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Old 02-19-2010, 10:57 AM   #1  
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Default Belly Fat Cure questions!!

I am really thinking of starting the belly fat cure. Low carb has worked for me in the past, but I always had an issue with eating NO carbs on atkins, and it seemed that I wasn't eating healthily on it. (i know all of the atkins fans will jump on me for saying that, but I'm not saying that Atkins isn't healthy, I'm saying the way I ate in order to stay low carb on atkins wasn't healthy.)

This low carb diet seems more managable, because I can eat good carbs like some lower sugar fruits for some carbs, and veggies and such.

I guess my question is this: can anyone who is on this diet give me a few main pointers, and an overview of how your experience is going on it?

For example: what are your food staples? do you also exercise, and if so, what do you do for exercise? how much weight have you lost on average per week, and what things did you do right on the weeks where you lost the most? Any other tid bits would be fantastic, as well.
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Old 02-20-2010, 10:15 AM   #2  
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What happened?! The other BFC post was hopping!
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Old 02-20-2010, 08:44 PM   #3  
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Originally Posted by VarsityQuidditch View Post
What happened?! The other BFC post was hopping!

It still is ..
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Old 02-20-2010, 09:49 PM   #4  
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I know, but I meant that how come no one was answering my question but plenty of people doing BFC were still around...should I post it on the end of that one? Maybe that's what I'll do.
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Old 02-22-2010, 10:06 AM   #5  
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Default Goals, Expectations and Lifestyle

Originally Posted by VarsityQuidditch View Post
I am really thinking of starting the belly fat cure. Low carb has worked for me in the past, but I always had an issue with eating NO carbs on atkins, and it seemed that I wasn't eating healthily on it. (i know all of the atkins fans will jump on me for saying that, but I'm not saying that Atkins isn't healthy, I'm saying the way I ate in order to stay low carb on atkins wasn't healthy.)

This low carb diet seems more managable, because I can eat good carbs like some lower sugar fruits for some carbs, and veggies and such.

I guess my question is this: can anyone who is on this diet give me a few main pointers, and an overview of how your experience is going on it?

For example: what are your food staples? do you also exercise, and if so, what do you do for exercise? how much weight have you lost on average per week, and what things did you do right on the weeks where you lost the most? Any other tid bits would be fantastic, as well.
Hi VQ,

I have been doing the BFC and I am starting my 7th week. I am down 27.5 pounds. My goal was to lose 75 pounds and I have 47.5 more to go. My body type is an "hour glass" and I have been typed as somewhere between an Endo-Morph and Mesamorph:

What Is Your Body Type? Take Our Test! :

By: Paul Becker

What Is Your Body Type?

Your score is 1.67.

Your body is between an EndoMorph and a Mesomorph. Choose a middle approach between the follow recommendations.

Endomorph: An Endomorph's biggest concern should be the losing of fat and adopting a lifestyle that keeps it off. Strength training should be done to get a better muscle to fat ratio and therefore improve metabolism. Use moderate weights at a fast training pace (very little rest between sets and exercises). You should lower your calorie intake (but not try to starve yourself) and should eat frequent but small meals. Sugars, sweets and junk food should be eliminated from your diet. Engage daily in some activity like brisk walking, biking, etc., and try to increase the amount of time you spend each week.

Mesomorph: Mesomorphs have a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it you should exercise and diet correctly for your type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be carefull not to overdo it. You should train with moderate to heavy weighs and at a moderate pace, not resting too long between sets. You will find you gain muscle quite easy (some women and even men might not want to get too bulky, but this won't happen suddenly. When you are happy with your muscle size simply train to maintain it). Stick to a good healthy diet to keep you lean and muscular, and watch for any slow creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, sports, etc. but do not overdo.

