40-Something December Chat!

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  • 2FatCats~my dad always says to take small shovelfulls, easier on the back and you can shovel longer...

    Olehcat~I'll probably cry when I get to 144, too... don't worry you'll get back on track, you've had great success, be proud of that, it's good to eat clean, too, I always feel better when I do

    Sheila~you're an inspiration! I'm trying to talk myself out of the treadmill, but you're getting me going, thanks! I'm off for the rest of the year, too!

    goodvibes MrsTryingAgain

    Keep pluggin' SeeMyFeet~since you mentioned dressing, I was out shopping today and happened upon a FashionBug, apparently they are going out of business, everything was 60%, 75% or 80% off, they had some nice things for pretty good prices, they said the whole chain is closing, so if there's one in your area you might want to check it out, you're doing great, let them have their looks!

    did some shopping today, I just parked and walked around, little crazy out there...lol
    best to all
  • Well it happened...nothing fits ....going out to dinner thank goodness I bought my stretchy wear....I feel a hey and bloated and I can cry at a drop of a pin....this is one hellish PMS that I'm having.....hope I can make good choices tonight.......
  • @zumba - I hear you -- I'm SOOO bloated right now. Blech, mostly feel flabby from no exercise for over 2 weeks!

    @MrsTryingAgain - *Crossing my toes and fingers*

    @sheila - whoo hoo! I'm done with 2012 as a work year, too! *toasts*

    @2fatcats - I'm SO the opposite. HATE SNOW!! We got a little last night along with howling winds. You can have whatever we get this year!

    So I'll be taking a media break for awhile over the holidays, so I will probably not be on the forums for a week or two. I just want to wish everyone a happy holidays and to keep up the good work!!!!
  • olehcat - WOO HOO!!! WE ARE DONE WORKING FOR 2012!!!!

    Zumba - think we are on the same cycle - I'm in SERIOUS PMS mode too!!! UH! Don't worry - two more weeks and we will be hitting it hard in 2013 !!!

    kelijpa - Do YOU girlfriend!! Seriously - it's only 30 minutes - and it makes you feel like you're still committed to yourself even if you indulge in extra calories over the holidays!!

    SeeMyFeet - Yup - been there with the "scanning" thing - the sad thing is that I don't even think they know they are doing it most of the time! UH!!! Just keep thinking about how it will feel when they "scan" you at your ideal weight!!!

    MrsTryingAgain - you are TOTALLY not a "B"!!! It is very unfortunate, but in the healthcare system, I have also found that you sometimes have to be assertive - nothing wrong with asking people to do their job. Just be sure to do it in a way that is assertive, forceful, confident, and polite - - it's the unpoliteness (which is difficult) that can backfire - and if necessary - ESCALATE - "I would like to speak to your supervisor please". I personally have emailed CEOs of very large companies (can figure out their email address on line) - when the "customer service call lines" failed me...one CEO (company to remain anonymous - but you would definitely know it - had an "executive resolution specialist" reach out to me and my problem was solved within 24 hours! YOU GO GIRL!!!!! And I will sincerely pray for your husband - and for you! Hang in there!

    Tonight was the staff gathering - - wine, appetizers - - CARBS....UH! But we had so much fun, and it was good - again, I felt okay about it because I did my 5K run this morning and I know I'm doing a 2 hour kickboxing class tomorrow morning. :-) I am fighting through these next two weeks!!! Definitely a different strategy - eat more....exercise more...LOL - it's really simple math right?

    Decidedly, despite the fact that I have completely binged tonight, and worse - I have serious PMS - I am stepping on the scale tomorrow morning - I think it will motivate me to get through the two hour kickboxing class....:-)

    Well, I'm going to put in a Christmas movie and relax! The roads here are covered with snow! White Christmas!!!! (In January/February I'll be complaining about this - - LOL)

    Hope everyone has a nice evening!
  • Okay, we turned in H's medical records and notes detailing what the dr. wants for him in the near future. Our new case worker faxed it all to the appropriate office while we were there! We may not hear til the 27th/28th, but at least it's d-o-n-e!!! We are both breathing somewhat calmer now. Sure, we have a wait but WE ARE MOVING FORWARD!
    It was a fair day health-wise. Eating was a little over, mostly cause I missed lunch & totally oinked at dinner. H2O? I'm behind on that...but I've got about 3 hrs to improve. No walk...just kind of spent running around getting the records, making extra copies of them & turning them in.
    So we still need good thoughts that things will progress in spite of the holidays...but at least we are this far! Soooo much farther than we were just yesterday.

