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Old 07-14-2003, 10:09 AM   #1  
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Default LCFS week of 14-20

Guess they were changing the site some last night, so I couldn't get in. It looks fresh and updated.
Anne, I do Body Flex every morning and sometimes in the evening too. It is very easy. I wonder some times if it really can help, but it has. Make sure you take your measurements before you start. I've lost inches all over. Not the dramatic 6 inches some people claim on the shopping channel down here, but at least an inch from everywhere in a month. Part of it is diet and other exericise too. I really started to do this because of my lungs. I smoked for 20 plus years and before that, when I was growing up, my parents both smoked 2 packs a day. I want to heal my lungs and this is a great way to do some deep breathing. I'm not even sure I really believe the claims about the weight lose, but I keep doing it. I've recently started to read a book that is so interesting, I wish you would read it too. It's Dr. Weil's, Spontaneous Healing. I got the paperback at Walmart. He has some ideas that are kind of out there, but he looks at health in a completely different way from regular Drs. He has lots of suggestions for maintaining health and for dealing with health issues. He also talks about breathing being so important to our basic existence, but most people are not breathing deeply. I've read some things in there that just make my mouth drop open, it's like he's writing about me personally. I suppose somethings are more common than I realize.
When you first do the breathing, you'll feel stupid. Try to do it by yourself. She has you roll up your stomach-starting at the bottom, pulling in and continuing up till you get to the top. I recently read in a fitness magazine this same technique. They said if you do it several times a day, it helps to strengthen your abs. They didn't do the breathing with it though.
Congratulations to James on his weight lose, that is wonderful!!
He is such a nice young man. He must feel proud of himself and you must be proud of him too, Anne. What did he do related to RS? Did he follow his diet or exercises or both? Nice of Richard to send him a letter.

I weigh 210 today! I love it when I get into what I think of as the next decade. I was in the 211-220 range for 7 months. I know tomorrow I could bounce back there, but I'm celebrating this today. I haven't seen that number on the scale for years.

We are suppose to get a whopper of a storm around 5pm. Tornadoes, hail and heavy rain. I hate that. Plus it's suppose to be slow moving and stay here for awhile. I wish I could put a big blanket over my gardens to protect them. We have a basement, I won't live here without one.
I'm going to be picking my first tomatoes today, can't wait to eat them. We've been eating zucchini ever day. I'm still not tired of it.
Hey, I made some poached salmon the other day and it was great and I don't even like salmon. This didn't taste strong or stink up the whole house. If you want the recipe, let me know, it's real easy.

Got to go get in the garden while I can, take care Nikki

Last edited by nikkic; 07-14-2003 at 10:35 AM.
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Old 07-14-2003, 10:29 AM   #2  
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Nikki, congrats on your new low! You deserve it!
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Old 07-14-2003, 01:08 PM   #3  
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Good Afternoon Everyone:

Nikkic, way to go! You are doing awsome I am
still holding at 215 but I would really like to see myself get into
the 100's before this year falls out.

We have sure come along way since last August!!!

I have a book by Andrew Weil too. I like him very much, he is
really in touch with both sides of medicine and incorporates
herbals as well. The book I have is called 8 weeks to optimum

Your tomatoes sound wonderful!! I love eating tomatoes just
like an apple. Delicious

I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you don't get any
tornados or violent weather

I will take my measurements when our body flex arrives. Bit
by bit I will widdle this weight down!!

Talk to you later.
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Old 07-14-2003, 01:23 PM   #4  
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Nik, I'll mess around with this and move all to LCFS week of 14-20. Wish me luck.
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Old 07-14-2003, 09:18 PM   #5  
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Anne, I'm planning on reading that one next. I love the way he looks at the world. Plus, he has a lot of good advice on how to do things naturally.
The 1 small tomato that was ready was pretty good, but DH and I split it and that was just enough to get a taste. I too love to eat tomatoes like apples. I know your not suppose to put them in the fridge, but I think nothing tastes as good as a cold tomato with salt, eaten over the sink. Get as messy as you want that way.

Jennifer, thank you. Hope your doing well.

Ruth, don't know what you did really. Changed the date? I just dated it for the week beginning on Sunday. You do a great job with the forum, thanks for watching out for us.

Hi Aleka, hope your having a great time!
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Old 07-15-2003, 11:06 AM   #6  
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Angry Hi there!

