3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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evepet 08-16-2012 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by usmcvet (Post 4439242)
First visit to my clinic in a month. I bought some much needed IP food and had a huge bonus. They have a hole punch they let their clients use to punch holes in their belts! I really, really needed that today! All day yesterday those 48" pants that fit when I tried them on were falling off my butt every time I stood up!:carrot:

What a good idea, for a clinic to have a hole punch. Makes sense!
Glad you found out about it - wouldn't want you to be losing your britches. ;)

wuv2bloved 08-16-2012 10:57 AM

Hey everyone I haven't read the thread yet but wanted to post my latest Video.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTdFYGl1ESs&feature=plcp

rainbowsmiles 08-16-2012 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by rissimo (Post 4438970)
Welcome back to the Daily Chat thread - post your plans for today, share what's been happening, ask questions!

:wave: :hug: rissimo.....how are you doing lovely lady????

rainbowsmiles 08-16-2012 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by chremme (Post 4439038)
Any words of wisdom?

one of the best quotes ever....

"If I go back to what I was, I will be what I was. I don't want to be what I was, I want to be what I am." ISHBEL

chremme 08-16-2012 11:07 AM

fitgirl I had the same experience.

I was SO surprised to see that when I stopped exercising, the weight starting coming off waaaaaaaaay faster. And I maintained lean muscle mass.

It has honestly been such a nice change. I still love to exercise and bike commute to work 10 miles everyday, but feel like exercise is an integrated part of my life. Not something I HAVE to do or I'll feel guilty about everything I eat.

This has honestly been one of the biggest eye openers of IP for me. Previously, I was running anywhere from 8-10 miles per day, sometimes working out twice a day, eating as little as I could stand, and still gaining! My body basically thought it was starving, so was packing on the pounds for survival. I gained probably about 20 lbs in a year, from working out too much. It was so exhausting and depressing.

It feels great to be in a healthier place, both physically and mentally. We get it so drilled in our heads to work out and reduce calories that I think we often overlook the dangers of taking it too far.

Anyway, congrats! And good luck with your journey.


Originally Posted by fitgirl2012 (Post 4439065)
Good morning! Today is WI #2 for me. We will see how that goes!

One thing that I have noticed is that I lost the same amount of weight this time around in only 10 days WITHOUT exercising. Last time I lost this amount of weight in 18 days while exercising...and you know me...I was doing strength training, yoga, cardio & ect & felt like crap by the end of the day. Without the exercise, for now, I've been feeling so much better! So we will see how later today goes!

BTW...saw your picts Vet late last night...you look amazing! Looked like there were many successes yesterday! Go Team!!!

evepet 08-16-2012 11:09 AM

'Morning everyone. Just popping in to wish everyone a great IP day.

I had protein ice cream for breakfast again today. :D I'm treating it as my restricted for the day.

I'm off tomorrow for the weekend. Staying at my sister's place and not at all concerned about my eating plan while there, as she's very supportive of my weight loss efforts. She asked me to send her an outline what what I 'can and can't eat' and has planned accordingly. Of course she'll have extras for those who can eat them, but she's determined to make sure there's lots of suitable food stuffs at each meal for me as well. She's planning western sandwiches for lunch, and I'll just eat the egg mixture with lots of vegetables and salad. For dinner she's planning steak, and she checked to make sure she's included vegetables that I can eat. She's even making cauliflower 'potatoes'. Can't get much more supportive than that!

Weather permitting, we may go out on their boat on Saturday and stop somewhere for lunch. I figure I can find something plan-appropriate in almost any restaurant, so I'm not worried. And I'll take my 'safety kit' cooler loaded up with a couple of RTDs, bars, sea salt, some packets of WF dressing, etc. - just in case. And a couple of servings of the plan-appropriate breakfast cereal I sometimes use. That should cover all the bases.

Other than that, no news on this front. Just 'keepin' on keepin' on'.

I hope everyone has a great OP day.

Edited to Add: Wuv, just watched your latest video. Maybe it's hormones or something, but you look so happy it actually brought tears to my eyes. :) I'm so pleased for you.

