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Old 08-25-2014, 11:23 AM   #16  
restart 5/27/14
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I made it through the weekend visit with my Bf but, I did have a few drinks. Not good but didn't gain. I found it pretty hard to get in all my veggies. We spent Saturday at the beach so I ate lunch before we got there. I brought lots of water with me and had to force myself to drink it because it was hot water after sitting in my backpack, yuck.

The surf was really big with pretty bad riptides. My BF has always been a swimmer playing water polo in college and competing in the Olympics years ago. Anyway, he was body surfing and was carried into some huge rocks by the tide. He was pretty scuffed up and can hardly walk because he was slammed into the rock. I think he may have broken his leg. He says its just a bad muscular bruise. We had to go out and get him crutches so he could get around and go to work today.
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Old 08-25-2014, 11:37 AM   #17  
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Originally Posted by jemma51 View Post
I made it through the weekend visit with my Bf but, I did have a few drinks. Not good but didn't gain. I found it pretty hard to get in all my veggies. We spent Saturday at the beach so I ate lunch before we got there. I brought lots of water with me and had to force myself to drink it because it was hot water after sitting in my backpack, yuck.

The surf was really big with pretty bad riptides. My BF has always been a swimmer playing water polo in college and competing in the Olympics years ago. Anyway, he was body surfing and was carried into some huge rocks by the tide. He was pretty scuffed up and can hardly walk because he was slammed into the rock. I think he may have broken his leg. He says its just a bad muscular bruise. We had to go out and get him crutches so he could get around and go to work today.
Oh no! I hope he recovers quickly, how scary!!!!! Good for you for staying OP. Veggies are the hardest I think to get in when eating out. When I was eating at breakfast out this morning, before sending my parents off, I coudn't find ANY vegetables besides potatoes on the menu....until I spied some portabella mushrooms some unhealthy scramble, but at least I could make my own combo.

Portable veggies are the MOST important part of traveling!!!!!
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Old 08-25-2014, 12:00 PM   #18  
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It seems like it's NSV Monday around here! Congrats everyone! I also have one to share. The areas I've been fretting about that seemed a little too poochy still, namely my belly and my love handles seem to be less pronounced today. Not sure if it's just water fluctuations or if I'm actually losing inches. Hoping I make it to that -50 mark at my WI tomorrow. I'm going to post a progress picture if I do, I haven't taken any since I started.
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Old 08-25-2014, 12:17 PM   #19  
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NSV here too. I came into to work over the weekend and it was only me and one other attorney up here and he walked by me and said "have you been on some kinda crash diet" and I was like "LOL, no just an eating plan that's low carb, low fat, low calorie and a lot of protein" and he was like "I"ve been meaning to ask but I didn't want to be offensive, you are looking good and keep it up" and I told him I had a ways to go to my goal but I was focused on it.
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Old 08-25-2014, 01:27 PM   #20  
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Originally Posted by kissi View Post
NSV here too. I came into to work over the weekend and it was only me and one other attorney up here and he walked by me and said "have you been on some kinda crash diet" and I was like "LOL, no just an eating plan that's low carb, low fat, low calorie and a lot of protein" and he was like "I"ve been meaning to ask but I didn't want to be offensive, you are looking good and keep it up" and I told him I had a ways to go to my goal but I was focused on it.
That must have felt real good. I think people try to be very sensitive about gains and losses. I substitute teach, when I walk into a classroom for the day a lot of kids say your big. They are young and I am also 6'4" so I take it as an innocent comment. I can't wait for the day that one of the kids that knows me says Mr. R you're getting smaller.
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Old 08-25-2014, 01:50 PM   #21  
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It felt good but it was a little uncomfortable with it being referred to as a 'crash diet', I've been following the plan 100% for 10 weeks and the weight is coming off but I wouldn't say it was a crash diet.

That day will come soon for you, I'm sure! Stick with the plan and you will see the losses.
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Old 08-25-2014, 01:51 PM   #22  
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Woohooo! I finally got my ticker!!
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Old 08-25-2014, 02:14 PM   #23  
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Kissi....yes, sometimes attention feels odd. My in-laws asked, "Well, aren't you just blown away when you look in the mirror?". I guess I was a little offended....and answered, "Not really." But I was feeling like, "Was I hideous before?", even though I KNOW that's not what they were thinking.

