3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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-   -   2015 IP Rebooters (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ideal-protein-diet/302500-2015-ip-rebooters.html)

lisa32989 02-20-2015 10:45 AM

2015 IP Rebooters
I've seen so many rebooters posting in so many varied places (monthly newbie threads, 50+, 100%ers), I thought I'd create a spot for everyone.

Since rebooters aren't newbies and often make some alterations to 100% protocol, it seems fitting there be a spot.

There is a "gaining it all back" thread, but many don't fit there. Many of us have some up lbs to drop but didn't gain everything back. And even those who did, a restart is a restart.

Be sure to post in the daily chat, as well so everyone in the community can benefit from the experience we all have!

Great Dane 02-20-2015 10:55 AM

Count me in as a 2015 Rebooter!!! What is everyone else doing different this time, if anything? I have decided not to micro-manage my carb intake. Last time I tried staying as low carb as possible in the IP packs. (no snacks and only restricted is my once a week veg chili is still my rule though). And no scale at home this time. Last time I was weighing my self every day. This time - nope - only at my WI.

LeanneR230682 02-20-2015 11:24 AM

Hi lisa, I'm certainly a rebooter. I can't ever seem to stick to it and I was looking at something new. What do you think of the Venus Factor? I read an article on it and I'm still not sure what to think. The girl who wrote it at Health Headstart seems to approve but am I going to give up on that too? Help mee!

pishposhappelsauce 02-20-2015 11:26 AM

This is a great idea, thanks Lisa! I have been rebooting to take off an additional five pounds since the holidays, but keep being derailed by cravings, events, and just a lack of willpower that I had while I was in the thick of P1. I've moved to the P1 alternative plan with the idea that it might keep my cravings in check. It's amazing that my first 60 pounds seemed to come off no problem, but now 7 measly pounds is a major mental hurdle!

lisa32989 02-20-2015 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by pishposhappelsauce (Post 5134237)
This is a great idea, thanks Lisa! I have been rebooting to take off an additional five pounds since the holidays, but keep being derailed by cravings, events, and just a lack of willpower that I had while I was in the thick of P1. I've moved to the P1 alternative plan with the idea that it might keep my cravings in check. It's amazing that my first 60 pounds seemed to come off no problem, but now 7 measly pounds is a major mental hurdle!

I can so relate!

I had a zero excuse policy my first time thru on IP.
Now, I cave for events I never caved for before. :devil:

This weekend we have a triva nite, which means excess food/drinks.
I've decided perhaps I can have a monthly fun nite (one weekend nite) until I'm back at goal. This way, I can choose the event and not celebrate all of them. After my year on p1, avoiding the drinking doesn't bother me at all.

Trivia nite is NOT the nite. So, I'm taking a veggie tray with cukes and celery (both now unlimited) and also red bell pepper for color (for others). I usually use a ranch dip. I'm not a ranch fan so that keeps me out of that. Now, if it were blue cheese, that would be a different story.

Great Dane: My biggest alteration to P1 is the fat. My docs have suggested a bit more than the p1 sheet (and different ones too). This is for thyroid health purposes. My most recent doc is suggesting 6 week cycles. 2 weeks p1, 2 weeks p2, and then 2 weeks of p3 before returning to p1. I'll review that with my coach (self-chosen, not at a clinic).

LeanneR230682: I think the best plan is the one you'll stick to. So, if IP doesn't work for you, then by all means, find another plan. You're certainly welcome here if you choose IP (have you looked at the alt plan for diabetics?)

CO_6 02-20-2015 12:17 PM

Lisa- Have you cycled through the 6 weeks yet? Good results?

I am wondering if my thyroid is rebelling against me at this point (hashimotos). Tests show normal but we all know blood work is not the entire picture. The first 5 months everything went swimmingly and the last five months has just been up and down with the same 3 lbs.

