JANUARY-2010 Thread

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  • Quote: Someone help me understand.....We are on a calorie restictive diet, so we should lose regardless if we have a small "cheat" or not...correct?? Then the MRC center talks about being in the "fat burning" mode and if we take a bit of something off program then we won't lose. Why not, if our calories are low?? Not that I am thinking of cheating, just trying to understand.
    The program is not simply calorie-restrictive. It's low-fat, low-carb, low-sodium AND low-cal. And the little cheats may make you gain some because you may retain water, the sugar may make your blood sugar spike, etc. Now I personally think they overdo the "3 day fat burning thing" a bit. If you maintain the low-cal over time, of course you're going to lose. And everyone has plateaus and periods of losing. If you just hang in there, all will be well.

    It's learning a lifestyle that you can live with long-term -- and that's the really hard part!!
  • Quote: The program is not simply calorie-restrictive. It's low-fat, low-carb, low-sodium AND low-cal. And the little cheats may make you gain some because you may retain water, the sugar may make your blood sugar spike, etc. Now I personally think they overdo the "3 day fat burning thing" a bit. If you maintain the low-cal over time, of course you're going to lose. And everyone has plateaus and periods of losing. If you just hang in there, all will be well.

    It's learning a lifestyle that you can live with long-term -- and that's the really hard part!!
    Yes, it is the "learning lifesyle". I am using 1% milk in my caffinated coffee. That's my cheat. I figure once I go back to "my lifestyle" of regular eating, I will be having coffee with a little cream. Every once in a while, I have more veggies that we are supposed to have, or my apple is bigger than small. I also seem to use a lot of "Pam" or several more "squirts" of ICBINB. Also, since I am confessing, I have found a flat bread that is 60 calories instead of the 40 calories and I just use that for variety. Those are my cheats. I check for fat, sodium. I just don't feel like that should be stopping my weight loss.
  • The wait (plateau) is over! I'm down a total of 14 pounds today.

    I had oral surgery yesterday, so I'll be trying to stay on plan while eating soft foods.

    The supplement saga continues...still have hives & now I'm getting little hot red dots on my face. the surgeon noticed yesterday (he does my botox) and told me to quit taking all the supplements including my multivitamin until it clears up. So now there may be three culprits: MRC-6: shellfish allergen, All Day Weight Loss: B-6 overdose, Vitamin + the other two: Niacin flush! I never had any of these problems the first time I did MRC. It's so frustrating.
  • I'm with Deb. I too, think they overdo the 3 day to fat loss thing. Thats BS. It might take 3 days for you to be in "optimum losing zone" or whatever, but believe me, I weigh enough that if I eat mostly on plan, I'm gonna lose. My cheats aren't every day things. During the holiday season, there were a couple days where I'd have 1 cookie or some dough while I was baking. I'd still show a 3lb loss when I weighed in.

    I don't think you have to be perfect to lose weight, but I do think it'll help. The object right now is to eat as close to perfectly as you can to get the weight off. Stabilization is for getting the plan to match a real life situation where you can eat like a normal person.

