May Weight Loss Challenge

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  • workinglikeadog and ennay!! WTG!!

    (question - what is AF?)

    and for us all!!

    I need to it into high gear!! I want to see that new decade!!

    Goal = -10.0 (If I don't push me -- who will??)


    SW: 04/30/16 255.2
    CW: 05/15/16 250.0 (-5.2)
    GW: 05/31/16 245.2

    01: 255.0 (if April had 31 days, I would have made my April goal )
    02: 256.2 (Quiche last night - ate the whole piece - oh well - downwards and onwards )
    03: 254.4 yippee Skippy
    04: 253.8 1/3 of my total weight to lose is GONE! (might see a slight incline tomorrow though)
    05: 254.0 not bad
    06: 252.8 OH MY GOSH!! And that was with cheesecake (I'll see it tomorrow)
    07: 252.8 WOWZA ... no change after all that cheesecake.
    08: 254.4 (YUP! bunches & bunches of crab last night)
    09: 251.4 WOW!!
    10: 250.8 I stand amazed!
    11: 251.8
    12: 251.6
    13: 251.2
    14: 251.6
    15: 251.8 I should be able to buckle down this week ... too much activity this last week - Stalled!
    16: 252.0 (GAIL!! Behave!)
    17: 252.6 It should take a day or two --- but, I'm working on it!
    18: 250.8 okay... that's looking better
    19: 250.0 (4.8 to goal - 11 days ?? we'll see)
  • Quote: (question - what is AF?)
    AF= Aunt Flo = Period
  • Ahhhh ... I see -- aka TOM or TTOM

    For me "no way hannah... not anymore " Yippee!!
  • BelowedWarrior just reading your posts every morning makes me smile, I can just feel the positive vibes from you!
  • Tuscany thank you! I think I'm moving in the right direction, just more slowly than I would like to. But so be it, as long as I'm losing, I'm good! I've actually got five daughters. The first set of twins is turning 5 in two weeks, the second set of twins just celebreated their 2nd birthday and I have a 4 months old baby girl, like a cherry on the top I really love being a mom although I never expected a family this large. It's lots of fun (and hard work) but I really want to lose the baby weight and be an active and fit mother to my girls! About the names, not all of them are easy to translate (as I'm not a native English speaker) but the closest I can get is: Maria, Elisabeth, Amalia, Rosalia and Frances.

    Ennay you're doing realy great this month, absolutely no gain, you're just losing like a boss
  • Well, I figured there was an up in my future and I encountered it this morning. Fortunately, it was a very small up! With a bit of luck, I’ll start moving in the right direction again tomorrow.

    SW 185.00
    CW 180.20 (-4.75)
    GW 179.00

    Apr 30: 185.00
    May 1: 184.50 (-0.50)
    May 2: 183.00 (-1.50)
    May 3: 182.50 (-0.50)
    May 4: 183.25 (+0.75)
    May 5: 184.00 (+0.75)
    May 6: 183.75 (-0.25)
    May 7: 183.50 (-0.25)
    May 8: 182.00 (-1.50)
    May 9: 181.50 (-0.50)
    May 10: 183.00 (+1.50)
    May 11: 182.50 (-0.50)
    May 12: 181.50 (-1.00)
    May 13: 181.00 (-0.50)
    May 14: 181.00 (0.00)
    May 15: 180.25 (-0.75)
    May 16: 180.00 (-0.25)
    May 17: 180.25 (+0.25)

    shymouse: No giving up allowed! I can imagine you’re feeling frustrated. I don’t know what sort of diet plan you’re using but, FWIW, when I hit a stall, I try to cut way back on my carbs (drop them to 25 or below) just for a day or two, and sometimes that’s all my body needs to get the message. Don’t know if that would work for you or not. In addition to that, here’s a bit of willpower dust:

    Ronja: Five girls…oh my! And you must be very well educated if English is not your native tongue, since you write very well. As for your weight loss, I suspect you’ll find some months are slow, some are fast.

    ennay: You’re doing so well this month!

    BelovedWarrior: Good luck getting back into high gear! And, yes, it’s so nice not to have to deal with TOM anymore…one of the few joys of getting older!
  • *Week 1
    May 1st:193.4 lbs
    May 2nd:195.6 lbs
    May 3rd:194.8 lbs
    May 4th:194.4 lbs
    May 5th:194.2 lbs
    May 6th:192.8 lbs (-0.6)
    May 7th:192.6 lbs (-0.8)
    *Week 2
    May 8th:192.8 lbs (-0.6)
    May 9th:195.0 lbs
    May 10th:192.2 lbs (-1.2)
    May 11th:193.0 lbs (-0.4)
    May 12th:193.2 lbs (-0.2)
    May 13th:192.2 lbs (-1.2)
    May 14th:193.2 lbs (-0.2)
    *Week 3
    May 15th:192.4 lbs (-1.0)
    May 16th:192.8 lbs (-0.6)
    May 17th:193.6 lbs
  • Congrats to workinglikeadog and ennay for reaching you goal!!

    And Ronja, I am so impressed with you for sticking to your plan even though you've had a few frustrating weeks. I know how difficult that is, at least for me.

