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Old 04-04-2010, 10:24 AM   #511  
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Default Happy Easter

Just a quick stop by to wish all of you a Wonderful Easter!!!

May we all survive temptations today ;-)

Hugs and will power!

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Old 04-04-2010, 10:42 AM   #512  
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Happy Easter everyone.

I am really stoked about this diet. It is working great for me. I am down 18 pounds in 5 weeks. I went on vacation for a week and still followed the diet about 80%. I think I even lost 1-2 pounds that week, but haven't officially weighed in. Can't wait till Tuesday to see where I am at officially.

This is the diet for me. It is working and I am still motivated. I can't wait to start digging through my old clothes and see which ones fit again!
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:03 AM   #513  
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Originally Posted by showgirlaz View Post
Hi Chelle,

I am so sorry that things are a bit disappointing. I remember feeling like I was busting my butt for 2 pounds and I was hearing reports of 4, 6, 8, and up to 13 pounds a week. Overall, I have done well but, I have had only a few large losses and many steady 2 pound losses.

When I started I was early hypothyroidism. I hadn't lost weight on a plan in so long that my ambition was, "If I can just lose 1 pound every week, I will be happy and moving in the right direction." I still remind myself of that on slower weeks. It is easy to want to lose fast and faster still but steady will get you there!

Just some quick questions, answer if you wish or use them to analyze for yourself.

Do you keep a food or daily journal? If so go back and look at the days prior to week 1 and 3 weigh in? What stands out as unique? You had much larger losses those weeks.

When you look at your weekly weigh in dates, where did you menstrual cycles fall? I often slow down for 2 whole weeks because of water gain before, then the cycle, and a slow shed of water for 3 days after. Not fun but now I know why 2 weigh ins a month are ALWAYS low.

Since week one of the program have you been allowed to start introducing any new veggies?
Have you introduced any condiments or prepared items?
Are you using ONLY 1oz of nonfat or skim milk and NO other dairy?
are you eating any ham, pork, bacon, or sausage?
Are you using tomatoes, onions, leeks, brussel sprouts, or fennel?
Are you measuring all your portions still?

Are you combining too many large portions of high carb veggies at the same meal or thru the day? For instance 1 cup cooked spinach is 5 carbs, 1teaspoon garlic powder is 2 carbs, 1 cup cooked mushrooms 5 carbs, 1 cup zucchini cooked 5 carbs, 1 cup cooked asparagus 2 carbs, add 2 salads of: 1 cup romaine lettuce with mixed cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, celery (1/2cup mixed) 8 carbs. Right there is a total of 27carbs. Add an 3 IP packets from the selection of: Mango (5 carbs), yogurt (5 carbs), Pineapple banana (4 carbs), Chocolate drink (7 carb), cereal (7 carb), blueberry pomegranate (5 carb) another 14 to 19 carbs. Are you adding any splenda to your drinks? Yes, then add .5g carbs per each packet or teaspoon. Maybe another 2 to 4 carbs there. THE END RESULT>>>> you had between 41 and 50 carbs for a day!!!! Yes, it was all from the phase 1 unrestricted and anytime veggies and foods. HOWEVER it is too much to have the substantial weight loss or to keep your pancreas in the resting state the program is trying to create for long term health. Initially, the program is supposed to have 25carbs a day. Maybe 40 carbs a day depending on your health, coach or doctor's opinion.

(I used the numbers and foods above because, it came from MY journal. It was one of my days in a low weight loss week. I was eating perfectly. I was in ketosis. BUT, I was losing less than I should because I was choosing foods that were pushing me up to where my carb tolerance i.e. carb threshold exists. When I get near my max carbs, I stop losing. I was never able to lose on Atkins and gained 15 pounds because MY body can't handle even 60 carbs a day. I know, I just tested it again and gained the week I had too many veggie carbs.)

Try counting your carb intake and backing it down some to see if that helps you speed up a little.

Are you using a good omega 3/6/9, flax seed oil, or fish oil OR olive oil AND remembering to get in as much as allotted by your coach? (I use almost 1 tbsp a day)
Are you using Real salt (brand name of a sea salt), a sea salt, or regular salt?
Are you taking any dietary enzymes?
Are you getting in 90 oz of water a day?
Are you getting enough sleep?

All of the above matter to losing.

