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Old 01-20-2003, 05:06 AM   #1  
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Default Looking for "What is an American", Monday Jan.20.

Ladies Good morning,
Thought I would start a thread this morning with a request for an article I read somewhere. It is called "What is an American." Where can or did I read this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Must go as DH just called 5min.
Have a large slice of the day.
Love Tazcat What is this?? It is called a "jig".
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Old 01-20-2003, 08:14 AM   #2  
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Default The Cluck, Monday January 20

Here ya go, Taz, This may or may not be what you are looking for. PM me if you want some further sources.

I changed the title by the way so folks would not worry about finding the Daily.

Quick post this a.m. as I've decided to go to Kingston and pick up that Modem software, get my vacuum power head fixed and pick up my serger which has been in for repair since last February. I borrowed a small electric heater for my sewingroom and intend to get cracking in there this afternoon.

The Girls are into "food sharing" this morning. Lucy tips her kibble onto the floor, she and Hershey eat it and then Lucy goes and paws the kibble out of Hershey's dish and they eat that! Hersh's dish is non-tippable but Lucy knows that. When it's all gone, Lucy puts both paws in the empty dish, puts head on paws and whimpers for more! So silly and funny! No matter what my morning mood, the doggage make me start the day with a smile.

Gotta hit the highway - there is a window of opportunity when the school buses have delivered the kids and after the commuters are off the 401. Gotta hit that window.

See you later - I hope on the new PC!
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Old 01-20-2003, 08:53 AM   #3  
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Good Monday Morning Chickies!!

Many of you are probably just rolling from the bed as it is a Holiday in the US. I however am working, my choice.....

Had a quiet weekend, it was too cold to do anything.

Trying desperately to eat right and exercise every day...did great til yesterday and ate everything in sight!!!

Have a great day ladies!!
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Old 01-20-2003, 09:02 AM   #4  
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Good Monday Morning Chickies!

I am fighting to stay awake at my desk today. I have not recovered from the weekend yet. I had last Friday off to prepare the house for Don's 10th birthday party (my boy is now in double digits!). We entertained 14 boys, 2 girls, and four adults to a movie, Kangaroo Jack (great kid flick including camel flatulence), and ice skating. We returned home with twelve boys for a sleep over. At midnight, I turned the party over to DH, as I needed some rest. He finally managed to get them to go to sleep at 4:00am! I had to get some of them up at 7:30 for breakfast and basketball practice.

Hope everyone has a great op day,
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Old 01-20-2003, 09:33 AM   #5  
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Angry Happy Monday

Good Morning Ladies

DonDar...sounds like an interesting evening

Heading out to the botanical gardens today to see whats new out there.

Hubby and I went to the new casino in Niagara Falls last night, promptly lost 35$ and left. So, now we can say, "been there done that" and wont be going back!! We were bored last night, and wanted something to do, so we thought we would go check it out. Hmmph! Mind you its very nice and they did a great job and the place is huge....but you think Im going to pay $10 to park, so I can go and loose more money????? We ended up driving around a bit and found a parking spot on the road really close to the doors (closer than if we paid $10 and parked in the lot)

Been staying op and have lost the last lb I gained over now, its all fresh loss from here

Stay warm ladies!
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Old 01-20-2003, 09:59 AM   #6  
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Sorry to be so out of the loop, but could someone tell me what holiday it is in the States? (I know I should probably know and am embarrassed I don't!)

Waiting for the oil man this morning, my house is colder than a witch's you know what. I am resisting starting the woodstove since I want to see how well my furnace is running. Temp isn't bad right now, I think about 62 farenheit.

Well, youguys are gonna laugh, but I got the courage to ask the other guard that works at my site in around about way if he likes to play computer games (to make sure I can really do this and not get fired!) Turns out he not only plays then at work, him and another guard are dowloading movies off the internet to watch at work! So basically for a month, I have been forcing myself to stay awake and not touch the computer once since I was afraid I would get reprimanded! If I had only asked....

Talk to you all later--and try to keep warm!
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Old 01-20-2003, 10:23 AM   #7  
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Hey Kids,

Pooky its Martin Luther King's B'Day that is celebrated today.
I don't have off though waaah

Weekend was nice, to cold to go out but nice to stay in and make some stew and a turkey. I sent away for a low carb cook book (NO I"M NOT GIVING UP ON LOW CARB) and I'm waiting for it to be mailed to me hmmm hmmm hummm hummm !!! I realize I could never do NO carb but low is the best way for me to go. Can't wait to get it.

I need a serious hair cut, my hair is all the way down my back and getting to long to manage. It looks sloppy. Time for a new me but I'm to bak bak bak ...

We just had snow fluries ICK !!! hurry spring, hurry

Have a great day !!

Love, Leens
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Old 01-20-2003, 10:32 AM   #8  
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Morning ALL!