    Sheila: Sounds like a plan to me! I know it's super, duper hard to stay on track food-wise during this time of year. Staying diligent on the exercise should really help! Go for it!!!
    As for me, I did have to go up the supervisoraly chain. It was basically #ELL. The first person I spoke with was awesome, but she had to try FOUR supervisors before SHE even got someone to talk to me! I felt bad for her. But this super wasn't super...instead of listening to my complaint & trying to fix it, she spent the whole time defending our case worker...the one who gave us wrong forms, delaying our process by 6 wks. I demanded a new case worker...and BAM! HE called us this morning with notes, questions & an attitude of "how can I help you?" In less than businss day, he had our paperwork in the hands necessary to expedite our case. I almost feel like he is a Christmas angel....

    olehcat: Have a very merry & blessed Christmas! We will miss you! Try & be healthy & stay on track. If you don't, don't stress it...we'll help you get back on it once you return!!

    zumba: Or maybe I should stay out of arm's reach? JUST KIDDING!!! I'm sorry your PMS is is being such a horrible pain. Been there, done that...glad to see menopause, just wish the moods swings & hot flashes weren't so um....unpredictable.

    seemyfeet: Glad you're feeling better. YES! I will wear my "B" proudly. Only because I'm a "B" with a reason...not just a "B" to be one. As for the "body scan"...I always remember to myself that I may be heavy, but I'm loosing weight. They WILL ALWAYS be superfiscial & thus pathetic!

    2fatcats: Enjoy the snow, but do be careful shoveling it. It can be very, very taxing on your body...as you found out. Hope you took a nice hot shower/bath, maybe had some hot tea/light cocoa & relaxed afterward! I love nice rewards like that!!

    Okay, everyone be healthy! If you traveling for the holidays, please do so safely! Be healthy, be happy & enjoy the remainder of 2012...after all the world didn't come to an
    end....go figure!
  • MrsTryingAgain - You ROCK girlfriend!! Just think of all the poor people who don't assert themselves...so sad!!!

    ....intervention needed - (I'm self coaching because this is not a chat...LOL) - I am RAVENOUS...found a banquet turkey pot pie in the freezer - 400 calories - 24 grams of FAT...put it in the microwave and it's DONE (microwave is beeping and I'm sitting here on the couch)...mind you, I only eat fish - NOT TURKEY - but I have been known to pick around the pieces...lol...do I really want 24 grams of fat going into my body right before BED?!? Who cares if I'm kickboxing for two hours in the morning (yep - I used that as justification before throwing the stupid thing in the microwave)....DECIDEDLY - I am throwing it DIRECTLY into the trash and finding another option!!!

    .....DONE. Self coaching complete. Now need to find a suitable alternative...even if it's a microwaved potato with tofu sour cream it's better than all that fat and hydrogenated oils!

    .......I'm working through the binge....(sigh)...still eating something, but I'm going to be CHOICEFUL about it!!!
  • pot pie in the trash - potato in a paper lunch bag in the microwave....will top it with some sea salt and tofu sour cream...my "chips and dip"...LOL

    .....very proud of myself for this one - this time last year I definitely would have ate the junk. Yes - this is a carb...but a MUCH better option!!!

    (sigh) - - will this EVER not be a lifetime battle?!? SHEESH!!!
  • Sorry to keep pulling you all through my binge drama - LOL - but I just ate the microwaved baked potato (fork it and put it in a paper lunch bag then fold to seal and microwave for 4-5mins) then topped with 1 Tbsp of "Tofutti" sour cream (health food store) and some sea salt - only FIVE grams of fat - and I feel full and satisfied!!!!

    WOO HOO!!! I did it!! pulled myself out of the bad binge abyss!!!! :-)
  • whoooooooooooot you go girl..i was also feeling cravings for something carby..would you believe some toast with lots of butter??...strange huh??..anyways i was reading through the low carb recipes here and found one for bread...who would have thought??..a bit high in fat but heck low in carbs...tis really easy...1/4 cup of almond meal..one egg...1 teaspoon of baking powder and 2 table spoons of butter.. mix well and put in a bread shaped glass dish...whack it in the oven for 1 minute and 20 seconds and wallah a bit of bread...i added some crushed garlic too...soooooooo yummy for a treat!!

    oh here is something funny to hopefully bring a smile to your dial!! for all you kitty lovers out there!