You also mention you have a thyroid medication you take. Do you have hypothyroidism? If so, there are several food items that are allowed on this diet but, if used in excess will cause slower weight loss. ALSO, you may wish to have your doctor who manages your thyroid check you again if they haven't done so in the past few weeks. This program rapidly changes body chemistry (in as little as 10 days) and you may no longer be where you thought. AND, you might ask them to check your selenium and iodine levels. A thyroid will not function well if those items are off. Our diet is not necessarily high enough in selenium for you and the iodine is limited to what fish you are eating and the 1/2 tsp of salt which, may not be enough for you. I have to supplement BOTH of these on the program.

Are you taking any other medications? Could they have a binder of dairy, starch or sugar that is effecting you? I had to change 2 meds because they had both whey and sugars in them.

Do you have any food allergies? Some people will have slow weight loss, hold water, and more because they are allergic to the food they take in. My sister can't do this diet in any form because, She is allergic to EGGS, DAIRY, SOY, GLUTEN- all, WHEAT - all parts, BEEF, GARLIC, and several veggies. (She has to use a pea or chia protein powder for her protein drinks.)

I guess what I am saying with all the questions and examples is, ANALYZE. Make sure you know where you stand and if all is great be happy you are getting the results. Our bodies know what is best for us, I think, and when they are given what they need they will perform as they should. For most people a rapid weight loss is fun but it can bring health issues with it and your body may be safeguarding you from them. Remember, stress will work against you too so, DON'T STRESS about the numbers or the program.

I hope that is helpful and not too much. I can be wordy but just trying to help.

What a wonderful post Carla! Very insightful and helpful! Thank you!
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:06 AM   #514  
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Thanks sparkles for all the positive feedback. I'm already feeling a lot better this morning. I plan to see this all the way through, I feel great, and it's crazy to literally go from size 8 to a 0-2 in just 2 months. I feel this diet even helped me get engaged(think my boyfriend thought I would leave I know I've motivated my co-workers and I hope they will do something about their weight.

The working out thing, it helps me more in the mind(the serotonin I think) and my coach only said no working out for the first 7 days. But then I got yelled at for working 1.5 hours, so I dropped it to at most an hour. I'm seeing much more muscle mass which is so exciting. One advice, I was running about 40 minutes 3 times a week, now I have to stop at 1 mile cause I do feel different. I'm just not sure why you can't exercise on this diet. I didn't know people were told not to exercise.

Also for everyone out there who wants a special treat, my coach gave me an energy drink called "XS", no carbs or sugar, 8 calories a can (size of a Red Bull) and she let's me have 1 a day only bad this is I have to order them online and it's $33w/shiping for only 12 but they taste great!

I'm going to check with my coach on the puddings, I have two boxes of the soups collecting dust in my pantry.
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:22 AM   #515  
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Re exercise: I am a bit confused too. I recently joined a gym and have been dong approx 45 minutes of mixed cardio and circuit training every 2nd day with 30 minutes of yoga on the alternate days. My coach and chiropractor both said this was acceptable, but not to get my heart rate up too high. Um - I am obese and out of shape. Just taking a leisurely stroll makes my heart rate go up! lol!!
Does any one else use weights in their workout? What do your coaches say about this?
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:28 AM   #516  
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Originally Posted by joshb View Post
Phase 2 is definately going to be different..and then phase 3 I cant wait to have fruit again =o, if the carb,sugars,calories could SWITCH with the vegetables I would be in heaven.
For me...
Fruit > Vegetables hah.
Hi Josh! I must say you are looking great! Keep up the good work! I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences on phase 2. What works, what needs tweaking etc.
Re. the fruit - I totally hear ya on that one. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I found out we could have rhubarb! lol!
And the Walden Farms Apple Butter jelly is sooooo good! If you close your eyes and pretend, you would almost believe you are enjoying some applesauce! Yum yum! Same goes for the marmalade! Is a tasty tangerine flavour! mm mmm mmmm!!

What fruit will you start with?
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:29 AM   #517  
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I use weights 2 days out of my 4 days. My coach hasn't said anything about it but the main reason I was on this diet was to get my body fat down. I was 141 pounds and was at 39% body fat. So I know building muscle helps burning fat. I lost 5 inches off my hips, 2 inches off my thighs, and 1 inch of my arms in just 4 weeks. So being on the smaller side I feel it makes a different for me since I'm trying to get the body fat down, not necessarily losing so much weight. I carry my weight in my thighs, so it's not a difficult area to work on streghtening.

