December Weight Loss Challenge

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  • BFR thanks for the words of encouragement on exercise, I like real food too much, I don't get anywhere when I'm not active. I mean losing weight-wise, not sure if that sentence made sense.

    On the note of real food, I think there is a big misunderstanding out there about Atkins, lots a people think it's just eat meat and cheese and no bread and that's Atkins. Just like any plan there are phases you're supposed to go through you're not just supposed to stay zero carb forever, they talk about adding in fruits using the glycemic index, eating whole foods rather than processed, slow burning carbs and staying away from nitrates/nitrites in your foods like lunch eat and bacon. My neighbor was doing it and she talked about making a pound of bacon and having it around for a snack, I was thinking that would be an expensive snack if you were really eating the bacon they want you to eat on Atkins, it's a bit difficult to find nitrate/nitrite free bacon unless you're at a health food store. Ok off my little soapbox...I could go on for another paragraph about misconceptions about WW and how people think it's only about counting points...but I won' anyway and when I say lots of people, I don't mean anyone in particular, I love you all here and don't want to offend anyone

    So anyway, I'm all for trying and reading about all different kinds of plans/programs and keeping what works for you and not doing what doesn't work for you and ultimately devising your own plan/program. That's what I do, a blend of a bunch of things.

    Prepfor40 I weigh in daily but only compare weekly, like Tues vs. Tues. Fri. Vs. Fri. I write it on a calendar along with my activity, oz. of water and what I had for supper, it's interesting and I'll admit sometimes sad to look back over the years, the only thing I don't do that I wish I did is take my measurements. So back to what BFR was saying about the line and zig zag, I went on lily slim I think in Oct. and made a little graph of my daily weigh-ins, it was kind of amazing to see the ups and downs,but as he said the overall trend is sloping down and that's the goal, right?!

    So my recommendation with weighing is find what works for you, if daily fluctuations are going to drive you batty, then weekly or monthly might be better for you, or tracking your measurements or body fat or trying on a certain pair of pants or shirt every once in awhile to see your progress might be motivating. The only thing with weighing that's important if you're really going to compare is to try and do it at the same time in your daily routine.

    Ok, I've rambled on more than long enough, thanks for listening
    Best to all
  • Oh, I hate when I get a late start in the morning. I'm going to post my weight but I'll be back on later to write personals to all you wonderful, supportive folks!

    SW: 177
    GW: 171
    CW: 178

    Week 19:
    12/7: 177 Cheat Day
    12/8: 179
    12/9: 178
  • jacqui boo your daughters scale did seem to match up with yours lol
  • Good morning and thank you everyone for the notes and prayers of support and encouragement this week.
    Today is a small non-scale victory for me; it is my 11th anniversary since I stopped smoking on Dec 10th, 2002.
  • Just enjoyed catching up on everything I missed this weekend on the thread. Well done to everyone and thanks everyone for the comments, especially all the will power dust!

    Back on plan today but skipped my early morning workout. Two more weeks to go until I break for Xmas. Hanging in there. This time of year is always tough for me and I'm feeling burnt out - and comfort eating/binging a lot.

    Goal is going to be hard for next sat 21st!

    Start weight 138
    Goal weight 132

    Dec 1 138
    Dec 2 138
    Dec 3 137
    Dec 4 136
    Dec 5 DNW
    Dec 6 DNW
    Dec 7 DNW
    Dec 8 139
    Dec 9 138
  • Congrats Darius!!
  • Pixikat, you are doing so great! And yes my scale did seem to line up with my daughter's scale, unfortunately, lol!

    Darius, good for you!! That's a wonderful accomplishment!

    Minneey, yay on being a lb down! You know, as much as I tease you about your cheat weekends, it always amazes me that they seem to work for you! Lol!

    Lyn, congrats on losing 2 lbs! Hopefully at the end of TOM, you'll have another whoosh coming!

    Kelijpa, I so agree with your belief that it's best to read about lots of different weight loss plans and to devise what works best for you. I really like the Slow Carb Diet, but I wouldn't be able to follow it to a tee. I modified it from the get-go based on what I thought would work best for me, on what I believed I would be able to do long-term. I think modifying a diet to best suit you, as long as it is reasonable and helps you to lose weight, is the way to go!

    Hi SparklyBunny! Glad you joined us!

    Prepfor40, some people don't like to weigh daily; others do. I weigh daily because I'm a little obsessed with the scale, lol! Actually, I just like to know where my weight is headed. I'm afraid I'd be discouraged if I stayed on plan all week, expecting to see a change in the number on the scale, and it showed maintenance or a slight gain. When I can see what it's doing day to day though, the fluctuations don't bother me. Other people get a little freaked out by the daily ups and downs so they prefer to weigh once a week or once a month. For a daily-weigher like me, once a month boggles my mind, lol!