  • Sheila: When I bake a tato...I put fresh salsa on it! MMMMMmmmmm....

    Liz: Love the cartoon! It has cat-itude down pat. Mine won't even come to UNLESS I have food or her brush. Food = 100% guarantee. Brush = 75%. Oh, well...
  • Hi ladies! Just wanted you to know that I was here and did a bunch of reading. I had several chuckes and enjoyed catching up on what everyone has been up to. I will most likely be lurking sporadically the next two weeks. I'm on vacation now too and have a lot to do before Christmas and have a book I would love to cozy up and read.

    Happy holidays to everyone if I don't post again here for a bit.
  • Good morning ladies!

    You know, there's something to be learned from those "cats" - they are all about THEM! :-) Love the cartoon!

    Weighed in at 142 this morning - I'm maintaining despite the holiday eating and drinking. :-) I would LOVE to end the year in the 130s...but just not sure that is realistic - although I just started my TOM - so if I'm bloated it might be possible!

    Am sitting here in my living room with the Christmas tree lights on, fireplace lit, drinking coffee - need to leave for kickboxing in an hour - will clean up the clutter down here, drink an energy shake to fuel myself for a workout that will surpass any I've ever done in my lifetime - lol - I have NEVER intensely worked out for two hours straight - I know we are going to take a small break at the 1 hour mark - - I'm bringing three bottles of water with me...I have found myself "rationalizing" an excuse not to go - "I have so much to do for Christmas, the house needs cleaned, laundry needs done, I have to go grocery shopping"...yada yada yada....no excuses. I've been there, done that, and ended up 40 pounds heavier...NO THANK YOU!

    MrsTryingAgain - I forgot about the salsa! I used to do that too! Just put it on my grocery list. :-) I don't know if it's TOM, the holidays or what, but I have been carb starved...so I'm going to make a nice big pot of minestrone this afternoon - will use whole wheat macaroni and will buy some fat free saltines - - if I'm going to eat carbs, I may as well try to minimize the damage - - LOL....it's GREAT soup weather here!

    lizarddau - I honestly could sit down and eat a half a loaf of toasted bread with butter...completely understand THAT craving (in fact uh...I used to do that...literally would have 4 slices of buttered toast for breakfast in the morning)...love the recipe! I'll have to get the ingredients and give it a try! In the meantime, I'm going to pick up some Ezekiel bread (it's a sprouted grain bread) - just in case I get weak...oh and a couple avocados - I absolutely LOVE smashing a 1/2 avocado on toast, sprinkling it with sea salt and chowing down...LOVE IT! Again - not necessarily a weight loss strategy but healthy grains and fats...

    Well - I'm off to make another cup of coffee and drink my energy shake...wish me luck at Kickboxing! LOL
  • UNBELIEVABLE - I'm sitting here - lit the fireplace because it seemed unusually cold - turned the furnace up - - it's not working....REALLY?!? I went to the basement - no clue where the pilot light is...so I have a call into the service guys...(sigh)....so much for my kickboxing.

    Having said that - it's getting cold fast - - the gas fireplace is working so I can stay in the livingroom until the service guys call back (I left a message)....but given the fact that I am not going to be able to make the kickboxing class, I'm going to get ready (after my energy drink has a few minutes to digest), and run 5K on the treadmill. After that - I'll just sit in the livingroom and try to keep warm...MERRY CHRISTMAS.
  • Sorry Sheila! Google the pilot light, it is really easy to light it. -- Good luck!
  • Merry Christmas Sheila, sorry to hear about your furnace, it's snowing and cold here, I'm trying to work up the nerve to go outside, I have the gear, have to get the poor little dog out for a walk anyway and let the ducks out, they love cold weather, crazy things they are.

    I'll see how it is when I get out there, if I can I'm going to walk, don't want frostbite on the face though, it's pretty breezy, yeesh.

    Liz~cute cat-toon, that is why Santa doesn't use cats...lol your little bread thing sounds good, as does sheila's avocado mashed on toast, I love avocados.

    MrsT-A~congrats on the progress, wishing you and your hubby well!

    best to all