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Old 03-03-2004, 07:34 PM   #136  
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Talking Yo!

Yowza! I kind of said good-bye to my participation in the Demon Food thread and hopeth no one takes it the wrong way. It was just because interest had been dwindling ... if it starts back up again, I'll be so there! I think we need to post what we're eating from time to time since we're here about weight loss/maintenance/fitness!!! Anyway, here is my latest experiment in seeking the ultimate Sugar Busting Muffin department ... I love the little food chopper I bought ... works just like a processor but smaller ...

Pear-Cheese Muffins
1 cup whole wheat flour (360)
3/4 cup self-rising flour (300)
1 scoop Designer Whey Vanilla Praline protein powder (90)
2 tsp. baking powder
1 9-oz. pear, chopped (135)
2 tsp. Just White egg white powder (15)
1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese (80)
1/2 T. canola oil (60)
1 T. turbinado sugar (45)
1/3 cup Splenda

Mix ingredients and divide between 12 muffin cups presprayed with zero cal canola spray. Bake at 400 degrees for approximtely 20 minutes. Turn off oven and let sit in hot oven until brown and crispy. Approx. 91 calories each, but I count them as 95 because I spray with butter spray.

Kaylets: I like the index card idea. Seems like it'd be easier to handle than my notebook. I'm really going to order that electronic thingie ... I'm resisting but know I want it.

Hope thou feeleth better ...

WSW: HANG IN THERE!!!! MOVING IS TERRIBLY STRESSFUL BUT ONCE IT'S OVER, WELL, IT'S OVER!!! Sorry to shout!!!! Keep getting extra rest and thinking good thoughts!!!

Cerise!!! Om shanti!!!! Hope thou hast the journaling bug now ... as said above, the index card thing might be a good solution for thee!!! Thanks for the kind words ... I can really use them today. Howsomever, thou hast always been very supportive of me as well ...

Well, I'm going to go take another nap ... as said on the exercise thread, I did weights plus TWO classes today and I'm beat. Never even got to the paying work, which is fine with me!

P.S. The discussion of ee cummings made me think of a stealing ... er ... borrowing an idea that used to be on another part of this forum ... I think it was the Alternatachicks ... they just posted poetry there that they liked or made up. Would anyone participate if I did that?

Last edited by Amarantha2; 03-03-2004 at 07:39 PM.
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Old 03-03-2004, 08:14 PM   #137  
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Kaylets, sorry you're feeling peaked. Are you better tonight?

Cerise, the basic moves vid is my favorite. Maybe because it's so basic? Please keep us posted on your belly adventures!

wsw, happiest of birthdays, my friend. I'm sorry that you're feeling overwhelmed--totally normal, you know. Moving is a big deal!

Where's Frogger? Arabella?

Amarantha, please excuse my absence on the food thread. I just went there to catch up my menu posting. There's been one of those local business expos and I've had to work the booth and have been getting home late. Tonight was the last night though. Hoorah! So i'll be a regular poster again--hope you are too.

Anagram, it's good to have you back!

Till tomorrow, sister-queens!
Old 03-03-2004, 08:31 PM   #138  
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Yowza, E, I just posted on there ... please excuse my cranky demandingness ... just got lonely! So, s, I rescind my resignation as a Food Slayer and hope more of thee can join up with us on that thread in the future ...

I'd still like a poetry thread?

Wsw: I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! !!!!!!

Ok, bye again. Now I'm napping!
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Old 03-03-2004, 11:10 PM   #139  
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Old 03-04-2004, 07:32 AM   #140  
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Hello all!

Feeling better but still not going to it what you like... I say I must need it...

Empress, I thought the recipe was blueberries... I like Pears too but will need to use another the Protein powder more for additional nutrition or for flavor?? I'll add vanilla if so...

Looks like we are "inbetween" storms...
Still overcast and wet..not encouraging me to go out and clean the gardens much although come to think of it, garbageman is coming....
On the other hand, I might be able to get a "27 fling boogie" or two done b/4 they come thru....

