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Old 11-22-2002, 07:07 AM   #1  
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Talking TGIF Daily for Nov. 22

Starting us is on hot, strong and leaded as usual. Be back in a minute, a load of laundry is calling my name.
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Old 11-22-2002, 07:40 AM   #2  
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Hey, Deb! A new washer and dryer is calling my name. Laundry around here is never any fun. It's a free night for me, dd's daycare is having a "parent's night out" for 10 bucks they'll keep the kids until midnight. My problem? Nowhere to go, so it's housecleaning for me without a 5 year old underfoot. Pure luxury! Hope all you ladies have a great day, I'm off for breaky. Talk to you later!
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Old 11-22-2002, 07:43 AM   #3  
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WELL...................where is everyone!!! Sleeping in I hope.

Jiff good to "see" you again. Glad to hear your one knee is better, sorry to hear the other is acting up. Hope your Mom continues to do well. Hey, have you heard that Al Roker, due to popular demand will be on Dateline again, I think tonight. More info was wanted on weight loss surgery and people wanted to kow what and how much he eats. I think they are calling it, "dinner with Al." I hope they do a good job with it and not spew a bunch of half truths.

Janice I hope you continue to improve. I've been thinking about you.

Ruth wecome home. So Miss Lucy gave you a two pee salute, Tell Harry to get with the program, you expected the same from him, oh never mind.

peachie, where are you my friend. I know, your following Tom Glavine around New York.........right!! For those lacking in baseball, Tom Glavine is the Brave's pitcher being wooed by one of those NY teams.

My little girl picked up her high school ring yesterday. She is a Junior.......gosh where has the time gone. I remember when they put her in my arms for the first time, the MUCH wanted daughter after two son's.

Ruthie or anyone who knows anything about dogs. Can dogs have OCD.......I swear my Charley has it, he cannot stop licking and chewing on his paws. We ask the vet about it and he saw nothing wrong with his paws, but he just does it almost non stop. It is about to drive me crazy. Anyone have any ideas???

A couple of errands to run today, but that's it for me. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

To everyone I missed


Hey Sherrie, we were posting at the same time. Give Miss Tommie a dust rag, my kids, when they were little loved to I couldn't pay 'em to dust.

Last edited by debkay; 11-22-2002 at 07:47 AM.
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Old 11-22-2002, 08:43 AM   #4  
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Good morning, Sherrie and Deb.

Deb, yes, dogs can get OCD - usually because they are bored or left alone too much! How about getting some of that sour apple spray at the pet store and spraying it on his paws? Or give him a kong with peanut butter inside. Distraction is the way to go - same as kids, right?

Sherrie, they keep the kids until midnight? Wow! I assume they fall asleep somewhere in there. I guess it could also be like a jammy party for wee ones. Better them than you. Try to do something for yourself in that free space - housework CAN wait.

Yesterday was a "lost" day. After lunch, I couldn't believe it but I went back to bed for a 2 hour nap. Woke up just in time to run to the store for a frozen shrimp special that ended at 6! $2.99 for 8 oz of frozen cooked shrimp IS special, isn't it? It sure is around here. Aside from cooking dinner and throwing a Michelina at DH, that was the extent of my day. Lucy and I watched a movie and were in bed by 10:30 and slept right through. DH went to bed early to read - he lasts about 10 minutes and then falls asleep with the light on.

The "lad" is finally bringing the firewood today! Apparently he cut off the end of a finger (don't ask!) and that accounts for the delay. I am off to the doc for my pre-op physical this morning. Seems silly when I had one just in September but....rules are rules. I will refuse a boob exam as I just had a mammo two weeks ago. Blood sugar levels are not responding to the meds so he will probably give me yet another prescription just to make the visit worthwhile. Someone said their doctor was a hypochondriac - I suspect Dr Jack is too! Actually he is just very aggressive in the fight against diabetes and is a very caring man who LISTENS to his patients. Ever have a doc who says "What do YOU think is the problem?"

