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bethz 03-21-2008 07:03 PM

Checking in quick...
Have the house to myself for a few minutes...heading in to do DDR "workout". Have a wonderful weekend!

B: toast and PB, coffee, ff milk (7)
S: 2 clementines (1)
L: tortilla chips and salsa (6)
S: banana (2)
D: pork loin, large salad, italian dressing (8)
S: popcorn, baby carrots (3)

Lots of water, journal, DDR workout for exercise. Happy Friday everyone! :hug::hug:Bethz

Institches21 03-21-2008 09:48 PM

Funny, but I do think everyone has the same topic at their meetings. I totally agree, I do so much better when I write everything down.

Faerie-So happy for you, Awesome Loss, I love how you decide how your whole night will go, down to the smallest detail. :broc:

The Heather-Great Weight Loss, like your tracker helpful hints, made me smile, but it's so true!! You have to write it down. :carrot:

Tendalaya-sorry your shopping trip started off ruff, but that is great that you did find those shirts. those mushrooms sound yummy, I will have to try them :flow1:

Well hope everyone has a great weekend, talk to you all soon. ;)

Tendalaya 03-21-2008 10:13 PM

I know what you mean keli, even here at home when I get bored I'm like "hey boyfriend, lets go get a coffee" and then eventually he'll stop and probably get some chips or a burger on the way home (which I don't indulge in). Oh and I don't really call him "boyfriend." Although sometimes I call him other names. LOL jk.

Just to add to the topics thing, I'm in atlantic canada and we had the same meeting so yeah, I guess they are really the same. ;)

I was REALLY feeling lazy today and did NOT want to exercise. I was just going to skip it today but 'boyfriend' said that I'd probably feel bad tomorrow if I didn't get it in, and after pondering for a minute I totally agreed. SO.. kicked him out for half an hour to do my Hip Hop Abs video and feel much better. Even though he's not doing the WW thing, or the healthy eating thing, or the exercise scheduling thing like I am, he's still helping me out and that's something that I'm really appreciating. (Except for when he goes, "Hey, it's Whopper Wednesday!) lol. :D

kelijpa 03-22-2008 09:47 AM

:D too funny, "whopper wednesday", Tenda, he sounds like a great boyfriend. Supportive, that's great. It's funny how sometimes, we have to push ourselves so hard to do what deep down we really want to do...

Last night was such a struggle, I say to DH, I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm not hungry, I just want something, luckily while I was gone on one of my trips, he had eaten whatever chocolate was left in the house :D he saved me! ha ha, anyways, there were some chocolate covered cherries (not my favorite, but still yummy) so we each had one and then I ate an apple because that's all that was in here...so I'm going to make sure when I go to the grocery this a.m. that no chocolate or snackies jump into my cart!!

It was good though, because the scale was nice to me this a.m. hopefully it'll still be cooperating on WI day! :D


suitejudyblueeyes 03-22-2008 10:33 AM

My meeting topic was about tracking too! Our leader says the next three weeks are going to be about triggers -- trigger foods, trigger emotions, and trigger environments. I definitely don't think I should miss any of those, they all look so relevant....

So hurray for WI day, I'm down 2.4! :D :D Getting ever closer to that elusive onederland I hear so much about... I'm actually really excited about seeing a '1' before my weight again! :carrot: I don't think I'll make it next week (would require a 2.5 loss to get to 199.9). 2.5 is doable but I can't expect it after a big loss this week too. So I'll keep my expectations low and see what happens :)

Tomorrow I'm going up to my sister's house for an Easter brunch thing. It's a three hour drive each way... kind of a long day trip. It'll be nice to see the fam and my niece. I wish I could go the whole weekend but I just need to focus my spare time on reading for my orals... and if I went up for the weekend I know a 3.5 year old girl who would make that very difficult :) I'll probably be fine eating-wise at my sister's house, she and her husband are perfectly well aware of what I'm going through as they've been doing WW for over a year now and have lost a good amount of weight. Anybody else doing anything for Easter? How's all that candy doing? :p

keli - I hate that feeling! It's so hard to shake, too... I generally have to get wholly absorbed in something else (a movie, a book, a walk) or the feeling just doesn't go away. Glad you came out on top! And good to hear your travel weight came off fast, that must be a relief.

tendalaya - your BF sounds sweet :) Gotta love the supportive significant others, they really do help!

institches & bethz: :wave: :)

vdaybaby 03-22-2008 02:34 PM

I'm going to San Jose for the weekend...
starting today and coming back home tomorrow...
I'm planning on using 10 flex points at the most today,and 15 tomorrow...
I have only used 3 flex points this whole week (first time I used flex points and the scale finally moved!!!)