Thought of the day:

"I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening."
--Larry King

Question of the day:
"Is honesty always the best policy?"
--Table Topics by the Pampered Chef

Let me do a 27 fling boogie and stop on back...
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Old 03-04-2004, 08:41 AM   #141  
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Had a pretty good day op yesterday. Faced Demon Scale early today and got a pleasant surprise. Two months of eating out did little damage. I didn't lose any but am about where I was (can't remember exact numbers). While I had not weighed for two months, I had felt like I gained. So I am joyful this a.m. about a significant NSV - of course I expected to come back a lot less than I left. What a dreamer!

I've been doing the fifteen minute thing since I got home - going in whatever direction popped up and figuring someday chaos would lead to order. It's starting to. Then I'm going to start Spring Flinging. Treasures of some kids who've had their own homes for twelve years are on the endangered species list as well as a lot of things that don't fit my new "normal" life.

Wake up, Monarch Butterflies - rain showers here today for the spring flowers. Have daffodils, tulips, etc. up a few inches and I can't wait.
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Old 03-04-2004, 10:13 AM   #142  
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Ok- Managed to get one 27 fling out to the trash but as I was 1/2 way thru the 2nd, heard the truck pull up... although there is no reason I can't continue... but the "how much can I get out there b/4 they get here?" motivation is gone...

Am seeing that I have more to yardsale, Ebay, etc than to throw anyway....
(Well, if you don't count the endless pw ....that seems to come in double what you dispose )
So, the next "fling" will be sorted into Ebay box, yard sale box....Might even get super motivated and take Ebay photos--

--Ventured out for a Baby Shower Card yesterday and found a some blouses I will now wear as "overblouses" with a contrasting shell underneath... both blouses are really a tad too tight to button and wear alone which is fine as its more motivaiton and then they will still be wearable when they do fit better....When I was trying on the shells, ( which are cut differently with a tiny bit of cleavage showing) I was pleasantly suprised at how good I looked in a sleeveless top... As long as I didnt move my arms enough to make them waggle back at me!!

Perhaps the Empress has found a good upper underarm firming excercise??

Time to start some laundry and looks like Maury Povich is doing weightloss success stories...
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Old 03-04-2004, 12:48 PM   #143  
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Default Happy Friday-eve!

Mornin' all,

I may be sporatic in my postings again as we're having some problems with the new ISP that we just changed over to. It shouldn't be anything TOO major though...

WSW, happy belated birthday!!!!
I'm sure you're beat! Too bad the well meaning helpers can't wait juuuuust a tad until you're moved and better rested to truly celebrate.... enjoy and then get some rest you!

Anagram, oh, do I know about that whole "plunging on" syndrome. Take good care of you ok? Glad the GS cookies survived the deep freeze. I'm torn... I want some, but don't think they'd ever see the freezer. Probably shouldn't buy them then....

Amarantha, I'd love a poetry page! Can we include quotes too? I kinda' collect the ones that really speak to me...

Kaylets, glad you're feeling more human - very sorry you too are cursed with the evil waggle arms! What IS it with that flappin' stuff? I'm looking forward to going sleeveless someday... flappin be damned!

Cerise, I see Eydie got you belly dancing too huh? I haven't used mine since last year. I got them a few weeks before my mom was diagnosed and haven't touched them since... I think it's time to dust 'em off and get ta' shaken' a little boo-tay!

Eydie (that's me belly dancing, thanks to you!)

Toodles for now,

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Old 03-04-2004, 01:10 PM   #144  
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Angry Trying not to hate Ramon, who has today off.

Good day, m'ladies.

Ugh. Hate mornings. Hoping to snap out of it soon, since it's already 9:15 and the caffeine should've kicked in by now.

I did the first half-hour of the basic moves DVD last night, Eydie. I was trying really hard to roll my hips and wave my arms in the same direction...let's just say I'm glad there were no mirrors around. My ego would've never recovered from that blow. I was on the floor trying to do the Cleopatra-sit thingy then that stretch where you lift yourself off the floor to stretch your sides, and started thinking that my ol' body can't do much of anything at all. Sigh. I told myself that this is my first time trying to bellydance, etc., etc. It helped a bit. I do love to watch those ladies do their demonstration dances, though. Ramon liked to watch them, too. All in all, despite my stiff, clumsy efforts (and hip pain - good old arthritis), I had a good time and look forward to getting good at this. I'm already more conscious of my hips moving when I walk and my stiff hip is definitely less stiff today. Thank you, dear!

