Regainers Relosing. Get it off AGAIN! - Part 3!

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  • Hi everyone! I know this thread has been up and running for a while, but I'd like to jump in here as a newbie. This thread fits me sooo well. I had lost it all and then gained it ALL back. I'm so embarrassed and disappointed in myself. But beating myself up wont' get the weight back off so here I am! I'm hoping to stick around and get to know all you wonderful ladies (and gents if there are any here lol).

  • Cita, the one thing I have done that helps with the exercise is to listen to audio books while I am walking or whatever. Of course, there are some exercises where that wouldn't work. I think some people listen to music, but that isn't distracting enough for me. I totally don't want to know that I am exercising. LOL!

    It is very hot again this morning. I slept later than I usually do, but I did make it outside and do ten more laps of my driveway. It is so much harder now that I am older. It's going to take a while to get back in shape. However, I am very proud of myself for getting out there.
  • Hello everyone! Im hanging in there i Im at 230 today which is 13lbs away from my lowest.
  • Our Bible Study program was nice and the luncheon was yummy! Nice to see everyone and catch up.

    Angela, jump on in! Very true, being angry won't help.

    Matilda, welcome, glad to have you join us.

    Calluna, good question! Wave vs snap

    Cita, I'm not on Paleo but I'm not much of a breakfast person. I've discovered that I can have a glass of milk and/or fruit which tides me over for a few hours until more of a brunch, when I'm happier about eating. Maybe something similar would work for you,.

    Dgramie, Here in TN, its raining and our heat index is even below the 90's. Feels much better outside, but I'm still hibernating in the AC

    Gail, your dinner sounds interesting.
  • I am down a pound and then I messed it all up by eating a huge amount of ice cream with my kids. So much I do not even know how many calories to estimate. I am just going to have fruit for dinner and hopefully I can get over the damage tomorrow.

    I hate exercise too. I always say I will do it and I never do. No willpower.

    I have noticed that my sides feel thinner and my husband mentioned it today too. Isn't that great. What a nice thing to happen today. Other than the ice cream incident. Today has been great.

    100's for the next few days then down to the 90's for the weekend. All the grass is brown but the bright side is there is no mowing. I have upped the watering but I am scared of the bill. I didn't put a garden in just for the fear of the watering bill.

    Well have a great day. Funky
  • Hi everyone

    It's busy busy here and I'm just popping in to say hi. No movement at the scale for going on 3 weeks. but I was in a group picture today and for the first time in many years I did not want to tear it up. Small victories, but a victory none the less.

    Welcome to the newbies and congrats to all those staying OP despite all the challenges of life.
  • Good morning, everyone!

    Finally hopped on the scale this morning...looks like I've lost 4 lbs. so far this reset. I'm feeling good about that, but I know I'll never keep that level of loss going for too long.

    It's going to be a busy day at work today. Hoping that keeps me distracted from the treats in the breakroom...
  • Good morning!

    I was officially at 242.8 this morning which puts me up one pound for the week. I am ok with this, considering the total meltdown/binge of Sunday & Monday. I am happy with putting together two on-plan days in a row and trying to take it one day at a time.
  • Yesterday evening I did Jessica Smith's Barefoot walk off her website. I was able to do it in the cramped office, yay, but has to stop following the arm movements when I smacked a lamp and the shade went flying.

    I decided to switch to my 'summer' schedule of 30min cardio and 30min weights every day either together or split morning and evening. I did miles 1& 2 from Leslies's 4RBM and Firm's Sculpted Hips, Butt, and Thighs with Tracie.
  • Hi friends... checking in. Food has been so, so. I did manage to lose some of the weight I put back on. I also hurt my knee somehow. This is discouraging. So I am doing RICE. If it's not better in a couple of days, I"ll check in with the doctor.

    Take care now.
  • Hi ladies! Everyone is staying so positive despite the many obstacles we face and that's great! Good job everyone!

    I'm heading to Chicago tomorrow with my two girls and my sister. The Taste of Chicago has started but I'll try to stay far away LOL. My oldest daughter is turning 6 so I'll be taking the girls to Navy Pier. That should be fun. I'm brining my computer and a workout DVD to do what I can in the hotel. I don't want to miss a scheduled workout!
  • Quote:
    I'm bringing my computer and a workout DVD to do what I can in the hotel. I don't want to miss a scheduled workout!
    Welcome, ANGIE ~ wow, now that's dedication; have a fun trip ...

    Patch ~ I watched Jessica's video; it is fun & light. I could do the arm movements ...

    I tried to post earlier but it didn't work so am trying again ... let's see if this works!

    BEVERLYJOY ~ hope your knee feels better soon; is it me, or are you hurting yourself a lot lately. Are you overdoing it, like me? I strained my lower back today pruning my Peony bushes this AM, so I will be resting for the remainder of the week. What a pair we are ...

    CONGRATS ~ to those who are losing lbs & inches; and to the rest, just keep at it ... our temps didn't get as high as they said (83F) and we have a nice breeze out there too. We just had a wee sprinkle of -- we'll take it. I hope the weather stays this way through the weekend. Let's all "BOO" the weather people -- I'm really trying hard to ^pray^ away the extreme heat for all us ...

    Oh yes, and my eating is much better this week -- yahoo!
  • Happy Thursday everyone! My office is so darn hot this afternoon, I thought I would take a break and post on here. Been watching the clock for the last hour anyway.

    I managed to get DH to come on my walk with me this morning. Makes the time go faster when you have someone to talk to.

    We went to dinner at Tony Roma's last night, but I only ate half my meal and boxed up the rest and will have it tonight. Yay! No cooking. Not that I cook much anyway. I hate cooking dinner after work. I don't mind it as much on the weekend.
  • Last night, I went to a new Knit Night held at a local Panera and met some new friends. Always nice to meet people with a common interest.

    Its still overcast with the occasional sprinkle of rain; at least the weather is cooler and the rain has a chance to sink into the dry ground as opposed to being dumped so fast as to cause a flash flood.

    Cardio and housecleaning for today.
  • Spending time out of town with the son. Send good thoughts my way so that I can stay somewhat on plan. I brought my water with me and am planning on walking when we get home later this afternoon.

    Have a great Friday the 13th!!!!