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Old 11-18-2008, 05:47 AM   #16  
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Originally Posted by LindseyLouWho View Post
Hi everyone! Lurker popping out for just a second...

Mudpie, I'm not sure but I thought that I heard that onions (as well as garlic) are poisonous to cats and can cause anemia. I'm not sure how dangerous it really is, but I didn't want for your fur baby to get ill!
Thanks for that! I know everything from the allium (the $10 word for onions etc.) family is bad for dogs but I'll check about cats. Mud is smart then as she didn't eat the onion, just put it away near her food dish.

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Old 11-18-2008, 08:51 AM   #17  
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Morning all,

Yesterday was OP but I had trouble sleeping last night. I managed some sleep but I hope I don't crash out before the end of the day. I don't have time to be tired this week!

Originally Posted by Mudpie View Post
I suspect she might actaully be a small labrador retriever, cunningly hidden inside a cat suit.Dagmar
My parents lab/retriever gets a bowl of frozen mixed vegetables every night after his nighttime walk/before bed. If you don't give it to him immediately upon walking back inside the kitchen, he walks over the to the fridge and sits next to it staring at you until you remember what you're supposed to give him. He'll crunch up carrots, veggies, most anything. He's really an omnivore!

Michele, a "cardio queen" is what I refer as a person (mostly women do this) who just goes to the cardio section of the gym, day after day, spends hours on cardio machines, and never touches a weight, strength machine, does any sort of weight bearing exercise. They might throw in a few rounds of a few hundred crunches. And then (ok, maybe this part is conjecture) they don't understand why their body isn't changing shape (cardio is of course great - I do lots of it - but you can't expect it to change the shape of your muscles!). I used to be one! I still do a lot of cardio of course, but I figured out I needed to do strength training to firm up, too.

(To be perfectly honest, my real problem with cardio queens is that they hog the cardio machines when I want to use them! I can be a little self-involved at the gym!)

Sheila, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing so much pain. I think it's easy to remember food won't make us feel better when we're ok, and always hardest to remember that when we're hurt, tired, upset, etc. The food demons sneak in when our defenses are down. Stay strong!

Allison, I hope you and your family stay safe!

Lily, GL staying OP this weekend! You can do it!

Lisa, Henry is such a cutie pie!!!

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:13 AM   #18  
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Hi everyone, This was the weekend of the BIG football tournament. Ds coached and DGS played. It was a 2 day thing and it rained all day Saturday, and was soo cold! Sunday was play untill you lose and we started at 8 and finished at 1:30. We came in 4th place. But, some coaches come to the tournaments and play only the "best' players and the other kids sit on the side lines and watch. Ds made sure they all played, and i'm really proud of him for that. Sunday we came home in a snowstorm. The snow was falling so hard you could hardly see the road. it's over, I had fun, and don't want to do it again untill next year!! I think it's kind of like having a baby. You forget how hard it is or you would never have but one.

We had a cat that loved corn on the cob. I always made an extra one for him. He would take it between his paws and eat it all the way down and then roll it over and eat another row.

Lisa, henry is getting so big. how adorable!

Dagmar, Hopefully it will make it easier for everyone now that hubby is on board with the healthy eating too.

Shelia, I have chronic back pain and do the same thing, eat to medicate. I have to watch myself and actually talk to myself. "self, you know that cake.icecream is not going to make you feel better" now, if I could make myself listen to myself more!!

Lily, I know you will be find this weekend. You are one strong lady when you put your mind to it!!

Allison, It's hard when our "babies" are away from home and we aren't there to protect them. prayers for all of you.

Meg, the nerve of those people, hogging your machines!! I agree with you, weight training is a must.

Mitchelle, You are going to be an awsome WW leader. And some are so much better than others. I know you are going to make a difference in a lot of lives.

make it a good day, Freda
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:33 AM   #19  
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Dagmar, one of my cats eats anything as well (and yes, onions can cause anemia in cats). She eats sweet stuff like cakes and frostings, loves spaghetti sauce and any seasoned chip (doritos, lays, whatever). She just crunches them up LOL!

Lisa - your baby is adorable!

Sheila - sorry to hear about your pain.

Megan - I agree on the strength training. I get comments on my arms, and tell people the only way to get them is to lift. Then comes the comments about "Oh, I don't want to get big".

