30 Somethings Daily Chat

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  • It sounds like you have some wonderful dogs, good for you for rescuing Zoey! How sweet When we had our last dog, a Keeshond, our neighbor took him to nursing homes to work as a therapy dog. When I have been a patient at hospitals before and seen therapy dogs and other animals, they have been so wonderful.

    Taking a day off is probably a good thing, rest is important. I am about to take a nap.

    I had fun with my friend, and we went to a different restaurant than we had planned but it was fun and my lunch was somewhat healthy.

    Have a good time at work.
  • I have always wanted to do pet therapy with Sophie! She would make a great therapy dog. If I ever have time. Working 3-11 sucks up my days..
    Glad you had fun with your friends.... I weighed myself again today... just for the heck of it.... down to 200.2... almost ready to leave the 200's in the dust. cant wait!
  • Congrats on almost being out of the 200s! That is wonderful! I really want to and have to lose weight for my health. I will feel so much better doing that. Losing weight is a battle I have been fighting for years. I look forward to taking some more walks this week and perhaps swimming indoors too.

    I bet the pet therapy would be rewarding for both of you, if you ever had the time.

    Have a nice evening! I leave tomorrow from my family's and I really don't want to go. I never like leaving.

    Take care...
  • Hello All
    Hello All! Just wanted to introduce myself -- I am new to 3fc's & started on the Ideal Protein Diet November 2012 (1 week before T-Giving...not a great idea) & lost 16 lbs between T-giving & Christmas. I've had a bit of a hard time getting back into the groove of things as I've felt I've tried every diet known to man - WW, SouthBeach, Paleo, Juicing - you name it, I've tried it!!
    It was much easier in my 20's to lose the weight (which I did about 10yrs ago), but as I've grown to the ripe old age of 34 things aren't so easy anymore!!

    Hope to make some new friends in this journey of mine!!
  • Hey Kmorin! Welcome to the daily chat and 3FC! Congrats on the 16 lb weight loss so far! How does the IP diet work for ya? I'm a calorie counter myself. I combine that with seeing a personal trainer twice a week, and working out on my own as a supplement. I'm thinking of starting the couch to 5 k program because I'd love to be able to run a 5k this fall. I might be walking one next weekend. I just think running a whole race would feel like such an accomplishment even if I was the slowest runner there! haha
    We seem to be fairly close in weigh. Your 7 pounds ahead of me go you! and are working towards the same weight. Hopefully we can help motivate each other!
  • Hi kmorin- welcome! Congrats on the weight loss, that is awesome!

    I am turning in for the night, had a great weekend but I have to head back home tomorrow which makes me a little sad. On another note, I am corresponding with a guy from ok Cupid who seems very nice, he said I have a cute face, and gave me his # I am excited but nervous.

    Well, I am going to bed. Take care!
  • Hiya,
    Sorry for my absence, life gets in the way of intentions sometimes hehe

    Skinnygirl: awesome about the 5k

    Seabiscuit : sounds like things are picking up for you again. Catching up with friends is always good, especially it can be relatively healthy too! Exciting about the new potential guy! Look forward to hearing more about him (and any others)

    Kmorin : welcome to 3FC!!

    I have been celebrating my birthday... for a week! It's been great... but yeah... not so much for my diet!

    I am getting to the crunch time where I really need to start losing weight and properly training or I am not going to survive my cycling races in June and September... so am talking to a new guy about writing me a training program and hopefully will get re-motivated.

    On the plus side, the weather has turned and is now suddenly getting warm! So that should help my motivation too!

    Mr. Rock Climber... well things still seem to be going in the right direction... but at a speed that is so slow it is inperceptable to the human eye lol He travels so much its rediculous. Supposed to be seeing him tomorrow night... but who knows if that will actually happen.

    Have a great day all!
  • Kiz! I've been waiting for your return! Lol I've been curious about how things are going with Mr. Rock climber. Hahaha! Glad things seem to be going well traveling for a job would be awesome but not fun for starting a relationship.

