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Old 06-04-2009, 12:55 PM   #46  
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Random: I had a surprisingly tasty lunch! I didn't actually buy enough groceries this week so we've been scrounging up random stuff for dinner and lunch. Today's lunch was a small baked potato (5 oz) topped with BBQ sauce, a pile of frozen mixed veggies (heated, of course), and a little bit of cheese. Yum! I had forgotten how BBQ sauce makes everything yummy.
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Old 06-04-2009, 01:04 PM   #47  
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Pat, it's good to see you back. Hope you had a nice visit with your sister.

Allison, I am liking my lighter hair now. It makes me feel younger.

Mudpie, I often use Low-fat Graham crackers for a crunchy snack. I love to have them with applesauce.

Megan, we've had so much rain here that the mosquitos are terrible here too.

Shannon, you sound like you are into heavy duty remodeling at your house too. We've been working on ours now for over a year. I am wanting to add another full bathroom in our laundry room (which now has a 1/2 bath). This is gonna be complicated. I better hire someone who knows what they are doing cause DH could definitely mess this up.

Jessica, sorry to hear of your furbabies injury.

DH said next spring we can have an inground pool installed. I can't wait.

Monday we are going shopping for new bedrooms sets for Lacy and Shelbey. They are excited about this.

I'm having my 3 grandsons overnight tonite. I'm giving the 3 year old a complete birthday party with lots of gifts. I could wring his mothers neck (she isn't invited) cause she didn't buy this child a single thing or have a birthday party for him. But, the next day was her DH's B-day and she took him out to dinner and bought him a new wedding ring! She said she didn't forget little Gunner's birthday , she "just couldn't afford it". Can I slap her please??????????
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Old 06-04-2009, 01:12 PM   #48  
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Good afternoon! I've been here, I just hadn't made it to this thread yet.

My weight has been back at my 120.8-121.5 range for six days now (except for the one day in the middle where it shot up from way too much salt, came right back down the next day.) I don't know what made the difference - I moved my calories back down to 1900ish on average, but have had a similar number of high days in the last two weeks as I had in the two months where I was regularly hitting 125+. I have exercised less in the last few days, but hit the elliptical last night and am planning some strength training tonight. We'll see if I shoot up the water retention tommorow, too. I tend to get more bloated in the summer, anyone else have that problem?

Allison - I've always wanted a bat house, too. I've watched a zillion specials on tv on how to make one, but have never done it...

Shanna - Hope you get your work stuff caught up soon! It is terrible to have to work when you are sick. And, congrats on DD's wedding! A garden wedding sounds gorgeous. Is it crazy hot where you are in August?

Pat - Have fun on your cruise! Formal nights are hard - I know I don't own a lot of things anymore that would qualify as 'formal'!

Megan - I'm glad you are excited about the new projects! A lot of times when a position is left open and tasks shifted around people feel pressured instead of liking the new assignments. It is rainy up here too...

Jessica - here's hoping you are through the plateau! And, I've done the veggies and sauce over a potato, too. I usually use a hot sauce. Yummy.

Lily - I would be frustrated about the grandson's birthday, too. And I think it is great that you are having him a party. Yes, he is only 3, but he had to feel bad about not getting anything from his mommy for his birthday. DH's ex has a birthday party for DSS every year, and this year he turned 4. She had the party at her house but didn't buy him a present. I believe she said he already had enough stuff and would get presents at the party, and she got the cake. I don't think he ended up getting much at her house - don't know, I wasn't invited. We got him a bicycle for our house, and my parents and various family members got him things so he pretty much had two parties just no cake at the second one.

I did 45 mins of exercise last night and my food was good, planning to workout tonight. Want to get up in the morning, too. My vision is to exercise five days in a row, but like Megan, when I talk to much about it I often don't do it. So, I'm looking at one day at a time! I'm also thinking I might clean my floors tonight, which I will likely count as part of my exercise.

Good day everyone!

Last edited by Shannon in ATL; 06-04-2009 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 06-04-2009, 01:24 PM   #49  
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On the 4th of July we often get on our roof to watch fireworks from the park about 3 miles from our house. One year, DD and I were standing next to each other and kept hearing/feeling a "whoosh" next to our ears--our hair was slightly tussled. It was a bat flying between us time and time again! It made me think that a bat house would be perfect for us! And perhaps it would control the gnats we get, who knows. But other people say that the guano can be messier than having the bugs. Who knows.

One good thing about having your daughter home from college? She does the laundry while I'm at work!!!

