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Old 11-17-2007, 04:31 PM   #526  
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Hello All,

I have a question- is anyone else using the liquid minerals? I wi yesterday and stayed the same, which is fine, but they did the tantia deal, and said that my impedace was off and so it would throw everything else off-- anyone understand all that?? I sure don't. She just said not to worry, but something is out of whack- and suggested that I try the liquid minerals and they would check it again next wi. I have been really tired, even almost fell asleep during the concert on Thursday night. I also have been having lots of cramps in my feet and legs. I am just wondering if anyone else knows anything about all this. Also, she weighed me and then said she had to add 2 lbs for clothes, I am thinking you should subtract instead of add--is that right? I am all confused.
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Old 11-17-2007, 04:58 PM   #527  
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Originally Posted by Raemi13 View Post
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if you could pass along the contact info. for the "buffalo" guy in Ft. Collins, CO. I've seen some posts about some of you heading up that way to get a deal on your buffalo.

Sorry if this has already been posted - I could not find it.

Hi Rae,
He only comes every here and there. He wont be back until FEB.
sorry! Look online and see if you can find something or go to the Whole food store, they sell it too and Sams.
Good Luck
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Old 11-17-2007, 05:44 PM   #528  
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Originally Posted by sb4me View Post
Wow it's been Nov. 4th since I posted and tons of posts, I'm so behind. Thanks for all the great tips! Congrats on all the weight loss. I have lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks making that 31.5 lost overall. I'm pleased but, seems like it is so slow. To make my goal by date, I need to lose 3 pounds a week until goal. I can't seem to get past the 2 lb. mark. I know I need to workout more consistent but, can't find anything that isn't such a chore to do that I hate it. Any ideas? I've tried a walking video, taebo, lifting. I quit lifting because my weight loss was slower that way, but that's what I enjoy the most...... So I am up to try anything new. Keep up the good work!!!! My goal is to lose through the holiday this week. We have a long trip ahead of us and it will not be easy.
I like to listen to audio books on my mp3 player while walking or working out at the gym - it really makes the time fly. For weight training, I work out with a trainer once/wk and try to take 1 class/wk at the gym. Then I also play with the kids kicking a soccer ball or hitting a tennis ball around, or throwing a frisbee.

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Old 11-17-2007, 06:39 PM   #529  
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Originally Posted by graduatethin View Post
Hello All,

I have a question- is anyone else using the liquid minerals? I wi yesterday and stayed the same, which is fine, but they did the tantia deal, and said that my impedace was off and so it would throw everything else off-- anyone understand all that?? I sure don't. She just said not to worry, but something is out of whack- and suggested that I try the liquid minerals and they would check it again next wi. I have been really tired, even almost fell asleep during the concert on Thursday night. I also have been having lots of cramps in my feet and legs. I am just wondering if anyone else knows anything about all this. Also, she weighed me and then said she had to add 2 lbs for clothes, I am thinking you should subtract instead of add--is that right? I am all confused.

You just subtract those 2 lbs for clothes in your head, that is what I always do...odd that she said add. Maybe SHE was confuzzled? I always make sure to wear the lightest weight clothing possible for WI's. I'm a firm believer in 'every little bit counts'.

I do use Liquid Minerals and it seems to pick me up a bit, energy wise, however it is VERY spendy, imho. The bottle suggests dilutiing it with water, but I prefer to pour it in a little shot glass and drink it that's fruity and not bad tasting at all. Not sure if it's something I will continue on maintenance.
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Old 11-17-2007, 07:15 PM   #530  
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I'm so glad to be home and back in control of what's going in my mouth!!I had a wonderful time at my convention--great classes, good times with old friends. I worked as hard as I could at staying OP, but was challenged by never having time to leave the hotel. I could identify with the post about lots of grilled chicken and questionable lettuce. Airports also will challenge the thunder out of you. But, no greeezy cheeezburgers and fries, etc. for me. The downfall was having, over the course of the trip, 3 martinis with friends (an old tradition at this gathering) . Here's what making that choice does: at WI this morning, I was up 2.5 lbs. My MRC person said it's probably water retention from the alcohol (sure glad I've kicked my EVERY NIGHT cocktail habit). The funny part is, as I finished each martini, mindful that I'd made this very deliberate choice knowing that it would slow me down, I thought, "This isn't as swell as I remember it--just not sure it's worth it." It's not.

However, not too discouraged as I just got right back in the saddle this morning, program-wise. It'll all turn out okay in the end.

