get their own room?? No, they aren't spoiled at all! And you look so pretty in your blue top!

    Have a splitting headache. I was in a meeting for 4 hours, which, as you know, always inspires whining... so I'm going to go munch a bit and get rid of it!

    Hope your day went well, everyone!
  • Hi GGs,

    Yes, I have been missing in action. It’s been a busy time here. We went back up to NY State to LeRoy this past weekend and bought a car on the way up, in Corning. We finally junked the old Volvo wagon – I was not unhappy to see it go. It had the very annoying habit of stopping completely in weather above 95 degrees. Three years ago, at my DDs wedding it conked out on the way to the ceremony! Luckily some friends came along and gave us a ride. The only way to get it going again was to go underneath with an icebag!! Anyway, our same friend in Corning works for a guy who deals in foreign cars, and we got a sleek Audi (2007) with a sunroof. He is coming to the Cape to deliver it this weekend.

    I have read postings for May and looks like you are doing well.

    Zoe – sorry to read about the passing of your nephew. I know you are going to be on the road soon- please have a safe trip.

    Rosey – WOW!! You are an inspiration. Almost 100#. Glad your weather is warming up. Rain Rain and more rain here! Keep up the walking challenges – but go slow.

    Donna – Thanks for poking me on Facebook to rejoin the GG posts.

    Tea – You are doing great too. Keep it up!!

    Bobbi – loved reading about your garden and climbing plants. Send pics when you’re done. Our clematis is about to bloom – it goes over an arch leading to the front dooorway.

    Gayle – Wow – good luck with the hearing devices. What are they – at 6K they must be fantastic. Hope you insurance will help with the cost. Love the picture of you and Maddie.

    Karen31 – Glad you seem to be having a good time there at Bransons.

    Lynn – glad you got your AC. Is it raining there too?

    Nancy – Have loved looking at your fashion photos. Yes – I like the read skirt also..can’t wait to see how you dress it up and put it all together. No- you definitely did not look like a clown…loved the split skirt too. I shop the thrift stores too. If you ever get out here to the Cape, there are a thousand of them..seems each church has one.

    Maryea – You do sound determined. Keep it up.

    Freda – Yes the weather here is just as unpredictable. It is rain and 50s until Sunday – when we may finally see the sun and 85 degree weather.

    Karen in FL – Hope your face is healing and is less painful…Loved the bridge story though.

    Laf-a-lot – Hi – Hope things are hunky dorey in CA.

    Oh – Hi Phylis from FL – I do remember you!

    Ok, I probably missed someone…so sorry for that. Bye for now..

  • Hi all...Just checking in. Staying OP and waiting for face to heal. Still crusty and sore with some edema. May be it's look like a dueling scar!

    Welcome to Philo.

    Rosie....Your weight dropping is fabulous girl. You've loss enough to have built a 8th grader!

    Lyn...A new car is always such a treat. Leroy? where is Leroy? My sister lived in Horning yrs ago. Her Dh taught at Alfred.

    Bobbie...can I come to the summer tour? can i can i

    Gayle....good luck with the aides. Don't be disappointed hearing aides aid you not like glasses that correct you. And take work getting used to....hearing loud stuff had to be relearned.

    Karen....Looks like the girls had a good time, too.

    Donna....what's the weather doing? Is Dh's buddy out there too early?

    Lynn....when does that new class start? What or where is the next trip?

    Have to make reservations tomorrow for Nov Daytona Beach tournament. Wanna bet something gets screwed up Again!

    Off to watch some numbing tv...k3
  • Donna, Actually Tim had a bed to himself--- the girls and I had the other one!! LOL!!! In some of the pictures you can see where I pushed the chairs up to side of the bed so the "girls" wouldn't try to jump off the bed in the night. The room was hard wood floors and the beds set up pretty high! It was so funny when we first got there we opened the door to come in and as soon as Sissy's feet hit the hardwood floor she set down like a mule and wouldn't budge!!! I had extra blankets that I use in their airline kennels so I had to spread them around on the floor for her to walk on!! Yep, I did that!! She would walk on the blanket and stretch out as far as she could and then run to the next blanket! Guess she doesn't like hardwood!! Ginger didn't care as long as she knew she had her food and water and was sleeping with mom!!

    Well, I think I'm going to go and watch some TV and then maybe call it a night. I have The biggest loser on DVR so I will want to watch that too.

    Goodnight everyone
  • Hey GGs,
    Haven’t done too much today, except sleep! Didn’t manage to get to bed much earlier last night, & then I couldn’t go to sleep. So, at midnight, I gave up & started trying on clothes - those culottes, & some blouses & belts & jewelry I already had, plus a couple of new blouses. Well, I think I managed to put together a couple of “looks” that I liked - one dressy & one casual. When I get around to dragging my camera out again, I’ll run them by you all, & see what you think. Finally got back in the bed, & made it to sleep about 2 hours before the alarm went off. So, I’ve been napping off & on all day. Good day for it, chilly & kind of dreary.

