Hi Denise,
I started Atkins on June 10, 2000 at 308 lbs. I was down to 140 lbs on 9/30, but was 150 this past Saturday. Basically I've been losing and gaining the same 10-12 lbs for the past 4 months.
I did not cheat for a whole year & kept my food very simple and natural - meat, salad, veggies. Very rarely did I eat cheese, nuts, etc. By rarely, I mean maybe 2-3 times in the first 12 months. I ate s/f Jello everyday for the first few months & then sporadically after that. And I had the odd Carb Solutions bar when the chocolate cravings were really out of control. I drink a ton of water and have exercised just about every day since day 1, which I think has been key.
Atkins has been good for me. I'm not necessarily a pasta/bread/rice/potato (except chips & French fries), etc person, but I am a definite chocoholic (99% of the cheating I have done has been chocolate & chocolate has always triggered a cheat), and junk food junkie.
I've learned a lot in this past year. I enjoy eating this way, but if I had to do it again I would have cheated long before I did. Now I'm not advocating cheating
but my cravings were pretty much uncontrollable for a couple of months before I gave in (I was determined to make it a year with no cheats) & I was miserable. You have to make that decision for yourself, ask yourself if it's really worth it, and be controlled enough to NOT have a cheat turn into a binge (a problem for me, but that's another story).
Any questions let me know.
PS - I'm in the middle of reading up on Somersizing but don't have time right now to post what I've learned so far. I promise to do so later today.