Freda - glad the tourney turned out so well!

I had a good OP day yesterday. I'm already worried about some of the doings coming up this week. Dinner out a couple times, then a football party on Sunday. Might have to exercise a bit more this week
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:45 AM   #20  
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Sheila, I can't wait til I can say that I've been at WW long enough to have 2 yrs. of maintenance.

My official first weigh-in with WW last night was super encouraging. According to their scales I had lost 6 1/2 lbs. I was very happy! We went over the Thanksgiving foods and I wrote down how many points to count for each thing I plan to eat. Found I should be able to stay OP this coming weekend with using my weekly flex points and having only 1 slice of pumpkin pie.

I had to grin last night when I saw a lady at the weigh-in taking off her shoes, socks, sweater and Jewelry.

Mudpie, that's funny that your cat will eat all that stuff. Our cat keeps eating the dog food instead of his cat food. He is really bad to beg everytime I go in the kitchen to get anything.

Last night I saw 3 abandoned baby kittens down the road from my house. I tried to catch them but they ran off into the woods. I was gonna bring them home and then try to find homes for them. I called our animal control number but doubt they did anything. I went back to look for them this morning and can't find them.
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Old 11-18-2008, 10:36 AM   #21  
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While I don't have cats, I do have dogs that are practically vegetarians! They come running when it is salad making time. They love Romaine (or any of the thicker lettuces), tomatoes, carrots, etc. They get carrots at every meal (helps keep them slim and trim--yes, my dogs are on life-long diets as well as myself!). I won't allow them to have broccoli as I hear it causes flatulence (and we don't need that!). If I have leftover salad, I'll put the bowl down and they'll finish off every last bite--regardless of what was in it. They just love their veggies!
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Old 11-18-2008, 02:33 PM   #22  
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Wow Lily!
What an awesome first week!
It helps to keep us feeling in control if we know what and how much of foods we can eat and still stay OP during the holidays.
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Old 11-18-2008, 04:47 PM   #23  
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Hi maintainers!

Wow, Lily! What a great week you had. The first of many, I am sure.

Lisa, Henry is adorable!

Megan, I'm no cardio queen, more like a cardio junkie. I lift weights, too.

Our cat was a stray who adopted us and I think she'd eat pretty much anything.

I just had to tell you guys about the awesome workout I had this morning. It's my birthday tomorrow, and one of our Ride instructors offered to let us choose the music she plays on our birthday. Since I might not make it to class tomorrow, she did my mix today. I made a little party out of it. I hung a banner from the handlebars of the bikes on the stage and when we were done, everyone sang to me and I handed out bananas and mini Clif and Zone bars. I really know how to party, don't I? Seriously, it was so fun and made me feel very loved.

Last edited by WardHog; 11-18-2008 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 07:47 PM   #24  
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Thumbs down Too much stress!

More anti-dog stuff happening here in Toronto which could severely affect my business. Am not eating yet but I sure want to .

Any of you Americans want to marry or adopt me so I can move to the U.S. and become a citizen? Toronto sucks !

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Old 11-18-2008, 08:55 PM   #25  
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Dagmar, what kind of anti-dog stuff? Never been to Toronto, but one of my favorite people from the 100 lb. club lives there (and has a dog). Hopefully your fears won't be realized. Your cat sounds like such a hoot to live with.

Wardhog, that does sound like fun. An early happy birthday to you!

Lily, congrats on the incredible weigh-in! I'm one of those people who weigh in the same outfit every time (lightweight shorts and top, no matter the weather), and I take off my watch. It really is amusing to see what people do.

Fiberlover, planning will be the key to success for your weekend. Or maybe just a lot of exercise. Sometimes the thought of what might happen is actually worse than what happens.

Freda, fourth place is wonderful! That's great that your DS plays all the kids. Coaches likes him are what makes playing sports fun for everyone, not just a few talented kids.

Megan, hope you didn't crash too early and that you get some much-needed sleep. When I went to the Y for orientation last week, the employee said I was the first woman she'd "oriented" who said something about wanting to build more muscle.