Having a good time down to the lake. The first night my cousin was here we went out for ice cream. I've vowed just to be careful these next couple of weeks.

ANNE, how nice of Richard Simmons to send your son a letter. That must have made him feel really special. Congratulations to your son for all the weight he has lost! You have come a long way since August and you will see the 100's very soon. Good luck with the Body Flex. I have the tapes but haven't tried it yet.

nikki, congratulations on seeing 210! It is cause for celebration. (I love these new smilies!) Both my parents smoked too, but I never got in the habit. I tried it a few times but it make my mouth feel... Luckily I married a non-smoker. My mother died from lung cancer 24 yrs. ago.

Hi Jennifer, nice to hear from you.

Well...I am off to the lake where my only physical activity is moving my sand chair, following the shade. It is sooo exausting!

Will check in later in the week.
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Old 07-15-2003, 03:42 PM   #7  
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Just call me sucker. I was at the store last night at 10pm and there was a little kitty running around, following people. I saved him from being run over, so now we have a new kitty. The other cat we adopted last winter has accepted him into the house. She hates the other 2 cats we have, so I was surprised she lets him be. She doesn't like him either, but hasn't tried to hurt him, so that's the main thing. I've thought about running an ad for him, but he's so darn cute, I want to keep him for just a little while. DH says he doesn't care if we have another cat, such a good man.
I really don't understand why people would dump a little kitten in a parking lot. I suppose because there are suckers like me picking them up (Had to check out the new smiles too, Aleka. They sure have a nice website here.)
We finally settled on a name for the other cat- PJ (for Plain Jane).
We didn't get the bad weather, it went just north of us. A couple of tornado's but no one was hurt. We didn't even get any rain. They said it was suppose to be cooler today and then said the high was going to be 88. Doesn't seem like that's cool to me. In fact, it's pretty hot out there.
The sweet corn is just ready. I didn't plant any, but they're starting to sell it up town. This year, I'm eating some of it. I just won't eat more than an ear at a meal, and not make it the entire meal.
Anne, we have come a long way since last year. DH was talking to his aunt on the phone last night (she hasn't seen me for a few years) and told her how much weight I'd lost and said,"You won't even recognize her if you saw her." I thought that was pretty nice of him.
Aleka, sounds like a wonderful way to spend the next few weeks, chasing shade.
Take care, Nikki
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Old 07-16-2003, 07:25 AM   #8  
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Good Morning Everyone:
We had huge heavy rain last night and a flooded basement
so we have been mopping and cleaning up.

Aleka, hope you are enjoying your vacation it sounds wonderful.

Nikkic, so cute about your new kitty. Funny thing approx.
25 years ago my husband and I were crossing at an intersection
in the city and noticed a small kitty someone had abandoned. I tried to dash to grab her but the lights changed I never forgot it to this day)

We are having a meeting this morning concerning I don't
know whats up yet but a psychologist has been flow in to hold
a two hour session with us. Our names will not be used in
delivering the results.

Talk to you later.
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Old 07-16-2003, 07:59 AM   #9  
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Anne, hope your meeting goes ok, sounds mysterious.

I went to the vet yesterday to get a wormer for the kitten. I tried to talk them into taking him, but they had a room full of cats to give away. There was a mother and a litter and they were all injured. They had been put in a cardboard box and thrown out of a moving vehicle on a gravel road. One kitten was brain damaged, the rest had broken bones. The vets office has found homes for all but one kitten and the mother.
We don't have a humane society here. Even though there is a town in our county that has the largest concentration of million/billionaires in Iowa (not our town of course). It's where they make PELLA windows.

This kitten is very loving and very naughty. He also had a bad case of fleas. I put Frontline on him and PJ, but I've been itching all night. Boy, I hate fleas.

Last night, DH wanted to know if I wanted to go to the casino. Well, I said ok, even though I knew we couldn't really afford it. I planned on gambling just $40. I put one 20 in the quarter machine and lost it in no time. I put the second 20 in a dollar machine and made $150. Kept gambling and got down to $102. Decided I'd quit at $100 and then won $980 on that last $2 bet. We went to a real nice steak house and both had the biggest prime rib that they had. It was so good. I'm putting the rest in the bank. DH also won $130 and we would have been happy about that, but we were estatic when I won.