I'm glad you're taking another day off, Kaylets. What's a 27-fling thingy? Anyway, you must be feeling better if you can do yard work. I have some of those "overblouses" too. It's a nice style option. I like to wear mostly black at work - black pants, black shell, with a colored overblouse and cool jewelry. I have this delicious bright orange, linen, long-sleeved blouse by Elizabeth Arden that Ramon found for me at a Goodwill! The perfect man...

Anagram, I'm SO glad for your NSV!! No nasty surprises, then. I'm having fun picturing you filtering through your chaos, and am indeed certain that order will begin to show through. I'm now convinced that Kaylets' 15-minute task method is just the thing for me. Tonight I'm stopping by "Sur la Table" (a posh kitchen store right by the Pike's Place Market) and getting myself a kitchen timer! I'm glad you're going to see your princesses this weekend.

Amarantha, I think a poetry thread might be just the thing. Ramon just gave me (for V-Day. What a guy) a books of poems by Pablo Neruda, called "Odes to Ordinary Things". He writes a poem to a spoon, a table, cats, dogs. Wonderful stuff. I'd love to share it.

Seriously, now, can you talk for a bit about your protein powder? I'd like to hear from you why you bake with it before I go to GNC and get inundated with sales talk...want to be prepared. I mean, what truly does it do for you? I'm asking because I've never even contemplated buying it but desperately want to try all those recipes you've posted. And I think it'd be good for me, as a vegetarian, I mean.

Hello, beloved Wildfire. How's your toilet doing?

(Eydie, one more thing about that damned bellydancing DVD before I drive these women crazy. I did go to our full-length mirror and tried a few moves just to see if I was even remotely close to doing it right. I saw my familiar bulky body - complete with pants rolled down to my hips and shirt tied up under my breasts, not a pretty sight, but necessary, I feel - moving with real, real grace. There it was. Undeniably sensual. Wow.)

Happy Birthday again, WSW!!! I hope you have a wonderful day. I was telling Ramon about your struggles with moving and we were reflecting on how truly difficult it is. You have two places, both in total chaos, and neither one is your home. One because you're leaving it, tearing everything down, and the other because your "stuff" isn't in it yet, set up the way you like. It's a very unsettling time. The worst thing, too, is that you look at the chaos and it occurs to you that you are absolutely, positively the only person who can make it all right again. Not fun. Though - you get through it and make another home for yourself, and it's definitely going to be a better environment for you, right? Just have to survive the move! I still stand by my opinion that you should do what you want for your birthday, love.

By the way, do you like Emily Dickinson at all? I was leafing through a book of hers at the store yesterday and thought of you...

Kaylets, of course you can use anything you find in my posts for whatever. I especially love to spread e.e. cummings around as much as possible. I'm trying to get up the nerve to read some Sylvia Plath. Thanks for the index card idea. I like the idea of a points-counting bracelet, too.

Love to the rest of you, dears. I have to get off and email some love advice to my friend in Cambodia. Ain't the internet grand?
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Old 03-04-2004, 01:14 PM   #145  
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Punkin!!! Missed ya there...yeah, you've had a tough year, too. You seem to have been doing your own "working through" now that the year's over. Thanks for telling us about your friends' son's memorial award. I was wondering how they were doing.

Yep, Eydie has one more bellydancing scalp to add to her belt. She's a very influential person.

As are all the queens...
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Old 03-04-2004, 01:49 PM   #146  
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On the belly dancing theme, I can still do a mean hip drop and a swivel or two. Can't ripple the tummy any more though. Maybe that's a goal.

On the 15 minute timers - for my DDs BD in Dec, I used Flylady as the theme for her gifts. Got her the book, an apple shaped timer and several wicker baskets and little hideaway boxes, etc. since she's always saying she must get better organized. A lot of the Flylady things she already did (since I used a lot of them when she lived here) BF (Before Flylady) but she has been picking up on some things she didn't do and claims to be making progress. Or feeling better about it which is goal enough. So thanks and kudos to the Queens who inspired that gift.

One load of laundry to go, some swifferdusting upstairs (dh is vacuuming now), grocery store and then we'll be passable. Piles of paperwork, phone calls but I didn't gain weight while I was away and am feeling invincible. DH's going to a dinner tonight so I think I'll have a special treat of some frozen diet dinner or another.