Rain today but mild. DH has started to put up the Christmas lights. I am torn between being a Grinch this year and being a Martha. I will try to finish my out-West shopping and get it mailed before the op next Wednesday and then decide. I do love Christmas and to **** with worrying about the mess. I'll probably do a family dinner just before the Day and have folks in Christmas Eve after Church but that will be "it" for entertaining this year. We may have Christmas dinner at my DIL's parent's place - sports, sports, sports and lots of Dutch conversation. Hmmm - I may get 24 hour flu that day.

Gotta get organized for the doc. Catch you later.
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Old 11-22-2002, 09:05 AM   #5  
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Default good morning girls!!!!

and everyone else who'll stop by later...

have to leave for work soon, so this has to be kind of brief.

sherrie. it's a shame that we don't live closer!!! girls night out would be so fabulous!!!

and deb.. yep!!! we're all looking forward to seeing al tonight. but from the little bits i've read in the news, he might be eating too many carbs!!1 one item actually said that he can eat only one scoop of ice cream!!! not ideal for someone so soon postop. but we'll see.

i had a business dinner last week, and as i passed other tables on the way to the ladies room, al was the major topic of conversation! but believe me, i enjoyed my filet mignon... and for two more meals!

and ruth. glad you had a wonderful time out west, but even gladder that you're home safe and sound with poor neglected lucy.

starting to get overwhelmed with the thought of christmas. at least mom's christmas shopping is just about done. now, it's my turn!!! think i can do it without her???? yeah, right.

have no idea where peachie is. have tried to call her in the evenings, but the line has been busy.

ohl. and about the OCD> we had a dog who chewed her paw for a time. and the vet wrapped it. and said that she was upset about something. and then he looked at me. i had broken all the toes on my right foot, and it was all bandaged up. so there we were, each with one foot all bandaged. and he and everyone else started laughing.

and we decided that she might have been having sympathy pangs!!!!

have a good day, ya'll...
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Old 11-22-2002, 09:55 AM   #6  
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Red face Late start for me today

I try to get a little extra sleep on Friday morning because I have to work tonight. I like to take a little nap before I go out at 11 P.M. but sometimes I'm not able to relax enough so I dont fall asleep.

The boys are almost done with their school work. I dont have them do alot on Fridays. Then we are off to the store. My MIL wants to go shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. They are coming to our house this year. It's just better that way. She called yesterday and asked me if we were coming out for dinner on Thanksgiving. DH and I had a discussion about that just a few days ago. His father is a real piece of work. You never feel like your welcome at their house. This is not any doing by my mother in lawshe is just wonderful and I couldn't ask for a better MIL ....I've heard horror stories....I know I'm blessed. My FIL is another story. He's very unpredictable with his moods and needs to be passified all the time. I feel better if he comes to our's my terf....and my rules Most of the time he sits in our kitchen in the dark and just mopes. When asked to come in and join everyone else he says., "oh, I'm O.K." Then another time he'll be over here and be the life of the party. I dont know how my MIL has lived with this for 40 years. I would have booted him out long ago!!

DH and DS#1 had all their hunting gear out last night. DS needed to try everything on and make sure it still fits. He grows like a bad weed. He's only 11 and he's 5'4 already and wears a mens size 9 shoe. Luckily everything fit him. He buys his own gear from a summer job that he has at a local rod and gun club. He helps when they shoot trap ( clay discs that are thrown in the air) he's a trapper and get's paid very well. He likes that because he's part of the guys.

goodforme~~ Years ago when my DH worked for major appliance store he called me one afternoon and asked me if I would like to have a new washer and dryer. Of course I said yes, the ones that we had belonged to his mom and dad and they still worked but were very, very small and because of thier ago I dont think they did as good of a job. Anyway, a few hours later he pulls up the driveway and unloads this beautiful washer and dryer, extra heavy duty capacity, and they are like brand new. He told me that he just delivered a new washer and dryer to a lady and she didn't want the ones that he was unloading from the truck for me.....the reason why she didn't want them.......she didn't like the color!!! Oh, some people are so spoiled!!