I got to go, this kitten keeps trying to crawl on the keyboard and help me type.
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Old 07-17-2003, 02:28 PM   #10  
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Ok, this may be a weird question, but what does LCFS mean. I don't want to post untill I know what I am posting about., lol

Thanks for the help,
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Old 07-17-2003, 05:30 PM   #11  
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Hi Amanda,
It stands for low carb freestyle. We all started as Somersizers and kind of wandered into different ways of eating from there. Finally, we just decided to use the initials, because that was a long title. Your welcome to join us any time, we're a pretty friendly bunch. Nikki
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Old 07-17-2003, 07:46 PM   #12  
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Good Evening Everyone:
Nikkic, how's your new little kitty!!
We got our body flex today and did the routine. It was a
scream watching the faces that Greer was making. The one
that really makes me laugh is the one where she is sticking out
her tonge and looking up at the ceiling at the same time

I will be doing this early in the morning when nobody is watching!
I will see how many inches if any I lose in a week!

Wow, you did great at that casino Nikkic, congratulations!!!

That meeting was crazy. The first thing we were asked to do
was write down on cue cards what our issues were. I was
sitting there pondering what to right and the psycholigist comes
out with"if you are not part of the solution you must be part
of the problem so you better participate" I was really ticked off.

I think must really be in trouble though. She has been so
friendly these last days, that is a real change for her.

We will see what happens. Our hospital is always dreaming up
new and inventive ways to blow cash.

Talk to you Friday.
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Old 07-17-2003, 08:14 PM   #13  
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The new kitty is doing great. Very sweet and likes to lick you alot. The other cat has adopted him and I'm glad. They play alot and she needs it, she's getting really fat.

I had to laugh too at Greer when I first saw it. I knew it was going to be bad, I'd read it before on another board.
Like I said Anne, your going to feel stupid doing those breathing exercises, but they seem to work. At least, I think they will really help with the lower abs and lungs if nothing else. My abs are really getting stronger and I think it's from this breathing. Of all my body, that's the part that bothers me the worst. The way it looks I mean. I've wondered if Greer has had plastic surgery, but for her age, even if she has, she sure looks great. Your right, she does look like Barbara Eden.

Are you still using the coconut oil? The health food store says they will have it in a few days. I bought some low carb pasta there today, will try it soon.

Your hospital sounds like where I use to work. I think there are some people just dreaming up stupid stuff like this. They sure do spend a lot of money on that, but then try to cut corners on important things, like hiring enough NA's to give patient care.
That psycologist was simply rude to you. Over educated idiot.

It was 96 and really humid today. Miserable weather. My green beans are in full swing now and there must be a million blooms on those plants.

Aleka, hope your still having a great time on your vacation.
Take care, Nikki
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Old 07-18-2003, 09:49 AM   #14  
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Thank God its Friday!

Nikkic, we got up at 4am and did the body flex. You know I think
I am going to like this. You feel alittle nuts doing this routine but
hey, I certainly felt awake after I was done. The couple I find a little tough is where you pull the bar back behind your neck. I don't have alot of upper arm stregenth so that one was difficult...
The rest are straight forward and simple.
I too wonder if she has had plastic surgery. She looks too good to have acomplished this with exercise alone in my opinion but
heck, what do I know

I'm sorry its so hot where you are Nikkic, I hate the humity when
it blasts full tilt. At the moment our weather is pretty good.

I am still using the coconut oil so I am hope between the body flex and the coconut oil I will be able to slim myself further.

It was much easier losing weight when I was heavier. This is where the real work will come in.

Talk to you later.
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Old 07-18-2003, 12:07 PM   #15  
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Anne, I've been using the old body flex tapes from the 80's. She gets down on the floor on these. The reason I like them better is because I think I get stretched out a little better. I like the ones in the chair too, and do them in the afternoon somedays. Those muscles in the back of your arms are the least used ones. It's taken me a long time to get any strength in them. I still have flab (skin?) hanging down, don't know if that will ever go away. You'll find it just gets easier and really, using weights or resistance exercerises is absolutely necessary to keep from loosing calcium from your bones and getting osteoporosis. It's hard to believe Greer is in her 60's.

It cooled down today some. I had to water the gardens, no rain for a long time.
I'm going out to have a picnic with DD #1. We're going to the lake and I hope take a long walk too. She is not into exercise. I don't know what she's going to do. She weighs almost as much as I did when I started to diet. She wants to lose weight, but she has all kinds of excuses for not doing it. I guess she will have to do it in her own good time.
Oops, better get going, have a good one, Nikki
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