I couldn't believe how many posts there were here this evening. I've been reading you guys for the last hour or so and it makes me feel like I've been welcomed home. You sustain me.

About the liquid minerals, I like them in a bottle of water twice a day and have had my best losses when I'm consistent with that. Don't know why.
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Old 11-17-2007, 08:35 PM   #531  
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Thank you for all of the supportive emails in my time of need. We too are home and it is wonderful. Things got better after my last post. We didn't go to the Magic Kingdom anymore. My problem there was that there were no other choices than those awful salads. All of the sit down alternatives required reservations that you apparently had to make eons ago. Once we moved on I did find other choices and did feel much better. Both Epcot and MGM had healthy options that looked good. I tried to find as much fish as I could to offset any negatives from earlier in the week. We will see Monday what the damage is. Today at the airport I ended up having fruit and yogurt for lunch. I know this is off plan, but we were at one of the small alternative airports and the choices were beyond limited and I thought it was better than going hungry. I am not sure how bad MRC thinks yogurt is but I know it isn't on any of the menus. The lady at the food counter had to think I was crazy. I stood there forever like I was making a life or death decision. I don't think she had seen anyone so serious about a cup of yogurt before.

Glad to hear that the drinks weren't all that they used to be Texdoc. It is so strange, because I rarely drink, but that has been such a major temptation for me. I have randomly craved both martinis (the ridiculous foo foo fruity ones) and pina colladas. In my past life I would have skipped that every time to have chocolate or some other baked good, but now I am just drooling. I will remind myself that you didn't really enjoy it next time the craving hits.

As the exercise goes, I am still just walking. I don't really have the energy to do more yet. I thought I would adjust to the new eating and get back in there, but so far all I can make myself do is walk. I have also noticed if I bend over a lot I get dizzy. I was playing a pick up game with the kids and had to keep standing up and waiting for a bit to stop the spinning. It was right after lunch so that wasn't the problem. I think I will run that by them Monday too.

I almost always have cottage cheese on toast for breakfast. Once in awhile I broil smoked swiss cheese on toast. I have always loved eggs for breakfast in the past. Omelets were my favorite, but I have found that I can't tolerate them with all of the supplements that I am taking. So far the only problem I have with my breakfast is that I have to take the total cleanse loyally. If you go this route I definitely suggest that you invest in that product.

Sorry for the long post. With all of the activity it is hard not to go on and on. Congrats to everyone who is losing and hang in there to all of you that are struggling. Thank you again for all of the support and ideas.
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Old 11-17-2007, 09:37 PM   #532  
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Oh, one more thought on the cost subject. Don't forget the cost of new clothes as your size goes up. I didn't start this program at my heaviest weight and I was on my way back there at an unbelievable rate. I got rid of my larger clothes last winter when I swore I wouldn't regain. Then sure enough over the summer it started to crawl back up. I decided to just bite the bullet and buy a pair of new jeans and a pair of pants until I lost it again. Then two weeks later I went to have the pant altered and I couldn't fit in them anymore. I freaked out. I didn't want to pay this much to learn how to control my weight, but I can't afford to buy new clothes every two weeks either. Just another point to think about.

Oh, I wore my yoga sweat pants that I have lived in since gaining again today on the plane. I actually had to keep pulling them back up. I think I may have to retire them from public. When I started the program I had to make sure my shirts were long enough to completely cover my backside because they were ugly tight. I will have to try the jeans again soon. I am afraid to try, but I am hoping next time I try them I can wear them and breath at the same time. Such a cool idea. Anyway, thanks for letting me share. My husband is super supportive but I know he doesn't want to listen to 24/7 diet news.
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Old 11-18-2007, 01:39 AM   #533  
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Default May I have some whine with that cheese?

OK everyone, it's my turn to whine.
Today I WI this morning with great anticipation. The 90 lb board was going to be mine. Oh yes, it was going to be mine. I was down 88 lbs last Friday. Who couldn't lose a measly 2 stinking pounds in 8 days. ME THAT'S WHO!!!!
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
1/2 pound from signing the 90 lb board. To make things worse, I had that after WI BM. There was my half pound in the stinking toilet!!!!!!!!!
OK, I feel better. Time to move on.

On a brighter note, I also had my measurements and Tanita this morning. I lost 16 inches this month for a grand total of 78 3/4 INCHES LOST!!! This is my 5 month mark. 89.5 lbs and 78 3/4 inches in 5 months. OK, I really do feel better.