But my blackberry is on the fritz. I think it's my charger--I plugged it in last night to charge and it wouldn't turn on this morning. After playing with it and my car charger I managed to get it to indicate that the battery was dead, but in order to charge in my car, I'd have to turn the car on and that's a total waste. And I don't drive far enough to have it charged that way, either. At least I know there isn't something wrong with the phone!

ETA: The upside of having laid off half our workforce is that we have extra trucks around the shop. Fords electrical system allows use of the power ports (cigarette lighters for us older folk). My Infiniti, as soon as you turn off the ignition, has the entire system shut off. So my phone is currently half charged!!!!
I wonder what's wrong with my home charger?

Last edited by alinnell; 06-04-2009 at 01:29 PM.
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Old 06-04-2009, 02:35 PM   #50  
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Allison - that happens with my BB & my Blackjack both sometimes. I plug it in, it lights up as charging, the next morning it is still dead. I think maybe it just doesn't make a good connection sometimes? My IT guy suggested cleaning out the port on the phone with some canned air, making sure that there the plug was clean. Now, they both looked clean to me before that, but whatever, I tried it anyway...
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Old 06-04-2009, 02:41 PM   #51  
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Morning! It's overcast here again this morning, but like yesterday it's supposed to clear off and be and hit the 70's (which is hot for us ) My grass is growing very fast - spent 2+ hours mowing last night, and still have the front by the street to do. Our veggie seeds are barely up though - warm air does not equal warm soil!

Allison - my Honda's charger doesn't work unless the engine is on either. I do have regular chargers both at home and work. Really cuts down the aggravation. Sorry yours pooped out, but it's better than having the Blackberry itself have a problem.

Lily - graham crackers and applesauce - yum. One of my favorites.

Over on the Weight/Resistance Training thread is a guy who eats frozen veggies mixed with meat and various curry sauces. I've tried it - very good! Would work well over a baked potato, with or without the meat. One old WW trick was to take a can Chun King chow mein and mix it with a bag of mixed veggies - didn't increase the points at all, and you got a ton of food, albeit mostly veggies. (Yes it was a guy who came up with that. )

I'm pretty well back on track at work, having finished up all the things left from the days I was gone. On to new projects. I did manage to make an eye doctor's appt, and the dentist's office just called to change my cleaning appt from end of July to beginning of Aug. Makes it seem like summer is half over and it's just started.....
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Old 06-04-2009, 04:37 PM   #52  
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I remember some discussion a while back about roasting veggies for freezing and can't remember who was doing it or what they were roasting... Meg maybe? Is it possible to roast summer squash and freeze it? I don't want to lose the three I have but I'm probably getting close to the end of their shelf life..
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Old 06-04-2009, 04:57 PM   #53  
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Shannon, the queen of roasted veggie is Robin. I bet she'd know the answer to your question. Hopefully, it's a big yes. I noticed a lot of frozen stir-fry veggie bags contain summer squash--maybe you could try that?

Pat, it's just plain wrong that you have to spend 2+ hours mowing grass yet your veggie seeds are barely up.

Allison, don't know if you have a compost pile, but I wonder if bat guano would be okay as compost. When you mention guano, it certainly does make it hard to decide whether or not a bat house is worth it. And yay for a DD who does the laundry!

Shannon , kudos on the exercise. I wonder if the bloating has to do with losing more liquid through sweating, but not increasing water consumption so your body holds on to the water? Just an uneducated guess. Whatever the reason, bloating is certainly annoying.

Lily, you have my permission to slap her! I can't even print the stuff I'm thinking about her. So glad that he gets to have a nice party at your house--you're a good grandma.

Jessica, I agree--BBQ sauce makes everything taste better.

Shanna, thanks for your kind thoughts. My DS is planning to try to stay at his home this weekend. My DGD essentially died there (the paramedics were called, etc., etc.) so I think that makes it even more difficult because he goes over it in his head and wonders if he could have done something else.

Not much happening with me. I can't seem to get back into the exercise thing. I've gone from not eating much at all to wanting to eat everything in sight, but I'm trying to restrain myself. I threw away two packages of crackers yesterday. That's an NSV! We don't usually have them around, but they were left over from the funeral along with some brie (gave that away).

Tonight I and other volunteers are taking shelter dogs downtown for an event. Basically, we sit outside downtown businesses and have people admire and pet the dogs. It's more fun than it sounds, and the dogs love it.