Delgen 08-16-2012 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie63 (Post 4439016)

i haven't posted or visited much lately and find myself with the negative talk. I definatly need to visit here more! You all help a lot!

Over the past few weeks, I had a .8# gain, then a 1# loss, and yesterday a 2.8# loss. Even tho I know this is a long process and I know that there will be ups and downs, it still stinks to see that gain and then the small loss. I'm glad for the 2.8# this week, for me, that's a good loss. I loose slower than a lot of poeple for some reason.

I'm so close to 50! I'm at 49.8! OMG. I won't by my 50# Alex and Ani bracelet until I reach 50# - so next week is the plan. After 50#, comes the half way point at 59# loss, then Onederland 10# later. So, I will have an exciting fall!

Take care everyone, have a great OP day.

Lynnie, you are doing great! I too have lower losses.
I just figure it gives me more time to get ready for phases 2-4!:hug:

vwbunny 08-16-2012 11:20 AM

you look amazing!!! Congrats and keep up the good work!! By the way, you are so inspriring with all your knowledge and support!!! Thank you!!

locopollo 08-16-2012 11:20 AM

“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” *
—Tony Robbins

vwbunny 08-16-2012 11:21 AM

sorry, my comment above was on your video wuv2bloved!!

Delgen 08-16-2012 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by fitgirl2012 (Post 4439065)
Good morning! Today is WI #2 for me. We will see how that goes!

One thing that I have noticed is that I lost the same amount of weight this time around in only 10 days WITHOUT exercising. Last time I lost this amount of weight in 18 days while exercising...and you know me...I was doing strength training, yoga, cardio & ect & felt like crap by the end of the day. Without the exercise, for now, I've been feeling so much better! So we will see how later today goes!

BTW...saw your picts Vet late last night...you look amazing! Looked like there were many successes yesterday! Go Team!!!

My coach told me that exercising hard like that is like burning the candle at both ends, especially at first. I just go on my daily walk with my dog, like I did before IP.

AnnaBoBanna 08-16-2012 11:26 AM

Today has started off good. I dropped my bf off at the train station and saw the homeless man that lives under the passway. He's missing a leg and is in a wheelchair. I've been thinking about buying him breakfast for a bit but I guess I've been shy about it. So, today I went into Dunkin Donuts and bought him an egg bagel sandwich, a coke, and a giftcard for some coffee.

It felt good giving someone else the food I love, I didn't even want the sandwich myself. When I gave it to him I think he was really surprised, and he seemed very happy about being able to buy himself some coffee.

I might start making it a regular thing. I wonder if he gets enough fluids in this heat?? (the nurse in me coming out lol). I'm trying to think of some food items I can buy him that will keep.

Any ideas?

greeniris 08-16-2012 11:27 AM

bttrhalf - hope your symptoms go away soon. I've known people that have had shingles - sooo not good :(

chremme - Which phase are you supposed to be on? If not on phase 4, then NO CHEATING! On phase 4, we are allowed only 1 cheat day per week, then the very next day going back to phase 1 (just for the day). Eating phase 1, 2, or 3 during the day, then 'binging' in the evening for 3 days in a row just isn't going to cut it. Maintaining is a big lifestyle change for most of us, and requires commitment for life, not just while losing the weight. It's all in the choices we make. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but that is how the program works. Wish you the best!

Delgen 08-16-2012 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Aimiloo (Post 4439135)
So it's day 4 for me, and other than the weight loss (ok i peeked and have lost 6 lbs in 3 days? DUDE!) the best thing about this for me at the moment is showing the issue I have with food. Mostly eating outside of my home. Just in the past 2 days alone I would have eaten at a host of fast food and to go places just out of habit. (Five guys, Panera and the bagel shop most notably). It was just part of my day. I had an interview yesterday there was a 5G next to it, I almost went there out of habit and was like wait no, don't forget what you're doing! And i'd packed a chocolate RTD and had that as i drove home. I went to the post office, there is a coffee place I would have gotten an iced with sugar and milk. I open my junk drawer and there are hard candies I would have popped in my mouth. Today after dropping my son at daycare as I was driving home to have my IP shake, I almost got into the left hand turn out of HABIT. (not because I wanted to hit panera).

