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Old 02-17-2010, 04:17 PM   #46  
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So far I've added in one fruit, usually an apple and occasionally a banana. No bread yet, although I will start that next week. Last time I did SB successfully, I did manage to have 3 grains and 3 fruits a day. Not sure if I will reach that level again.
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Old 05-18-2010, 08:18 PM   #47  
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Thanks for posting this thread. I am on the second day of phase 2 and haven't had a carb yet. I have so lost my cravings that it seems like force to get back on them. I am following some advice and will maybe try oatmeal in the morning then I won't have to worry about a carb for the rest of the day. Does this mean the plan worked?? I have never tried life without carbs, but I like it, thus the feet dragging. Lost 7-8 lbs on phase one, what a motivator, as are all of you. Question for those with experience, can I really have that 1/2 c. of Basmati rice, my sister said to ask, we are on the plan together. Also what about corn starch, do I have to be mindful of that. Here's to week three on the Beach Lisa

Also I am new, where do I get a ticker?? L
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Old 05-19-2010, 05:51 AM   #48  
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, Luckontherun! I'm happy you've discovered the beauty of this plan and that it's working so well for you!

To answer your questions; yes, you may have a 1/2 cup serving of basmati rice on Phase 2, but cornstarch is a no-no. You can use arrowroot as a suitable substitute for cornstarch, though.

To get a ticker, you'll have to wait until you have both 20 days and 20 posts.
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Old 05-19-2010, 02:14 PM   #49  
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I'm really happy to be back on the beach, as stated before on other posts (yeah, only 3) is that my BIG MAIL GOAL is to stay on plan rather then look at it as "I gotta lose this weight

So far, I've been alternating between fruit and a whole grain.

This is only my first week on Phase 2, and luckily it's kinda sticking.

Last edited by kcchubbygirl; 05-19-2010 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 09-04-2010, 05:58 AM   #50  
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HI I am restarting phase 1 Monday after 5 days of trying out SB The only thing I cheated on was to add strawberries , passionfruit and pineapple . Not much but i needed some fruity things and for 5 days i lost 4 kg
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Old 02-23-2012, 05:07 PM   #51  
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Just found this thread - can't read through all of it, but would like to revive it because I'm into Phase 2 and am feeling a little stuck. Think my downfall might be too much fruit. It's sweet, so naturally I gravitate to it.

The only grains I've reintroduced are quinoa and brown rice, and I eat those sparingly. Trying to stay away from wheat and other gluten grains.

Love quinoa in the morning with lots of berries, but might need to adjust that to a couple times a week and reduce the fruit. Higher protein breakfasts are definitely a better way to start. Love beans, but don't use them nearly enough. Rarely, actually.
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Old 05-15-2016, 01:33 PM   #52  
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As much as I love P1 (I really do), it's been 3 weeks now and time to move on. Planning on adding apples, strawberries and brown rice over this next week. Also, I plan on checking my weight later this week. Thanks for all the help I've received from this site.
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Old 05-15-2016, 02:09 PM   #53  
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I have to combine SBD with calorie counting because I can go WAAAAY over without. I also do better without the snacks and with a controlled eating window (elements of Intermittent fasting)

I did SBD years ago and it is still the basis of how I eat because nothing makes my mood/depression more stable than this way of eating. If I go too low in carbs, my depression triggers, same with too high. Too high in fat or protein gives me GI issues.

My personal modifications. I eat meals at 11 am, 3 pm and 6:30 pm with an occasional snack at 9pm ish

I eat a large serving of fruit with breakfast - strawberries or melon. 200g. I find this keeps me fuller and more satisfied throughout the day and the carb boosts my energy.

My 3 pm meal is often light depending on what is planned for dinner. Many days I have no fruit or starch here. Often I have one OR the other. Occasionally I will have a small serving of both. Corn tortillas tend to be my starch choice here if I have one. They dont trigger me much.

My dinner meal ALWAYS contains a starch - potato (white or sweet) is the least troublesome for me, rice works too, I don't do pasta or bread often. I find that without an evening starch I do not sleep well. My starch can be 100-200 calories (basically 1-2 servings) depending on how my meal lays out. I will occasionally have a small fruit serving as well, but usually then my starch is closer to 1 serving

My nighttime snack depends on how many calories are left, how I am feeling and is the one time I allow my cravings to dictate just a bit. It can range from a double bourbon on the rocks (necessary occasionally if I am having GI issues, but I also like it) or a small treat (dark chocolate covered pretzels) or a larger fruit serving if my stomach just feels empty, or a piece of ezekiel toast with cream cheese, or triscuits with Jarlsberg light. But I often skip it entirely as well. This is my most flexible meal but is usually 100-200 calories max

Last edited by ennay; 05-15-2016 at 02:10 PM.
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