BIL brought my plants back this a.m. and we conspired a bit more on surprise party he's planning for DSis BD next week. I'm getting to be such a constructive liar I scare me. She'll be thrilled though.

Hi, westcoasters. Nice to hear from you. Will take care, Punkin, if you do same. I'm back to me now, I think. Feeling lots better at least today. Grab my hand and I'll tug like crazy. Picturing the sensual Cerise........Wow!

OK, that's about my 15 minutes here. Off for tea. Bye.
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:09 PM   #147  
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Yo, I be in brevity mode as need to nap a bit before heading to late meeting in mountains!!!

Cerise, thanks for starting the poetry club ... that was a nice surprise today and I've availed meself of it and posted my favorite poem ... thinking also that we can post or discuss any kind of quote or literature there ... or write some poems of our own, if that be our wont ...

Re the protein powder, I just really like the brand I'm always talking about, it's low in sugar but sweet, and I just throw some into the baking to add nutrition and act as a sweetener/oil/egg/milk substitute. There are a lot of good brands but it's best not be sure you have a good quality protein source (different kinds of protein are better absorbed than others ... you can find info online or from thy SIL on this) and that it doesn't have a lot of sugar calories in it. Some of the powders have no flavor at all and can just be used to make a recipe more nutritious (or to make smoothies, etc.). Since thou be veg, I believe, you can find several good kinds that use soy.

Kaylets, I think blueberries would be really good with cottage cheese in muffins ... and I'd say the protein powder be more for nutrition ... I use the DW vanilla praline because it's IMO a good quality and it does add a bit of flavor ... I never use extracts anymore ... just don't like the aspect they impart to the food ... just a taste thing for me.

Punkin, so glad to see thou and yea, that was my thought about a "poetry" thread ... just a place to put quotes of any kind to whilst away any idle time we may have that would lead to fingers searching for Food ... or to make up poems or stories or what not ...

Eydie, really, I'm sorry that I sounded so cranky and whiney ... yea, I'm back in the kitchen posting away. I won't be able to get back on tonight, likely, but will post my menu tomorrow. I'm on the straight and narrow foodwise because I'd REALLY like not to have a gain this week but five weeks in a row is pushing it ...

To all, mentioned and unmentioned, avanti!! Gotta get some rest ... [/color]
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:10 PM   #148  
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Re the above, don't feel like going into edit, but meant to say (obviously) that it's best TO be sure you're getting a good quality protein ... etc. Bye!
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Old 03-04-2004, 05:01 PM   #149  
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Kaylets, you have me inspired to do a 27 fling tonight. I love Fly Lady--and the clean sink every night is sheer genius! I'm even warming up to the shoe idea.

Anagram, all those long walks on the beach paid off! I saw my first lizard of the season today!

Punkin, yep, get those videos out and commence to swiveling!

I'm so happy for you, Cerise! We all deserve to feel like beautiful powerful goddesses and bellydancing is one way to make that happen! Have you seen the cane and sword dances yet?

Amarantha, going to check out the poetry/quote thread next. I'm excited!

I've been doing a video by 'The Firm' a few days this week. It's something new for me and it's really quite strenuous, but it makes me want to do more. The paradox of exercise---I love it!
Old 03-04-2004, 06:58 PM   #150  
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Eydie- Yes, the shoes still are problematic for me too but this winter was so cold I was at least wearing clogs ( although technically, clogs are not lace up shoes)....
Also took me awhile to realize that the Flylady's "schedules" are to be adapted as best fits...or tweaked completely to fit if need be....
That in itself was very freeing.
I try to keep the sink empty but Dh and Ds don't get it.
I do swish both toiliets every am as the dogs often use them as water fountains. I have seen DH swishing too so somedays they are getting swished twice a day!
And I always try to find a way to get part of the next day's lunches packed, clothes laid out, shower taken....etc... just makes my morning better if I don't have a long list of things to do to get out the door.

She is right though... there is nothing I have gotten rid of that I have missed.
I have come to agree entirely with her opinion about only keeping clothes you wear and only wearing clothes you love and flatter you.
I've also started doing laundry as it accumulates rather than only on the weekend... its just easier for me that way.
The biggest thing I've learned from her is that we can get so much more done in 15 minutes than we realize...

Although it is very hard for me to post in less than 15 minutes! But I do go on and on!

With all that said, let me go empty the sink!
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