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Old 03-25-2007, 12:46 PM   #46  
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Hi Kimush,
Its so funny that you mentioned the crazy cat lady!! My oldest daughter(she is 24) says that in our area (Montana) she can't find a nice guy, so she has decided to get me some grand-cats!And while that is nice that she is thinking of my feelings I worry cause I don't think that the knitted sweaters I make will fit them!
And yes, The Sonoma diet is named after the area in Calif. (I love it, it is actually helping me and has my Doctors approval!!) It is "The Sonoma Diet" by Dr.Connie Guttersen. Whole grains, Fresh fruit and vegs,lean meats, Olive oil, and wine. Yep-good to go!!
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Old 03-25-2007, 02:21 PM   #47  
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Welcome everyone!

My oldest is also going to be leaving for college next year. She's a junior right now. She can go away to college but we have a few rules. She can't go out of state and she can't go more than 2 hrs. max (one way). I'd prefer a one way drive of about an hour. My thoughts are she could go away to school 1/2 hr. from home and from her perspective it probably wouldn't make much difference. She'll be living there, not here. Ohh, but I'll miss her something fierce! She's the easy one; lots of fun, no trouble, genuinely nice kid. Besides, if she isn't too far away, I can make trips to school, aaahhh, so the dog can she her. Yea that's it, the dog!

Well, I did manage to lose another lb; down 10 total. Aiming for 3 more by Easter and 5 total by 4/22. I have a wedding shower to go to.

We just bought a gamecube off of ebay. The cube, 3 controls and a game for $60. Not bad. We're going to get DDR for it. Have to buy off of e-bay 'cause they don't make it anymore but that's ok. I'd never pay for a new game anyway!!

Hope everyone is doing well. This is just a quickie to say hey. I changed my avatar pic. Anyone else a Python fan?

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Old 03-25-2007, 07:23 PM   #48  
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Hey All,

Is That Really Me...darn right...when I was off this past week ill...I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail...I love John Cleese...have you seen any of the Fauwlty Towers series..."weigh" to go on the weight growing up sucks...

Notfatjustfluffy...the grand-cats made me daughter and her boyfriend for Christmas bought me the "crazy cat lady" action comes with cats, housecoat, slippers...The Sonoma diet kinda sounds like the best life one but alcohol is a no-no and I don't drink so that works out okay for me...

mudbug...that is so is just sad that they have to grow up...but if I reframe my thoughts (social worker jargon) that is the cool part because now I can pick up kinda where I left off and do what I want to do and explore me...
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Old 03-25-2007, 09:43 PM   #49  
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Well Kimush,
No wine, No Problem! You don't have to drink it on the sonoma diet if you don't want to! But you can have CHOCOLATE on the sonoma!!!!! Thats right I said chocolate on a diet-and its not cheating!!How nice is that.

is that really me,
after I get done with my job at the minstery for silly walks, I just love to watch any python at all!!!! Way to go on the weight loss. Wink- Wink, nudge-nudge, say no more!!
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Old 03-25-2007, 10:09 PM   #50  
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Hey There Everyone,

Is it really me...I love chocolate but I can't eat it...I am allergic...It is a total order for me to have chocolate at Christmas I need to take allergy just avoid it...I can have pure cocoa based products though (but they generally taste like crap)...What do you do at the minstery?
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Old 03-26-2007, 12:17 PM   #51  
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Hey kimush,
at the minstery I make sure that the square pegs fit into the round holes! (social worker)
Boy, no wine and no chocolate (*sigh*) what naughty things do you get to do??
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Old 03-26-2007, 08:50 PM   #52  
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Hey harpandflute, ya still with us? How's it going?

For some unknown reason I've been staying OP foodwise for the past three days. Like, really, really well. No clue as to why I'm not wanting the bad, naughty but sinfully delicious food. Hmmm, maybe I'm broken?

I even made cookies yesterday. DO NOT try this at home; they are good. They're Baker's soft and chewy chocolate drops (no, you do not want me to post this recipe). I didn't even taste the dough and ate one cookie. They're the size of a golf ball, slightly flater and very, very good. Believe it or not, I was relishing the zucchini I'd just eaten w/my dinner (sliced an organic zucchini; seasoned both sides w/freshed cracked pepper, onion and garlic powders; cooked the slices in pan using a very small pat of butter w/a little non-stick spray for a few minutes then flipped and cooked on the other side). Yummy stuff.

Not going to argue about staying OP; I'll take it whenever I can get it! Hope everyone is doing well.

NFJF and Kimush -- We had a video store selling Python's TV shows at a Buy Three Get One Free. Picked up several; God these guys just have me rolling on the floor laughing so hard. I even named my now deceased, 'tis no more cat Eric the Cat after the Pet Shop Skit. Just thinking about the penguins on the telly skit is getting me started!. God love the British!!

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Old 03-26-2007, 10:40 PM   #53  
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Hello everyone...