    BFR, congrats on the 5 lbs down! And thank you for the exercise comment! I don't rank up there with the other exercisers--I just do moderate walking--but it works for me! And as for your wonderful meals, I'm afraid I'm a spice lightweight, haha!

    183, I had a fantastic time with my daughter! Thanks for the well wishes!

    Rhiko, great job sticking to the new habit of not eating late!

    Yay Turtle! Congrats on the whoosh!

    Boatingmommy, soooo? Did you work out at lunch? If so, you are a better woman than me! TOM and working out can be so difficult!

    Joy, congrats on another drop! Good job!
  • Quote: Prepfor40  I weigh daily but I post results here weekly (on Fridays). That way I don't have to show the group what I weigh on Monday mornings ;((
    Thanks Darius, I am getting in the habit of cheating on Saturdays ( two weeks in a row) I feel you on that one
  • yesterday's weigh-in: 77,8kg (171.5lbs)
    yesterday's calories: 1450
    yesterday's exercise: 75min run (11k)
    today's weigh-in: 77,3kg (170.4lbs)
    change: -0,5kg (-1.1lbs)

    Good morning you guys

    I have a choir concert tonight It's not a big one; we sing popular Christmas songs in a church and then the audience chimes in. I like that kind of concert, and it should be fun. (also, Glühwein afterwards )
    Also, I made my butt fit into a size 10 jeans yesterday. I didn't like the cut, but I liked that it zipped


    kelijpa yep, you're right, everybody needs to find his own way of losing weight and to make it sustainable. Doesn't matter if it's called Atkins, Paleo or WW. As long as it's not damaging your health, it's fine. And really, none of us are doctors so we can't judge that.

    darius 11 years smoke-free is amazing. Well done!!

    Minneey yep, 2 more weeks till Christmas!! I'm counting down, too Hang in there!!

    Have a nice day
  • 183StGB, I love Glühwein and wish I could find it here. Actually, even if I could find it here it wouldn't be the same because it's probably the atmosphere that makes it good. Enjoy!

    Start 211.5
    2-Dec 211.7
    3-Dec 211.7
    4-Dec 212.7
    5-Dec 211.1 Weekly weigh-in
    6-Dec 210.4
    7-Dec 209.5
    8-Dec 208.9
    9-Dec 209.6
    10-Dec 208.9

    Goal: 206.5
  • Thanks everyone for the positive vibes and encouragement I really appreciate it!

    Happy December!
    My goal is to lose 6.8 pounds and get solidly into the 150s!

    Dec 1 - 163.8
    Dec 2 - 162.6
    Dec 3 - 161.6
    Dec 4 - 159.8
    Dec 5 - 159.1
    Dec 6 - 159.0 weekly WI
    Dec 7 - 158.8
    Dec 8 - 157.6
    Dec 9 - 158.1
    Dec 10 - 158.5

    Dec 31 - 157
  • Thanks for your support, again and again and again

    183 congrats on the jeans, I have some petites a woman I work with gave me I was just able to get them zipped, lol, so I know how you feel, they look like they're going to be too short for me...but like you said the zip put some pep in my step

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • Good morning everyone!!!! Today is TEST DAY (two tests, if i do well om the neuro test I can skip the final) So I am just here to weigh in at the moment, then back to cramming. I will write personals tonight.

    12/01 - 248.0
    12/02 - 246.3
    12/03 - 246.3
    12/04 - 246.3
    12/05 - 245.2
    12/09 - 244.7
    12/10 - 244.5
  • 12/1 - 159
    12/2 - 161
    12/3 - 160
    12/4 - 157.5
    12/5 - 158
    12/9 - 159
    12/10 - 158
    Okay, Jacque- I'll come clean...I did not work out yesterday at lunch. Just wasn't physically possible. Maybe today. I hate TOM!!! I really did have a goal at the beginning of the it looks like I'll be battling to maintain with all of the holiday festivities. I'm doing my best to keep the junk food out of my house...mother-in-law wanted to sent a plate of cookies home, but grinchy me said "NO!" So she packed just a few in a couple of baggies for my hubby and daughter to pack in lunches.

    kelijpa - Wow woman! You are on the move. I need to tap into your motivation. You are passing me up big time.
    darius - Way to go on 11 years! I am a former smoker, too. I was so much thinner then...but so glad that I quit. No more bad breath, stinky hair, ...brown lungs!
    pixikat, joy, BFR, turtle, Lyn - You guys/gals too...way to go! Scale is on the move!
    Glad to see so many new people on here, too. The more the merrier and I'll take all the support and comeradery I can get! Have a great day/evening everyone!!!
  • SW: 76 kgs
    CW: 75.6 kgs (+0.3 in kgs)
    GW: 75 kgs