My best friend's family is renting out an entire mexican restaurant for easter...and I will be going! so 15 flex points will probably be in order!! hahaha...enchiladas or chile relleno time!

THE Heather 03-22-2008 03:55 PM

It's been decided...they're all planned. Haha. We're having a three part series on trigger food too. Oh boy. Ha

Keli: Three cheers on only have one! I know that would have been DIFFICULT for me..I'd have to give the rest of the box to the neighbors!

Suite: Have a wonderful Easter at your sister's! It's a good thing that they too have been on WW and have lost weight, so they can fully understand the temptation of your traditional foods.

As for me, I'm going to be spending Easter working. Gotta love the Emergency Medical System. Darn people...they'll be having chest pains becaus they ate too much! It's inevitable. Or...and this is hoping the best....they all are with their families...and...NO ONE CALLS. I know that's horrible to say, but in a sense it's good. If no one calls, then not as many people are hurt/ing right? Grant it, I'm only a dispatcher...but stil :-/. And I work nights.

Two days ago, my doctor started me on Effexer for my anxiety and my borderline and also Prevacid, to see if it helps with my extreme abdominal pain I've been having. He suggested I go see my surgeon who took out my gallbladder, but a visit with him is alot of $$$ I don't have. So I'm waiting it on the medicine he gave me and then I'll go from there :D

Everyone have a happy Saturday and a Happy Easter if I don't get back here!

kelijpa 03-22-2008 08:43 PM

Heather I wrote you're notes out on my WW stuff, if you nibble it, scribble it, and such :D A little scary hearing about your abdominal pain, a lady I worked with a few years ago had her gall bladder out and had to go back because she was having pain, she had adhesions, I think it's when your scar tissue attaches to something it's not supposed to. I hope something works out so you can get checked out. At Christmas time the choc cherries were too tempting, so we had a ceremonial cherry chuck :D I pitched them across the street (there's only woods over there), it felt great, for some reason these guys aren't bothering me. I thought for sure knowing the box is open would neccessitate (sp?) another chuck, but it hasn't yet :D Hope you're feeling better soon.

Suite brunch sounds good, I'll be at the mother-in-laws, there'll be all kinds of food there, all good stuff, we've planned to go for a good walk in the a.m. before we go over and to try and not eat too many sweets and then get back OP right away.

DH was talking about all the stuff he had to turn down this week at work, the woman who works in his cubicle had a birthday and the easter candy and treats started coming in. Next week could be a challenge with everybody bringing in their leftovers. Luckily (said somewhat sarcastically), in my office alot of people don't like each other, so there's never any bringing in of treats. Sad but at the same time, kind of good...

Vday good job having a plan, there's a million year old WW saying, if you fail to plan you plan to fail!

oh yeah, no chocolates or peeps or anything like that hopped into the cart, now to stay away from the stuff that'll all be on clearance after tomorrow! I usually tell myself it's all stale and yucky leftovers :D

:sunny: Happy Easter Ev1!

freedomreins 03-23-2008 12:17 AM

There are so many messages to reply to I will just create this post as a marker and work forward on the ones posted after it. Otherwise I'd be here for years!

I hope everyone is doing well. I am at "home" home now so will have more time on the computer most days I think, which means I'll be around more. Happy Easter everyone!