Went to the shelter today for my weekly stint at working with dogs. I decided next week's strategy is to take out the pitbulls and labs in the morning, and save the little dogs for the afternoon. My last two dogs were pitbulls, and I think my right arm is now longer than my left. Plus today we had "drag dogs"--the ones that are so scared and have never been on a leash that you have to drag them out of the kennel. If they're small, you can pick them up, but it's hard to pick up a 65 lb. Rottweiler mix who won't move. After a day at the shelter, I really want to roll up a newspaper and beat the heck out of the former owners.

Great weather where I am. Hopefully the snow will stay where it belongs--in the mountains where I can gaze upon it from afar.
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Old 11-19-2008, 12:01 PM   #26  
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Hi and thanks everyone for the congrat's on my weight loss. Of course I know I must have been retaining a ton of water to lose that much. It still looks better on the scale though!

DH and I are meeting friends to play golf at noon today. I will have to drop out of the game if my back flares up again. DH found the exact same set of New ladies Adam's golf clubs today (that I want for Christmas) on the internet for $400.00 cheaper than the ones here in the Pro Shop. Glad we shopped around before buying them.

Sheila, that sounds like fun walking those dogs. My younger lab will about pull my arm out of socket when she gets excited by a rabbit, squirrel or even a mole.

Wardhog, I'm very much hoping for a 2lb. loss per week now until I'm back to goal. When my son was home, my eating was Very Bad. But, I do feel like WW has helped me get a new leash on it again.

Dagmar, hope you get it straigtened out about the dogs. I love our animals and would be lost without them.

DH offered to clean the rabbits cage tonite. Yippee
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Old 11-19-2008, 12:48 PM   #27  
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Lily - that was a fantastic weigh in!

It's really cold here today, but sunny, so I am going to jog outside. DH is looking at me like I'm nuts, but you have to take the good weather days outside when you can, right?

I'm going to a Ladies Noel night with my mom tonight at the local art museum. They have the holiday gift shop open, holiday music and chocolate (eep!). Then out to dinner. Going to take her to Panera Bread, so I can eat well with 1/2 salad and 1/2 sandwich. I love that PB has nutritional info online.

Last edited by fiberlover; 11-19-2008 at 12:49 PM.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:13 PM   #28  
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Lori - you wouldn't be running here. In addition to the fact that we've had snow on the ground for a more than a week, it was -10F at my house this morning! Warmed up now, of course, but still single digits.

Big news around our city offices today. The City Council voted last night that starting this week the day after Thanksgiving is a city holiday! Yippee! We were the only municipality still open that day in a 100 mile radius. I had taken leave for the day, but now I don't have to.

Not much else going on in my life. Tonight is the only night I don't have something to go to - 2 meetings for work, 1 for church, and Friday night is our regular square dance club. We're celebrating with a potluck Thanksgiving. My first challenge. I'm cooking the ham (club paid for it) and someone will do a turkey. I'm also bringing sweet potatoes, and I'm planning on very small portions limited to those things that are not drowning in butter or sauce. I know my dish will be "safe"

Lily - great first week on WW. Don't be disappointed if you don't lose 2 lbs every week. Many people seem to go along with little or no loss for 2-3 weeks, then drop a chuck of 3-5lbs. Our bodies never seem to lose in a steady fashion.

Yes, Dagmar, what are Toronto citizens' problems with dogs? The problems we have here are people who live "in the country" (i.e. more than 3 miles from town ) thinking they are entitled to let their dogs roam loose, terrorizing children and other animals. (They're not. There are lease laws through the whole county.) Fortunately our neighborhood is current free of terrorist dogs, though we've had some in the past. Right now my only dog issue is my next-door neighbor's cairn terrier jumping at me everytime I go over there. Given she weighs only 10-15 lbs, and only shin-high, it's not a big issue.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:29 PM   #29  
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I have NO idea how those of you who live in cold climates survive. Seriously. I ran this morning and it was 37 degrees and no wind and I thought I was going to freeze to death until I warmed up with my run. The days I have to scrape my windshield are awful. I can't imagine....subzero temps! Brrrrr.....I'm a wimp!
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:39 PM   #30  
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Midwife, you haven't lived until you've stood out in your driveway at 5:30 am in the sleet, minus zero temperatures, and howling wind, scraping ice off your windshield ... just to go to the gym.

I wish I was where you are -- at least it's sunny even when it's cold!
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