So, no matter what diet plan I do, I always include exercise. That being said, I have exercised since "Day 1" of doing the Belly Fat Cure. I cross train and then do aerobics every other day. I average about 30 to 40 minutes a day and an hour on the weekends broken up into two sessions, morning and evening. When I started the program, I could only do 10 minutes of Gilad and now I am up to an hour of Jari Love Ripped, 40 minutes of Hip Hop Abs Cardio and now I am getting into Patrick Goudeau and I am upping the weights. I expect my weightloss will begin to slow as I am into muscle building beginning today. The improvements to my body at this point have been nothing short of phenomenal! Now, that I have more a blue print for training with this revelation that my body type if somewhere between Endo-Meso, I am looking forward to shaking up my workout.


I keep my diet simple with BFC. I make sure I have plenty of protein in the house. Be it lean, organic beef or buffalo, chicken, pork or organic cold cuts. I eat only organic meat for health reasons. I eat cheese and eggs as well. My replacement for "cow's milk" has been Almond milk mixed with heavy cream. I love the Almond Breeze brand. I use the "Carb Style" bread by Pepperidge farms when I want "bread" and I use wraps more than bread. There are many good store brands out there. All you have to do is read the package for nutritional information. I use lots of store brand convenience products that my whole family can enjoy. I just "portion" out my serving of whatever product with sugar and carbs in mind. I bought some "Carb Quick" as a replacement for Bisquick. I have not used it yet. Truvia is my holy grail and I make lemonade, limeade and ice tea all the time. For sweets, I love Joseph's Oatmeal cookies. They are really good and very crispy crunchy. I did not eat fast food before the diet, but when I go out to eat, I usually go for grilled and roasted meats, french fries (count out a portion that looks similar to what I eat at home)/baked potato and green salad. I usually opt for Blue Cheese, but if it tastes "sweet"..then I use it sparingly. I CRAVE WATER! Seriously, I cannot get enough of it. I stopped craving pasta years ago and I have not had rice in a long time either. So, my "high starch" choice is usually some form of potato. I have healthy pasta in the cupboards, but when I ask my family "Chili or Spaghetti"; they always opt for Chili. You can buy low carb tomato sauce and if you cannot find it, just get the Ragu No Sugar added and portion a serving correctly.

The BFC is truly a LIFESTYLE. The book offers so many options that you can do it with practically anything in your fridge. The main thing is getting rid of foods that have too much sugar and carbs..I am NEVER hungry and it is truly an effort to eat sometimes and I have to watch myself with that one. This weekend I just had not desire to eat which is BAD! But, I am making more of an effort this week. I have so much energy without all the sugar and carbs, that I have great control over portions and meals. This diet will over time really give you control IF you do it the way it is written. I see so many people trying to subtract and do it from a "net carbs" perspective and then they get mad because they are not losing weight.. Do, the diet as written and you should have success.

Hope this helps!
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Old 02-22-2010, 12:04 PM   #6  
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Wow, thanks SistaDiva!!

I've been checking back on this thread every day and it was awesome to finally see a reply..and you answered everything I asked!

I really appreciate it. I started today, and I think this can really work for me. I'm excited to start a diet for the first time in a while!

I actually have one more question for you- do you ever use artificial sweeteners?

This is the only thing that might be tough for me. I guess what I'm wondering is does Jorge admonish splenda because it will inhibit your weight loss, or because of his own personal beliefs about it?

I personally don't have an issue using splenda as long as I can still lose weight on the diet, but if it will stall my weight loss than I can do without it.

I just really crave diet coke now and then. Other than that, I can switch to Stevia no problem, I think.

anyway thanks for your reply! I appreciate it! There isn't enough activity out there on this diet so it was great to hear from someone who has had success with it.
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Old 02-22-2010, 02:23 PM   #7  
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Hey Varsity,

We both have the same goal weight, right now Im 166. Blah!! Keep us posted as to how you are doing.
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:11 PM   #8  
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Default Buy the Book? If not, do it.

Originally Posted by VarsityQuidditch View Post
Wow, thanks SistaDiva!!

I've been checking back on this thread every day and it was awesome to finally see a reply..and you answered everything I asked!

I really appreciate it. I started today, and I think this can really work for me. I'm excited to start a diet for the first time in a while!

I actually have one more question for you- do you ever use artificial sweeteners?

