New Year Fresh Start ~ January Daily Weigh-In Thread

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  • December 2012: 246
    January WI:

    02: TOM
    03: 243.2 - TOM
    04: 244.2 - TOM
    05: 242.8
    06: 241.8
    07: 242
    08: 242.6 (pizza with the boys last night )
    09: 243.6 (going the wrong direction)
    10: 246.6 (Sodium)
    11: 243.8
    12: 241.6
    13: 241.8
    14: 240.4
    15: 239.2
    16: 237.6
    17: 239.2
    18: 237.4
    19: 236.8
    20: 236.6
    21: 234.8
    22: 235.8 (sodium & TOM)
    23: 235.6 (TOM)
    24: 235.6 (TOM)
    25: 235.2 (TOM)
    26: 235.6 (TOM)

    Ugh!!!! I think I may have a super low carb/high protein day and see if that moves the scale in the correct direction.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • SW: 284.8
    GW: 274.8

    1/13/13 EDIT: 2nd GW: 269.8 (5%!!!)
    1/20/13 EDIT: 3rd GW: 264.8

    BOLD = Official Weigh-In Days

    01: 284.8
    02: 282.0
    03: 281.8
    04: 279.8
    05: 279.4
    06: 278.0 (-6.8)
    07: 278.2
    08: 278.2
    09: 278.6
    10: 278.0
    11: 277.2
    12: 276.2
    13: 274.6 (-3.4)
    14: 274.6
    15: 273.6
    16: 272.4
    17: 272.6
    18: 274.0 Expected... Dinner out w/friends AND no workout... UGH...
    19: 270.4
    20: 269.2 (-5.4)
    21: 270.0
    22: 268.6
    23: 267.0
    24: 266.2
    25: 268.0 (Binge on salty foods last night... wonder how long it will take to get back down...)
    26: 268.0 (-16.8)
  • Onederland I have you back in my sights

    03: 220.4
    05: 220.0
    06: 219.8
    07: 219.0
    08: 218.4
    10: 217.2
    12: 216.0
    13: 215.4
    14: 216.0
    15: 215.6
    16: 214.6
    17: 215.2
    18: 213.8
    19: 214.0
    20: 213.0
    21: 212.4
    22: 212.2
    23: 213.0
    24: 212.0
    25: 211.0
    26: 211.8
    27: 210.4
  • Whoa thnkthin! So close!!

    27: 228.6 much better than expected considering we ate out, but my son and I split a meal
    And he actually ate more than I did and the baby ate most of my rice.
  • December 2012: 246
    January WI:

    02: TOM
    03: 243.2 - TOM
    04: 244.2 - TOM
    05: 242.8
    06: 241.8
    07: 242
    08: 242.6 (pizza with the boys last night )
    09: 243.6 (going the wrong direction)
    10: 246.6 (Sodium)
    11: 243.8
    12: 241.6
    13: 241.8
    14: 240.4
    15: 239.2
    16: 237.6
    17: 239.2
    18: 237.4
    19: 236.8
    20: 236.6
    21: 234.8
    22: 235.8 (sodium & TOM)
    23: 235.6 (TOM)
    24: 235.6 (TOM)
    25: 235.2 (TOM)
    26: 235.6 (TOM)
    27: 233.6

    I had 41 grams of carbs and 92 grams of protein yesterday. I am not sure what the net carbs of those 41 would be because my tracker only gives me the overall carbs (I could figure it out, but don't have time - am already running late for church). I was hoping to get more protein than that yesterday, but with being gone all day it just didn't happen.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • I didn't eat enough calories yesterday- not even by a long shot. I should have been tracking as I went along. By the time I was going to bed, I felt really light headed, but don't worry, ladies. DH and I are going out today and I will get plenty of calories in!

    I don't trust my scale entirely. I think I will get a new one on Friday. It tells me a lot of different numbers and appears to be about 2 pounds or so lighter then the one at the center. So I think I'm still down today. I'm still in ketosis though, so that's exciting! I kind of tested my limits yesterday by having a small bit of chocolate, a few crackers and a few cups of popcorn. More carbs then I've had in a while.
  • SW: 284.8
    GW: 274.8

    1/13/13 EDIT: 2nd GW: 269.8 (5%!!!)
    1/20/13 EDIT: 3rd GW: 264.8

    BOLD = Official Weigh-In Days

    01: 284.8
    02: 282.0
    03: 281.8
    04: 279.8
    05: 279.4
    06: 278.0 (-6.8)
    07: 278.2
    08: 278.2
    09: 278.6
    10: 278.0
    11: 277.2
    12: 276.2
    13: 274.6 (-3.4)
    14: 274.6
    15: 273.6
    16: 272.4
    17: 272.6
    18: 274.0 Expected... Dinner out w/friends AND no workout... UGH...
    19: 270.4
    20: 269.2 (-5.4)
    21: 270.0
    22: 268.6
    23: 267.0
    24: 266.2
    25: 268.0 (Binge on salty foods last night... wonder how long it will take to get back down...)
    26: 268.0
    27: 266.2 (-3.0)(-16.8)
  • 281.8lbs.
    Been MIA for awhile. Don't think I'll make 275 by Feb1. I keep falling off the wagon and am having a hard time climbing back on.
  • Onederland, you're getting closer