ShineOn: Where are you! What ever happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

sb4me If you really enjoy weight training, just do it. I've heard that for every pound of muscle gained, you burn 50 extra calories a day just doing nothing. Currently, I am weight training for 30 to 45 minutes 2 days a week and doing some kind of aerobic activity for 1 hour 3 days a week. I really like the way it makes me feel and the way it's affecting how my body looks. Exercising has become very high on my priority list. If you want BIG weight loss results, you need to exercise on a regular basis. That being said, find something you enjoy and that challenges you enough to see the results. If you love to walk, then walk. Start a walking group. A lot of people are more motivated if they have an exercise partner to be accountable to.

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Old 11-18-2007, 07:58 AM   #534  
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Nan11, Thanks for the info! I will try the liquid minerals for a bit and see how it goes. I also think I will just "shoot" the minerals as you said, they kind of taste bad in water- would rather get them in quickly. Ha! It says to take them between meals-- so when do you take them? I am thinking

Donuts Don't despair! You will sign that 90 lb board next time!! You are doing so great! I cannot believe how quickly you have lost and it really sounds as though you have made some life changing decisions that will assure that you keep it off. I am inspired by you. I need to get an exercise program going-- I had been exercising faithfully until this fall when I developed plantar faciatius ( sp) in my foot and that has slowed me down. I need to quit using that as an excuse and do something that doesn't put pressure on my feet. Like swimming, or something. I think that will be my goal for this week--I belong to the YMCA, so I will go down and check out their classes.
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Old 11-18-2007, 08:02 AM   #535  
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nan11-- just reread my post and i never finished what I was thinking--I was thinking that I could take those minerals when I get home from work, before I make my dinner and then again later in the evening. I have a hard time remembering to take my Total Woman during the day-- not sure I want to throw another one in the mix....
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Old 11-18-2007, 11:51 AM   #536  
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Donuts.. I feel your pain! I wanted to sign the 20 pound board on Friday when I wi, but I was .5 pds away!!! I know on Monday's wi I will be signing it! Hang in there, you are doing so awesome! I bet your bmi is starting to level close to a resonable number, and 89.5 pds in 5 months! Come on what other program could promise us that! Congrats!

Wish me luck and for Monday wi. Good luck to everyone for the up and coming week, we are getting closer to the "food" holiday
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Old 11-18-2007, 11:57 AM   #537  
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Oh, I have a little trick for helping me sleep at night these days, and my center said it is totally fine.

I have a small 6 ounce mug of chamomile or peppermint tea. It is caffeine free, and is a light enough tasting tea that you need no splenda in it. Seems that the natural chamomile/peppermint is sleep inducing. It has a great relaxing scent as you are drinking it, and it seems to help reduce stress. It is great on these cool nights. I was worried about the peppermint, as I have always thought of peppermint as invigorating, but nope, I have been sleeping like a baby lately, and that is my new nighttime 'treat'.
Just thought I'd share, as I remember some of you were talking about having trouble sleeping.
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Old 11-18-2007, 02:55 PM   #538  
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Graduatethin: I had plantar fasciitis last year (as well as tendonitis in the arch support tendon) and after a couple years of trying to get rid of through massage and a podiatrist, I finally went to physical therapy (wish I'd gone there first!). They had me start doing a couple different calf stretches 4x/day, which I thought was crazy, but after about 4-5 weeks, both the plantar fasciitis and the arch tendonitis were almost gone. I continued treatment for another 3-4 weeks and both conditions were completely cleared up by the end. They did do some treatment on my feet at each visit, but they said the stretching was the most important thing to clear up the problem. I've continued stretching on my own (only about 1x/day now - sometimes more if I'm more active) and it's kept the problem away. Everynow and then I get away from stretching and it starts coming back and I just start stretching again. You could give stretching a try (let me know if you want more details) and if you don't notice improvement in about 2-3 wks, you might want to try a physical therapist. Hard to believe that stretching your calves fixes plantar fasciitis, but it works (at least it did for me).

Something else to think about... A friend of mine had plantar fasciitis and I told her all about the stretching 4x/day, she swears she did it but it didn't help. What helped her was getting orthotics and she also figured out recently that she was allergic to several foods (allergic reaction to food causes inflammation, which I think can worsen a condition like plantar fasciitis as it's related to inflammation also). She started using the orthotics about the same time she cut out the foods she was allergic to and her plantar fasciitis is gone now. So hard to know what exactly helped her.