LuckyDVL 02-20-2015 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by lisa32989 (Post 5134205)
Since rebooters aren't newbies and often make some alterations to 100% protocol, it seems fitting there be a spot.

Thank you Lisa, I'm definitely in this club! Here's the other post I made, but long story short I'm now living in Europe with a much more active lifestyle, but way more temptations too. So I'm doing IP for the second time, but this time using only alternatives (since I can't get the pouches here). Since I'm now coachless, I'm going to rely heavily on this forum for support.

Great Dane: I did IP last year with a LOT of skepticism about my success. Like a lot of people, I tried many things and didn't lose weight, and I suffer from "too much knowledge" so that I tend to micromanage every little thing. Initially I just told myself that I would do the IP plan 100% as written for one month without tweaking anything. I had two unrestricteds and one restricted pouch every day without carb counting, and measured out my veggies, and it worked for me with the best weightloss results I've ever had. Trust the system! It will work for you :)

Good luck to everyone!! Have a lovely Friday. It's supper time here and I've got a nice lean steak marinating :chef: My cooking skills have skyrocketed since last year. I used to be so afraid of it before I started this journey!

winewanderer 02-20-2015 12:52 PM

Thanks, Lisa. This is the perfect place for me to finally make my first post after lurking for about 8 months. I lost 50lbs last year on ideal protein with lots of support from this thread. I went off before meeting my goal in August because of diet fatigue and being told I was thin enough. I decided that if I still wanted to lose the last 12lbs, I would come back after the new year. Fortunately, with lots of help from the maintainers' thread, I managed to maintain without gaining any weight. But I was beginning to be a little less compulsive about maintenance and thought it was the perfect time for a reboot -- both to get back on track before I had a gain and to lose those last 12 lbs or so. So here I am, heading into my second week. Not getting as much support this time from my DH, who thinks I look fine and am "just torturing" myself. LOL

Lizzy63 02-20-2015 12:59 PM

Hi, Rebooters! I lost 60 pounds on IP and reached my goal in November 2012. I was pretty vigilant for a while and maintained pretty well for over a year. But, I made more excuses over time and didn't alway get right back to taking off any up pounds... so here I am, on my way back to goal.

Like Lisa - I was very vigilant about following protocol the first time around. This time, I'm a little more forgiving. An occasional cheat is OK as long as I am headed in the right direction and continue to lose. Sometimes that is an extra Quest bar, when I am stressed out and feel the need for a treat, or some PB2 in my shake. Small things, and nothing that has kicked me out of ketosis so far. I am losing more slowly than the first time around, but OK with that.

M0vingon 02-20-2015 01:25 PM

Geez, I've been "rebooting"since 2012. I lost 50+ lbs in 2011 and maintained it for 8 months. Then I started dating and married a fellow food lover and started gaining. I've been yo-yoing since. I am a pro at losing weight- but a failure (thus far) at maintaining!
Like Lisa, I am planning to "cycle" through the phases. When I did Ip before, we were allowed 1 oz of cheese per day, so I guess I'm following old protocol. :)
My first go at IP was strict, but I had many adverse effects. My current plan is to go strict IP until I get under 200 lbs, go to phase 3 for 2-3 weeks, then restart the cycle. I need the structure of the protocol with some tweaks to offset the strain it puts on my body.

lisa32989 02-20-2015 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by CO_6 (Post 5134269)
Lisa- Have you cycled through the 6 weeks yet? Good results?

I am wondering if my thyroid is rebelling against me at this point (hashimotos). Tests show normal but we all know blood work is not the entire picture. The first 5 months everything went swimmingly and the last five months has just been up and down with the same 3 lbs.

I have not. I need to review with my coach first.
I ran into the same problem about 10 months in after losing 95 lbs. I was still overweight according to BMI and just wanted to eek it under 150. Thyroid meds straightened out my numbers but I don't think it was the whole answer.

