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Old 09-03-2015, 01:42 PM   #16  
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Thanks Amber! I forgot about the balance issue...& I've got a nasty rib 'pull' right now *ugh* lots of stretching!

I had to start going to the chiro again in May because of the hip pain - she also mentioned the balance / core issues from the weight loss and suggested yoga Sadly I have access to classes here at work and am a member...I've been enjoying my daily walks though so didn't want to trade up.
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Old 09-03-2015, 05:58 PM   #17  
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Woohoo, down 1 lb this week and into 60's!!! Every pound in the right direction is important because I work so hard for it. I love this program. Finally feeling in control cause I finally get it...eating to live and not living to eat.
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Old 09-03-2015, 07:23 PM   #18  
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Hello Everyone
Just started my journey on Sept 1/15. So I'm heading into day 4 tomorrow quite excited. I'm not new to SBD but the fall is always a good time for me to start something new and get re-grounded. Not sure what my goal weight for this month would be but I do know I want some weight to come off and that's good for me for right now. Good luck to everyone for this month!
Cheers, FR
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Old 09-04-2015, 08:02 AM   #19  
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livinlrg - Congrats on reaching the 160s - a new decade!!
I got to the 160s (finally!) last week, and I don't know why, but that change in number just feels so good

foxyroxy7226 - Welcome, hope your first week is going well, be sure to drop by and let us know. We've all been where you are, and we're rooting for you!

This weekend here is going to be warm and sunny, a perfect end to summer ...though I hope there are still a lot of nice days left in September.
Have a great holiday wk/end everyone!
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Old 09-04-2015, 09:11 AM   #20  
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Originally Posted by foxyroxy7226 View Post
Hello Everyone
Just started my journey on Sept 1/15. So I'm heading into day 4 tomorrow quite excited. I'm not new to SBD but the fall is always a good time for me to start something new and get re-grounded. Not sure what my goal weight for this month would be but I do know I want some weight to come off and that's good for me for right now. Good luck to everyone for this month!
Cheers, FR
Sounds like you have an awesome mindset - keep posting here and here:
I would never have made it this far without the support of everyone here

lrg - So happy for you!!!! Moving from 17X to 16X was HUGE for me - I didn't have quite the exultation getting into the 15X's - although seeing the scale bump back UP into the 16X's this morning didn't make me feel too good

So, getting ready for our last summer trip - camping on DH's uncles farm for his 80th birthday party. It will be fun to take the new truck on a road trip.
Need to go home and prep tonight - veggies and a couple IP-friendly goodies.
I also made a 2 pans of of my 'famous' deviled eggs last night, which, yes, I will be indulging in Saturday But not the brownies!

Ugh - I was / am SO bloated, head achy and icky this morning...& yes, I've been getting my water, salt and potassium...
So I returned to P1 calories levels Sunday (800 - 1,000), am walking 2 miles a day again, and just about everyday the scale has been ticking up...I am now +3.0 from my lowest (157.4) on return from vacation.
I am also not enjoying the constant, nagging hunger that I was not experiencing on vacation eating at P2(ish) calorie levels.
*sigh* I wish there was some way our bodies could tell us exactly why they behave the way they do and what we needed to do to correct issues

I am aware that this mornings weight is probably a culmination of factors - salty foods (the zoodle spaghetti I made Wednesday had a ridiculous amount of rings have been tight for 2 days!), heat & humidity, exercising again, and maybe not enough water (I've been getting up every night with exploding bladder though??)

BUT - and it's a BIG but - could it really, really be that my body is trying to tell me it needs the extra 200(ish) calories it was getting? Is 2 miles of (15 minute miles) walking depleting the resources THAT much??? I went back and put my steps into my fitness / weight spreadsheet and I was averaging about 2.5 miles of walking every day on vacation - its not a Fitbit so those averages don't include all the time spent in the ocean / building sand castles, swimming in the pool, etc...

I felt so good too - even when TOM started that first Saturday.