Announcement: We have air conditioning!!!!!!!! No new unit, thank goodness!

Had a homemade salad for the first time in a few days, and it was DELISH! We have a local restaurant that has a warmed spinach/bacon salad (with LOTS of bacon fat). So, I made a skinny version using fresh spinach, chopped onion, chopped red peppers, and sliced eggs (phase 2 means all that protein). Instead of warm bacon and becon fat dressing, I slightly warmed up Walden Farm Creamy Bacon Ranch and mixed it in for a real treat.

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Old 08-25-2014, 02:44 PM   #24  
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Originally Posted by nomorepancakes View Post
Mornin’ all! I started on IP as a bet with a coworker after having gained 15lbs over the past 4 months due to 60-100 hour work weeks, 4-5 hrs of sleep per night, and having food ordered in at the office 5 days/wk while working. This is HUGE considering that my weight has held steady the past 5 years unless actively watching what I eat. Today is my 21st day on IP and according to my scale at home, I’ve lost 19.4 lbs and as of last WI, I have lost nearly 11 inches—which is insanely awesome!

But I have a dilemma: I have a 2-week trip coming up to go home and surprise family and friends with a visit—I haven’t been home in nearly 2 years, so I know that I will want to indulge while there. I’m the type of eater where if I put off having a moderate indulgence for too long, it leads to me binging on the indulgence (i.e., that 1 donut I wanted turns into me eating 6). So, knowing this about myself, I’d originally decided to be OP until the day before my trip, be completely off-plan during the trip, and then get back OP when I return because the diet works so well and I’d like to lose my post-college weight.

But now, I’m considering taking a more moderate approach to indulging on my trip. I’ll still use the 2 weeks prior to it to phase through P2, P3, and enter P4 to give my body some time to wake up the pancreas so that it’s not totally shocked (I was one of the lucky ones with headaches coming into ketosis, so I can only imagine the **** that would be if I shock my system while coming out of it). And while on my trip, try to find a balance between letting myself indulge in the things that I have missed and keeping in line with the ideas behind the IP diet. My goal is to try to maintain my weight while on my trip. I’m thinking a typical day would go as follows:

breakfast = having a protein shake for breakfast or picking up some eggs, a piece of toast (whole grain only), and a piece of fruit at the hotel’s continental breakfast

lunch = having whatever I feel like for lunch but limiting the quantity if it’s a high carb/high fat food

dinner = same as lunch

Thoughts from you tried and true IPers? I know that the diet doesn’t intend for me to come out of P1 until I’ve reached my goal weight, but this vacation is my treat to myself to take some time out of my normal everyday life and allow myself to just enjoy living, breathing, de-stressing, people watching, listening, etc.….and with that comes tasting and enjoying food.
Nomorepancakes - I recently went off plan for vacation for a week so I totally understand what you are going through. My coach talked to me about the fact this diet is a lifestyle change and people go on vacation and gain weight (I gained 7 to be exact!) but you have to come home and get right back on plan. I was worried about being able to hit it 100% once I got home but was able to get right back in the swing of things.

I think it is great that you want to be more moderate on vacation and will likely fair even better. Good luck!!
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Old 08-25-2014, 02:50 PM   #25  
Ideal Protein 7/10/14
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Happy Monday. Today is day #7 of 100%+++ protocol---what I like to call "not even a lick" so hoping for good weigh in tomorrow. The only snag is getting my coach to give me an earlier time since I normally WI at 11:00 am and have an appt somewhere else at 10:00 am. They are offering a massage to the winner of the biggest percentage, so not sure if I have a chance, but by my scale I am down 6.0 this week. Muahh!

I will also be discussing an upcoming cruise/Hawaii vacay with my coach. I am week 7 and the cruise will be during my week 10-11. I figured I would go off plan and eat sensibly and exercise more. My exercise, even gardening, has been limited due to lightheadedness this week on 800 cal so I figure I can resume walking 3-6 miles during my cruise, especially since we'll be on excursions, etc.