DebKay~~ Many years ago we had a Seberian Husky....DH's dog. He had a yeast infection between his toes and would chew to the point that they would bleed. If the apple spray doesn't work I would ask the vet to check for yeast.

RuthXXX~~ A missing finger tip...ouch! You will have to share the story. Is this "lad" young and hunky?

O.K. gotta go and start this store list plus I want to look at some of the other posts.

Have a great day ladies...I'll check back tonight!

Luv to all, ChrissyB

Last edited by ChrissyB; 11-22-2002 at 10:00 AM.
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Old 11-22-2002, 10:37 AM   #7  
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Sherrie!!! Miree needs to go to Tommie's daycare! I would LOVE to have one of those nights, if anything to be alone with dh for a bit!

Speaking of which, Miree is in daycare all day today since she dumped one of my plants all over the kitchen floor and spread the dirt around, tried to peel herself a cucumber and spread that all around, and the final straw was the juice all over that everything stuck to. Yep, Mom is by herself today to clean up the damage and have a break from the wee one.

Have a low grade headache today--no wonder? but it is due to the fact that I had a board meeting last night that lasted a long time and had a lot of issues presented at it. Our managing director has to take a 6 week leave of absence since her mother is dying and it looks like I'll be heading into the office now and again to check in and ask how things are. Sigh...just throw it on the pile of stuff, eh?

Believe it or not, I have been OP and lost 3 pounds this week--very happy there.

Hope you all have a great day!
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Old 11-22-2002, 11:31 AM   #8  
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Hi - a quick check in and hello before off to the wound care center and then to hyperbaric treatments!

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Old 11-22-2002, 01:58 PM   #9  
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I was off work all this week. Aaaaah, it was such a nice vacation. My hubby and I did some fun things, went to see Harry Potter yesterday (lots of fun) and took some nice drives, went to the museum, the Music museum, just all sorts of fun things.

I've been doing pretty good getting back on track. This week I have stayed on plan (I need to watch what I eat in the evenings, sometimes I just get so hungry at night) but other than that have done really well. It really helps that I made some easy to grab salads, deviled eggs, celery, tuna salad...Something fast and easy so I don't grab the wrong stuff or just say to **** with it and make a huge bread sandwich. So now all I need to do is start exercising.

It is 11:00 and I am just now getting up and around, whew. Today is my hubby's birthday so we are just going to have a nice quiet day here and then go out to dinner with some of his friends tonight. Very nice. I hope everyone else is doing great today!!!
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Old 11-22-2002, 02:57 PM   #10  
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Good Day All:

Did up a few dozen christmas cards today, am awaiting baby Jay's portraits so I can add them in and send em off. Making a pot of cream of wild rice soup for hubby, as he is still on soft foods. No rain yet today WOOHOO!

Going to do more xmas shopping tomorrow, almost done. I wish it would snow here, grass is still green and growing, rose bush still has the odd flower on it, hmmm just don't seem right!

Have a great op day yall
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Old 11-22-2002, 04:31 PM   #11  
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Happy Friday, Chickadees.
I'm ticked off. After several weeks with the ketostix turning light purple nearly every day, I've gained 4 lb. I suppose there's a reason for everything and with me it could be the anti-inflammatory pills and Tylenol 3 with Codeine I've been taking this week for shoulder pain. Last week I stayed the same and this week up FOUR!! Also, I've been into the PB and nuts in shell but that shouldn't cause weight gain, should it? Was it the cheesecake? Even though test stix stayed mauve? I'm so frustrated.
I just get so discouraged when everyone else who stays OP loses and I stay the same or gain. And where's all this extra energy I'm supposed to get when in ketosis? It isn't happening. I sure could use some reassurance right about now. I'm going to try to ignore what the scales said this morning and stick to my Atkins plan but I'm beginning to have doubts again that this is the woe for me. If it's not though, I just don't know what is.
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Old 11-22-2002, 06:08 PM   #12  
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LINDA! Here's a cyber hug! I know what you mean about being frustrated and just plain ticked off about the gain. Relax, though, it could be just plain old water weight. In fact, you may weigh tomorrow and notice it's gone. That's why I hate the scale.