Institches21 03-23-2008 08:03 AM

Happy Easter to all that Celebrate
Well made it through the Family Dinner yesterday, I did all the cooking which let me, be in control, of what was served. Also started my day with my Turbo Jam workout. First day in a week I was able to exercise, it was nice to get back into my routine. :carrot:
Saved most of my points for dinner, I did get to enjoy having the ham, mash potatoe and gravy. I knew dessert was going to be tough, but thank goodness, the kids all tried to skinny things up. Infact my sis, and daughter each found a recipe from cooking light, both were 4pts each, and my son made an angel food cake with fresh fruit, and added some ff cool whip. Did make sure all leftovers went home with them, nothing to tempt me with my morning tea :dizzy: I did have candy for them, but I made sure I looked up all the points, BEFORE I opened the bag, to me 1/4c of m&m's is not worth 5pts, and I can't stop at one mini pb cup, so I just did not have any. Besides I do have a bag of those ww mint patties, which I only allow myself, one, as a special treat. Even though they are only 1pt each, I have a hard time with portion control. Since I did have some desserts, did not NEED to have a mint pattie. Goodies are my weakness, and I cannot let them control me, I need to be in control of them. I did walk away from the table very content, not stuffed, I enjoyed a taste of everything, but did not go crazy. WW has taught me you can have anything, just be willing to use the points. I'm so in love with the fact that I can do that. Before I tried WW, I was on NurtiSystem, did very well, while on the program, but it never taught me what to do when I decided to not each a prepackage meal. I think for me I need the weekly meetings, not only do I get the motivation I need to get through another week, but it's nice to be in a room with people who can totally relate. That's why I LOVE this thread, You all are terrific, :bravo:
Speaking of triggers, Family get togethers are all about food, in the past, the dessert table, at my house had just as many items as the dinner table had, and I needed to have at least one of each, sometimes more. :devil:

Well hope everyone has a wonderful day, I actually took tonight off, so I plan to just do my yoga tape today and enjoy doing some cross stitching while my DH watches some boring sports. Have a great week :hug:

freedomreins 03-23-2008 12:36 PM

Institches - Well done for not gorging on the Easter goodies! I have some as well but I won't be touching them unless I know I have points to spare. You have tons of willpower - I hope I can borrow some for when I am feeling like something sweet! :)

Suite - I got some chocolate Almond Milk at the store yesterday. I don't put it on cereal so I got chocolate flavoured as I'd be more likely to drink it. It's really yummy and a whole cup of it for 2 points is just enough. I tried the regular one and the vanilla one at my aunt's last week and the vanilla one is great in coffee because it gives it just a bit of sweetness (since I am used to drinking coffee with sugar and milk). My aunt really liked the regular one on her cereal. Thanks so much for telling us about them!

Happy Easter again to everyone! Hope you all have a good time with your families and enjoy your Easter dinner without going off plan. I intend to! The cruise is only one week away! We are leaving next Sunday! Woohoo!!

shrinkinglizzy 03-23-2008 11:01 PM

Hey girls,

Just checkin in to say hi. Didn't eat so great today...too much free time to roam around the house while me and the ex-bf/current roommate cleaned (you see how that kind of stress might drive me to the snack drawer?). But it could have been worse, of course. I'm still flying off the fact that I jogged a 5K (though while my spirit soars, my legs feel like lead today!).

Weigh in is tomorrow. We shall see...


Lovely 03-24-2008 07:53 AM

Monday... zombie-headed morning O_O :lol:

Lizzy - I hope your reunion goes well! I can't believe you jogged a 5K. Oh my, my legs would have fallen off! Best of luck at weigh in!

Tendalaya - Aren't the boys wonderful occassionally for kicking our butts into exercising? Mine does the same thing when I whine about not wanting to. "But, you'll be angrier with yourself if you don't!" says he. "Sigh. You're right." says I.

Suite - I'm sorry you were feeling under the weather :hug: Congrats on the weight loss :woohoo: You're so close to Onederland it's crazy exciting!!! I can't wait to hear you announce it :hyper:

Kel - YAY! Glad to see that extra weight melted away ^^ (And happy that no sweet things jumped into your cart ;) Those sweets are so willing to just fall right in as we pass by aren't they?)

vday - Wow! Have fun on your trip :sunny: Good job planning out your FP. Let us know how it goes ^^

Heather - Hope your day at work was okay. Sorry you had to miss out on Easter. And I certainly hope you didn't get overwhelmed with calls! BTW - I <3 your new avatar. Gorgeous!

Freedom - I know, sometimes there's just so much. I love reading every single post, but there's often no way to reply to each and every thing. I don't think anyone expects that. I certainly don't! :D

Institches - Yahoo! WTG on making it through family dinner. Sounds like you had a good day while still staying on plan. :carrot: Really awesome!

Bethz - :wave:


Hope everyone had a fabulous yesterday! I stayed on plan which is wonderful. And I was very tempted by the little chocolates around the house. There weren't that many (my mom is on WW) just a few mini ones and little chocolate eggs, though I knew that if I had any I was going to be eating them all. So I had a fig newton, and a little bit of orange sorbet. I told myself that the only reason I was wanting chocolate was because it was right in front of me. It was an urge, not a craving. *whew* It was a nice low-key afternoon with the family.

