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lookin for loss 08-06-2010 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Steph26 (Post 3423058)
Thanks! I am a little worried though. I started my second week...and my period on Monday. Not only have I not lost, but I think I have gained 2 pounds. Does this happen to anyone else? Do you just expect not to lose when you're on your period? I was so pumped after week one, but now I'm a little discouraged.


I had the same experience in my 3rd week. It's normal... unfortunately. However, the loss comes right back once you're through! You just have to grin and bear it. :D

HopefulTricia 08-06-2010 08:41 AM

Dragged out the Wii fit this morning after months of it collecting dust. Lower weight and BMI than IP doc's and my scale. Not using those numbers but it looks great on the screen! Milestone today --60 lbs in 25 weeks.(61 according to Wii fit) Gotta love IP!

Coastalcrafter 08-06-2010 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Soon 2 B MrsT (Post 3423077)
You guys are so great! I've done some personal inventory type stuff today as a result of the big goose egg on the scale this morning. Ya'll will also be happy to know that I scheduled a massage in downtown for tomorrow morning. :)

I am SO glad to hear thia!! It's just what you need!!! ( hugs!!):hug:
In fact, My scale hasn't moved all week, not an ounce, I have not cheated, get weighed monday so I could have a last minute drop.. ( using 1/2 cap Miralax nightly- it helps so much!!)
I TOO booked a massage today, I have been wanting PIZZA, but haven't given in to it, so a massage will be a healthier TREAT! Enjoy my friend!!!

Thank you so much for your sweet encouragements to me. Each of you is truly a blessing and I am so honored to walk through this journey with each of you. This week was just a bump in the road. Yeah it stinks, but that's life. I've got to put my big girl panties on a deal with it. :)

I feel the same way, I have failed so many times because I never had the stamina to go the distance all by myself.. But with all of you and so many helpful things we share/ recipes/ exercises/ encouragement/knowledge, I am so HOOKED on this group! I feel I have my own cheering section in the overwhelming crowds of life! God Bless You ALL and Thank YOU for your love and support!!! :angel: ~Ro~

Kelsey 08-06-2010 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rocky Monarch (Post 3423266)
You look SMASHING! (and did you take the martini glasses to the interview? because in that case you've got it cinched!):D

I have not had a weigh in since 7/20 (been on the road) and I don't own a scale. Now my coach is gone till next Thursday. I hope I am not headed for bad news, and the suspense is killing me...

Rocky, No I didn't take the martini glasses, even though perhaps I should have.


Originally Posted by deinekatze (Post 3422851)
Check you out! Looking so good!

Hope you hear great news from the interview.

Thanks Elizabeth!


Originally Posted by doxigirl (Post 3422872)
Kelsey: You look great. Love the hair and the outfit! Hope you get the position!

Carla: I don't even have words... what an inspiration! I can only pray for such an awesome transformation! How liberating is that? I know you must feel like you could do anything. No holding back now girl.

Thanks, Doxi!


Originally Posted by WyoSun (Post 3422919)
Kelsey....just wanted to tell you again that I love the hair and the outfit. Best of luck on the outcome of the interview...

Carla....you look great. Glad you liked the analogy of the "boobage". LOL

Thanks, Wyo!


Originally Posted by mamaerinb (Post 3422945)
you look stunning! why so down about the interview? i bet you did fantastic! who wouldn't just love you to pieces??

Okay, I'm going to explain it:

First of all the room is dark, like we're going to have a romantic dinner. I'm brought in sat down across the table from Jeff (VP) and the 4 managers under him. They each have 1 piece of paper in front of them. There will be 10 questions, we'll take turns asking them. (and now picture SPEED DATING - they each have one minute to ask 2 questions and I have to answer in between). Here are the questions:

1 Why do you want to leave your current position?
2 What do you like least about your current position?
3 What is your greatest strength?
4 What is your biggest weakness?
5 Name a time when you offered exceptional administrative support.
6 How would you handle it if a manager asked you to do a task that you didn't agree with?
7 What is your supervisory style? (I would have people who would report to me)
8 What is your ideal work environment?
9 How would you handle an approaching deadline, but you're not going to finish on time?
10 LCB strikes again, I'll edit this and add it when it comes to me!