Have a good Friday, everyone! Almost the weekend--yay!
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Old 06-04-2009, 05:25 PM   #54  
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I don't know about composting guano. I would imagine it would be messy to deal with, though! I no longer have a composter, though. We left it at our old house and never bothered getting a new one at our new house (no where to put one anyway). One thing that I've been considering is an in ground disposal system for dog poop (2 80 pound dogs produce a lot!!).

I have never roasted frozen veggies. I almost tried the other night, but ended up not doing it. I've also never frozen anything that I've roasted. However, I have purchased frozen veggie mixes from Schwan's that are "fire roasted" whatever that means. Wish I had more info for you.

My BB is all better. Tonight I'll try the house charger and see what happens. I used to have a Motorola that had a tricky connector. I'd always have to wiggle it to get it to make full contact.
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Old 06-04-2009, 09:35 PM   #55  
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My first ever roasted veggied turned out great! I took the yellow squash, a light green pepper (banana pepper I guess?) and some sliced onion, tossed it in a baggie with a smidgen of olive oil and a lot of spices (crushed red pepper, cayenne, paprika, rosemary, oregano, basil, black pepper, thyme, ginger) to coat the veggies, baked them for 25 minutes. Threw them on top 1 serving of leftover plain pasta, topped with a little parmesan cheese and diced tomato. Yummy! Next time I'll skip the pasta and throw in some grilled chicken or something.
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Old 06-04-2009, 09:53 PM   #56  
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I do love my roasted veggies. Hardly a day goes by where I don't have any. But this much I can tell you, there are certainly no leftovers to freeze. I've never thought to freeze them to make in advance, so no, it wasn't me who mentioned it. In all honesty, I can't imagine zucchini freezing all that well, given the high water content. But now I'm good and curious.

Shannon, your squash sounds so fantastic.

I did try something new and fabulous today. Baked egg rolls. Oh. My Goodness. Got the recipe right here from 3FC. In fact, I should go and post on the thread that I tried and loved them. I did tweak the recipe a little. I of course had to add some protein to it - so I added some cooked shredded chicken. I also added some frozen peas. They were SO good. Check it out.
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Old 06-04-2009, 10:12 PM   #57  
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Robin, I didn't have any leftovers from these either! I can't believe I ate an entire squash. Wow, sounds so much better when I say "I can't believe I ate an entire squash" than when I used to say "I can't believe I ate that entire frozen pizza"...
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Old 06-05-2009, 12:40 AM   #58  
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Just popping in to say a quick "hi".
Totally crazy here for the next couple of weeks. School ends next week for our students and then I go one more week. I am trying to inventory 25,000 books in our library, plus track down the more than 800 that are still checked out. Very stressed. Very tired. Very cranky....

I went to a bridal shower tonight and was so happy with my choices. I only ate a few boiled shrimp, and a few raw tomatoes and carrots. Luckily I passed on the cake before I saw it because it looked amazing. It was a carrot cake and looked very decadent and fancy.

I'm having trouble getting my workouts in which is adding to my crankiness but I'm doing my best. Tomorrow dd has her final choir concert but I'm going to try to go to the gym first if at all possible.

I'm also bringing my Great Dane, Jozi, to school tomorrow. She is a therapy dog and I'm going to do therapy dog/service dog presentations for the kids (we raised two service dogs in the past). I hope she behaves.... she will probably just sleep.....

Hello to everyone!! I am reading but just not posting much. Once school is out I'll have more time I hope....
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Old 06-05-2009, 05:56 AM   #59  
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Just checking in - will be somewhat computerless for the next two weeks. Dog sitting and am not allowed access to their computer.

I'll try to read and keep up with you folks when I pop in at my house.

DH's exam will be over exactly two weeks from yesterday so the stress levels will be down a bit.

Have a great weekend all!

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Old 06-05-2009, 08:42 AM   #60  
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Shannon, I know a great way to use up zucchinis: Ajlouk Qura'a. It's a Tunisian mashed zucchini salad/spread. Since the zucchini is mashed up, it actually takes quite a lot to make a standard recipe. Also, the zucchini chips I posted further up the thread are great!

This morning I woke up, rolled around, then went back to sleep, and when I woke up again my hands were numb since I slept on them! Ugh. The feeling returned pretty quickly once I unbent myself but it was still not pleasant.

I think I need to start posting more on the favorite recipes thread. I'll be over there soon with my zucchini recipes and a great Korean-style chicken thighs recipe that I had last night.
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