Yes - babbling again folks

Happy Labor Day weekend to all!
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Old 09-05-2015, 07:42 AM   #21  
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I am typing this on the road to DH's uncle - LOVE this new truck with all the bells and whistles - including built in internet

Back down on the scale this morning - what was I worrying about

So, while I am grateful for my job and my health, I am now heading into uncharted territory at work:
My right-hand "work husband"...handed in his resignation yesterday His last day is the 18th
He's been there almost 16 years - and this new opportunity is AMAZING for him and his family and I am happy for him...but boy, what a change for us - and the additional work its going to mean for me until (& IF) we hire someone to take his place...and even at that, we are losing 16 years of knowledge
Done a good bit of crying - lots of self pity I guess...we weren't "friends" outside of work, but my heart still hurts - he was my sports buddy, our kids were the same age, etc...
Sadly, had I had the same opportunity, I would be out the door without too many second thoughts for my co-workers though...
Change (like this) sucks regardless

Well, that's that and I am going to try and enjoy my weekend. Might be on here quite a bit...had a bit of a food-panic attack yesterday and ate lunch early - I am a stress eater, as opposed to others who stress and don't eat...I wish
Planning to enjoy a burger with cheese and a deviled egg or two We'll see what the scale does come Monday morning
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Old 09-05-2015, 08:20 AM   #22  
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Originally Posted by hysteria_625 View Post
I am typing this on the road to DH's uncle - LOVE this new truck with all the bells and whistles - including built in internet

Back down on the scale this morning - what was I worrying about

So, while I am grateful for my job and my health, I am now heading into uncharted territory at work:
My right-hand "work husband"...handed in his resignation yesterday His last day is the 18th
He's been there almost 16 years - and this new opportunity is AMAZING for him and his family and I am happy for him...but boy, what a change for us - and the additional work its going to mean for me until (& IF) we hire someone to take his place...and even at that, we are losing 16 years of knowledge
Done a good bit of crying - lots of self pity I guess...we weren't "friends" outside of work, but my heart still hurts - he was my sports buddy, our kids were the same age, etc...
Sadly, had I had the same opportunity, I would be out the door without too many second thoughts for my co-workers though...
Change (like this) sucks regardless

Well, that's that and I am going to try and enjoy my weekend. Might be on here quite a bit...had a bit of a food-panic attack yesterday and ate lunch early - I am a stress eater, as opposed to others who stress and don't eat...I wish
Planning to enjoy a burger with cheese and a deviled egg or two We'll see what the scale does come Monday morning
Congrats on the downward movement!! I know lady, what WERE you worried about?? You rock this thing!!
So glad that the new truck is awesome, especially after all of the stress involved in getting it- speaking of stress, I too wish that I was a stress "non-eater" The ONLY time I recall stress doing that to me was at the very end of my divorce 10 years ago where I found that the only things I ate were Cheez-its and Tab. I did eat a salad with a small piece of chicken for supper-though only because I was living with my parents (yes, that's such a great deal of fun when you are 41....) and everyone was concerned because I wasn't eating and dropping weight very quickly...
I'm so sorry to hear about your work husband. That's devastating on so many levels. I hope that they do replace him (I remember though that you said there are big changes at your company) and if they don't I hope the burden of his workload is spread out amongst many, and not heaped upon you. Self-pity my foot- I think you have to grieve for it. It's the end of something -don't be too hard on yourself for it.
Enjoy the burgers and cheese (mmmmmm cheese....) and deviled eggs. I kind of kick myself for not having one last week at D/e-H's (haha) house after the wedding when I had a "license" to cheat.
Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!
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Old 09-05-2015, 09:58 AM   #23  
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What do you all do about eating OP when you're sick?

I picked up some kind of virus, I guess. For the last two days I've had a fever, chills, body aches, and a raging headache. Tylenol and Aleve have kept me functional - barely. I haven't felt like eating anything, and I don't have the energy to cook my daily "real" food. Yesterday I just ate protein oatmeal, a Quest bar, and a hard boiled egg w/ salt before bed, thinking maybe I was low on sodium. (I did take all my supplements and 68 oz of water.) I'm sure I need to eat more because I'm dizzy when I stand up. But just can't bear the thought of eating. Suggestions?
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Old 09-05-2015, 01:49 PM   #24  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
What do you all do about eating OP when you're sick?

