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Old 04-30-2012, 07:14 AM   #496  
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I'm still here. I seem to be stuck and not losing, but not gaining either. I had a couple of bumpy off-plan days but am back on, which is encouraging. I'm considering taking a planned day off each week, not a full blowout, but permitting some grain and a little sweet once a week. We'll see how it goes.

How's everyone else doing?

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Old 04-30-2012, 08:24 PM   #497  
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Hi all,

Killing some time before I go to my workout. So hanging out at work with my iPad until it is time to go. Not enough time to go home, plus not sure that I would, LOL. Just kind of a pain some nights.

I did ok this weekend, but not great. I ate two pieces of a small pizza Saturday night, it is a long story, but it was dumb of me. I didn't even enjoy it, I was mad at my husband and it didn't do a damn thing to him. Oh well moving on.

This weekend will be traveling and eating out, which is a always a challenge.

Today was just a weird day, everything was off, I forgot my breakfast, some gal almost crashed into my car, and it seems like I dropped everything, and can't concentrate. Will be ready to just go home after my workout, crawl in bed with the covers up and call it a day,

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Old 05-01-2012, 02:33 PM   #498  
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Hello everyone. I haven't checked in lately because I haven't been OP. Don't want to share bad vibes! I just wanted to pop in and say hi so you'd all know I'm still with the living! Looks like we'll be needing that new thread soon!

See ya!

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Old 05-02-2012, 07:22 AM   #499  
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Home from our mini vacation - almost back to where I was when I left ... watched what I ate but went off for a few things but didn't eat much of those things .. And had 2 bloody Mary's one night and 2 orange crushes another night other than that it was diet coke.

I found I eat a lot less than I used to and had lots of not finished food ..

I measure on Friday - this is my first time after starting last month - I keep worrying that I won't change (I know it has to be different) and that I won't measure in the same area and will mess it up

Cheryl pick a day to jump back in the pool and take one meal at a time - you can do it! The first week will be harder but you will fall right back in.

Oh Lisa I so understand eating like that - it is something I struggle with too - or when I'm stressed (like now) I keep telling myself it won't help and will make me more stressed .. So far I've convinced myself of it.
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Old 05-02-2012, 08:55 PM   #500  
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Just thought I'd share the link to the low carb taco soup recipe I tried tonight. It was really good. I added some leftover sour about an inch size slice of Velveeta to the stock. Not totally carb free...but gave it some queso flavor. Mmmmm
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Old 05-03-2012, 08:14 AM   #501  
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I had a tough day yesterday, but managed to stay OP. My daughter phoned at 7 am and asked if I could come over and sit with her daughter who was home sick with a chronic sore tummy (GERD, they've decided). She's almost 12 and would probably be ok, but of course it's much nicer to have a mom or grandma there. It was my day off and would have been simple except for the hour drive each way. Sure wish we were closer to each other.

Well, my daughter has three girls, 13, 11, and 9, and so she has lunch snacks and snack crackers galore in her house. They were calling my name, but I did resist. Oh, man, I wanted some! Even after I got home last night I still wanted some. This morning I'm so glad I didn't eat any!

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Old 05-04-2012, 12:18 AM   #502  
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Hi all,

Quick check in, getting ready to head out tomorrow early for my neice's college graduation in another state. It is about an 8 hour road trip, with lots of eating out, hope to do the best that I can. Would be happy with no gain, but also means I need to weighin tomorrow. Exercise has been a little less this past week. I was too tired to get up before work, but did get my two kettle bell classes in and a couple of walks.

Sharon, sorry to hear about your granddaughter being sick, good job on resisting the crackers & cheese.

Rho, I always worry about measuring in the wrong spot too, you sounded so much like myself. Good job on getting back on track after your mini vacation.

Marissopa, thanks for sharing the recipe, always looking for new ideas.

Cheryl, jump back in, we are all here for you in good times and off. We all go through them, look at my pizza binge last week.

Got to finish packing and laundry, since I got home late after exercise class.


Last edited by LBBUGS13; 05-04-2012 at 12:19 AM.
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Old 05-04-2012, 04:05 PM   #503  
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Lisa I feel like I should have lines tattooed everywhere I measure so I will doing it in the same spot every time lol. I lost 7.5 inches overall in a month but I don't know if I believe it ... I do both biceps, both thighs and both calves and bust, chest, stomach and hips ... And my stomach didn't change which I totally don't believe since I lost 9 lbs since the day I measured last month and i also got into smaller clothes.

Btw I'm always amazed at how different our bodies are - on another board a member was working towards a specific number to fit into size 22 pants - I'm in size 20 now and was about a 26 when I weighed what she weighs now - I'm so jealous lol. she will be in teen sizes when she is my weight ...
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