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Old 06-05-2009, 09:12 AM   #61  
Chuggin' along...
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It's Friday and raining here for the 3rd day in a row. Ugh! My co-workers and I have already decided we should a) build an obstacle course in the forest outside, b) play crab soccer at lunchtime - which I demonstrated down the hall for someone who hadn't heard of it, or c) go watch a "nature" special and eat popcorn on someone's couch (If we can find one about oceans, it's sort of relevant to our work, right?). The boss is almost ready to give in, I can feel it. Oh, is it only 8:30? Sigh.

Allison, I hadn't thought about the guano, but I plan to put my bat box enough away from buildings that I don't think that will be a concern. Actually I convinced our shop guys to build a few to put up at different sites around our office/island we manage. They just finished making them, but with the rain his week there have been many lightning storms. I didn't think it would be smart to stand on top of a tall metal ladder, so I'll have to wait until next week to put them up. I am really sad that I had the guys build me a rotating barrel composter for work (I have one at home, but I thought we should compost at work too) and yesterday I found maggots in it. Gross! I've got to clean it out and start over.

Shannon, I'm glad that your veggies turned out well. I've used the following website for jam and jelly recipes. They describe how to freeze summer squash. Robin, actually I've been wanting to thank you for your ode to roasted vegetables a few weeks ago - broccoli, if I remember correctly. I had sort of "forgotten" roasting as a cooking method and started roasting all the green beans coming out of my garden. Delicious!

Speaking of roasted veggies I made the most delicious grilled veggie salad last night for dinner. I really wanted to eat the entire thing (but just ate a serving). BF was also a big fan.

Michele, WTG making good choices at the bridal shower! How long will it take to do the inventory? Hang in there!

Dagmar, hope the dog-sit goes well.

Ooh, Robin, those egg rolls do look good! What did you serve with them? A cooked cabbage salad would be yummy...

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I've actually got to do some work...
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Old 06-05-2009, 10:17 AM   #62  
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Ooo - that grilled veggie salad looks great... I have to start buying more vegetable and kicking up our menus a bit. I have the Rubbermaid Produce Savers, but I don't buy much produce anymore to save.

Megan - no, not a good idea to stand on a tall metal ladder during a lighting storm.

Jessica - I find my forearms and hands numb when I wake up a lot. Often just one arm. I don't know if I'm rolling my arm right under me when I sleep or what. Sometimes I put my arms up over my head and my hands fall off the back of the pillow and go to sleep. Not a fun way to wake up...

Dagmar - have fun with the dog sitting! Sadness that you can't use the computer there... I have a laptop that I take everywhere I go and can hook it up to my BB if I need internet desperately. Glad DH is almost done with his class - that will take a lot of stress out of your household I'm sure.

Michele - high five for passing up the cake! I remember I always used to have library books out at the end of the school year and the librarian used to hound me to bring them back. I never fully appreciated her job until I helped with the book inventory at the local elementary school in college for a community service class I was taking.

I did my strength training last night with a stationary bike chaser, got up this morning and did some HIIT on the treadmill. I feel good today. Every time I start to get into a my groove again I think about how good I feel, why do I continue to let myself fall back out of it?

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 06-05-2009, 02:01 PM   #63  
Working My Way Back Down
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Michele - are you doing the inventory by yourself?? It takes us a week to do the public library (~50,000 books) with 6 people (3 groups of two to handle and scan the barcodes).

Mmmm, love roasted veggies, but hate heating up my kitchen in the summer. I've been grilling some though....

It's overcast and sprinkling off and on today. And while I love weekends, this weather will keep me doing stuff inside which I need to do! I did get all the laundry done during the evenings this week, and the grass mostly mowed. It's the paper drift that occurred in my home office while I was off playing with my sister.
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Old 06-06-2009, 01:22 PM   #64  
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Megan and Pat-- I've always done the inventory myself but I do have a volunteer that is helping me this year. However, I think she will only help me one or two more days and then I'm on my own as she is leaving town. Next week is our last week with students and as much as I want to hunker down and just do inventory there are many events that I'm expected to participate or view such as a kickball game on Monday-- staff vs. 5th graders-- I guess now that I'm in shape, I am a desired staff member though I've never played kickball in my life and don't know the rules! We also have 5th grade graduation, field day, etc. I also give otter pops (like popsicles) to all the classes that return all of their books so I've got lots of "otter pop" parties next week (we have 46 classes!). After everyone leaves, the following week I work with no students, so I'll just be doing inventory. Hopefully I can finish that week but if not, I'll keep coming in until I do.