I'm good at losing or gaining. Maintaining? Not so much. It is a skill I have yet to learn.

oneuh2 02-20-2015 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by winewanderer (Post 5134282)
Thanks, Lisa. This is the perfect place for me to finally make my first post after lurking for about 8 months. I lost 50lbs last year on ideal protein with lots of support from this thread. I went off before meeting my goal in August because of diet fatigue and being told I was thin enough. I decided that if I still wanted to lose the last 12lbs, I would come back after the new year. Fortunately, with lots of help from the maintainers' thread, I managed to maintain without gaining any weight. But I was beginning to be a little less compulsive about maintenance and thought it was the perfect time for a reboot -- both to get back on track before I had a gain and to lose those last 12 lbs or so. So here I am, heading into my second week. Not getting as much support this time from my DH, who thinks I look fine and am "just torturing" myself. LOL

Welcome back, Winewanderer -- our group from July 2014 (with a few from June and August) has a new thread for 'July 2014 Starters Continuing into 2015' - We would love to have you check in with us when you can -- several of us are within 25 lbs of goal, and looking forward to going into maintenance together. Your experience would be invaluable, and I can promise that our gang will support you as you continue your journey to lose more pounds.

So glad to see successful maintenance over the Fall and Holiday season!! You must be very determined!!

joysh 02-20-2015 06:09 PM

Hi! Thanks, Lisa.

I guess I belong here too. I lost 81 from June 2012-March 2013. I've kept most of it off with a few little reboots to lose 10 pounds a couple of times. This time I was up 20 pounds from my goal on Jan 1. I began my latest reboot on Jan 2 and have lost 11 of the pounds, with 9 to go, although I'll want to get a little below my goal weight to feel good and safe and ready for spring. (Spring! Ahhhhhh!)

My reboot is on P1. I rather like being on P1, although some days I have an extra half (or whole) Quest bar if I feel I really need it. That's been my only off-program allowance. When I did this the first time (9 months of 100% P1) I did not let one morsel in my mouth that was not OP. This time I'm a little more relaxed, allowing a morsel here and there, but nothing that will get me out of ketosis. The morsel might be an extra bite of chicken during the afternoon, or something like that.

Anyway, I've been looking for a thread to join. These last 10 pounds the second time around are really, really slow to come off. I don't feel that I can post in the Maintainers thread right now.

I agree with those of you who have friends and spouses who tell you that you look fine and can stop dieting. So do I. And I could feel fine at this weight. But I KNOW that I'll feel much better when I get these pounds off me.

My coach recently said that the "gain-back pattern" goes like this: When you're up 5-10 pounds you acclimate and decide you like being that weight. Then you gain another 5-10 and decide you like being there. Then another 5-10 come on and all of a sudden you notice that you don't like it as much, but it's not so much so you wait a bit. Then, voila, you're ready for a major reboot. I don't want to do that dance.

We can do this one!! We all can!!!

readytolive 02-20-2015 06:42 PM

I'm one of those rebooters! 2-3 years ago I lost 60 pounds on IP and maintained for a couple of months (wasn't at my goal, but had $$ issues) then last summer I lost 26 pounds on it. Third time is the charm!

One of the main things I've been trying really hard to do is switch it up some in what I eat. My breakfast (2 cups of spinach blended with EAS) and lunch (2 cups of romaine lettuce, olive oil/rice wine vinegar + spices mix) are the same every single day because I love them and it is easy when my mornings are usually hectic the second I step into work. For dinner though? I've tried so many more things and have a good rotation of vegetables and lean meats to eat. I'm 3 weeks into it and I just feel like this is it.

I like seeing old faces (or usernames) around here whether you are a rebooter, still strong on IP, or in maintenance.

