Alli - support for those taking alli.

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  • I began Alli on Tuesday, June 26 and have just now found this forum. I've dealt with a lot of slack from my friends for taking Alli since I'm not technically obese, but I'm desperate to lose about 15 pounds. It seems that no matter how much I exercise and watch what I eat, nothing works to slim down my thighs and badonkadonk butt. I live in Charleston, SC about 10 minutes from the beach, and for once I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit and maybe get a little more confidence from it all.

    I haven't experienced any of the adverse effects that are listed with the pills. I've always had issues with umm...err...constipation and often take probiotics to help...umm...err...eliminate. Does anyone know if probiotics are still okay to use while on Alli?
  • Quote: I put in the registration code and halfway through registering the site said it was having problems and to try again later.

    Now it's telling me the code has already been used and try again. But i can't access any of the online tools w/out registering!!! Plus, their customer support is only open M-F 9-5pm.
    Try clearing your cache/cookies on your internet browser and then going back to the site and signing in. I had the same problem and doing those steps worked for me.

    On a side note ladies a TMI FYI: be careful when eating anything with sorbitol or malitol in it. Those sugar alcohols can cause a person to have loose BMs on a regular day(like in sugar free fudgsicles). I'm betting they would NOT be a pretty combo when taking alli. Even if you normally have a high threshhold before you get side effcts from the sweeteners, I wouldn't push it with alli. Just eat cautiously
  • Well I am 1 week in and had my "check-in" on the Alli website. I didnt lose, well I did, but then it came back...I had lost 2lbs within the first 3-4 days, then when I weighed in today I was right where I started, but I think it is water retention! I feel PUFFY!!! I am sure within a day or so I will show a pretty good loss for last week, well at least 2
    So here is to another week!!!
    Good luck all
  • I'm starting my 2nd week, I feel great. My weight in is thursday.
  • today is my first week on alli. I gained 3 pounds @_@
    But my TOM is just around the corner, so I think it might be that. *Crosses fingers*
  • Wow... everyone is doing GREAT! My tom showed up this weekend and I am really really bloated... so I put off my official weigh in. The scale said that I am up 2lbs from my lowest point. weight can fluctuate by 5 pounds when tom is here!

    I am going camping in three weeks too...and I have been really struggling with what to do. I asked dh if he thought I should take the pills, we will be camping at a "primitive campground" no toilets...only out houses! Ugh! But Like the rest of you... I don't want to quit taking the pills go camping and come back with an extra 5lbs to lose!

    I need to learn how to behave all the time...not just when I want to. So I think I will continue my alli regimen... cross my fingers... and take a porta potti in case of emergency!

    It is so great to hear how everyone is doing! Keep it up!
  • My favorite dessert
    Now that it's summer time, my favorite cool off dessert (not ice cream!) is an italian ice. They have 0 fat grams. It's a nice treat on a hot day - or if you're craving something sweet. And don't mind getting red lips and a tongue if you eat the cherry!

    It's fun being on alli. It's made me more imaginative when thinking about food instead of the same ol burgers and fries. Alli has strengthened my will power too when sweets or high fat foods are in front of me. It makes me think of the "after I eat it" - running to the bathroom.

    I can't say it enough - I **love** seeing those little orange oil spills!
  • Quote: Try clearing your cache/cookies on your internet browser and then going back to the site and signing in. I had the same problem and doing those steps worked for me.
    No such luck. No reponse from their customer service either.
  • HI all - glad everyone is doing so well. I still keep going back and forth. I have changed my diet over the last few days to eat more of what I think I would eat if I was taking Alli. My diet was mostly protein and very low carb with a good smattering of healty fats. I have added a bit more carbs and decreased the fat and I have dropped a couple of pounds. I also changed up my workouts using Jillian Michaels book Maiking the Cut. I am still tempted to give it a try and may pick them up today at Walmart. Will keep you all posted and hope you all have a TE free day! Suzyq
  • I have not had one orange oil spill.I am on day 4.Do you think I am doing something wrong?
  • Fitbyforty: I have been on for one week, and haven't had any TE's of any kind. I think we are doing it EXACTLY right. Eating well, staying under the fat grams (but not too far under, so that we get the benefit!). That's the whole thing - if you do it right, and follow the plan, you shouldn't experience anything unpleasant. Good luck.
  • You sound like me....I am on day 3 and no orange spill. I am eating low fat to begin with because I do WW Points. I am wondering if this will work on me because of the low fat I am already eating. I normally do not eat more than 7-9 gms of fat per meal.
  • I have been on Alli for almost two weeks. No TE or any oily orange things. I have definitely lost weight and inches. I thought I was eating pretty low fat, but was surprised at some foods when I started using I know my portion sizes were off too. So between Alli and I am being more conscious about my choices and portion sizes. I have notice in some of the previous posts that many people are making better choices even when they forget their pills at home or didn't take one. Since I wasn't born with willpower I am willing to purchase it in this little pill. For me it is working. Keep up the good work everyone!!! I can't wait to change my tracker on Thursday!
  • hi all
    I have been reading this forum for a while now. I have been on Alli for a week and half I noticing majour weightloss.. I am not 100% careful in what i eat but I know its much smaller portions. I have not had any real TE (one time I saw them orange oil blobs.. I was like WOOOWW)... not gasy or anything like that. I exercise at least 4 or 5 days a week (I do a 45 min spin class or hop on the pre-core for like a half hour or so). I am at 255 lbs so I have a LOT to loose. I do have a question though.. and I may be very guilty for my own actions... but.. I LOVE watermelon.. when I say I LOVE.. I mean.. I REALLY REALLY LOVE WATERMELON.. and fruit in general..... now I know its good to have fruit.. but... could you have too much fruit.. I could eat a whole watermelon ALL BY MYSELF in like 1 day if I am home.. or 2 days while I am at work.. I also eat lots of other fruit.. cherries... nectarins.. peaches.. all that beautiful summer fruit. Now.. even know those things don't have fat.. they have TONS OF CALORIES.. I looked it up on fitday.. and a watermelon could have up to 2000 calories!.. so my question is.... is fruit is what making me not loosing weight as fast as others...???

    Thanks all

    P.S I don't JUST eat fruit.. I have a normal breakky /lunch dinner and snaks.. the fruit is something extra....
  • Wow, I lost a total of TEN pounds since my first day (last Tuesday). TEN POUNDS. If you look at my FitDay on Sunday, there is no justification for this....... my hubby's work cookout had all these food items that the whole family enjoys, and of course, I went way over on that day.

    I will say, I have played tennis twice this week, as well as tried out the new 3 lb hula hoop I ordered yesterday for about 15 minutes, so maybe different exercises have been helping out a bit. Ten pounds? After what I ate on Sunday?