It's really REALLY opening my eyes to the issue I had with food on the go. I looked in the back of my car as I need to go to the dump and my garbage basket has TWO fast food bags. How did I become THAT person?! I pride myself on whole foods blah blah and here I am an on the go junkie

No, make that I WAS an on the go junkie. No more!!! :jig::jig::jig:

Wow!!! What an awesome realization. This will help you a lot in your phase I journey, and hold onto it for the long run! You've got this! Hooray!:hug:

Delgen 08-16-2012 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Big Daddy (Post 4439159)
Ok need some help. I have class three days next week from 8 to 4:30. Any ideas what i could do for breakfast and lunch. Any way to make a muffin out of the oatmeal its my fav for breakfast. Any help would be great.


Hi Big Daddy!

I made muffins to last me four days with pudding.

Whip up 4 egg whites in 3/4 to 1 cup of water. Get some foam going.
Add 1 1/2 tsp baking powder to 4 packets of IP Pudding. I used lemon for one batch and dark chocolate for the other.
add to liquid and FOLD in...don't mix too hard or they will go flat.
Bake at 350 for about 20 to 25 min. in 12 hole muffin tin. Watch it carefully. They fluff up and brown well.

Mine wnt flat after I took them out of the oven, but if you want you can add less water. However, they tend to be a little dry that way.

You get 3 muffins, and they pack well. I store mine in Tupperware in the fridge.

LizRR 08-16-2012 11:43 AM

WHOO-HOO, I go home TODAY!!! I love working with my team IRL (usually I 'telelcommute' with the folks here in Tucson over a very slow network), but seriously - I need to get back to my baby, my husband, and my KITCHEN! Not to mention - I can NOT seem to drink enough WATER here in this dry heat desert. I lived here for 5 years and definitely prefer my 5 years living in Boston!

It was actually a challenging last couple of days - I think the 2 hour time difference wreaked a little havoc on my appetite as I have been insatiable hunger wise lately (not sure if impending TOM is coming, as I've been super irregular and can't really predict cycles lately). I had to break down and have another chocolate drink yesterday (I updated my 'What are you eating' post yesterday in RED). And I am SOOOO glad I had stocked up on veggies my first night in - I am pretty much down to the end now. Thought I had 'overbought', but man - I am glad I had the snacking mushrooms!

And don't be jealous when you read my first Phase 3 breakfast on Saturday morning!!! This trip was basically just my countdown to Phase 3! Can't believe I am heading off into the Maintenance Sunset soon!!!

Just a note about home scale freak outs: I am a daily weigher, I am not emotional about fluctuations because I know that I have always stayed true to the program 100% - I just find the numbers fascinating. I have seen many jumps, both up and down, I have plateaued, I have gained and stayed for days, I have stalled for over 11 days, I have had a 3lb whoosh overnight, I have had multiple whooshes in a row - this diet is crazy, but it works. If you stick to it, there is no reason to freak out over A FEW TENTHS OF A POUND GAIN - you will flush that down the toilet tomorrow morning after a fiber filled meal and a cup of coffee. Don't let what is literally a load of crap on the scale bring you down and sabotage your emotional strength - because that is so important on this journey. You will get stronger (and smaller) every day!


Originally Posted by IP43 (Post 4439044)
I usually post at night... be nice to see my name not on page 18 LOL... what is the difference between posting here or some of the "Vol 11" or whatever posts... there are so many places, I forget where I've been and don't want to post in the wrong spot.
Also, is there a quick way to see what messages you posted yourself? I asked a few questions, but now can't find me! LOL .... the answers remain a mystery...

"Home of the 100% - Vol 11" is where people who commit to doing IP 100% On Program with no cheating post, we go there for a safe place and to help gather strength, most 'old timers' hang out there. It's a long running forum. The Daily Chat is more appropriate for random questions, updates, etc. I also like the 'What are you eating today' threads and Recipes! Lately I've been getting thread overload and don't think I can keep up with all the random ones - so am resolving to stick to just checking on my favorites.