Let's do this! :hug:

Lori T 02-20-2015 10:32 PM

It is so nice to read through this and see so many in the same boat as I am. I lost 95lbs in 2012, kept it off for about a year and a half. Last year was a stressful year for me and with that the weight started coming back on and rather quickly. I regained about 50 lbs and finally gave myself the kick in the butt that I needed to reboot in January. I am going at it without a coach and doing the alternative route since money is an issue for me this time around. I feel SO much better eating well and have lost about 23 lbs. It is really helping to read through some of the different threads. I feel like it is my own personal support system without the physical coaching I had before. Seeing so many people struggling with the same issues and celebrating the accomplishments as I am feels great. Thank you! Congratulations and keep it up to all of you!

the_magpie 02-21-2015 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by M0vingon (Post 5134301)
When I did Ip before, we were allowed 1 oz of cheese per day, so I guess I'm following old protocol. :)

Whaaaaat, that would have made it so much easier for me! I miss cheese like you don't even know.


Also, hi. Another rebooter. I lost something like 40 pounds, last time, which was really nice. But I got diagnosed with arthritis (the autoimmune kind), which freaked me out... I knew something was wrong, but having a name and the knowledge it didn't have a cure was bad. Worse was the treatment: it's basically chemotherapy. :(

ANYWAY, I freaked out about that. So that freak out, combined with some travel, led me to jump out of IP without really doing the later phases. And, it turns out, I hadn't really changed my food habits. I gained back all of the pounds I lost, and some of them brought friends.

But now I'm more calm about the scary meds, and I'm living somewhere less stressful, and I'm ready to get in control, you know? So here I am, restarting.

I'm ready! I have some lovely veggies in my kitchen. :)

BEEGEE 02-21-2015 08:21 AM

I'm also a rebooter! Lost 52 pounds almost 2 years ago with no cheats at all. Now I'm trying to reboot and get off the 20ish pounds I put on. I really need to focus its not as easy as the first time around. I'm trying some alternatives to start with but I might need to go back to my coach for some motivation good luck everyone! We did this once we can do it again!

lisa32989 02-21-2015 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by M0vingon (Post 5134301)
When I did Ip before, we were allowed 1 oz of cheese per day, so I guess I'm following old protocol. :)

I have the protocols from 2011 & 2012 (I started in 2012).
I've not seen 1 oz cheese on any protocol - even the older ones -although some may have interpreted the milk that way.

It was 1 oz skim milk for coffee in the morning. That has been updated to 1 oz "regular" milk.

joysh 02-21-2015 09:33 AM

I'm also doing a combination of IP and Alternatives this time around. Several of the products from Nashua are identical to IP and half the price (or less than half). Others are comparable. I usually buy about one box (7 packets) of IP each week and often have a little visit with my coach. She is very supportive and fine with my choice to scale down the expensive IP products. I think her commitment is strong to support her clients and she knows that I had a long stint on IP my first time around.

I, too, don' t remember cheese being on the P1 protocol. I would have jumped on that one, because I'm a cheese lover. In fact, when I'm on maintenance I strictly watch my cheeses.

Good to see you all here. We can do this. I'm thankful we have this tool. Have a great day!

coffeebean 02-21-2015 09:47 AM

I belong in this thread as well. Lost 30 pounds in 2010 managed to stay within 10 pounds until last summer. Had some health issues and started taking 2 new medications. Gained 10 pounds very quickly seemed like overnight. I am determined now to lose the 20 pounds. I have such cute summer clothes hanging in the closet taking up space. A little tight last summer won't fit this summer. I need to step up and be strong. In 2010 I was 100% OP the whole time. Never cheated at all. That is the way my mind works. All or nothing. I can't have cheat days. My cheat day runs into cheat weeks. Last night friends stopped by for a glass of wine. I got the wine glasses out got me a bottle of ICE and poured that I to my glass. No one said anything and I was happy that I stayed strong. We can do this. I feel so much better on IP. No junk food.

coffeebean 02-21-2015 09:53 AM

I can't enter my lose this weekend. Has something changed in the 25 challenge spread sheet?

