3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Ratherfly 11-25-2016 07:05 AM

Thank you, Joysh. I sure am. And I made it through Thanksgiving almost perfectly. I'm sure I did go over my protein, enjoying the turkey. Probably not by too much though. Unfortunately we were at my sister-in-laws and I really didn't have complete control over what was being served. She made a salad, but it was pre-tossed with dressing and had pomogranate avrils and apples added. Pushed those to the side, but not sure what the dressing was. Other than that I did fine. :) The plan really does make it pretty simple to avoid foods we're not allowed on phase 1. Most cravings are gone and if you don't dwell on what you cannot have it seems to be okay.

joysh 11-25-2016 09:56 AM


Thanksgiving has come and gone. I had a couple of spoons of non-OP items, but not much. Everything was cooked in butter, but I stayed pretty well OP. People laughed when my big splurge was more turkey and one spoonful of very richly-cooked brussell sprouts.

Going to drink a lot of water today and stay 100%. I'm sure I'll be fine through this weekend. We had a big family dinner at my daughter's and there were many desserts. I treated myself to one half of an additional protein bar while everyone else ate pie and ice cream. I was not tempted by those sweets at all.

The biggest Thanksgiving treat for me will be when I go home on Sunday and look at the scale. I know it will be a good one!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Be kind to yourselves.

Ratherfly 11-25-2016 04:44 PM

I did have to deflect a few, "Just a taste won't hurt" comments. And I get it..., but it gets a tad bit annoying to say it over and over.

And it would hurt. Maybe not the ketosis part, but the resolve. I'm feeling quite empowered with each successful day that passes. And I wicked like that. :)

Weigh in is on Monday. I'd really like to see some results.

I do feel so constantly satiated, somewhat of a strange feeling while on a 'diet.' Kind of hard to contend with because in the past I was only dieting if I felt hungry.

canadjineh 11-29-2016 03:16 AM

How did your weigh-in go, Ratherfly??


Ratherfly 11-29-2016 06:25 AM

Good Morning, Liana, thank you for asking!

It went okay. 2.6 pounds down! I'm trying to learn to be happy with that number. :)

Rayze 11-30-2016 04:43 PM

Hi! I'm back after losing more than 100 lbs on Ideal Protein a couple of years ago. I've regained most if not all. I started my reboot on Monday with Alternatives. I haven't had the guts to weigh myself yet. I will. I'm glad to be back.

Ro22 11-30-2016 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rayze (Post 5288489)
Hi! I'm back after losing more than 100 lbs on Ideal Protein a couple of years ago. I've regained most if not all. I started my reboot on Monday with Alternatives. I haven't had the guts to weigh myself yet. I will. I'm glad to be back.

Welcome back! I certainly know the feeling about not wanting to weigh yourself once you have the motivation to start again as you don't want anything to bring you down at this point. You have done this before and you know you will be successful again.

I restarted in June and I did weigh myself at the beginning and found that I was 24 more pounds than when I started previously. The good news is that I have take off all but 20 pounds plus whatever I gained during Thanksgiving. Due to Thanksgiving, I am doing a mini-reboot with alternatives. My Nashua order comes tomorrow - I am fasting today. I started my reboot in June on Wed and I did the same thing this time even though I intended to restart Monday :-) Mentally, there was something about not going another day later than when I rebooted in June so I am on track today after the last 2 days of attempting to restart. I didn't weigh myself today as I feel bloated and don't want to know what the scale shows. I'll weigh myself a week from Monday which is when I think it will be "safe" to do so :)

Congrats on getting started! For me, that is always the hardest part.

CO_6 11-30-2016 06:44 PM

Glad to see others back as well! Rebooting is 100% mental for me. Glad for the support!!!

jelliehel 11-30-2016 07:09 PM

I hear you ladies! I lost about 70 pounds on IP and gained it back + 10 after 2 years :(. It was so hard to get started again and glad I finally did on November 7th. My family asked why I would do such a thing before the holidays and I told them when I'm ready mentally I have to go for it! Good luck everyone! We can do this:)

Ro22 11-30-2016 08:55 PM

I have been surprised by the number of restarts/first timers doing this around the holidays. I know I couldn't do that so I commend all those for doing so.
My mini-reboot is different as I am planning this between the holidays as I don't want more than 20 pounds to lose when I hit January so paying the price of Thanksgiving week now so as to not add 4+ weeks of weight gain from now until Christmas resulting in a ton of work to do at the start of the new year.

Ratherfly 12-01-2016 06:53 AM

I can't find it anywhere, but where do you get those cool weight trackers I see lots of people posting?

Ratherfly 12-01-2016 06:56 AM

I suppose I could find it discouraging seeing all the posts about people who successfully lost weight on IP and are now back saying they're back to square one again.

BUT.... I successfully lost 115 pounds about twenty years ago on another plan, (20?!!! Wow.) and 30 of them found me again so it's not the plan that we're on, it's our relationship with food.

Lynn Margaret 12-01-2016 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ro22 (Post 5288499)
My Nashua order comes tomorrow

Ro - I'm curious what you ordered and what you thought of it? I plan on using mostly alternatives during maintenance (after splurge days and occasionally as snacks). I've tried the peanut caramel crunch bar, the lemon cranberry cookie and the honey nut cereal and like them all. I bought the blueberry pancake too, but haven't tried it yet.

Rayze 12-01-2016 02:06 PM

Thanks for the welcome back. Day 4 and going strong! I feel that very specific ketosis energy - which is wonderful. Today I will be researching more alternatives and making Quest protein powder cookies. I am so bummed that the Quest bars ore not on plan anymore. They were great and easy.

Lynn Margaret 12-01-2016 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rayze (Post 5288609)
Thanks for the welcome back. Day 4 and going strong! I feel that very specific ketosis energy - which is wonderful. Today I will be researching more alternatives and making Quest protein powder cookies. I am so bummed that the Quest bars ore not on plan anymore. They were great and easy.

Rayze - I *think* I read somewhere, maybe on one of the Facebook IP groups, that the newer Blueberry Muffin Quest bar is a fit? I don't have the macros in front of me, so double check before moving forward with that. I have been using it successfully during maintenance on my P1 days. Welcome back!

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