"Melissa, do you questions for us?"

I ask 2, they answer, and off to take the test:


Type a memo
Create a spreadsheet with formulas
Create a power point with results from the spreadsheet data
Attach all files and send in an email.

Sounds pretty simple right??? I can do these things without a problem, however here's the catch: YOU GET 20 minutes to COMPLETE the test. I made it, but barely!!! (I heard that none of the 7 people on Tuesday finished the test, I haven't heard how many / if any finished yesterday).

It's like if I asked you to write the ABCs and 1 - 100, you'd be like, oh that's easy, but then I said now, do it in 20 seconds. You'd be like - well that's not possible! You'd give it your best shot, and that's what I did! OH and you have to do it in the DARK!!! I tried to look at my watch, but it was so dark in there that I really had a hard time seeing the time!!!

As I was walked out I saw that in the 20 minutes that it took me to take the test, they had already gone down stairs, got the next person, interviewed her, and she was on her way to take the test!!! Speed interviewing at its best.

SO, I was uneasy and not feeling too good about the interview. Last night a friend of mine who works in that department told me they do that because they want to see how well you react under pressure, how well you think, and how quickly you are able to respond. WELL THANKS, NOW YOU TELL ME!!! Once he told me that I actually felt better. Given that information, I actually don't think I did badly at all. I can't imagine many doing much more, or much better. When I sent my thank you note/email I asked that they take a look at some of my work on our company-wide drive. If they do, well that should help. Not sure if they will or not.


Originally Posted by Frita (Post 3423102)
Well I had WI #14 last night and I was in shock - I lost 8 pounds!!!! :carrot::carrot::carrot: I kept saying are you sure your scale is right!!!! This brings me to a total of 52 1/2 pounds and 23 inches lost.

I have no clue what i did last week, but i am definately hoping for another good week this week - I have been working 15 to 17 hours a day, with my full time job and my husband's business, so I am shocked with these numbers!!!!

You all look AWESOME!!!

Wow, great job!!! We all wish we knew what you did last week!!!! If you figure it out, please share it with us.

and CONGRATS to Dawn! Hopefully it's a trend with our group!!!

Coastalcrafter 08-06-2010 09:21 AM

Frita and Emma Jane- wow wow wow! Congrats on your terrific losses!

Send the 'weight loss fairy" my way PLEASE!!! :D

Kelsey- when you explained that interview I could picture it.. wow kinda sneaky on their part! Sounds like you did fine honey, and you did your best! whatever the outcome, remember you did your best and you looked great! Wishing you the Best job out there for YOU!! ;)

[B]Yesterday at the salon a client of mine who hadn't seen me in a month
( before IP) LOUDLY proclaimed" MY GOD YOU LOST WEIGHT!" ( it was embarrasing) I said "oh your so kind, I lost a little".. I played it down cause everyone in salon just looked at me and there was dead silence in the salon.. :o

If anyone asks or comments, I usually say, "I'm trying".. :)

Novak 08-06-2010 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kelsey (Post 3423574)
Given that information, I actually don't think I did badly at all. I can't imagine many doing much more, or much better. When I sent my thank you note/email I asked that they take a look at some of my work on our company-wide drive. If they do, well that should help. Not sure if they will or not.

I think you probably did better than you think you did. :D

But if this opportunity should happen to pass you by, it's because there's a better one out there for you. Things work funny that way. :hug:

Emma Jayne 08-06-2010 09:24 AM

Good morning to all ! Happy Friday and a great IP weekend to everyone !!

I just have a question to anyone who might have PCOS. I have not been officially diagnosed with it but I have suspected that I may have it. I have had a lot of 'trouble' with skin tags. Which is apparently one of the symptoms of PCOS. Now in my 10th week my skin tags seem to be disappearing off of my neck (YAY!!) Has anyone else had experience with this?