lisa32989 02-21-2015 10:02 AM

coffeebean: There are some answers to that on the challenge thread

Suzali 02-21-2015 10:06 AM

This thread is perfect! I thought I was the only one who had a hard time rebooting. I've rebooted a few times in the past year and could only be 100% for 2 weeks at the most. This time around, I decided to use a combination of alternatives and IP packets. I started this reboot a month ago and for week 1 I was 100% and lost 7 1/2 pounds, the 2nd week, I started adding normal dressing and a few croutons on my salad and lost another 2 1/2 pounds. I'm now starting week 5 and have been holding at a 10 pound loss. Has anyone added carbs back for a few weeks then go 100% for a few weeks on and a few weeks off? Wondering if I'm doing more harm than good. I know I can be 100% if it's for a short time.

M0vingon 02-21-2015 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by lisa32989 (Post 5134525)
I have the protocols from 2011 & 2012 (I started in 2012).
I've not seen 1 oz cheese on any protocol - even the older ones -although some may have interpreted the milk that way.

It was 1 oz skim milk for coffee in the morning. That has been updated to 1 oz "regular" milk.

The protocol I followed would have been from 2010. New sheets came out in 2011, after I was already on the plan for a while. I don't have the sheet anymore, so I can't verify. TBH, it may have been an adaptation that came from someone's coach- as you say, in lieu of milk. I recall it being presented in terms of condiments- as in, a sprinkle of cheese on a salad, etc. I used to eat "tuna melt" or "Big Mac" in a bowl and that sort of thing with a bit of grated cheese on top. I also occasionally put a small amount into my salads and skip the oil & vinegar dressing.

I don't intend to misinform. It's not on the protocol now, and I'm certainly not saying anyone else should incorporate cheese. Consider it an adaptation. As with all adaptations, it's a measured risk and would be used very sparingly.

kkids 02-21-2015 01:16 PM

I am rebooting b/c I have a pair of "tight pants" that I really want to wear! However, my coach is not with IP at this time & I'd have to start completely new with another coach. :( So I decided to go with alternatives. I do find keeping that food diary is a big help for me & drinking lots of water! I teach K & every morning 2 5th graders pop by my classroom to fill my large Tervis tumbler with ice...they are helping to keep me on track (one of the boys is my cousin's grandchild). I don't have too much to lose this time, but knew I needed to catch it before it got out of hand.

kkids 02-21-2015 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by M0vingon (Post 5134301)
When I did Ip before, we were allowed 1 oz of cheese per day, so I guess I'm following old protocol. :)

Cheese was never allowed on my original protocol sheet & my coach was adamant that cheese didn't count as the little bit of dairy that was allowed if you needed it in coffee & she said absolutely no cheese. I'm not a coffee drinker, so I was a no dairy on IP.

Lori T 02-21-2015 01:53 PM

I am also a person who finds that I need to stay 100% OP or else I am tempted to take it too far. I really miss the glass or two of wine and have been tempted but decided that I can handle the relatively short period of time it's going to take to get the excess weight off. I have had numerous people ask me why I don't let myself have a "cheat day" now and then. Those cheat days can come when I get back on maintenance. I know I still need to work on the mental piece that obviously caused/causes me to regain weight that I lose, but for me right now I find I have to stick with it 100%.

staceyjblack 02-21-2015 02:02 PM

Hi! This is what I've been waiting for! Lost 35 pounds three years ago and lost it back slosly but surely.start last week and lost close to 10lbs this week! I knew I loved this diet.

On another note, anyone here ever made shakshuka??? Looking for a recipe if you have one!

kkids 02-21-2015 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Lori T (Post 5134636)
I am also a person who finds that I need to stay 100% OP or else I am tempted to take it too far. I really miss the glass or two of wine and have been tempted but decided that I can handle the relatively short period of time it's going to take to get the excess weight off. I have had numerous people ask me why I don't let myself have a "cheat day" now and then. Those cheat days can come when I get back on maintenance. I know I still need to work on the mental piece that obviously caused/causes me to regain weight that I lose, but for me right now I find I have to stick with it 100%.