Originally Posted by fitgirl2012 (Post 4439065)
One thing that I have noticed is that I lost the same amount of weight this time around in only 10 days WITHOUT exercising. Last time I lost this amount of weight in 18 days while exercising...and you know me...I was doing strength training, yoga, cardio & ect & felt like crap by the end of the day. Without the exercise, for now, I've been feeling so much better! So we will see how later today goes!

My coach was VERY CLEAR to me that if you exercise in Phase 1 to keep it low intensity, and to avoid it the first 2 weeks. In Phase 1 high intensity exercise is counterproductive - we simply don't have enough calories to support it without added packets and careful monitoring to continue efficient weight loss (if that's your main goal).


Originally Posted by Aimiloo (Post 4439135)
So it's day 4 for me, and other than the weight loss (ok i peeked and have lost 6 lbs in 3 days? DUDE!) the best thing about this for me at the moment is showing the issue I have with food. Mostly eating outside of my home. Just in the past 2 days alone I would have eaten at a host of fast food and to go places just out of habit. (Five guys, Panera and the bagel shop most notably). It was just part of my day. I had an interview yesterday there was a 5G next to it, I almost went there out of habit and was like wait no, don't forget what you're doing! And i'd packed a chocolate RTD and had that as i drove home. I went to the post office, there is a coffee place I would have gotten an iced with sugar and milk. I open my junk drawer and there are hard candies I would have popped in my mouth. Today after dropping my son at daycare as I was driving home to have my IP shake, I almost got into the left hand turn out of HABIT. (not because I wanted to hit panera).

It's really REALLY opening my eyes to the issue I had with food on the go. I looked in the back of my car as I need to go to the dump and my garbage basket has TWO fast food bags. How did I become THAT person?! I pride myself on whole foods blah blah and here I am an on the go junkie

No, make that I WAS an on the go junkie. No more!!! :jig::jig::jig:

I LOVE THIS POST! I can totally relate - I thought that I ate "relatively healthy" before, I had a healthy lunch (chicken breast w/black beans + pico de gallo), we had lean meats and whole grains at dinner every night, that's good right? We also had no veggies, and I would have an after lunch snack (hello, ice cream machine!), a get home from work snack (TWO bowls of cereal), and a late night snack (more cereal), not to mention that "healthy dinner" was usually double portion of what I should have been eating. Eating the right foods, in the right portions, at the right times - it really opens your eyes.


Originally Posted by iwiggy58 (Post 4439240)
Good mornin'. Going to be OP today and try not to crab about it! This program is a pain for me so far, but being at my weight is a pain too! My biggest complaint is that I find it very difficult to cook for 3 kids and a husband and then have to eat something different from them. I hate to cook so fixing two different dinners is a bit of a mess for me. But alas....I will carry on! Good day every one!

I cook the same meal for me, husband, and son for dinner - except I'll make an extra 'carb' for them, usually quinoa, tortilla, rice, etc. The dinner of lean protein and veggies is something that should be a part of your familys diet anyways. Why make it harder on yourself?

chremme - You'll probably get better feedback from the Maintenance Thread - mostly Phase 1/2'ers here!

Delgen 08-16-2012 11:45 AM

[email protected]

Originally Posted by Tigerlvr52 (Post 4439215)
Good morning from going to be very HOT HOT HOT sunny Seattle. It was already 68 degrees at 6:30 this morning. Now it is usually not this hot here but it's going to be a scorcher. My DH is home on vacation and I put all the fans on and he will probably spend the day with my sister, nephew, sisters dog, brother, brother's gf, brothers dog all at my Mom's house with her AC.

As for me... work work work.

Here's today's installment of

Brandy's feel Good Quote of the Day:

"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you
always got"

Wow how profound of a statement for us struggling with weight. I see a ton of people posting how they want to have a cheat day on Phase 1 or they make a mistake and have something off plan..... how does that help us. Oh I put myself in that category as well since I had my boo boo day in June. But it's time for us to put on our big kid undies and do what we started and finish what we began. There is no excuse for not loosing even a small amount. Inches or lbs can be both successes. Read the quote again... how can it change you?


aimeed3 08-16-2012 11:46 AM

It's a sad sad day in St John the Baptist Parish (where I live). Some of you Louisianians may have heard.
We had a shootout at one of the Refinery's parking lots here and 2 of our officers were killed and another 2 are at different area hospitals undergoing multiplke surgeries. The sherrif said they should be ok. Thank Goodness. I knew both of the officers that were killed and one of the ones at the hospital.
There are 5 suspects in custody at this time. These people used semi-automatic weapons on these police officers :(

Needless to say my mood is non-existant, kind of. My stomach is in knots and I even thought about eating the doughnuts in the breakroom, but I know better than that. I just heartbroken that my friends lost their husbands and one of the guys had a baby boy. They were both young, 34 and 28.

Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread, I just needed to get that out.

Congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Good luck to everyone weighing in today.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!!

stargirl66 08-16-2012 11:48 AM

Good Morning IPeeps!

Day two and going strong! The headache rolled in a couple hours before bedtime last night, and it's hanging on this morning - I was expecting it while my body is going through sugar detox, hopefully it's gone soon.

I met with my in-house RN at work to review the program and set up a weekly weigh-in. She hadn't heard of the program but is willing to support me. I documented everything I ate yesterday at Sparkpeople and ran a report so she could see the stats. Ultimately, she wants me to not rely on meal replacements, and I explained that it was best for me now because it will enable quick loss, and it doesn't involve a lot of time preparing meals. I feel these are key to my success right now. Believe me, I don't want to rely on meal replacements either, but they are a necessary means to an end.

I plan on documenting my intake for at least a week on Sparkpeople just so I know the average nutrients I'm getting. I'm used to using that site but know there are others out there. I'm curious if others track their intake?

Just the Cheese - has anyone tried this, and would you consider it ok for the plan? It's basically dried cheese and really tasty and I could see it as an ingredient for other things. A salad topper was one suggestion. I got these at Diet Direct. Serving size 1 oz (from a 2 oz bag): Calories 150, Fat 12, Total Carb 1, Protein 13g (This was the White Cheddar and Soy flavor - yum!)


Originally Posted by ragdoll74 (Post 4439166)
I like making zuchini muffins out of the oatmeal. It makes 3 muffins per serving, so you can snack on it through out the day. There is also a recipe for making a cake/muffin out of the pudding.

Zuchini muffins
1 package of Ideal Protein Maple Oatmeal
2 egg whites
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 tsp of stevia
1-1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2-3/4 of small zucchini finely grated (squeeze out excess juice) 2-3 oz water
Beat the egg in a bowl. Add Maple Oatmeal, baking powder, salt, Sucralose, cinnamon, and zucchini. Mix and gradually add water until you have a good batter. Bake at 385°F (200°C) for 20 minutes. Makes 3 regular muffins or 12-bite size

I really want to try this, sounds good! Since I'm on alternatives, I'm in search of a comparable oatmeal product.


Originally Posted by Tigerlvr52 (Post 4439215)
Here's today's installment of

Brandy's feel Good Quote of the Day:

"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you
always got"

Wow how profound of a statement for us struggling with weight. I see a ton of people posting how they want to have a cheat day on Phase 1 or they make a mistake and have something off plan..... how does that help us. Oh I put myself in that category as well since I had my boo boo day in June. But it's time for us to put on our big kid undies and do what we started and finish what we began. There is no excuse for not loosing even a small amount. Inches or lbs can be both successes. Read the quote again... how can it change you?

Love that quote! It's so true. :)


Originally Posted by wuv2bloved (Post 4439261)
Hey everyone I haven't read the thread yet but wanted to post my latest Video.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTdFYGl1ESs&feature=plcp

Love your videos lady! You're a great inspiration and I love your positivity, it really shines through. :)

Mandi85 08-16-2012 11:49 AM

Today is day 4 for my husband and I. I find the puddings to be horrible and WF farms dressing started tasting funky. Is it ok to just have the drinks for all 3 ID meals? Any suggestions for tasty dressings that are not WF

Delgen 08-16-2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by GoalFor40 (Post 4439232)
I am so glad I started this program, because aside from the weight loss (which is definitely needed), I am starting to be able to imagine a different kind of life for myself. One that doesn't include shopping in special stores, not being able to find shoes that fit, dragging my arse through the day every day, and just making do with my life, instead of making something special. It took me this long, but I finally feel like I am ready to make a permanent change.