Well, my neck and shoulder just is not giving this pain up!! It is slighlty worse today, and it is very annoying! I may have to break-down and call the Chiropractor--just hate spending the money!!
More bad news ..for me anyway--I have been taking a Medical Transcription class since May, and Right after the New Year I finished what I thought were the Final Tests---Wrong--Just talked to my instructor and I have a Final Final test to take tomorrow--over all the Anatomy,Medical terms.transcribing--everything--uh yuck!!! I have been looking for a job doing this at home with no luck! Soooo--I guess I have tot ake this @#$%$$## test and hope for the best!

Still been OP with no dramatic weight loss, I am gonna stick with induction for another week to see if anything changes!

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 01-20-2003, 10:37 AM   #9  
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Good Morning all.

jenny, bless you for hosting that sleep-over The first and only time I hosted a sleep-over of more than 2 kids was for my daughter's birthday......I think her 11th. I swore never again. Tried to keep them busy......nothing worked. I even gave them some old make-up thinking they would make each other up.......HA! The mixed it, made it black and painted their faces black, with green eyeshadow.

Robin, I hope you had fun at the casino. When we lived in the DC area we took a day bus trip to Atlantic City. I was 8 1/2 months PG with number two son. We played slots........I hit a jackpot.......hubby right away hit the call button to trade in the money.........I said, "NO WAY." I stood there with swollen PG feet and feed that money right back into the slot.

I think my hubby has pink-eye. Yesterday he was saying his eye hurt, it was a little red, but nothing major. This morning he woke up and it is pretty swollen. He called from work and said to make him a doctor's appt. the guy he was in London with last week (he's still there) called and told hubby he had to seek out an English doctor as he has pink eye.

Off to get the day started.

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Old 01-20-2003, 03:24 PM   #10  
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Sad news from S. Africa. The young woman with the terrible flu that was turning her blood to pus died early this morning. Her poor hubby and little kids! They are going to need your prayers, my friends. I never met this young woman but my daughter has and she says she was so friendly and charming, just a real doll.

Ruth, I also have to pay a visit to sewing machine shop. My serger's lower loopers need rethreading due to a user error and after struggling for hours and then getting my neighbour to help, we have both given up in disgust. Why they have to make these machines so darned complicated is beyond me. Nothing on my machine looks like the photos in the user manual.

I still have a sore arthritic finger making typing difficult so I'm cutting it short again today. Have a great OP day, Chicks.
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Old 01-20-2003, 03:58 PM   #11  
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Linda, that is so very very sad about that young woman, Your daughter must be very upset.

I did go to Kingston and a somewhat snotty techie-type gave me the software to install the modem hardare. He is sure it's me and my ISP that is the problem. HOWEVER.... the darn PC has a faulty modem which won't install. I even opened the side of the machine to give it an extra installation push! Don't ask me if I know what I'm doing. Jerkhead finally admitted they must have goofed and I have to take the tower back to Kingston to get a new modem and my Internet and mail set up. Can you believe this? So I'm back on the old clunker and it looks like my one free day this week will be used up going back to K. again! The company is MDG, by the way. Once this is over, I'll be writing a strong letter to them!

BUT I did get my serger back from repaie - no charge and took my vacuum cleaner head in for refurbishing per Gail's orders! I also got some sugar snap peas to have with tonight's roast chicken and I AM NOT GONNA LET THIS RUIN MY WEEK!

Compared to the problems in the wrold this is a -344544!

Gotta go and throw that chicken into the oven.
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Old 01-20-2003, 04:10 PM   #12  
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Dont you just love the attitude of store clerks these days???

Mom and I were in WalMart in Kitchener, and when mom asked the clerk a question, she turned her head and rolled her eyes. The clerk didnt know I was with mom.......I promptly told her that eye rolling isnt in the policy and proceedure manual. She turned beet red!

Money is too hard come by to be treated like that, I certainly hope you do get your letter sent off Ruth!
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Old 01-20-2003, 05:08 PM   #13  
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Default Will you miss me???

Well my luck has run out the antique puter in my bedroom died last night. So without that and with out my laptop, I will be off line except for the few seconds I can steal here at work. I will try to check i as often as I can, but things are so crazy around here I don'[t have much time. So keep up the good work and keep the candle burning and all of that stuff, and I be back in a couple of months. (Sooner if I can talk ole Alvin into coughing up the money for yet another new laptop!!!, but don't hold your breath, I still plan a BIG TRIP im May, and I want plenty of money to spend then!)

If you really really miss me you cna email me at [email protected] and I will get the message.
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Old 01-20-2003, 10:32 PM   #14  
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Seems like no ones day went well. I left work after 2 hrs with a sinus infection. Just got up from a nap at 8pm. Looks like it will be a long night. Not OP today. DH ordered pizza and I've been sucking down popcicles for my sore throat. Can I get a chorus of "Tomorrow, Tomorrow..." Can't even remember the words, but it's that song from Annie. Good news is that it was 70 today, hopefully that means spring is here.
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