This is the only thing that might be tough for me. I guess what I'm wondering is does Jorge admonish splenda because it will inhibit your weight loss, or because of his own personal beliefs about it?

I personally don't have an issue using splenda as long as I can still lose weight on the diet, but if it will stall my weight loss than I can do without it.

I just really crave diet coke now and then. Other than that, I can switch to Stevia no problem, I think.

anyway thanks for your reply! I appreciate it! There isn't enough activity out there on this diet so it was great to hear from someone who has had success with it.
The book will be very helpful if you have not already purchased it. There are used copies you can buy on amazon as well.

Splenda. Jorge objects to it from a health perspective, if I remember correctly. There are a lot of horror stories out there from people who have used Splenda and you can google and see what some medical doctors think of it. I use 2 products ONLY that contain it. The Heinz low sugar ketchup and the Breyers no sugar added ice cream. I don't use them often, but I keep them handy. To me it is like alcohol. Something I use on every now and then, but I don't have to have it. Once my local store starts carrying Clemmy's Ice cream (recommended by Jorge), then I will ditch the Breyers.

SODA: I would stay away from well known diet sodas such as Coke and Pepsi and get the Zevia soda if you can. They have a cola version that is good.

Also, I cannot stress again how important it is to get the book.

Best of luck!

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Old 02-22-2010, 04:29 PM   #9  
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I just started this diet too, pm me if you want to compare notes. I have some Splenda items in my fridge also that I haven't had yet but I will use very, very sparingly. I have the Breyers ice cream too, that is sooo good. I'm trying not to eat it yet.
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Old 02-22-2010, 09:44 PM   #10  
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What is your downfall with sugar? I dont crave ice cream or other sugar items. Guess Im refering to doughnuts and such.

If asked to go into a store and pick a snack, I would pick one that is salty and crunchy, rather then sweet.

Im more of a carb kinda a gal. Potatoes. My fav.
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Old 02-23-2010, 09:07 AM   #11  
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I'm the opposite- my downfall on this diet will be sweets- and the reason why it will be sweets is that you can eat carbs on this diet. So if you crave something crunchy and salty, you can have it! It will count as a carb serving or two, but you can have it.

But, there is almost no sweet that will stay under 15 grams of sugar. There just isn't. I have some atkins bars, those are pretty decent and just count as a carb serving, but it isn't quite the same.

I'll probably end up allowing myself ONE small sweet per week, and still count the carbs and avoid all other sugar for the entire day... it will be a planned sweet for sure..and I think that's okay, because that's sort of the point of doing a plan like this, is to realize that it's okay to do these things, but they have to be planned and accounted for, and they can't be just 'whenever you want'.

You gotta make a plan like this realistic to do every day, or you won't do it!
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Old 02-23-2010, 09:28 AM   #12  
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I don't get cravings much while low carbing and I don't have a particular fav food. It could be potatoes or ice cream, really anything. I don't think I have a real sweet tooth.

So far no real cravings on BFC. Yesterday one of my veggies had 4g sugar and I'm finding the sugar grams add up quickly. I miss my fruit though
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Old 02-23-2010, 09:35 AM   #13  
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Yeah, I did the BFC for 2 weeks, lost 6 lbs... but, I wasn't satisfied on it - I missed my fruits and yogurt far too much... so I went back to followiing a regular healthy diet like I was doing before the new year. But I'll tell ya, as soon as I put fruits back into my diet, the weight came back at me twice as fast.

I just follow Canada's food guide, and I love it, it helped me lose 90 lbs and I Think I'll stick to that. Altho Jorge's diet is great and I give three thumbs up to Sistadiva (She's doing fantastic!!!) it just wasn't for me!
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Old 02-23-2010, 09:43 AM   #14  
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Default Sweets

Originally Posted by VarsityQuidditch View Post
I'm the opposite- my downfall on this diet will be sweets- and the reason why it will be sweets is that you can eat carbs on this diet. So if you crave something crunchy and salty, you can have it! It will count as a carb serving or two, but you can have it.

But, there is almost no sweet that will stay under 15 grams of sugar. There just isn't. I have some atkins bars, those are pretty decent and just count as a carb serving, but it isn't quite the same.