Well, I'm home alone, so to speak. Mama is sleeping, so I'm enjoying some computer time before I go pull a Cinderella. I can't go to the ball, so I guess I'll just clean instead. Then, of course, reading in my nice bubble bath until the water gets cold. I love me time!!

Talk to ya'll soon.
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Old 11-22-2002, 08:30 PM   #13  
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I would love to sit on the couch with a hot cup of coffee, and sit and chat with you Linda. I know how you feel!! and I feel for you! It can be so discouraging and heart breaking.

I dont know what to tell you. Do you keep a journal on fitday? do you keep journal at all? This helps alot in being able to go back and study what you did the week before, or the week you lost. Also, Im sure the meds your on would contribute to the gain. Do you get constipated on codine? That might be it? or, close to "tom" holding water? There has to be a just have to pinpoint what it is.

Try to keep your spirits up as best you can <<<I'll send you some of these

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Old 11-22-2002, 10:32 PM   #14  
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Linda honey, I am here to give you a big hug (((HUGS FOR LINDA))) and also to smack your butt! Linda hon, you KNOW that you have done this so many times in the past and you give up after not getting fast enough results! You said it yourself many times that you know that your metabolism is slow on the uptake and to get your desired results hon, you're going to have to stick with one plan for a very, very long time. I'm afraid honey that all of those years of yoyoing have caught up with you. I'm sorry that the weight isn't coming off at the same rate as others but who cares about what happens to others? This is all about you! To make it clearer, look at what has happened in the past year--you've gone from WW, to Fat Flush, to Atkins (and I'm pretty sure that PP was in there somewhere), the doc has put you on Metformin and that should be sending up red flags right there. You metabolism is barely having a chance to catch up!

I love ya sweets and I wouldn't be such a hard a-- if I didn't care (tough love as my gran used to say) but I really think you ought to stick with Atkins for a minimum of 2 years and keep taking your Met.

That being said, I know it really sucks when that needle doesn't go down on the scale and it can get awful discouraging. Just know that your body is fighting this and I'm afraid you're going to have to fight back because this is what is healthiest for your body. If you need a measure of success to help you along your journey, keep a record of your bloodwork results--blood never lies even though outer appearances and the scale might.

Hang tough hon and gripe to us, OK?
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Old 11-23-2002, 01:30 AM   #15  
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Thank you everyone for your kind words of wisdom...and the kicks in the caboose. And have no idea how much your phone call meant to me. You are a livin' doll.

I do keep track on FitDay but I guess I've been letting those old calories get up there. Somehow, I just can't seem to get it through my thick head that calories DO count...even on Atkins. At heart I'm still the 30-something gal who discovered the Atkins plan, felt marvelous both mentally and physically and lost a fantastic amount of weight really fast. I just have to face the fact that that gal no longer exists. Her metabolism is shot to **** from too many different diets, plus diabetes and meds, etc etc. Pooky, you are so right about sticking with it for at least two years. No more yo-yoing for me. It just scares me when I see the scale climb when it should be going down or at least staying the same.

Again, I reiterate...I KNOW that exercise is the key for me and it's not as if I don't have plenty of time for it. I just make every excuse in the book and invent some new ones to get out of it. At the ripe old age of 59 I'm still forging my Mom's signature to get out of Phys Ed class.

Anyhow, thanks again, my friends. I'll continue to hang in.
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