Thanks to all for the support- I wouldn't have made it through week one if not for this forum!

Something you said really struck me. "Making do with my life...". Sounds like a cliche here, but life is really too short. We should not waste it just making do. Great insight. It takes determination. But for me, IP is like a medicine I take every day to keep me "alive and well" , both literally and figuratively.

Thanks for that insight for the day! :hug:

Aimiloo 08-16-2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Mandi85 (Post 4439340)
Today is day 4 for my husband and I. I find the puddings to be horrible and WF farms dressing started tasting funky. Is it ok to just have the drinks for all 3 ID meals? Any suggestions for tasty dressings that are not WF

Have you made the puddings into drinks? I did this morning and it was so much better than the fake sweet of the fruity drinks.

(i'm on day 4 too) :)

Tigerlvr52 08-16-2012 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mandi85 (Post 4439340)
Today is day 4 for my husband and I. I find the puddings to be horrible and WF farms dressing started tasting funky. Is it ok to just have the drinks for all 3 ID meals? Any suggestions for tasty dressings that are not WF

I really just do drinks.... it's ok.

AnnaBoBanna 08-16-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by aimeed3 (Post 4439333)
It's a sad sad day in St John the Baptist Parish (where I live). Some of you Louisianians may have heard.
We had a shootout at one of the Refinery's parking lots here and 2 of our officers were killed and another 2 are at different area hospitals undergoing multiplke surgeries. The sherrif said they should be ok. Thank Goodness. I knew both of the officers that were killed and one of the ones at the hospital.
There are 5 suspects in custody at this time. These people used semi-automatic weapons on these police officers :(

Needless to say my mood is non-existant, kind of. My stomach is in knots and I even thought about eating the doughnuts in the breakroom, but I know better than that. I just heartbroken that my friends lost their husbands and one of the guys had a baby boy. They were both young, 34 and 28.

Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread, I just needed to get that out.

Congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Good luck to everyone weighing in today.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!!

Oh Aimee, that is heartbreaking :-( I am so sorry for your community and those poor families. Be strong, and know that food is not your crutch.

rainbowsmiles 08-16-2012 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by aimeed3 (Post 4439333)
It's a sad sad day in St John the Baptist Parish (where I live). Some of you Louisianians may have heard.
We had a shootout at one of the Refinery's parking lots here and 2 of our officers were killed and another 2 are at different area hospitals undergoing multiplke surgeries. The sherrif said they should be ok. Thank Goodness. I knew both of the officers that were killed and one of the ones at the hospital.
There are 5 suspects in custody at this time. These people used semi-automatic weapons on these police officers :(

Needless to say my mood is non-existant, kind of. My stomach is in knots and I even thought about eating the doughnuts in the breakroom, but I know better than that. I just heartbroken that my friends lost their husbands and one of the guys had a baby boy. They were both young, 34 and 28.

Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread, I just needed to get that out.

Congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Good luck to everyone weighing in today.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!!

ooh aimee....i am sad for the loss of those 2 young men. it is hard to deal with such tragedy but i know you can do it and stay focused and committed to your goal. life deals hardships and we must always learn to handle those tragedies without the medication of food. I know you can do it. praying for you:hug::hug:

ragdoll74 08-16-2012 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by stargirl66 (Post 4439339)

I really want to try this, sounds good! Since I'm on alternatives, I'm in search of a comparable oatmeal product.

I'm on alternatives also. I order the maple protein from nashua nutrition. Proti-thin & healthsmart products mostly.

chremme 08-16-2012 12:31 PM

Does anyone know of a good Vanilla Pudding IP packet alternative that isn't so expensive? Or a good low carb protein powder?

wuv2bloved 08-16-2012 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by aimeed3 (Post 4439333)
It's a sad sad day in St John the Baptist Parish (where I live). Some of you Louisianians may have heard.
We had a shootout at one of the Refinery's parking lots here and 2 of our officers were killed and another 2 are at different area hospitals undergoing multiplke surgeries. The sherrif said they should be ok. Thank Goodness. I knew both of the officers that were killed and one of the ones at the hospital.
There are 5 suspects in custody at this time. These people used semi-automatic weapons on these police officers :(

Needless to say my mood is non-existant, kind of. My stomach is in knots and I even thought about eating the doughnuts in the breakroom, but I know better than that. I just heartbroken that my friends lost their husbands and one of the guys had a baby boy. They were both young, 34 and 28.

Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread, I just needed to get that out.

Congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Good luck to everyone weighing in today.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!!

I heard about this, this morning and wondered if you were near by there. Sorry for your loss and stay strong, your friends will need you:hug::hug: Having those doughnuts or any "other" food you aren't suppose to have will not comfort you in this time. You are strong and can do this:hug::hug:

greeniris 08-16-2012 12:39 PM

Aimee3d - Am so sorry to hear about this, and for their families and friends. Hugs to all.

Delgen 08-16-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by aimeed3 (Post 4439333)
It's a sad sad day in St John the Baptist Parish (where I live). Some of you Louisianians may have heard.
We had a shootout at one of the Refinery's parking lots here and 2 of our officers were killed and another 2 are at different area hospitals undergoing multiplke surgeries. The sherrif said they should be ok. Thank Goodness. I knew both of the officers that were killed and one of the ones at the hospital.
There are 5 suspects in custody at this time. These people used semi-automatic weapons on these police officers :(

Needless to say my mood is non-existant, kind of. My stomach is in knots and I even thought about eating the doughnuts in the breakroom, but I know better than that. I just heartbroken that my friends lost their husbands and one of the guys had a baby boy. They were both young, 34 and 28.

Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread, I just needed to get that out.

Congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Good luck to everyone weighing in today.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!!

So tragic and so sad. So sorry. I will be thinking of you and your friends all day:hug:

fitgirl2012 08-16-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by chremme (Post 4439274)
fitgirl I had the same experience.

I was SO surprised to see that when I stopped exercising, the weight starting coming off waaaaaaaaay faster. And I maintained lean muscle mass.

It has honestly been such a nice change. I still love to exercise and bike commute to work 10 miles everyday, but feel like exercise is an integrated part of my life. Not something I HAVE to do or I'll feel guilty about everything I eat.

This has honestly been one of the biggest eye openers of IP for me. Previously, I was running anywhere from 8-10 miles per day, sometimes working out twice a day, eating as little as I could stand, and still gaining! My body basically thought it was starving, so was packing on the pounds for survival. I gained probably about 20 lbs in a year, from working out too much. It was so exhausting and depressing.

It feels great to be in a healthier place, both physically and mentally. We get it so drilled in our heads to work out and reduce calories that I think we often overlook the dangers of taking it too far.

Anyway, congrats! And good luck with your journey.

Hey...thanks so much for your reply!! It appears that I am sooo like you! I have worked out sooo hard these past few years...that giving exercise up the first time around wasn't going to work for me (so I thought). This time it feels weird to not work out when I normally would. But I'm adjusting ok to it. It actually feels like a very refreshing break!! :):)

My questions for you... how many weeks were you in phase 1, and at what point did you decide to gradually add the exercise in? When you did exercise, how much did you do? Thanks so much for sharing!! I'm just curious! I can't wait until I get to that point (much later on) where I can exercise for maybe 1 hour & feel like that was it was a good one! :-)

fitgirl2012 08-16-2012 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by locopollo (Post 4439289)
“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” *
—Tony Robbins

Very true!! Love it! :)

fitgirl2012 08-16-2012 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Delgen (Post 4439295)
My coach told me that exercising hard like that is like burning the candle at both ends, especially at first. I just go on my daily walk with my dog, like I did before IP.

That is the EXACT thing that my coach said! He also mentioned that exercise should really wait until after phase 1. ??

stargirl66 08-16-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by aimeed3 (Post 4439333)
It's a sad sad day in St John the Baptist Parish (where I live). Some of you Louisianians may have heard.
We had a shootout at one of the Refinery's parking lots here and 2 of our officers were killed and another 2 are at different area hospitals undergoing multiplke surgeries. The sherrif said they should be ok. Thank Goodness. I knew both of the officers that were killed and one of the ones at the hospital.
There are 5 suspects in custody at this time. These people used semi-automatic weapons on these police officers :(

Needless to say my mood is non-existant, kind of. My stomach is in knots and I even thought about eating the doughnuts in the breakroom, but I know better than that. I just heartbroken that my friends lost their husbands and one of the guys had a baby boy. They were both young, 34 and 28.

Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread, I just needed to get that out.

Congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Good luck to everyone weighing in today.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!!

I'm so sorry, this is heartbreaking. :hug: My prayers go out to the family and friends.

fitgirl2012 08-16-2012 01:00 PM

Aimeed3...so sorry to hear of your loss. I'll be thinking of you today. Please do not eat those donuts...they will not comfort you, turn instead to your friends & family.

LizRR - what kind of low intensity workouts did you do, then? You look absolutely terrific!!

Lizzy63 08-16-2012 01:04 PM

Aimee - I am so sorry to hear that - I have not seen the news today.

Mandi - I have to say I like oil and vinegar better than any WF dressing I have tried. I usually use equal parts oil and vinegar - adjust to your liking. I often add a pakcet of splenda. Throw in whatever else sounds good - garlic, spices, etc...

raven74 08-16-2012 01:05 PM

Day 2
Wow! Yesterday was my first Day of IP.
Last night I got "the headache" that everyone speaks of. Wow!
How interesting that your body FREAKS OUT so quickly!
Anyway, the salt water worked great and I soon fell asleep.

Here's to another great day...and hopefully NO HEADACHES!!!


WingnutandMe 08-16-2012 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kaypix (Post 4439100)
This is so dumb. I got tennis elbow by riding my motorcycle too much >.< So now, I alternate between ice and trying not to move it for extended periods of time. All in all, suckery I tell you!


I had tennis elbow from carrying firewood in the winter. I worked at a blood bank and the medical director told me to wear one of these braces, position the pad on the painful spot and wear it 24/7 for a couple months. I thought he was crazy, but I did and it worked and that was 20 years ago and no more pain. It makes it a lot easier to function while healing, too.



Originally Posted by aimeed3 (Post 4439333)
It's a sad sad day in St John the Baptist Parish (where I live). Some of you Louisianians may have heard.
We had a shootout at one of the Refinery's parking lots here and 2 of our officers were killed and another 2 are at different area hospitals undergoing multiplke surgeries. The sherrif said they should be ok. Thank Goodness. I knew both of the officers that were killed and one of the ones at the hospital.
There are 5 suspects in custody at this time. These people used semi-automatic weapons on these police officers :(

Needless to say my mood is non-existant, kind of. My stomach is in knots and I even thought about eating the doughnuts in the breakroom, but I know better than that. I just heartbroken that my friends lost their husbands and one of the guys had a baby boy. They were both young, 34 and 28.

Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread, I just needed to get that out.

Congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Good luck to everyone weighing in today.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! It's almost FRIDAY!!!

My thoughts an prayers to you and the officers and their families. :hug:


Originally Posted by chremme (Post 4439395)
Does anyone know of a good Vanilla Pudding IP packet alternative that isn't so expensive? Or a good low carb protein powder?

My fav protein powder that has zero carbs is Syntrax Nectar. Comes in lots of flavors. Here's the link to it on Nashua's website.


Time for stir fry for lunch. Flip-flopping lunch and dinner since DH and I will be gone at dinner time and there won't be time to make a regular dinner.


usmcvet 08-16-2012 01:06 PM

I just had a great lunch with Dankin and her husband! I would call it a coaching session too, she and DH shared sore great tips, a few packets and suggestions with me.

Oh and by the way she is even prettier in person! Go Dankin! I hope you and DH have a great visit, it was wonderful meeting both of you. :)

locopollo 08-16-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by usmcvet (Post 4439457)
I just had a great lunch with Dankin and her husband! I would call it a coaching session too, she and DH shared sore great tips, a few packets and suggestions with me.

Oh and by the way she is even prettier in person! Go Dankin! I hope you and DH have a great visit, it was wonderful meeting both of you. :)

How fun that you were able to meet up!

And your pictures yesterday blew me out of the water. You look happier and healthier. Keep up the good work!

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