I'd appreciate any advice for following/not following IP protocol during trips. I'm sure there will be people on both sides.

Have a great day all.

Last edited by rhondac; 08-25-2014 at 02:58 PM.
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Old 08-25-2014, 02:51 PM   #26  
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Congrats to all the NSV's out there! Kissi, it's only a crash diet because they suddenly noticed, lol. Pishposh, I continued to lose inches even 5 months into maintenance - ie: toning up/firming up but not losing weight, so I'm sure you will continue with the sveltening (my new word for the day ) into maintenance too.

Here's to repaired Air-con! Although the temps here are 30C during the day autumn is coming as it drops down to 13C at night. It was 19C in the house this morning because we left all the doors open for cooler fresh air last night. Now wearing jeans during the day... that's OK, cause I'm sick of shorts & flipflops. Looking forward to suede boots and wooly sweaters....

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Old 08-25-2014, 04:22 PM   #27  
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Originally Posted by pishposhappelsauce View Post
It seems like it's NSV Monday around here! Congrats everyone! I also have one to share. The areas I've been fretting about that seemed a little too poochy still, namely my belly and my love handles seem to be less pronounced today. Not sure if it's just water fluctuations or if I'm actually losing inches. Hoping I make it to that -50 mark at my WI tomorrow. I'm going to post a progress picture if I do, I haven't taken any since I started.'re not a llama?

My dear, you need to take a progress picture no matter what! Inquiring minds want to see all your hard work!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-25-2014, 04:38 PM   #28  
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Nomorepancakes and RhondaC....

I think you are going to find a lot of differing opinions on how to handle vacations. According to IP protocol, you really should phase off properly before adding carbs back into your diet. I know some IPers have done a modified phase off and phase back on for vacations.

When I started IP, I knew I had an upcoming vacation to Florida including Disney World and the beach. Originally, I had the idea to "eat in moderation" for my vacation (which seems like it makes sense). But, then I learned about the importance of following the phases on IP. I was only down 12lbs at the start of my vacation, and it seemed like a HUGE waste of time and energy to gain back 5-10 lbs just by eating moderately without proper phasing and possibly more by over-indulging.

So I decided to challenge myself to stay 100% on-plan during my vacation. I am a competitor, and this seemed like a GREAT challenge (SGrealtor is doing it, she's been posting on daily chat about it).

What did I lose out on? I didn't eat the "normal" treats I would've on the road and at Disney. I still got to have a great time, hang with family and eat WELL.

What else did I lose? Well, I lost 4 lbs and then came back from vacation down over 16 lbs INSTEAD of being back up to maybe only 6lbs lost!

What did I gain? A LOT....

1) Eating on plan helped me flex my "resistence" muscle and know that I could say no even when I was in tempting situations.
2) Eating on plan helped me feel amazing at the hot beach and Disney WOrld where greasy and sugary foods usually make me terrible.
3) Eating on plan helped my family know I was SERIOUS about making a lifestyle change.....and helped me PROVE it to myself also.
4) Eating on plan gave me constant FOOD PEACE so I didn't have to spend any extra agnst feeling guilty over what I just ate and could just enjoy myself.
5) For me, vacationing and eating on-plan I think cemented the way I was going to change my relationship with food.....I don't "NEED" food the way I used to. Food is for my nourishment and my enjoyment on my own terms.

No judgement from me whatever anyone decides, just my own experience!
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Old 08-25-2014, 04:44 PM   #29  
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Hi Friends! I've been searching using all suggested techniques but coming up empty handed ... By chance does anyone know a good dessert recipe IP Phase 1 compliant (alternatives being used) -- something like a cheesecake? I've got some oatmeal packets, hot choc packets, and some vanilla pudding packets to work with. Many thanks!
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Old 08-25-2014, 05:27 PM   #30  
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Originally Posted by nat1015 View Post
NSV- I saw a leaner body in the bathroom mirror this morning. I am so is motivating not only to see the scale go down but also to see the physical changes. Keep on keeping on WI is today. I LOVE Mondays. LOL

what an awesome accomplishment in 2 months
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