3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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coliep 07-19-2011 02:38 PM

Ugh. me again. Dang peanut butter. This time I had 2 TBSP of peanut butter (the kind with sugar and salt in it). 1 TBSP is more like a restricted food in calories and fat but 2 TBSP was like I just ate two restricted foods. In addition, I gave one last try to using an alternate whey protein to sweeten my coffee. . . didn't love it but it added another 120 calories (and 24gm protein) to my daily diet. Magic Eight Ball Says: outlook for this week's weigh in does not look good. I don't know if the extra 6gm carbs will undo me, but perhaps if I exercise off the additional 300 calories I can undo some damage?

Gika 07-19-2011 03:02 PM

The thing is, this is a low-calorie ketogenic diet. It takes a few days to get into ketosis, which allows the body to turn to fat as fuel. Before you get to that point, you're using up carbohydrates available and MUSCLE. So if you are exercising before you get to that point, or to get to it faster, chances are you will lose some muscle mass, which is highly undesirable (not only is it not good to end up weaker, but also it lowers your BMR). After some time of being in ketosis, the body "learns" to efficiently use ketones as fuel not just for daily survival but to fuel up your moderate work outs.

There are other ketogenic diets, such as Atkins, which are more permissive in the fat and calorie departments. They have proven not to be the healthier of alternatives for some.

This diet was designed to optimize fat loss and preserve muscle mass. In order for those two things to happen simultaneously, it is necessary to follow it as is.

coliep 07-19-2011 08:06 PM

I must be the only person having issues and having fallen off the wagon. The PB was a slippery slope, as was suggested. I ended up at the movies and ate 1/2 my kids raisinettes, biting each one in half for them. Just what I should NOT have done. SInce I blew it, I decided I might as well really blow it . . . so I ate more peanut butter. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. Dumb!

Tomorrow I WILL start over. I will chant "I will NOT cheat today". Here's hoping restarting the induction / entry into ketosis won't be as challenging and that I can stay on the diet faithfully until I am done...

whirlybird68 07-19-2011 09:31 PM

This answer may be in here somewhere but i wonder if one whole cooked egg and 2 pieces of uncured bacon are acceptable for a dinner meal on phase 1 of ip?

nblues 07-20-2011 03:22 AM

Last Friday, I went out for happy hour and drank 2 1/2 margaritas and had chips & salsa. Then on Saturday I went to the OC fair and has a beer, 1/2 a pretzel & 1/2 a funnel cake. I don't know what happened to me. I felt so guilty afterward. So today, I learned the consequence of my bad choices. I lost 2 lbs, but my fat is up, my water is down, gains 1/2 inch in my waist....this really teaches me a lesson...I am going to stick to the program until I get to my desire weight...

Jasesgirl 07-20-2011 03:31 AM

Well...i feared and the worst came upon me....You should NEVER EVER go to a party unprepared and hungry..DUHHHHHHHH!!!! I kind of want to hit my head against the wall that i set myself up so bad for failure..
This is the first cheat ..considering that its the second day of IP i didnt even have a chance to get into ketosis...so...I guess its time to start over.. I kind of want to do a salt water flush or something or take a laxative to take out the crap in my body..cause i feel so miserable from that dang pasta salad..

Welll no use in beating ourselvs up right Coliep???? You and that peanut butter boy...you look like you have been dating that peanut butter jar...throw it out!! Do what i do I literally huck food outside my window into the yard so i cant go and eat it the next morning ... There is a freedom that comes with hucking food thats bad for you..But then again..its better not to buy it in the first place... I remember being on diets while around boyfriends..uhh..its horrible..you sleep over at there house and you want to chuck there food out cause it calls out to you...lol..

Anywho..on to day 1 again..Hey! its day 1 already...its 12:30Am..so my new day has already started!!! Yay! Go me!

