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Old 10-20-2003, 07:29 AM   #1  
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Thumbs down LCFS...week of Oct. 19th

Hi everyone!

Hope you all had a great weekend. It has gotten kind of chilly here, we had a frost Sunday morning. This morning it's only 28 deg. BRRRR!

lilybutt, welcome/welcome back. I don't have a very good memory, I suffer from CRS (can't remember****) I am sorry that you are having such a stressful time at work. It's awfully hard being in "the middle" in difficult situations. How were your meatballs? Hope you had a good time at your party. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts.

nikki, congratulations on your weight loss!!! You definitely will be below 200 by Christmas!!! That's great news that you are seeing some muscle definition now. We have to set up our gazelle now that it's getting colder. DH has to vacuum the downstairs (that's his job, I have the whole upstairs). Two weeks ago he said he's vacuum and set it hasn't been done yet. Please send some of your weather our way!

ANNE, how was the birthday party? Hope everyone had a good time. How did you do with the birthday cake?

Have a great day!
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Old 10-20-2003, 10:15 AM   #2  
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This getting to wonderland is hard. Today, I'm back up to 210 and I didn't do anything different, eat off plan or drink less water. I know, muscle weights more or the same amount of muscle weight takes up less space, but can't it do that after I'm below 200?
It was 92 here yesterday. The ladybugs are back in full force and so are the biting gnats, so being outside is not as pleasant as it could be. We took a long convertible ride, with the top down and that kept the bugs away. It will be in the 80's today and then drop down to the mid 70's the rest of the week. My spring bulbs I planted are sprouting. I don't know what this will mean for them, I hope they do come up next spring.
Aleka, when I start the vacuum, all the males in our house run like it's an evil machine. The male cats and the male DH He never used one (or owned one) when he was a bachelor and he was 40 when we married. May I say, he wasn't exactly dirty, his place was picked up and every 6 months he gave it what he refered to as a whores bath. But, his interest in house work has never been the same as mine. I once went to his place and vacuumed the cobwebs off the ceiling and that really ticked him off, he said they had been growing for years and they were part of his place. It was like a haunted house in there. In fact, he use to complain when I did clean our house, he said it meant he had to be more careful and couldn't relax. But, he's married to an obsessive/compulsive person and I can't help but clean, so he's grown use to it. Now when he goes to relatives or friends houses, he says he can't believe how they live and doesn't know how he lived like that. So I guess he's even starting to like it. He has even started to vacuum the leaves outside the house to keep them from tracking in. I'm still amazed by that one.
I got to get on the gazelle and see what is going on with the next episode, have a great day everyone, Nikki
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:57 PM   #3  
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Good Evening All:

I wrote a big long post at work today and guess what? When
I pressed reply I got the message I was not logged in although
I had logged in so I lost my post I just hate when that

I made it through the party without eating cake. I don't know
how I am going to make it through the anniversary party on
Saturday though. I really don't want to go off my program.
On the other hand I don't want to hurt feelings. How can you
cut and serve your own cake and not take a piece? I have a
feeling that there will be deli trays present so I can always fill
up on that. To be perfectly honest with you guys I hate being
the centre of attention

Nikkic, you and I will get below that 200 pounds before too long.
I just know it!!

Aleka it was a lovely day today but the temperature is on the
way down for the rest of the week. It gets dark so early now!
Next weekend is day light savings so it will be dark by 6 at
night. That is the only draw back of the autumn.

Talk to you Tuesday.
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Old 10-20-2003, 07:45 PM   #4  
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Anne, I'll tell you a little story. I didn't eat any birthday cake on my dads last birthday because I was dieting. At the time, I weighed 160 lbs. and thought I was overweight. I sure wish I'd eaten that stupid cake. It would have made no difference at all as far as my weight goes now. I still feel bad about that.
If you only eat one piece of cake, one time, I wouldn't worry about it. Just do some extra on the gazelle later or the next day, if you feel like you need to do something to offset the sugar. Another trick I learned with cake is, if you can, eat a piece without all the flowers and extra stuff and just a small one. No doubt, since you haven't had sugar in a long time, this will not stay in your body long anyway.
I don't like being the center of attention either, but these are all people that love you, so try to relax and enjoy it. It only happens once. (Did I hear you say Thank God to that?)

Last edited by nikkic; 10-20-2003 at 07:51 PM.
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Old 10-21-2003, 07:23 AM   #5  
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Good morning,

It is about 20 deg. warmer this morning than it was yesterday at this time.