    I haven't done too well the last three days. I've eaten far too many calories, but today is another day, and I hope I am back on track. So far I have lost 1 kg in May, so my goal may be a bit too ambitious. We'll see.
  • May& week 3
    I need to do more than just fight to stay under 270 or near to 265. Half way through the month and still close to 5lbs over my starting weight. Totally the wrong direction. This week I need to turn that around and finish out the month strong and in the right direction. I can't just stop cause all the weight will come back, and I'M NOT DONE YET!

    Lowest weight in 2016: 263.0

    SW 263.0
    CW 268.1 (+5.1) pffffft.
    GW 258.0

    May 16: DNW
    May 17: 267.9 (+0.3)
    May 18: 269.0 (+1.1)
    May 19: 268.7 (-0.3)
    May 20: 267.9 (-0.8)
    May 21: 267.6 (-0.3)
    May 22: 268.1 (+0.5)

    May 1: 263.0
    May 2: 265.0(+2.0) ohoh, hope I don't spend the week getting this off.
    May 3: DNW
    May 4: 271.2 (+6.2)completely lost it yesterday.
    May 5: 264.6 (-6.6) I got food poisoning. Still feel yukky.
    May 6: 264.8 (+0.2)
    May 7: 265.2 (+0.4)
    May 8: 267.9(+2.7) need to get this yoyo business under control already
    May 9: 268.9 (+1) keep trying
    May 10: 268.2 (-0.7) happy.
    May 11: 269.2 (+1) movie theatre popcorn; I caved and ate.
    May 12: 267.2 (-2) happy.
    May 13: 265.9 (-1.3) happy.
    May 14: 266.3 (+0.4) unhappy.
    May 15: 267.6 (+1.3) keep trying
  • Quote:
    Ennay you're doing realy great this month, absolutely no gain, you're just losing like a boss
    Oh there are gains in between. Part of my psychological mind game is I weigh daily, but as long as I have been on plan and it hasn't been more than about a week, I only "count" the new lows. The rest is just water flux. I tend to lose ~ 4 lbs fast, then stay at the same weight +/- about a lb. for 5-7 days, then lose again. Repeat.

    And 5 under 5! Holy moly Kudos to you for being able to even type with that household!
  • Ronja Thank you for your kind words! I actually was telling someone the other day about you - TWO sets of TWINS!! Oh MY! Love the cherry on the top! A friend of mine called her household of girls her "estrogen pack!" Feel free to use that title, if you like it. I agree with Tuscany - you write very well in English. What is your native tongue?

    (hmm weird, my screen just got smaller and it isn't from the + - above... ) ARGH!! ENJOY your day everyone

    OH WAIT!!

    Extra for -> myself, onebyone, tuscany, vaegt, shymouse, and VickieLou (and whoever else needs/wants it! )
  • SW: 140.4 lbs
    GW: 136.4 lbs

    5/01/16 - 140.4 lbs
    5/02/16 - 139.6 lbs (-0.8)
    5/03/16 - 139.2 lbs (-1.2)
    5/04/16 - 139.2 lbs (-1.2)
    5/05/16 - 139.4 lbs (-1.0)
    5/06/16 - 139.6 lbs (-0.8) It's going the wrong way, maybe a visitor is on her way
    5/07/16 - 140.0 lbs (-0.4)
    5/08/16 - 140.6 lbs (+0.2) AF stopped by to tell me happy Mothers' Day!
    5/09/16 - 140.4 lbs (-0.0) AF
    5/10/16 - 141.4 lbs (+1.0) AF
    5/11/16 - 141.4 lbs (+1.0) AF
    5/12/16 - 141.4 lbs (+1.0) AF
    5/13/16 - can't remember but it was less than yesterday
    5/14/16 - DNW
    5/15/16 - 139.4 lbs (-1.00) almost back to my pb
    5/16/16 - DNW
    5/17/16 - 139.8 lbs (-0.6) up and down, up and down

    TuscanyThis trip is to "Downton Abbey," York (base for day trips to Whitby and Scarborough), N. Lincolnshire to see family, then London for touristy stuff. I haven't been since Christmas of 2007! Hubs went back two years ago but I stayed home. Next year it's the south of France and Barcelona! Where is your daughter?
  • Quote:
    OH WAIT!!

    Extra for -> myself, onebyone, tuscany, vaegt, shymouse, and VickieLou (and whoever else needs/wants it! )
    That is JUST what I need right now, thank you
  • Quote: TuscanyThis trip is to "Downton Abbey," York (base for day trips to Whitby and Scarborough), N. Lincolnshire to see family, then London for touristy stuff. I haven't been since Christmas of 2007! Hubs went back two years ago but I stayed home. Next year it's the south of France and Barcelona! Where is your daughter?
    She's currently completing her PhD at Oxford University. She and her hubby were living in Oxford, but they recently moved to a tiny little town called East Hendred, which is about mid-way between Oxford and London.

    Your holiday sounds like fun. I absolutely love all-time favorite city. So much history, great theatre, great food (oh, I'd best not mention that ) ...and I love riding those hop-on, hop-off double-decker tourist buses! Have a wonderful trip!
  • Quote: Thank you Gardenjoy for the May challenge...Lets do it!

    Start weight 161.6

    Goal weight 155.0

    Good luck everyone!
    Ha more like good luck to me blah! 164.9 this morning
    Two weeks left of May...if I don't eat anything I might reach my goal