Hope your days are all nice! :D

suitejudyblueeyes 03-24-2008 01:26 PM

vday - good luck with the trip! and hey, eating more and losing weight = really fantastic! keep it up :)

heather - I hope there weren't too many people with Easter-related medical mishaps. your job reminded me of a job my stepmother used to have, she was on the crisis management team for a big gas company. she NEVER got holidays free from work because thanksgiving and christmas means people cooking while drinking and not paying attention which tends to mean gas stove-related explosions and stuff..... :/ I hope you get your meds sorted out too, abdominal pain can't be fun :(

keli - hope your easter was good :) lol @ the people in the office not liking each other... that's pretty funny :lol:

free - :wave: I'm glad you're enjoying the almond milk! I've never had the chocolate kind but I bet it's good. I haven't tried it in coffee yet, I bet that's really good -- I don't sweeten my coffee so I bet the unsweetened stuff I like will be perfect.

institches - ooh, it sounds like you had a wonderful holiday! How sweet of your family to "lighten up" the desserts!! I made an orange crumb cake from a cooking light recipe to bring for dessert to my sister's house, and good thing too, as the alternative was something heavy on coconut, whipped cream, and mini marshmallows :p 1/4c of M&Ms is really nothing, I've learned, and 5 points is a lot! Sounds like you made some really good choices.

sonja - WOW! Congrats on the 5k, that's fantastic! I'm green with envy :dizzy: Seriously that's an awesome accomplishment, be proud of yourself :) :)

Faerie - Good job staying OP yesterday! :D

Yesterday was pretty crazy eating-wise. I just kind of... stopped... counting points at a certain point. Saturday itself was a major drain on my FPs, and then I just let myself eat and eat on Sunday at my sister's! Anyway, I know all my FPs (and then some) are gone for the week, so I'm going to focus on getting some APs in so I can eat those :p I don't think I can eat just 27 points and call it a day! Well, the important thing to realize is that nothing I did this weekend totally undid all my progress, and unlike other times I've tried to lose weight, I'm not letting this one weekend determine the course of my eating habits for weeks to come. Back on the wagon today, it is!

Boy, will I be happy in three weeks when my oral exam is over. I have three weeks from tomorrow.... I have to say I suspect part of my eating bonanza this weekend was me trying to quiet the inner anxiety monster, though it was rather conveniently veiled as "Easter." :lol:

Tendalaya 03-24-2008 05:20 PM

Well I think the things that really messed me up this week (in my head), was that I never got much excersize in, and slept late ALOT so I wasn't having the three balanced meals I was getting used to. SO, next week I plan on getting up and trying to get some activity in earlier in the day, I know I always feel better when I do that, but the Bed is soooo comfy!

WI tomorrow, hoping for 1.2lbs to make me have a well rounded 15lbs gone so far since starting the program. Hoping to GOD I GET IT! But if I don't I won't sweat it, just give myself another week to reach it, and blame it on being wayy too darn lazy haha.

Judy: "Well, the important thing to realize is that nothing I did this weekend totally undid all my progress, and unlike other times I've tried to lose weight, I'm not letting this one weekend determine the course of my eating habits for weeks to come." This is something I'm still trying to tell myself. Glad you put it into plain terms, maybe I can't beat it into my own head now. :p

Faerie: Good job on staying away from all the goodies! I was really putting myself into 'mission mode' for that one, it was tough, but accomplished!

Lizzy: Another props to you on the 5K, I think if I jogged that far I would fall over and pass out right now, lol. Still trying to build myself up on the fitness thing, aiming for a bit more and a bit more each week, but as I said FAILED on that one over the holiday, eep! :o

Freedom: Hey, uh, if ya have, you know, other arrangements, I'd love to go on a cruise! You don't even have to know I'm there, I don't quite fit into a suitcase, or hockey bag for that matter... lol. Have a great time!

Stitches: I tried those WW candies for a while, but for me it kinda changed to not buying them at all, because I'd stuff them in the drawer, have one, record it, and before I knew it I had like 6 points worth! I guess when it comes to chocolate I'm an 'all or nothing' person, so stayed away for sure all weekend! BTW, the Yoga you do, what's it called? I do a beginners one every so often, it's like an hour long, just wondering about doing a different one.

Have a good week everyone! :hug:

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