DH set the Gazelle up sometime yesterday! I did manage to go for a walk when it warmed up a bit.

ANNE, you will do fine with the cake. Take a small piece, if nobody is watching to comment on why you weren't eating the cake, just nibble on it after scraping the frosting off the top. You haven't had sugar in a long time, so you probably wouldn't be able to eat all of it anyway, and the frosting will probably be way too sweet for you now. I guess not liking to be the center of attention is something the 3 of us have in common.

nikki, don't worry about your weight gain, it's probably only water. Do you weigh yourself everyday? It sounds like summer has never left your area. It would be nice to still be able to drive with my sunroof all the way open. A friend of mine who drives a convertible, sometimes puts the top down in the winter and has the heat going full blast. We have friends who live like your DH used to do. We don't like going to their house.

Hi lilybutt, hope things are going ok with you and things have gotten a little better at work so that you aren't so stressed out.

Have a good day.
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Old 10-21-2003, 07:31 AM   #6  
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Good Morning Everyone:

Nikkic you are right, deep down I know it wasn't eating anyones
birthday cake that turned me huge. It was the day to day over
eating I was doing coupled with the yo yo dieting. I guess I am
always afraid of going "on release" and eating everything I can
get my hands on

If I have learned anything to date it is this- I am a carbo addict.
Once I have the carbos out of my system I don't crave them, that
for me in the beauty of this program

Aleka, you have to let me know how you do on the gazelle.
I love that machine but I have to colapse it each day because
I have no room for it, and thats a little bit of a pain.

Have a great day.
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Old 10-21-2003, 09:30 AM   #7  
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They say it is going to get a little cooler here, in the 70's, ha. I am finding all kinds of projects outside to do, so it will be great to have the nice weather to do them in.
Anne, I know your afraid of carbs and this is what will trigger an all out food binge. What I found when I ate some carbs after being on a low carb diet for a long time was that they made me sick to my stomach. Actually so sick, that I was in the bathroom all day the next day. So if you want to forget the cake you could say that it looks delicious, but sugar makes you feel ill and you don't want to ruin the special day with not feeling well. If youd rather not say anything, there is the old, take a piece and push it around on your plate routine, like when you were a kid and didn't want to eat your vegetables. Oh, this is what I did at the last party I went to and was obligated to take stuff I didn't want. I put things on there that I did want to eat and ate around the other stuff, then tossed it in the garbage when no one was looking. It was the easiest way out, I'm such a wimp. Whatever you do will be the right thing for you.
Aleka, I've weighed everyday for the last year. I do it every morning at the same time. It has been an interesting lesson and I realize that some things make me gain more than others doing this. Plus, some days I weigh more from water, TOM, the moon is in line with Mars (just kidding). I also started to measure last week and then again yesterday and over all, I've lost 6 1/2 " this week, with 4 being in my waist. My lower abs are still the same. I am looking for something that really targets this area. I work on my abs everyday, of course, but those lower abs are the weakest area and so hard to really work hard. I saw an informercial for a smaller handheld machine that was suppose to target the lower abs, but I cant remember the name of it, something like 6 second abs or something like that. I know if I get one more piece of exercise equipment, DH will have a fit.
I love my gazelle too and do it daily, lately twice a day. Another good idea, if I haven't mentioned it, is to listen to a book on tape when your on it. Just make that the only time you listen to the book and you will be looking forward to getting on the gazelle more than ever. You can check them out from the library or I bought one on Amazon for 9 bucks.
Better get my BF done, the day is already well on it's way. Nikki
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Old 10-22-2003, 07:17 AM   #8  
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We had rain most of the day yesterday with a few claps of thunder thrown in. It's supposed to get cooler and they're talking about snow showers and possibly some accumulation later in the week.

ANNE, I can understand why you're afraid to have any cake. If at all possible, leave the cake on your plate and pretend to eat it. Everyone will be busy having a good time that they might not even notice. As nikki said, if you get a chance dump it in the garbage or give it to one of your son's to eat. If you can find some nice s/f chocolate, bring it with you to have if you would like some dessert. Something that I have learned is that everything will work out in the end.

nikki, congragulations on your lost inches!! That's fantastic news! My lower abs are my problem area too. I'm really not an apple shape, but I have a big belly, hips, & butt. I'm afraid to buy anymore exercise equipment too now that we're budgeting. I would like to get Suzanne's Body Row from HSN, but I'll stick with the Gazelle. What I did yesterday on the Gazelle was to hold my stomach in for a certain amount of time while Gazelling. I will start holding it longer as time goes by. Hopefully that will work some. Yesterday I watched The Golden Girls while I was on it. I'm starting out with 1/2 hr. then work my way to 45 min. then possibly 1/2 hr. 2x a day. Listening to a book is a great idea.