    Yea I'm not 100 percent sure about the 5k this weekend. It is suppose to rain but at the very least I think I am going to start the c25k program.

    It's starting to warm a little here in Illinois... Hit 50 today of course it also rained all day so I'm not too sad about spending the evening working!

    Well off to bed tomorrow is my day off but I want to get up fairly early to enjoy breakfast and a cup of coffee before my personal training season.

    Good luck on getting a new plan for your cycling races. And happy birthday! Everyone deserves to go off plan at least a little on their birthday week ill eagerly await your update on mr. Rock climber!
  • Hey Kiz!

    Great to hear from you again! It sounds like you are doing well, which is great!
    I will definitely keep you posted about this guy, thanks for caring so much.

    I am going back to bed, good night.
  • skinnygirldreams - thanks so much! IP is good, but I crave fruit & dairy & have made the decision to shift to the WonderSlim program. Very similar, however allows fruit/dairy. I too hope we can motivate each other! The city in which I use to work sponsored a 5K walk/run every year & I participated twice & what a great feeling!!

    seabiscuit - thanks & I hope you got a good nights sleep! These time changes lately throw me for a loop!! I got up this morning all bright eyed & bushy tailed & it felt early enough...but no - it was 10 o'clock! I guess having a rotating schedule doesn't help either!
  • So I did my 30 min session with my personal trainer this morning.. Here I am chugging along with the work out just raring to go when all the sudden she says "we'll 30 mins in done" I was so shocked that it flew by so quick. I wanted to stay and keep working out but I have my nephew for an over night today and he didn't want me to be gone for too long (left him with my bf). I totally sweat my butt off though. What a great feeling! I told Tanya (my trainer) about wanting to lose 20 lbs before my cousins wedding may 18th (leaving that night after the wedding for Florida).she said it was totally doable. ::excited:: well time to jump in the shower Sean and I are taking Aiden bowling
  • Hey Kmorin-

    Yeah the time schedule threw me for a little bit of a loop too. I love fruit and dairy, that would be hard for me to give up. They are healthy for you too, if you choose the right kind of dairy! I hope you are having a good day.

    Hey Skinnygirldreams-

    That is great that you had another good workout with your trainer and that she thinks your weight loss goal is doable, awesome! It sounds like you really click with her and that is so important.

    I just got home, I was away visiting family. I am a bit sad to be home because I don't really like where I live here in what I call "suburbia" - I want to move to NYC to be with my family. I am looking into moving there because I am unhappy here. I also am still upset about the break-up with my 'ex-boyfriend,' not to sound like a broken record, it's just so hard for me to deal with, even though I think I am coping with it better than before. Sigh, I am tired and just got back from a two and a half hour bus trip so I think I'll lay down even though I just ate some potato salad which I definitely did NOT need, I did want it though.

    Talk to y'all later...
  • Hey Seabiscuit- Tanya and I do seem to have a pretty good relationship. I think it is because we around the same age and have similar relationship dynamics. I was quite excited when she agreed with my doable short term goal.
    I haven't been to NYC since I was a kid my mom worked out of JFK for a couple years about 5 yrs ago but now is out of Boston. She is a flight attendant.

    I hope the break up pain is lessening a little more each day.keep your chin up!
  • Hey skinnygirldreams-

    Thanks for your kind words about the break-up. It is getting better, thanks, it is just difficult at times.

    That's neat that your Mom is a flight attendant. I always thought that would be an interesting job but it must be a bit unnerving nowadays.

    I am so tired, I am not sure why, maybe just from the bus trip but I was tired yesterday too. I don't like being so fatigued.

    take care...
  • Feel better Seabiscuit!
    It's official... We are doing the 5k Saturday! He says he is going to walk it with me and the next one he will run it since he hasn't run but a handful of times through the winter... I think he is just humoring me but that's ok I'm excited probably going to be cold though haha
    My mom loves being a flight attendant she has been doing it for 8 years now I think. It's great for my parents my dad will fly with her sometimes just for fun if she has a day or two layover somewhere