I read that MSM reduces inflammation, so that might help too. Anyway, I'm not a doctor (obviously ) but just wanted to share what help me and my friend. Good luck to you! I know how sucky plantar fasciits is.
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Old 11-18-2007, 05:47 PM   #539  
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Originally Posted by Moliver View Post
Graduatethin: I had plantar fasciitis last year (as well as tendonitis in the arch support tendon) and after a couple years of trying to get rid of through massage and a podiatrist, I finally went to physical therapy (wish I'd gone there first!). They had me start doing a couple different calf stretches 4x/day, which I thought was crazy, but after about 4-5 weeks, both the plantar fasciitis and the arch tendonitis were almost gone. I continued treatment for another 3-4 weeks and both conditions were completely cleared up by the end. They did do some treatment on my feet at each visit, but they said the stretching was the most important thing to clear up the problem. I've continued stretching on my own (only about 1x/day now - sometimes more if I'm more active) and it's kept the problem away. Everynow and then I get away from stretching and it starts coming back and I just start stretching again. You could give stretching a try (let me know if you want more details) and if you don't notice improvement in about 2-3 wks, you might want to try a physical therapist. Hard to believe that stretching your calves fixes plantar fasciitis, but it works (at least it did for me).

Something else to think about... A friend of mine had plantar fasciitis and I told her all about the stretching 4x/day, she swears she did it but it didn't help. What helped her was getting orthotics and she also figured out recently that she was allergic to several foods (allergic reaction to food causes inflammation, which I think can worsen a condition like plantar fasciitis as it's related to inflammation also). She started using the orthotics about the same time she cut out the foods she was allergic to and her plantar fasciitis is gone now. So hard to know what exactly helped her.

I read that MSM reduces inflammation, so that might help too. Anyway, I'm not a doctor (obviously ) but just wanted to share what help me and my friend. Good luck to you! I know how sucky plantar fasciits is.
Moliver: Thanks! I have heard other people say that stretching has helped them, I will give it a try. I would love more details on how to stretch-- I think someone showed me once, but I have fogotten. All advice is appreciated! I bought new tennis shoes and just some cheapie inserts, at the suggestion of my Dr. He said to try that first, and it is better, but not 100%.
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Old 11-18-2007, 06:58 PM   #540  
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Hello everyone I made it back from Vegas and I'm happy to report that I managed to stay on plan! That was very difficult, not only finding acceptable food choices, but mentally staying in it! So no, Donuts, nothing has to stay "in Vegas" . Thank you for thinking of me!!!

I feel like I have been reading posts for hours - I love it! I do have to admit I had one little slip. We had dinner with our Aunt & Uncle on Friday night (whom we haven't seen in 10 yrs) and I had a small piece of sour dough bread instead of the melba toast I had put in my purse. I just couldn't resist when they were oohing over how fresh and warm it was. I figured it was a bread exchange - just not MRC approved bread. So there it is - my first cheat in 70 some days but that's ok!!!

We had a great convention (over 30,000 attendees and 750 vendors). One of the vendors was giving out podometer (sp?) you know, the thing that counts yours steps. Well, we walked an average of 4.5 - 5 miles per day. Wow! My feet are sore, but it felt good.

I got up this morning and excitedly weighed myself - only a 2 lb drop on my scale. I was swollen from traveling and I'm sure the airport salad was loaded with sodium. My DH was teasing me about not being excited about 2 lbs (which he found . . . serves him right, eating all that yummy food and ice cream in front of me!) - I was pouting because Sam lost 5 while traveling Silly me, I know not to compare. It just took such mental strength in sin city, I wanted to see a bigger loss - especially with all the walking. I'll let you all know what the official wi is tomorrow morning (our center is closed on Sunday).

I was most excited about how I "fit" in the airplane seat - I was even able to cross my legs - VICTORY!! (I know that's bad on a plane - but I wanted to prop my book on my knee) On our trip back, my DH and I couldn't get a seat together (southwest). I sat next to a heavy lady - not much bigger than I was last year. I felt so bad for her, she was sitting with her arms crossed to give me more room. I remember having to do that so well. I tried to make her feel comfortable - she seemed very nice, just not talkative. Sam, your next trip will be seat belt extender free - you inspire me.

Donuts - I'm so jazzed for you. Whining and all you are definately going to sign that 90 lb board. Can you believe it!!!! 90 lbs in such a short amount of time - and you look amazing. I know we've talked about this before - BM before WI

Congratulations to all the losers!!!! The few times I did get to read the posts while out of town really helped me. Thank you for all your support. It is good to back home in a controlled environment. If I can survive Vegas - the cruise will be a "piece of cake".

Good luck to everyone who is weighing in tomorrow!

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