I am very bummed about the class I am/was taking this summer. Because I've been so busy, I haven't paid much attention to details of just about anything. I knew I had signed up for the class and bought my textbook and that the class starts Monday. I wasn't sure if I had paid yet so I went online last night to check my bill. There was a note that if I hadn't paid by 5 pm yesterday that I would be dropped from the class. So, I am dropped. Now I have to get on first thing Monday morning and see if I can add it back in late registration and pay a $50 penalty fee. Part of me wants to not even do it this summer because I have several trips lined up and though I can work in most locations, I don't know how I'll do the class the week I'm on the cruise. But if I don't take a class it is one more semester before I graduate. I am torn.....

My weight is excellent though. I am down exactly the 5 pounds that I was up (123.6 at my weigh in today). I like to stay around 125 but since I have several trips coming up I am trying to get a little lower for some wiggle room.

Still stressing over all I have to do but I've started making lists so I hopefully don't forget anything else important. Why the university doesn't send emails or bills to let you know when payments are due is beyond me though!!!!
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Old 06-06-2009, 05:40 PM   #65  
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Howdy! I've been a busy little girl this morning. Started at 8 with a pancake breakfast - eek - put on the FAA at our airport (which is part of my dept), moved on to a Master Gardeners' Club plant sale (scored big here) and then to a couple places looking for cruise wear - i.e. capris. Big 60% off the last-marked price at Fred Meyer, and I got capris for $12, a skirt and blouse for $17 each, plus a regular sale on Dockers got me capris for $28 down from $44. A good day, and I even got 2 new bras and some new black socks (not on sale, but I hate it when mine are faded)

Then off to the gym, and now I'm home with wobbly legs. There were only me and one other guy working out in the whole gym! I got to use the new free weight room and explore at my leisure. Soo nice, with a grippy rubberized floor. I was wondering what had happened to the nice barbell set - and there they were! More benches too. Now that I know what's there, I'll be using it more. We do have DB's and benches in several other places so I usually make do there - but no longer!

Now I need to change, eat lunch, and transplant all the flowers I bought. It's cool and overcast which is good for the flowers, but I'd prefer it
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Old 06-07-2009, 10:20 AM   #66  
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Hi everyone, I've had a busy weekend.

Thursday night we had great fun with the 3 year old grandson's birthday party. The pinata was a great success. I let Lacy and Shelbey go pick out all the decorations and the house was super decorated. They loved it. The boys all had fun with all the toys. They camped out that night in the tent (that was set up in our formal dining room. My hallway was set up as a bowling alley (quite fun but very noisy, LOL). Of course the balls and pins were plastic not real. The superman chair was a hit and I can tell already that it is a MUST that I buy one later this month for the 2 yr. old's birthday. He was very jealous! The water guns and water sprinkler toy was so much fun too for all of us on Friday afternoon. Also my sidewalk and driveway are now very much painted up with sidewalk chalk drawings from all the kids. This turned out very nicely. Even my son and the girls got really into throwing little Gunner this fun party. We spent a lot of money, but I didn't care. It was worth every penny. Plus, I was very proud cause I didn't eat a single bite of the candy, ice cream or birthday cake!

Saturday DH and I went fishing with my sister and my friend, Vonda. We caught very few fish but did get some nice sunburns. (actually I already look tanned this morning). About 3/4 of a mile from my home, we lost a ball-bearing on the boat trailer! OMG, the tire came off. DH managed to jack up the trailer and rig it up with some type of washer and it took us a full hour (with him walking beside that tire and me driving VERY slowly ) to make it the rest of the way to our house. It was huge inconvenience, but I thank God that it didn't happen when we were going 70 miles an hour on the interstate on our way home! I told DH that we have so many horror stories from fishing that my next book should be called "For the Love of Fishing". It would be hilariious!!!!!!!! Maybe we should just stick to golf!!!!!!!!!!

I managed to stay 100% OP this past week with my eating. Lost 1 lb. which I can live with! My 30 year high school reunion is June 20th and DH and I are going. I gotta find a flattering outfit to wear!
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