I picked up some kind of virus, I guess. For the last two days I've had a fever, chills, body aches, and a raging headache. Tylenol and Aleve have kept me functional - barely. I haven't felt like eating anything, and I don't have the energy to cook my daily "real" food. Yesterday I just ate protein oatmeal, a Quest bar, and a hard boiled egg w/ salt before bed, thinking maybe I was low on sodium. (I did take all my supplements and 68 oz of water.) I'm sure I need to eat more because I'm dizzy when I stand up. But just can't bear the thought of eating. Suggestions?
HIS - so sorry to hear your sick.
It doesn't sound like you're nauseous, so that's good at least. For me, when I'm sick I like soup.
I don't know if you have any pureed veg available, if you do, mix with some chicken stock, season, and you've got soup. If not, you can easily make some (on baking sheet, in oven 30-40 min, then puree). Cauliflower, broccoli. asparagus are all good.
If you can handle the IP drinks, making a spinach shake is easy and gets your veggies in.
Boiled eggs sound like a good plan for getting your protein, make a bunch of them and keep on hand for when you feel like eating one.
If you can't handle any other "real" food, at least try to have the packets, oatmeal or drinks or puddings or bars, even extras if you can.

Hope the bug doesn't last long. Feel better soon
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Old 09-05-2015, 02:37 PM   #25  
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blueskiesahead, thanks for the soup idea. I had thought about trying some chicken broth but didn't think to add veggies. I did have a spinach shake at noon and it went down okay. I also took some high-powered cold and flu medicine and that helped a lot.

I have an appointment this afternoon to go get fitted for running shoes, and then go wedding dress shopping with my daughter-in-law to be. I'd rather be home in bed, but I have to do this. I'm going to take a shake, water, and some cucumber slices to have while I'm out.
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Old 09-05-2015, 03:34 PM   #26  
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Beth I totally hear you on wishing our bodies could just TELL us what we're doing to "upset" things LOL It sounds like you had a great vacation on the beach with all the activities. I wonder about not eating enough calories sometimes. For that reason I haven't been exercising - well that and the fact that I hurt my hip doing pilates and it's still bothering me after 2 months :-( I do worry about not firming up while I'm losing but I feel like I don't eat enough calories for much exercise - I really don't want to lose the little amount of lean mass I do have so just not sure about the exercise. I'm sure you DO feel great walking every day!
Hope you enjoy the camping trip! What veggies do you take and how do you prep before you go? I'm still struggling with veggies - never been a fan so keep asking people what they are eating haha
Built in internet in a truck? WOW how awesome!!
So sorry about the co-worker :-( Hopefully you are able to work through those feelings - more crying if needed - and know going off plan will make it even worse. HUGS to you!!
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Old 09-05-2015, 03:38 PM   #27  
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Welcome FoxyRoxy! I have to ask, what is SBD? I'm still trying to figure out acronyms :-(
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Old 09-05-2015, 04:43 PM   #28  
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HereIStand if you have the energy for it, what I did esp. when I wasn’t well was boil a soup of 32 oz chicken breast (I just threw it in whole to cook it) a lot of water, and 8 cups veggies, and whatever spices I felt like. That made 4 servings of soup. Once it was cooked I put it in the blender and pureed it. It was easy for me to get that down.

If I didn’t have the energy I put cups spinach in the blender and mixed into a soup packet and that was also easy.

Last edited by Grateful4Health; 09-05-2015 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 09-05-2015, 10:44 PM   #29  
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Well, I have to move to Plan B while I'm sick. I had the shake/spinach today, followed later by 1 cup of plain chicken broth, followed later by a hamburger patty and 1/2 c broccoli. Thirty minutes later, my gut decided it really wasn't happy. I think I'm pretty much cleaned out now!

I guess I will stick to water and broth for another day and see how I feel. I realized that the BRAT diet, for diarrhea, is 100% off limits! (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast)
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Old 09-06-2015, 12:45 AM   #30  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
I guess I will stick to water and broth for another day and see how I feel. I realized that the BRAT diet, for diarrhea, is 100% off limits! (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast)
Sort of ... how about the IP or alt banana pudding, with "riced" cauli, chayote "apple" sauce and crispy cereal bread?

I know, not the same, but it made me giggle thinking about alternatives.
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