Take care and have a great day.
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Old 10-22-2003, 07:31 AM   #9  
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Good Morning Ladies:

Did you guys see Sarah Ferguson on Larry King last night!!
I was so ticked.
She was slamming low carbing for all she was worth. She
was talking about how people on low carb diets were setting
themselves up for cancer & heart disease because they were
excluding veggies like brocolli etc. from their diets.
What planet is she from????She had these booklets from WW
(she was obviously paid) that she wanted people to call in and
The way I see it is this......WW is losing money galore these days
because so many people have jumped on the low carb band
wagon. I can speak for myself and say I have never felt better
enjoyed better blood pressure readings (104/74) or had more
strength or energy
I wish Suzanne had of been on with her. She would have set
her straight
How was that for a rant!!!
Have a great day.
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Old 10-22-2003, 08:37 AM   #10  
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ANNE, I didn't see Sarah Ferguson. But, I got a flyer in the mail yesterday from WW and they have a new booklet out about carbs. You can read it on WW website. I too think they are losing money because a lot of people are lo-carbing. Well, my cholestersol went to the normal range when I started Suzanne's WOE. It does make you angry when someone is so misinformed. I think I eat MORE veggies low carbing than I ever did on a low fat/high carb diet. It would've been nice if Suzanne was there to give her point of view.
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Old 10-22-2003, 09:31 AM   #11  
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Another perfect day weatherwise. It will be in the 70's. Even though it seems wonderful, we haven't had rain in a long time and we have actually had drought conditions for years here. The weather is changing. Maybe we will have weather like Florida from now on and everyone will want to come to Iowa (sure). We still have robins hopping around. I can't get over it.

Anne, I missed LK's show, but I never do watch it. I'm sure your right, that she was paid and misinformed by WW to say those things. I have never eaten more broccoli in my life than I have in the last 2 years, honest. I eat it at least 1 time a week and usually 2 x's. I eat many vegetables and a much wider variety than I ever did before. Before my vegetables were potatoes, corn, peas, carrots and onion, period. How healthy is that? The last time I had my cholesterol checked, it was as good as any 20 year olds, probably better than some of them, as they are having troubles with the way they eat now. It's been over a year since I"ve had blood work done, I think I'll make an appointment just to see how much BETTER it is now compared to a year ago,
WW is running scared and losing money. People on low carb diets are getting in better shape, faster and finding out that you don't have to pay a lot of money to join and stay in a group or whatever, to stick to a diet. You just have to find one that works for you and that doesn't make you feel deprived all the time. What I like the best about low carbing is, I feel full all the time. If I feel hungry, I eat something. I don't have to sit around, count the hours til my next meal, then count the points and dole it out like I was in a concentration camp. Seems like any other time I"ve been on diets, I just think about food all the time, what will I have next, how soon can I eat, how can I make it til morning feeling this hungry. Well, I guess it ticks me off too when people put down low carbing, especially when they are so ill informed.

Aleka, that's about the amount that I've been doing on the gazelle. I read somewhere, that after 20 min, you start to really burn the fat, so I try to always go at least 25 min and usually I do 30 min twice a day. I either watch a tape or regular tv if something is on worth watching. I also try to incorportate more movement into my day. You know, parking farther away from the store, bending over to pick up the clothes out of the clothes basket one at a time, instead of putting them all with in easy reach when folding, that kind of thing.

Can you guys tell I'm on my second cup of coffee? I better put this energy to good use and jump on the gazelle, Later, Nikki
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Old 10-23-2003, 07:35 AM   #12  
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Good morning,

We got a little snow overnight. Last night they said we were going to get 1"-3", but there is barely a dusting out there. Heard that some places farther north had their plows out, but we were very lucky. It's supposed to be getting warmer by the weekend.