Skurzy 07-22-2011 07:48 PM

oooh goddd, I tripped.. and fell hard. Went to a katy perry concert on tuesday.. started tuesday really well, come dinner time.. ate a piece of pizza, m&m's, and diet coke... then after the concert went to a casino shared a plate of chinese food, and skittles.. oh my gooooodness.. AND then.. the next day I went for all you can eat sushi, popcorn from kernels, two purdy's chocolates and drove home with a magmum ice cream bar, caramilk anddd more skittles. It was a disaster.. although i accept my mistakes, and i made them knowing it was going to be bad. Had my weigh in yesterday, and although I was OP for the first 5 days of the week (and I KNOW i lost weight) the scale said .2lb gain. Not too bad, but I do know I had the potencial to loose at least 2-3lbs. I did end up loosing 2 inches. Im sure regretting it now, as I have been out of ketosis for the past 2 days being OP, and still not even showing the slighest shade on the ketositx. AND, im craving bad food hard! my hunger not so much spiked, but my craving sure do.. so for all those who are thinking about cheating!!!, please don't... it slowwwwws you down so much.

keep up the hard work.. the food will taste the exact same on your one cheat day during phase four.... stick with it!

justamom 07-23-2011 01:48 AM

I found when I broke protocol the week after I started that nothing really seemed to satisfy-feel much more satisfied when I am following the program.

coliep 07-23-2011 07:47 AM

Jases - I know, right?! I did get rid of the PB jar. I was trying really hard not to make others (my kids) go without because I lack self control but I figure since it will just prolong my diet even the kids can do without the old PBJ standby for a bit longer. I also learned, like you, (1) always be prepared. Have sevearl IP things in your purse for back up and bring something if you know you are going where temptation lies, and (2) don't let myself get too hungry, even if it means snacking on veggies while I make that PBJ sandwhich (because I wouldn't have cheated if I weren't feeling lightheaded and starving and grumpy). Each day is new. Back on the wagon with you. Let's see that scale mooooooove tomorrow!

Watkat 07-23-2011 11:26 AM

You are all so good at motivating others it is a wonderful thing to see!!

Michinmn 07-23-2011 11:29 AM

First of all, I must say to Mrs Diettrich, you look marvelous!!!! WOW, you went from 213.2 to 143!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I wish so much i was at 143!!!

Watkat 07-23-2011 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by whirlybird68 (Post 3945647)
This answer may be in here somewhere but i wonder if one whole cooked egg and 2 pieces of uncured bacon are acceptable for a dinner meal on phase 1 of ip?

The only pork allowed on Phase I, according to the sheet, is Fat-free Cooked Ham and Pork Tenderloin(no breading).
If you did not get the Phase I sheet it is on the sticky. It is the first highlighted item. Go down the page until you see Jordana'a posts. She has all 4 phases on pdf format.

whirlybird68 07-23-2011 11:16 PM

Yea, well so much for the bacon post. I blew it bigtime tonight. I took my teenager to a local seafood restaurant, my favorite, and ended up eating hushpuppies, seafood gumbo and fries with a coke. Since i had cheated, i went home and ate ice cream and doritos. Wow, i can't believe how bad i have screwed up. FAIL< FAIL

ChynaKC 07-24-2011 01:12 AM

Since everyone is telling the truth on here, i guess i should too...lol...yesterday was a horrible day for me. I had to bake two cakes for someone(im a baker), and i kept snacking on the cake scraps and the icing. I also ate a few doritos and a couple Dibs. Oh and earlier in the day i tried to justify cheating b/c i had two Atkins bars but they have A LOT of carbs in them. Ahhhhh....it was horrible, but today i was back on track. Well with the exception of eating a piece of bacon with dinner, but that wasnt hardly as bad as yesterday. Today was better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than tomorrow!!

Jasesgirl 07-24-2011 02:25 AM

I just want to barf!!!! I feel sooooooooo full...bad bad day..sooo tired and then...yay..2nd year anniversary...and we ate a pizza and mini cheesecake slices...Oh man..bad idea..i feel like i need a laxative cause i feel so horribly bloated..a laxative..lots of water and and a fast for a day...blah!

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