    03: 220.4
    05: 220.0
    06: 219.8
    07: 219.0
    08: 218.4
    10: 217.2
    12: 216.0
    13: 215.4
    14: 216.0
    15: 215.6
    16: 214.6
    17: 215.2
    18: 213.8
    19: 214.0
    20: 213.0
    21: 212.4
    22: 212.2
    23: 213.0
    24: 212.0
    25: 211.0
    26: 211.8
    27: 210.4
    28: 209.4
  • Up .6 today to 234.2. Super frustrating when I know I did great on calories and activity yesterday. I had a new member's class at church and they provided lunch - I stayed well within my allotted calories and stayed away from the potatoes, bread and desserts. I am sure the issue was sodium. Also, I don't drink as much water as I should on the weekends. I did pretty good Saturday, but not as good yesterday.

    We'll see what today brings. Have a great day!
  • I don't know what my scale is doing. It shows me a lighter weight then the center- and at times it varies quite a bit even in the morning. Pay day is Friday and I want a new scale.

    People seem to LOVE this one-


    It will be a test in patience though...I wont want to wait for it.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    06: 242.4
    07: 238.8
    08: 241.4
    09: 239
    10: 238.4
    11: 237.4
    12: 237.4
    13: 238.4 High calorie day yesterday, which included higher sodium. Flushing it out!
    14: 235.8
    15: 234
    16: 232.8
    17: 232.2 starting to slow down, sad day. Up on and off with sick baby last night and had a diet coke while out and about yesterday, struggled with sugar cravings all day yesterday, need to flush that out.
    18: 228.6
    19: 230
    20: 229 - also, TOM, I think, it's always a guessing game if it's really here or just e'fn with me :S high stress day yesterday, not enough water or food. Didn't reach for fast food, junk food, soda or chocolate
    21: 229 it's official!! And an official weigh in day, so I get to move my tickers! Somehow, I only came in at 954 calories yesterday and I was pretty stuffed. YAY red cabbage with a small drizzle of balsalmic vinegar!! It's truly become my go to staple
    22: 229 - not eating enough, need to make sure I'm getting enough fats
    23: 231.4 um..wrong way!!!
    24: 229 STILL no TOM, yes I pee'd on a stick, negative. May do it again in the am, pleasepleasepleasePLEASE let it be no!
    25: 228.2 Finally going the other way! Can't wait to see it Monday, I'm -hoping- for 225
    28: 229 ug. really?!
  • 28: 250.6 (-4.0) It is ABOUT time!!!
  • SW: 284.8
    GW: 274.8

    1/13/13 EDIT: 2nd GW: 269.8 (5%!!!)
    1/20/13 EDIT: 3rd GW: 264.8

    BOLD = Official Weigh-In Days

    01: 284.8
    02: 282.0
    03: 281.8
    04: 279.8
    05: 279.4
    06: 278.0 (-6.8)
    07: 278.2
    08: 278.2
    09: 278.6
    10: 278.0
    11: 277.2
    12: 276.2
    13: 274.6 (-3.4)
    14: 274.6
    15: 273.6
    16: 272.4
    17: 272.6
    18: 274.0 Expected... Dinner out w/friends AND no workout... UGH...
    19: 270.4
    20: 269.2 (-5.4)
    21: 270.0
    22: 268.6
    23: 267.0
    24: 266.2
    25: 268.0 (Binge on salty foods last night... wonder how long it will take to get back down...)
    26: 268.0
    27: 266.2 (-3.0)
    28: 266.2 (-18.6)
  • 01:
    06: 242.4
    07: 238.8
    08: 241.4
    09: 239
    10: 238.4
    11: 237.4
    12: 237.4
    13: 238.4 High calorie day yesterday, which included higher sodium. Flushing it out!
    14: 235.8
    15: 234
    16: 232.8
    17: 232.2 starting to slow down, sad day. Up on and off with sick baby last night and had a diet coke while out and about yesterday, struggled with sugar cravings all day yesterday, need to flush that out.
    18: 228.6
    19: 230
    20: 229 - also, TOM, I think, it's always a guessing game if it's really here or just e'fn with me :S high stress day yesterday, not enough water or food. Didn't reach for fast food, junk food, soda or chocolate
    21: 229 it's official!! And an official weigh in day, so I get to move my tickers! Somehow, I only came in at 954 calories yesterday and I was pretty stuffed. YAY red cabbage with a small drizzle of balsalmic vinegar!! It's truly become my go to staple
    22: 229 - not eating enough, need to make sure I'm getting enough fats
    23: 231.4 um..wrong way!!!
    24: 229 STILL no TOM, yes I pee'd on a stick, negative. May do it again in the am, pleasepleasepleasePLEASE let it be no!
    25: 228.2 Finally going the other way! Can't wait to see it Monday, I'm -hoping- for 225
    28: 229 ug. really?!
    29: 227.8 finally end of TOM!!! and a nice whoosh!