Take care everyone !
Emma Jayne

sqklein 08-06-2010 09:26 AM

Let's see how does a reply works and what it looks like. Can someone help me out? Should I be going to see my doctor? Is this a result of "resting/resetting" your pancreas? If I go see my doctor he will probably tell me to get off this diet. HELP!

sqklein 08-06-2010 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by sqklein (Post 3423115)
Hello - I have this coating like cold lard feeling on my tongue and inside my mouth. I ordered ready made vanilla shake from New Lifestyle because there was no IP available. But even before that I had this fatty coating feeling. I compared the two and they tasted exactly the same,.. So perhaps they made a error in the manufacturing plant, with both and my mouth has felt this way since then. Or I have been to New Orleans and eaten shrimp and crawfish.. so maybe there is oil in the seafood.... just kidding, cause still have the feeling. Does anyone else have this feeling in their mouth?


Let's see how this reply works and what it looks like. Can someone help me out? Should I be going to see my doctor? Is this a result of "resting/resetting" your pancreas? If I go see my doctor he will probably tell me to get off this diet. HELP!

Kelsey 08-06-2010 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Coastalcrafter (Post 3423611)
Frita and Emma Jane- wow wow wow! Congrats on your terrific losses!

Send the 'weight loss fairy" my way PLEASE!!! :D

Kelsey- when you explained that interview I could picture it.. wow kinda sneaky on their part! Sounds like you did fine honey, and you did your best! whatever the outcome, remember you did your best and you looked great! Wishing you the Best job out there for YOU!! ;)

[B]Yesterday at the salon a client of mine who hadn't seen me in a month
( before IP) LOUDLY proclaimed" MY GOD YOU LOST WEIGHT!" ( it was embarrasing) I said "oh your so kind, I lost a little".. I played it down cause everyone in salon just looked at me and there was dead silence in the salon.. :o

If anyone asks or comments, I usually say, "I'm trying".. :)

LOL, you're story was funny! Poor thing, it's a bittersweet moment, and there are many more to come as your journey continues. :hug:


Originally Posted by Novak (Post 3423615)
I think you probably did better than you think you did. :D

But if this opportunity should happen to pass you by, it's because there's a better one out there for you. Things work funny that way. :hug:

Thanks Novak. I've done my part, and now I'm under the "Let the cards fall where they may" pretense. :D

terrid61 08-06-2010 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Steph26 (Post 3423058)
Thanks! I am a little worried though. I started my second week...and my period on Monday. Not only have I not lost, but I think I have gained 2 pounds. Does this happen to anyone else? Do you just expect not to lose when you're on your period? I was so pumped after week one, but now I'm a little discouraged.


Yes, this happened to me too. 2 weeks with little losses - week 3 - 1# and Week 4 - 1.8 #. I am on week 5 and it looks like I have lost about 3 pounds so far and don't weigh in until Tuesday....so hang in there.

deinekatze 08-06-2010 10:04 AM

just saying...TOM and the scale don't like each other...blah... but watch those inches!

xanthia 08-06-2010 10:10 AM

I just wanted to say I survived my 2 happy hours in a row. The first I had some iced tea and stared at the fried pickles infront of me. Just stared. Talked to random new people to keep my mind off of the food on the table. The second was easy with my water bottle in a dive bar. Just chatting folks up and keeping on plan.

My biggest problem is my nightly snack. I don't like to eat at night, and I'm never really hungry after dinner. I do a drink because I just don't want to eat anymore. I feel like this is a bad habit to get into, eating when I'm NOT hungry, but I understand I need to not have such a large timeframe between fueling my body at dinner and breakfast. If I do eat right before bed I have a bad time sleeping, so I at least try to do it a few hours after dinner. It is quite unfulfilling :(

SweetSheila 08-06-2010 10:33 AM

Ok, exciting news everyone. Yesterday I had to get rid of pretty much all my clothes because they were huge. Soooo this morning I threw on an old pair of sweats I had stored away from a few years ago but could not find a shirt. I decided to raid my husbands t-shirts and I found one that fits. Wooohooo. It is the biggest one of his but it still fits. I can fit into a few others but I dont like the way they look. Here are the pics. I can only see a difference in pictures so I am constantly having my daughter take pictures on me lol. I look like crap (cleaning day :dizzy:)




mommajen88 08-06-2010 10:37 AM

Kelsey, it sounds like you did well at the interview. Seems you managed to prove you could get the job done under pressure. I agree with Novak, if for some reason you don't get the position, that just means there is something else around the corner. I think lots of people leave panel interviews (with tests to boot) feeling a little unsure.
And might I add, you are looking fanatastic!!

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