I graduated from IP Dec 2013. I was great about having 1 cheat day a week most of last year, but found that wine isn't my friend. While I do enjoy a glass or 2, it makes me hungrier. I also think that it is very difficult to stick to the 5 oz rule - who drinks just 5 oz of wine? LOL I've told my guys at the WM garden center (where I check out) to not let me purchase a bottle of wine until after Easter :) I figure that will be about how long it takes to drop 10 or so pounds.

Lori T 02-21-2015 03:50 PM

I agree kkids…5 oz…really?! :) My wine rack is full and waiting for the day a bottle can be opened, but I'm thinking it will be closer to June. I'm a teacher, so by then I'm sure I'll be more than ready!

nearthebay 02-21-2015 06:55 PM

I'm a 2015 Rebooter too!
Thanks for starting this thread, Lisa! I had a very successful experience with IP in 2013. I experimented with different maintenance programs including the one where you alternate between eating whatever you want one day, then doing a strict P1-like day the next. That worked very well for me until about 9 months ago when I started eating whatever I wanted EVERY day. :o

So here I am rebooting and very happy with how it's going so far. The changes I made:
1) Got up to date on the protocol changes. I'm thrilled with the unlimited veggie options!
2) Bought about 2 months of packets on eBay instead of using a coach. Saved a lot of money this way.
3) Stayed strict with IP packets for a week to get back into the swing of things, and then started using Quest powder as an unrestricted substitute and Quest bars (the bars only very infrequently) as a restricted substitute.
4) Expanded the variety of oils slightly
5) Created more "eating episodes" during the day by making the cauliflower pancakes (mix 1 egg + around 2 tbsps riced and pre-cooked cauliflower + some cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice. cook like a pancake and serve with WF syrup). This has helped me spread out the eating throughout the day and I never feel hungry anymore!
6) Expanded my recipe repertoire, trying some new things like Miracle Noodles (made Singapore noodles with them yesterday and they were very tasty!)

With those changes I am already seeing major improvements around my waistline in 3 weeks. I'm thrilled that I decided to do this. The creative ideas from this board have helped so much!

Blondi13 02-22-2015 09:33 AM

I am rebooting as well. I started last month and it has been so slow. Wine is not a good thing for me either. I had a glass last night and went up. Just starting my mid term break and felt I needed to celebrate. I teach as well in college so I am hoping to reach my goal again before I am off. No more wine until I het my goal. I just joined a new gym. Orange Theory Fitness and have my first work out today. I need to do it this time around. Last time I didn't work out and didn't like the way I felt so will see how it goes now. My coach suggested eating more.

Avalon1957 02-22-2015 09:59 AM

Laughed out loud when I saw this comic. I can relate.


joysh 02-22-2015 10:55 AM

Good morning! Hope everyone is doing well today!

I'm in an interesting situation of caring for my sister for 2 weeks as she begins cancer treatment. My goal (with her) is to get as many calories in her as possible. Therefore, I buy her treats (pretty unmentionable ones here!) and cook foods that I know will have extra calories and be tasty.

And me? I'm in my P1 reboot with about 10 or less pounds to go. It's a great temptation to throw it out the window and say "this is only for one more week," etc. but I'm going to stay P1 this coming week. The truth is that I'm not sure I'd be able trust myself knowing that there are all of these yummy foods so readily available to me for a nosh here or here. I'm better with this "all or nothing" right now and I know I'll feel so much better if I stay OP.

Ack. Just sharing.....

lisa32989 02-22-2015 11:41 AM

I'm the same way: there are certain things I'm better-off not having one bite! Those are things I can't stop with one bite.

If I were feeding someone for calories, I'd have to look for calorie-dense healthy foods to keep me out of trouble with over-exposure to treats. And I keep reading that cancer likes sugar so it's another reason for me to keep away!

