LAWL Losers & Friends- March 2006

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  • Carmen, you still manage to be energetic and giving, no matter what God gives you, you are such a gift to us all. We are thinking of you and your family and optimisitc for you We know a lot of cancer survivors, early detection and treatment is the key and your parents seem to be on a good track.

    TO can be such a hit or miss. A pound is a pound and a victory, so congratulations!!! This time I did better than in the past, I lost 2.6 pounds this time and Ill take it! Take care of yourself
  • Carmen- You do have such a good attitude. How lucky that they sre both treatable, and how strange that they both got the news on the same day. Kind of makes you wonder who is watching over them and getting them to that Dr, you know.

    Well, as for TO, I got rid of what I picked up over the weekend, and lost 1 lbs, so ladies, please roll out the red carpet and welcome me to a new decade THE 160's!!!!! Now I am really going to follow the 4 days after TO plan. No way am I giving up on the 160's. I still need to shed 3 lbs by the end of the month to hit my goal. I am definitely going to stay OP and exercise every day.
  • Katie,
    Way to go! That is so awesome!
  • The one thing I can say about Indiana is that you never know what the weather will bring! Snow storm on Tuesday, cold yesterday and today it's going to be almost 50, but hold on because tomorrow could bring more snow! No wonder I'm sick! My asthma has flared up bad and I am using my inhaler more than I like. At least it's not so bad I am doing nebulizer treatments yet. I am baggin the week for LAWL. Starting TO on Sunday. One question...can I do both oranges and melon? I did see the Knudsen's juice at the store, but I like the fruit idea more if I can combine! I am still watching the amount of food I eat...I am just not going to beat myself up if I am not POP. If this weather doesn't get better soon I think I will consider San Diego...perfect weather year round! LOL!!!!

    Carmen, hang in there girl. I will be keeping your family in my prayers. I am glad for your family that the prognosis from the doc is positive, and there is hope!

    Well I am off for now chickies! See ya'll later!

  • OMG, that is awesome Katie!!! I still remember the day you made it to onederland! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
  • Thanks Chicks. Positive attitudes are contagious you know!

    Deets you're a sweetheart.

    Katie - You know its strange, my DD and DM are funny like that. For instance, my DDs mom was sick in a nursing home up here in Cleveland. All the calls had gone out that she was close to passing away. All of DDs siblings had flown in to say goodbye to their mom, etc. So one day I'm at work and my mom calls me and tells me that my DGM had passed away, so I'm like okay, well we did expect it, right? And she goes no honey...MY mom died about half an hour ago, your other grandma is still with us. So, (shocked) we all head to SC for my mom's mother's funeral, and when we got back to the house, the phone rang saying that my dad's mother had just died. REALLY STRANGE.

    AND...CONGRATS on the new decade! You're rockin, Chick!
  • Thanks all of you sweeties!

    Rebeca- How is it going?

    Deets-Over 2 lbs? That is great. Hope it helps you get feeling more settled in maintainance land. BTW, have you started that abs class yet?
  • Quote: Thanks all of you sweeties!

    Rebeca- How is it going?

    Deets-Over 2 lbs? That is great. Hope it helps you get feeling more settled in maintainance land. BTW, have you started that abs class yet?
    I think it starts in 2 weeks. Ive been waiting for BL to arrive for THREE WEEKS! I finally called and they have to send another one..sheesh.....
  • Carmen still sending you good vibes and prayers for your DP!!

    KATIE KATIE KATIE Congrats on the New Decade and oh my heck you have lost almost 50 lbs.!!! 50lbs!! WOOHOOOO

    Barb - congrats for hitting ONEDERLAND!
  • Carmen - sorry to hear about your DM + DD.
    Sending you positive recovery vibes for both. :
    My DD went through prostate cancer and survived - it generally has a good prognosis.

    It was like Christmas this AM waiting for the scale to do it's calculation.
    And TADA.......149.1

    I am pretty darn happy - and would like to thank all you chicks for getting me on the T/O band wagon.
    Day 2 today and I am soooo motivated to stay on track.

  • Deets- Rude! That sucks that you have been waiting so long.

    So, what did all of you recovering TOers have for breakfast? I had Kashi cereal w/ skim milk and 1/2 a banana, an egg with LF pepper jack cheese, and a cup of English Breakfast tea.

    Beanie- Thanks chickie! It is so fun to move down a decade. I am now only 1 lb away from a new hair cut and color, my 50 lb reward.

    Suzane- Yahoooooo! I heard your big cheer!
  • Congrats SZN -

    Purple pirate - so sorry that you didn't show a loss. I am sure that it will catch up with ya don't get discouraged!!
  • I'm with Beanie, Heather, you cannot be eating right and exercising, and your body not get the benefits. Since you are working so hard at both, even though it is taking some time, which sucks, it is going to catch up to you!
  • Hi Beanie!!! How the heck have you been???

    Sznn - CONGRATS on the huge TO victory. Here's to Day 2!!

    Katie - I've had Knudsen's for breakfast, 8 oz and counted it as 2F. Still trying to see if I may lose a little more if I keep with the juice and extra water for another day. Not a TO day though...still trying to figure out my starches. I'm afraid to eat any!