Hey there notfatjustfuffy...are you then with child protective services? Then I must be your Canadian counterpart...being in Child Welfare...that gets me into enough trouble...but I tend to have a fat tooth (not a sweet tooth) so I have not been at a loss to find things to get into trouble with...I wasn't hungry but now that I said fat tooth and I would kill for spareribs but alas I also try not to eat too much red meat...or pork...okay as I am writing this I am thinking that I am a bore...but not really I am always having fun...I am optimistic...rock on cool person...who has the worlds best humour...

Is that Really Me...Oh my god...that is funny...I haven't thought of Eric in a very long time...

***if you guys like cats I have all my kitties posted in a website called go by the name of Kimush on their and my 5 cats have their pictures posted and you can rate the fat cats...sorry for the digression***

Yes I am wondering where harpandflute has gotten too...I hope that she comes back...and if you are reading this I hope that you are well also...

I trust all is well everyone...

Well I have to go to was a killer and I am wiped out...
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Old 03-28-2007, 09:54 AM   #54  
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Default Computer Challenged Too!

Click here, old lady is Right!! I am computer challenged and am not sure how to make things work on this site. I wanted the Weight tracker at the bottom of my posts. I went and made my choices, and then when it says to copy and paste code, I right click and it does not give me "copy" as a choice. Do you somehow make it so everytime you post, your tracker is there? Or do you have to go to tracker page and copy and paste each time. It is really cute and some help would be good from someone who knows what is going on!! Thanks, Sylvia from NS
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Old 03-28-2007, 10:24 AM   #55  
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Welcome!!! When you go into the user cp, edit signature, and click on the weight tracker link, follow the instructions to make your tracker, on the last page is the url. I think 3FC is the first one. Highlight it, then right click. It should give you the copy option. You then just have to update the info on the 1st page of the ticker site (as you progress) and it will automatically update it in your signature at 3FC.
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Old 03-28-2007, 01:22 PM   #56  
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Hi There Kimush,9
I work for the state voc. rehab. but I am back in school (at 47) taking classes to go into what I really want, Probation & parole. Cps is a heartbreaking job and while all social welfare positions are nessecary, I could not deal with what you do on a daily basis. I would burnout- something we need to watch out for anyway.
I have found that humor is the only way (for me ) to battle burnout, overeating worked for a while but I just got fat(er) So last night I watched "life of Brian" with my son(17 years old) He loved it. Tonight "and now for something compleatly different"
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Old 03-28-2007, 05:33 PM   #57  
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Hey there everyone...another lovely day in Brantford...a little chilly...but perfect...

Hey Diane what about BCI I am proud that our kids have such pride and follow through...but I hope that they are cautious (but they need to be not too break any laws or get hurt unnecessarily in the process of protesting)...One of Brantford's oldest High Schools is in dire need of rebuilding and instead of using the old site and some of the foundational pieces of the old trustees thought that they should relocate the school to the subburbs but the students (past and present) have taken great exception to this...and there is some protesting going on...

Notfatjustfluffy...I did protection support work (1 year), contract work (2 years), intake (2 years)...followed by close to 10 years of children social work is has been really heartbreaking at times...and if wasn't for my sense of humour I would be done for...thank gosh for mindless funny really need to watch Fawlty Towers you would love John Clees in it...Life of Brian that's an oldie but a goodie...

Today is Wednesday so tomorrow is weigh in...if I hit my mark I will move to phase II (which I am very nervous about what if that falls apart)...but I am so excited that I will be able to get my hair cut (my treat goal)...I am starting to look like "Big Foot"...I normally have very short hair and I am looking like an unruly hippie...
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Old 03-29-2007, 01:01 PM   #58  
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*LOVE* Fawlty Towers, we don't get it on T.V. here anymore, so I need to find it on DVD. I just adore the waiter/bellboy "Manuel." He and John Cleese make a great-really funny-team!
I am doing casework, but I have really cut my days cause of school, Which my job approves of (but of course does not support financially)
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Old 03-29-2007, 07:13 PM   #59  
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Hey Everyone...and how is everyone tonight?

I did it...I hit my goal...Yeah that means I can get my hair cut (Yeah and ugg I hate trying to figure out what to do)...And I have now jumped to Phase II...I need to really get my mind around I may wait until Sunday to officially start the phase as I want to read that chapter in the book again and I don't have time until Sunday...

Notfatjustfluffy...Basil, Cybil, Manuel, Polly...I am stuck doing paperwork tonight but I would love to watch some "telly"...

Hope All Is Well with Everyone!
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Old 03-29-2007, 07:33 PM   #60  
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Way to go Kimush,
I'm sure you will continue to have great success.
I was thinking (I know, be careful, don't hurt myself)to use 10-15 pound mini goals, I have so much to lose that it will seem to be forever if I don't. Is that how you are doing it? And how are you losing, are you on a plan of somekind?

I love on Fawlty towers how Cybil never loses her cool, no matter what crazy stunt Basil has pulled. Don't you love John Cleese's looooong legs, they seem to have a personality all their own.
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