I'll probably end up allowing myself ONE small sweet per week, and still count the carbs and avoid all other sugar for the entire day... it will be a planned sweet for sure..and I think that's okay, because that's sort of the point of doing a plan like this, is to realize that it's okay to do these things, but they have to be planned and accounted for, and they can't be just 'whenever you want'.

You gotta make a plan like this realistic to do every day, or you won't do it!
I am not a sweets junkie, but there are plenty of non-sugar sweets out there. I found "Joseph's Cookies" at Whole Foods. They are sweetened with Maltitol and taste SOOOO GOOD! They are very crispy and I only like crispy cookies so when I crave something, I have that.

I am PMSing and this is the time I want chocolate. So, I make a "frosty" using the Breyers No Sugar Added Vanilla Ice Cream (1/2 cup), some unsweetened chocolate almond milk, heavy cream and a Truvia..mix together until it is the consistency of a frosty. I have a couple of Joseph's cookies and I am good to go.

The Joseph's cookies have 0 grams of sugar.

The Breyers has 12 carbs and 4.2 grams of sugar and the Almond Breeze has 0 grams of sugar. So, basically this sweet's of shake and ice cream has 4.2 of sugar..15 -18 grams of carbs. That is nothing. Also, what you will find is that you don't have the "sugar" swings after eating this sweet.

I take it you are a college student, but you can either make or or buy low carb cheesecake. I buy mine from QVC, it is the Juniors cheesecake. It comes in a sampler or plain. Again, not being a sweet eater. I just freeze it into individual servings and take as needed.

The longer you stay on this way of eating, the less you will crave. I LOVE potatoes..I can eat them 5 meals a day. But, what I realized is that I now can control what used to be a trigger food by staying on the program "STRICTLY" for the firs two weeks. Now, when I eat potatoes, it is no longer a trigger food and I just enjoy the taste.

There are too many options out there for sweets. Check out to find all kinds of "sweets" ...

Hope this helps!
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Old 02-23-2010, 10:10 AM   #15  
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Default Thanks..and Good Luck!

Originally Posted by JennyG View Post
Yeah, I did the BFC for 2 weeks, lost 6 lbs... but, I wasn't satisfied on it - I missed my fruits and yogurt far too much... so I went back to followiing a regular healthy diet like I was doing before the new year. But I'll tell ya, as soon as I put fruits back into my diet, the weight came back at me twice as fast.

I just follow Canada's food guide, and I love it, it helped me lose 90 lbs and I Think I'll stick to that. Altho Jorge's diet is great and I give three thumbs up to Sistadiva (She's doing fantastic!!!) it just wasn't for me!
As my doc and I have both concluded, the best diet is a healthy one you can stick tooo..period! You found what works for you and you have done fantastic and will probably continue doing fantastic.

I have never been a sweets eater. It just has never appealed to me in general. I have my moments once a month, but I find that vegetables give me much more nutritional bang for my buck than fruit and yogurt is something that has less and less appeal to me unless it is used in something savory like Tzatziki.

My son does BFC about 1/2 the time and he has lost 25 pounds. He is much more cognizant of sugar and he is doing very well. We both exercise daily and lift weights every other day. It "scares" me to really read how much sugar is in so many things that you would never think had sugar. I tell folks all the time, sugar is not a food group and there are healthy and better alternatives out there.

Do you get Dr. Oz up in Canada? He is great, but I notice one of the first things he does when he is helping someone get rid of weight is to stop that sugar consumption and to go to more whole foods and fruit is included in there.

I am on the fence about dairy. Milk? I don't miss it and will never use it again for "drinking" purposes because it just doesn't appeal to me. Cheese is something I "like" but I am not "cheese crazy" like I used to be. I like it in certain foods, but not others. I guess, what I am realizing is that "dairy products" are losing their appeal to me in general and I can see my consumption reducing by about 60 % to 75% of what I used to eat before I started BFC. Again, no statement other than it does not appeal to me as much.

Again, continued success and keep us posted on your journey!
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