    I'm not gonna say I don't cheat, because I do, but I really really really try not to eat things that aren't on plan. This costs too much money to cheat all the time...in my opinion.
  • I'm not sure that I agree with that, well in my case I weight 218lbs just started the program Sunday and monday lost 1.5 and wednesday gained 1lb so total lost in almost 6 days is .5 lb and Ive stuck 100 to the program. I did start my period but I'm taking b6 so I'm not sure if that is totally true. I'm having second thoughts about doing this program because I could lost more then .5 a week doing something else and not invested all the money.
  • Hello all! I am just starting back to the program. I did it from March -July last year and lost almost 40 libs. I did SOOO good and felt great. THEN i went to Florida with my family, and well.. just blew it from then to now. I gained back 27 of that 40. BUT I am coming back into the family and really need all the support I can get..
    I started pre-cond on Tues and will begin beige menu tomorrow.
    WISH ME LUCK! I LOVE the program,, I was totally at fault.. NOT THIS TIME!
  • Quote: I'm not sure that I agree with that, well in my case I weight 218lbs just started the program Sunday and monday lost 1.5 and wednesday gained 1lb so total lost in almost 6 days is .5 lb and Ive stuck 100 to the program. I did start my period but I'm taking b6 so I'm not sure if that is totally true. I'm having second thoughts about doing this program because I could lost more then .5 a week doing something else and not invested all the money.
    Jenny, hang in there. Give it atleast a week or two after your period is over before you give up. If you are following 100%, then your results will show. Please hang in there!!
  • Quote: Hello all! I am just starting back to the program. I did it from March -July last year and lost almost 40 libs. I did SOOO good and felt great. THEN i went to Florida with my family, and well.. just blew it from then to now. I gained back 27 of that 40. BUT I am coming back into the family and really need all the support I can get..
    I started pre-cond on Tues and will begin beige menu tomorrow.
    WISH ME LUCK! I LOVE the program,, I was totally at fault.. NOT THIS TIME!
    Good Luck Janet!! You can do it. This is my second time around too! However I ended up gaining all my weight back plus 9 lbs.! I proud of you for getting ahold of yourself before you gained it all back. The one thing that is keeping me focused is remembering how Great I felt the 1st time around. And realizing that all the junk I have been eating makes me feel horrible!
  • I haven't been on here in quite awhile but I thought I would post something. I went to WI on Wed and am down a total of 14 pounds! I was scared this week because I was PMSing and worried that I would retain water which would make me have a 1/2 pound gain like last month. So I watched my sodium and it worked! I had losses both WI days this week. Woo hoo. I'm totally excited. My jeans have been really loose around the waist but now they're starting to get baggy in other places too. Darn, might have to go a size down in a few pounds.

    I'm loving this plan. This is the first thing that has truly worked for me and it hasn't been very difficult at all. I'm really liking how I'm sort of forced to try things I wouldn't normally have, like roasted cauliflower, so that I don't have to eat salads all the time. I would've never given that a try before. I love the fact that I like these things so I'll be more likely to continue eating that way when I've finished with MRC. Only 51 pounds left to go!
  • Quote: Good Luck Janet!! You can do it. This is my second time around too! However I ended up gaining all my weight back plus 9 lbs.! I proud of you for getting ahold of yourself before you gained it all back. The one thing that is keeping me focused is remembering how Great I felt the 1st time around. And realizing that all the junk I have been eating makes me feel horrible!
    thank u!! I don't have a center near me and have to do it all thru email and phone so u guys are all the support I have!
  • I just wanted to say that I don't use any of MRC's vitamins. I go to GNC and get my Omegs and their multi vitamins as well. They suggest you drink 4 HNS per day. I just can't afford that, and do drink 2 per day instead. Instead of their HNS I drink 100 calorie Muscle Milk Light that you can get at SAM'S Club. Their really yummy and take care of any sweet tooth you might have. They have 15 grams of protein just like the HNS!!!!!
    Is there anyone that lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas that is doing the program? I'm going to start working out on Monday and would love a buddy!!
  • Is there anyone in the Fayetteville, Arkansas area that would like to start working out??
  • It happens
    Don't beat yourself up, I did the same thing!! I joined November 6th and before Christmas was down 9 pounds and then I bombed it!! I not only gained the 9 pounds back but even more!! Now, I'm down 8 pounds and am going to stay on the program!! I'm going to start working out on Monday. Life is a roller coaster we just have to take it in stride!!!!!
  • Jenny, Go in to the center and ask them to run your numbers on the Tanita scale again and check your water weight. Then you'll know if you're retaining water. I agree with giving it a couple weeks too. If you don't lose now, you'll lose soon. Keep checking in...we'll try to keep encouraging you
  • Justed did my WI 2lb loss!! Total of 6lbs so far since Tuesday! I'm loving my 1st week back on plan!!