ANNE, Suzanne is going to be on HSN this weekend. I saw on the HSN website that her chocolates are back in stock. DH & I usually buy something for the holidays that we don't normally buy, and this year we decided on getting some of Suzanne's chocolates.

nikki, how is your kitty doing? I agree with you about WW. I am surprised that they haven't jumped on the low-carb bandwagon to get people in. Recently I met a woman who I was friendly with when I attended WW meetings. She was getting soooo discouraged with her weight loss. She knew someone who was doing Atkins and had lost a lot of weight, and she was thinking of doing that. Plus she told me that a few other women were getting discouraged and thinking of quitting. My legs were a bit sore yesterday from doing the Gazelle the day before, but they feel fine today. So, I will do another 1/2 hr. again this morning.

lilybutt, how are things going?

I may or may not be around tomorrow morning to post, so ANNE, have a wonderful time at your anniversary party this weekend. Tell us all about it. Also, I want to wish you all a fantastic weekend.
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Old 10-23-2003, 09:08 AM   #13  
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I think WW is ok for some people. I think that like with shoes, one size doesn't fit all and one style isn't everyone's taste. So, when I hear that the spokes person of WW is saying that we will all get cancer and heart disease from eating low carb, it makes me think that they must be losing alot of business. I know one thing, if I'd kept eating the way I was before-all the donuts, potato chips, candy and alcohol I could hold on a regular basis, now that is a diet that spells cancer and heart disease.

I checked out the website for the 6secondabs and found out the s&h was 19.95. The darn thing costs $60 by itself. I guess I'll wait til one of the shopping channels has it as a special, I'm sure that will happen sometime in the next few months or something like it anyway. I'm having surgery in Feb (approx) to have the metal removed from my leg and I wanted something that I can do sitting down to work on my abs. Plus, my lower abs are so hard to work on and aren't getting any smaller. I do ab work daily, but after 2 c-sections and gaining enough weight to make 2 people, those muscles are in poor shape.

Aleka, have you had SS chocolates before? I wish you could find her products at Walmart. Even if they were still so expensive (like Atkins) if you didn't have to pay the extraordinary s&h, I'd buy them once in awhile. I love so many of her things. Now, I just buy a package of Atkins blueberry muffins every 2 weeks and freeze them. They are expensive too, at $5 a bag, but it makes 12 muffins and I eat them over a 2 week period. Great for a quick breakfast with some sausage that I have precooked and put in the freezer. Just pop in the microwave for a min and breakfast is ready.
I'm really trying to increase the amount of vitamins and anitoxidants that I'm taking, now that the season is changing. I also started to take probiotics. They are the good bacteria that your body needs to function properly and is often killed off with antibitotics. I quit taking everything for awhile there. My legs started to get really restless when I was trying to go to sleep and suddenly I realized, I needed more potassium. I started to take that and within a few days, my legs weren't restless anymore.

Anne, Happy Anniversary, have a great day and remember to relax and enjoy yourself.

Later, NIkki
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Old 10-24-2003, 12:13 PM   #14  
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Good Morning Everyone:

I couldn't post yesterday because our internet was down. Have
you noitced the amount of computer problems everyone is having lately Even at work we are always having problems. Whats
up with all this?

Saturday is my big day. I have been trying to keep my mind
occupied so I don't get too nervous

I had an awful day at work yesterday one of our colleges was
let go after 22 years of service I was so upset I was in tears.

called me in and told me that I do a great job so I have
absolutely nothing to worry about. We are overstaffed and our
hospoital is 20 million in the red. Not good.

I will let you all know how the party goes
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Old 10-24-2003, 12:39 PM   #15  
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Anne, I am so sorry about your job problems. That poor woman. It is really hard to lose a job after that long of a time. Are jobs easier to get there because it's a big city? Or should I say, are there jobs available? Here, your lucky to get a job at Walmart and they don't hire very often.
Tomorrow is your anniversary. I'm sure it will go great, good luck and don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll be thinking of you and wish I was there. I'd solve that cake problem and eat it for you
I'm taking a day off from exercise. I know your suppose to take at least 1 day off a week. I'm having a hard time doing that. I guess it's the same as you feel about the cake, Anne. I'm afraid if I miss a day, I'll just quit. But, I'm feeling really tired and they say that's a sign of over training.
We are going to a football game in a town that is 3 hours away. It's a high school game, the teams are from 2 of the towns my DH lived in as a boy, so that's the big interest for him. I don't like football or sitting outside in cold weather, but I'm going to please him and also to drive. He has to go to work tonight after we get home. The weather isn't that cold anyway, I just don't like football games.
I've been having a hard time getting on the internet and staying on the internet. It makes it hard to surf, I feel more like I'm wading in a mud puddle.
Have a good day and relax, Anne, it will be ok.
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