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Old 05-02-2022, 05:53 AM   #61  
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Rough weekend for Holly. Vet visit that did not end well, shots, flea meds, and a very upset tummy as a result . I had to get all this stuff done as she starts obedience class next weekend. That too is a bit early for her comfort level but these days you grab what's available.

Still haven't got on the scale. I am determined to eat on plan all this week and then weigh in on Saturday morning. We are going to a concert the following Monday night and that will be incentive enough to keep me in line over the weekend.

I finally got an amount that I will be receiving as my federal pension. Not enough to pay for groceries for a month. So I have to work (at something) until I die I guess. Sigh. I did manage to not dive into food after seeing this but the craving for ice cream was very strong.

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Old 05-02-2022, 06:15 AM   #62  
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Sending hugs to Holly and Dagmar. Hope Holly recovers quickly - and doesn't build a lifetime dislike of visiting the vet. And hope that you, Dagmar, can find a path forward with a type of work that you like.

Happy belated May Day to everyone. I didn't make paper baskets to fill with flowers, ring the doorbell, and hide in the bushes. In fact, I never have; didn't learn that that was what I was supposed to be doing until I was an adult, married, and no longer in the flirting game.

We're still waiting for predictably warm weather. Did drag the patio table and chairs from the basement. If warmth comes, we're ready to eat dinner outside to enjoy it.
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Old 05-03-2022, 12:31 PM   #63  
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Sorry to hear about your pension, Dagmar. Do they not give you any advanced information? Not a good surprise.

I hope you're all doing well! Alice, I'm sure you are becoming more mobile all the time.
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Old 05-07-2022, 07:29 PM   #64  
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Dagmar, sorry to hear your pension won't stretch far enough. Ours is doing it for now, but if inflation continues, we may be cutting out many expenditures. I've already reduced my driving. I'm going through Deb Jones' book "Cooperative Care - Seven Steps to Stress-Free Husbandry" with all 4 of my dogs. But the recommended "just-for-fun" vet visits are not in the cards for us either.

Bill, I'm not keeping track of your weather, but I hope it's beautiful! Dinner outdoors is so lovely.

JayEll, I did my first double-digit hike yesterday! Around 11 miles, and the new knee did great! It is still swelling a bit, but nothing that is not expected. So with pickleball and hiking back on the agenda, I'm feeling good!
Here's to a good upcoming week for all of us
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Old 05-09-2022, 05:41 AM   #65  
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on the double digit walk with your new knee Alice!

I finally got on the scale and am up 2 lbs. from my March weight. Time to stop talking and start doing something about it. I'm finding it harder to get motivated these days. Partially pandemic fatigue and partially age I suspect.

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Old 05-24-2022, 08:22 AM   #66  
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Remember the six pounds I lost when I caught Covid? Well, they have stayed gone. I like that--but would rather not use the virus as a weight loss method!
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Old 05-24-2022, 10:43 AM   #67  
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Originally Posted by JayEll View Post
but would rather not use the virus as a weight loss method!
LOL - but super Congrats for keeping the six pounds gone.
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Old 05-24-2022, 03:57 PM   #68  
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Hey, everyone! I have absolutely nothing interesting to talk about. Our weather is getting hot with 105 (40.5 C) predicted tomorrow. I'm doing double-digit hikes again, but my local options have become limited by last year's fires. Sequoia National Park is mostly open, but with Memorial Day weekend upon us, I will choose to stay home this weekend.

My weight is mostly stable but I've been craving (and eating) too many carbs right before bedtime. I'm trying to craft a plan to feel full when I go to bed without all the carbs. I have enough trouble falling asleep and being hungry never helps.
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Old 05-25-2022, 05:47 AM   #69  
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I find that having a cup of lower fat vanilla yogurt and some fruit about an hour before I go to bed helps me not be hungry at 2 a.m. Alice. I've tried all sorts of other combinations of things and this one seems to work for me.

Not much new here either. We had a toodoo the night before our big holiday fireworks celebration and people are now suggesting the fireworks be cancelled next year. Youngsters having a rave down at the beach, shooting and stabbing each other, and creating general mayhem. Nothing to do with the fireworks display. Odd how people are now linking all sorts of things together that just don't make sense.

Since summer weather is almost here I am looking forward to incorporating a lot more salads into our menus. Hoping to kick start some weight loss that way.

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Old 05-27-2022, 02:49 PM   #70  
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Thanks for the yogurt tip, Dagmar! Fot the past two nights I've tried yogurt one night and cottage cheese another. Both of them did the trick!
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:44 AM   #71  
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I managed to stick to my yogurt and cut fruit for 5 days. Had one planned indulgence this weekend - 2 slices of pecan banana bread - and will try to continue with the yogurt/fruit this week.

June weigh ins will happen on Fridays every week this coming month. I'm weighing once a month right now and it's not enough to give me any sense of where my weight is.

Dagmar :
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Old 06-05-2022, 06:08 AM   #72  
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Originally Posted by Mudpie View Post
I managed to stick to my yogurt and cut fruit for 5 days. Had one planned indulgence this weekend - 2 slices of pecan banana bread - and will try to continue with the yogurt/fruit this week.

June weigh ins will happen on Fridays every week this coming month. I'm weighing once a month right now and it's not enough to give me any sense of where my weight is.

Dagmar :
I did not weigh myself on Friday. I had ice cream and Luxardo cherries instead. SIGH. Mostly a reaction to DH's very long tantrum about his miserable life. He gets into this about every 2-3 years and I just have to ride it out. This time the pandemic has added to it and it's taking a very LONG time to stop. At least I only had the ice cream one night.

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Old 06-05-2022, 06:42 PM   #73  
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Oh my, Dagmar. But ice cream is okay. All of us have learned to soothe ourselves with food, or we wouldn't have to watch our weight!! Your DH must be a glass half empty kind of guy. Me, I'm so happy I don't live in Ukraine, and still have enough money to keep up with the daily necessities, take care of the zoo of animals we have collected, and still have a little left over for fun things like an on-line dog training class
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Old 06-06-2022, 05:48 AM   #74  
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Originally Posted by HowlinAtTheMoon View Post
Oh my, Dagmar. But ice cream is okay. All of us have learned to soothe ourselves with food, or we wouldn't have to watch our weight!! Your DH must be a glass half empty kind of guy. Me, I'm so happy I don't live in Ukraine, and still have enough money to keep up with the daily necessities, take care of the zoo of animals we have collected, and still have a little left over for fun things like an on-line dog training class
I am with you Alice re life generally making me happy. Hubby has become very disillusioned with himself and this is spilling over into our life together. He can usually bring himself out of it but he's really struggling this time. I think part of it is the fatigue a lot of us feel after 2 years of "pandemic panic". I find it hard to get motivated and to do half of the things I used to do. I imagine some of my energy will come back. It's just taking much longer because I'm older and I'm tired. DH is tired too.

Dagmar .
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Old 06-06-2022, 06:46 AM   #75  
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We have also been experiencing a dose of the pandemic fatigue.

But this weekend was a peak breakout for us. There was a "Secret Garden Tour" all day Saturday; we followed the brochure to get into gardens where we'd never been. Lots of walking. Felt safe walking about outside even through there were a bunch of people. Saw magnificent gardens in the large houses with large yards, but also magnificent small gardens in modest condos where a serious gardener maximized the use of the city-sized yard that they had.

Felt like a touch of normal.
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