Good luck to you and best wishes for your sister. It sounds like you're doing an amazing job caring for both of your needs.

coffeebean 02-23-2015 08:01 AM

Good Morning All
I am amazed how good I feel on phase 1. I am not saying it is easy. I have so much more energy. I always say IP is a gift. It is the only diet that I can lose weight on. I don't lose weight eating carbs. Everyone enjoy your day.

Blondi13 02-23-2015 08:07 AM

Has anyone done the Nori Cleanse? I picked some up last week to see if that will help move things along, no pun intended. Had salmon yesterday and pork tenderloin the day before and nothing out yet. Very frustrating and have gone up 2 pounds.

the_magpie 02-23-2015 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by lisa32989 (Post 5134872)
I keep reading that cancer likes sugar so it's another reason for me to keep away!

Lisa, do you mind sharing links, if you have them handy or run across them again, please? I'm interested in this! (I'm also at a higher risk of developing cancer than most people, due to some medicine I have to take.)

KLD81230 02-23-2015 02:25 PM

Lots of familiar faces here. I guess I found where I belong, too.

My biggest struggle with a earlier reboots was 1) waiting too long to reboot - the high weight was WAY TOO HIGH, 2) not having my head in the game to stick with the program - I found too many excuses, too many good days followed up with really bad days and 3) not maintaining correctly.

My weight crept back and I never did anything to head it off. I kept eating and drinking like before my first round of IP.

I am a very all or nothing person. I like the comfort of IP and the diminishing cravings for the foods I have no utterly control with. I finally was in the right head space to reboot, and successfully reboot with no "cheats."

I still workout - hard - but was very active prior to IP. I take the slower losses with the mental sanity of exercise.

I do add extra whole protein many days that I am at the gym or snowboarding days. My 'cheats' amount to extra vegetable or chicken. Maybe even some deli oven roasted chicken or ham.

Once I got my head in the game, I don't look for a 'reason' to cheat. Those cheats are what got me here in the first place. Again, I like the simplicity and structure of IP. I would LOVE a local handrafted beer. I would LOVE three or four slices of pizza. I would LOVE to finish off the cookies that just got opened in the pantry... but now that I'm fully back on IP-mode, saying no to those things is easy. It's the finsing a middle-ground after Phase 3 that is nerve-wracking for me since I blew it before.

However, I am ready for the correct mentality of maintenance - where earlier I wasn't. I am also going from a being a strict lacto-vegetarian for 25 years who did IP completely vegetarian to a local, paleo viewpoint. Doing IP with whole proteins has been incredibly rewarding and much easier. Moving into maintenance (whenever that may be) will be completely different with my food choices and meal plans, now that I eat with a Primal/Paleo viewpoint.

So many intros here are familiar. But It's nice to have a similar place we are all coming from. I like that we are all moving together in the same direction.


Peppertree 02-23-2015 04:01 PM

I think I sort of qualify as a rebooter. I met my goal (159) just before Thanksgiving and then got a bit out of control. Since then I've been hanging out in the 170s and 160s. I've got a very supportive coach who has understood what I am going through - we think the three biggest factors are 1) diet fatigue 2) I feel entitled to enjoy myself because I'm thin now, right? and 3) there's not the sense of panic that I felt 100+ pounds ago.

I feel as though I am back on track the past few days (with phase 1). I raised my goal weight to 165 because the twice I've been at 159 now it just didn't feel sustainable. Also, my coach just attended an IP conference. She came back and instituted some changes to the clinic - she will be required to see my food journal every week (I had gotten lax about that since she hadn't been looking in a while) and I will be unable to buy food from the clinic unless I see her (before you could just pick up food if you couldn't make your appointment - I used that as a way to avoid her during bad weeks). I feel like with the new strict accountability, I can finally finish what I started and I'm feeling very hopeful. Also, although I've never been a frequent poster, I used to be a frequent reader, which is something I stopped doing when I lost control. I plan on spending more time on here again.

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