    Mary, I feel like the mental part of losing weight is MORE important than the physical part! At least it’s been that way for me. When I finally managed to convince myself not to eat unless I was really hungry (except for weekly my pig-out meal & my night-time snack - those I’m allowed, hungry or not), things started being easier. At first I was having constant arguments - with myself!, about that, but it’s finally getting to be habit. Sounds like you’re doing really good with that!

    Bobbi, we always have squirrels eating out of our bird feeder too. At first we were thinking about trying to put it on some kind of pole they couldn’t climb, but I decided I don’t mind if they eat too. And, it’s fun to watch them. I might have to try planting some of those sweet peas you mentioned. Most of the flowers I’ve planted this year have managed to survive, so far (amazing!), so maybe they would too.

    Rosey, you are just doing so good with your weight loss. Two more pounds! Yay!

    Freda, hope your weather stays warm & dries up all that mud! Good for you on getting your hair cut & colored! I’m sure it feels good to have that done! I’m wanting to get a pedicure, but I keep putting off even calling & finding out the price. I usually hate the way my feet look, but the one time I had a pedicure (several years ago my mom paid for me to have one as my birthday present), I liked the way my feet looked so much, I went out & bought several pairs of sandals to show them off! So, since I’m thinking I might want to wear sandals this year, I need to get a pedicure!

    KarenMO, glad you’re home. Sounds & looks like you had a wonderful trip! Guess the "girls" did too, in spite of the wood floors?

    Donna, hope that headache’s gone. How often do you have to go to those horrible meetings? And, isn’t there any way to get out of them?!

    Hi! Lyn. Glad Donna dragged you back. Hope you enjoy that new car - sounds like it was waaay past time to junk the old one! I just love thrift stores - now you’ve got me wanting to visit the Cape! (Though with all those stores to shop in, I’d be broke in no time!)

    KarenFL, sure hope your face gets all healed up soon! I'd be thinking about suing that doctor! They're supposed to heal, not hurt!!

    Getting late! I'd better go! Bye.
  • Good morning GG's,

    Two days down ~ two to go.

    I have a couple questions:

    Karen3 ~ (Had to wipe Dash down with a Downy pad before he stopped panicing.) When you do this ~ is the wipe dry, or do you moisten it first?

    NC Nancy ~ (weekly my pig-out meal) ~ did you do this right along as you lost the weight, or after you had lost most of it? Just wondered ~ I was thinking of maybe doing something along those lines ~ have something to look forward to. I have tried different versions of it before, but have trouble stopping, or getting back on track after. I will have to keep experimenting.

    Well, I would so much rather stay here with you all, but gotta go finish getting ready for work.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Take care
  • Good Morning, All....
    Lovely to hear from all of you!
    Nancy, I'm looking forward to seeing the pics of your new outfit potentials! At least you don't get up to eat when you can't sleep; creative fashioning seems like a much better alternative!

    KarenMO, glad you and the girls (and Tim) had a good time! I laughed at the hardwood floor story!

    KarenFL, how's the face today? We're having rain here in Denver (and I think down south where "the buddy" is). All the precip we didn't get all winter we're getting now! Well, we're getting a lot of it, anyway! What is the Downy pad doing for Dash? I think I missed something.

    Lyn, nice long post! Glad to see you! I hope that new car is a good one and that you enjoy!

    Bobbi, please send pictures of your lovely garden when it's abloom'...

    Nothing much to report! I have a bit of domestic drudgery to do, as well as some errands. Weight is stable, life is good!

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • Good morning! Well, the Wii seemed surprised to see me this morning!! HA! The little sign came up and said "Is that Karen? It has been three days since we've seen you!" The weight is up 3.3 pounds since last time but I expected it. You can't eat ham steak, and even though I had salads the rest of the dinners they were huge( I know I didn't have to eat it all) but I did. Plus, the motels had a fabulous continental breakfast and I love biscuits and gravy (felt like my Dad was right there with me!) so I had them the last 2 breakfasts there. I went to the breakfast thinking that it would be eng. muffins, bagels, juice, coffee and maybe some fruit---they had dry cereal, oatmeal, waffles, biscuits and gravy, sausage, pastries, I didn't have any pastires though! So I have my work cut out for me the next couple weeks to get back to where I was! I know drinking lots of water will help with all the sodium so between that and working with the wii--- I hope to have a better report next week. BUT I still had lots of fun and enjoyed it!
  • Hi Everyone,

    Going to dinner tonight with my DD & SIL so I am trying to eat light today - did 2 hours at the gym this morning. Our local restaurants have reduced-price menus on Thursdays & we are going to one of the fanciest in the area - Marsha Brown's. I have never been there. Here's the link for their Supper Menu - http://www.marshabrownrestaurant.com/pdf/suppermenu.pdf
    and here's the link for their Dessert Menu - http://www.marshabrownrestaurant.com...ssert_Menu.pdf