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Old 04-04-2010, 11:30 AM   #518  
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Originally Posted by BevS View Post
Low-Carb Pancake Recipe

1/6 cup (16g) Carbquik baking mix (bought at health food store)www.carbalose.comYou can also use the same amount of Maple Grove Farms sugar-free pancake mix (bought at Kroger's), but it would add another 1 1/2 grams of carb.
1/6 cup (14g) Now natural whey protein isolate
sprinkle of stevia
1 tsp. melted coconut oil or grape seed oil
2 Tablespoons water
1 egg white, beaten with fork until frothy

Combine first 3 ingredients. Add oil and water and mix. Add beaten egg white. Preheat pan. Use a little PAM to keep from sticking. I use the same pan I melt my coconut oil in. Pour 1/4 of mixture into pan at a time. Cook until bubbly on top. Flip and cook another minute or so. Makes 4 medium pancakes. Net carbs = 1 1/2 g.; protein = 19 g.
Serve with your favorite no-carb syrup or topping.
Oh - I am so going to try this recipe! Thank you for sharing!
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:54 AM   #519  
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Originally Posted by joshb View Post
Phase 2 is definately going to be different..and then phase 3 I cant wait to have fruit again =o, if the carb,sugars,calories could SWITCH with the vegetables I would be in heaven.
For me...
Fruit > Vegetables hah.
JOSH - you are looking so fantastic!! You're kicking *** I've been missing fruit too, and funnily I didn't think I was a big fruit eater but lately I've totally been thinking about it!

Originally Posted by Mystical Mamma View Post
Hi Josh! I must say you are looking great! Keep up the good work! I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences on phase 2. What works, what needs tweaking etc.
Re. the fruit - I totally hear ya on that one. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I found out we could have rhubarb! lol!
And the Walden Farms Apple Butter jelly is sooooo good! If you close your eyes and pretend, you would almost believe you are enjoying some applesauce! Yum yum! Same goes for the marmalade! Is a tasty tangerine flavour! mm mmm mmmm!!

What fruit will you start with?
MMMMMM - Apple Butter Jelly - I'm going to have to see if I can find that. I've had pork tenderloin a couple times since starting the diet and both times I wished I had apple sauce for it!
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Old 04-04-2010, 12:53 PM   #520  
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Great posts everyone....HAPPY EASTER......
Luckily I don't have to cook for anyone today.
I want to congratulate the young people on this board. While I know it is hard for everyone, my heart really goes out to them. I am so proud of you. Us older folks can control our environment a little more than the younger ones can. I can imagine that it is very hard when you are hanging out with friends who are eating all kinds of snacks. I've seen how a lot of teenagers eat. I know for myself, I just don't put myself in "bad" situations if I can help it. Younger people aren't as adept at that and they would never think of staying home. LOL Anyway, kudos to you.
Carla, Thank you so much for that wonderful information. I am going to start tracking my food a little more.
Sure wish we could get the orange drink. My coach said it probably hasn't been approved by the FDA yet.
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Old 04-04-2010, 12:58 PM   #521  
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Wyosun-I know this doesn't really help you but the IP program here in Las Vegas is done through Trim Care and they make some products on their own. They have a drink that is Pineapple Orange and it is to die for. I don't know if Trim Care is in any other states or not but if so I would check to see if they have any. In fact in my IP program, it's a mix of IP foods and the Trim Care brand foods.
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Old 04-04-2010, 01:10 PM   #522  
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Thanks Rebekah, Living in Wyoming is the best, but not when it comes to getting things. We barely have what everyone else has, let alone anything a little out of the ordinary. But, I will check on line.
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Old 04-04-2010, 02:07 PM   #523  
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I looked online and it appears that you have to join them to get their food. Thanks anyway.
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Old 04-04-2010, 02:25 PM   #524  
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Originally Posted by ChelleFL View Post
Thanks for taking the time to help me. Its 1am and I just got back from seeing the Paul McCartney concert and I have to play easter bunny before I hit the hay, but I will try and answer a few questions quickly.

I was on fertility drugs for 6 years and when I stopped in 2/03 I went straight into full menopause.

I had bloodwork done last week and saw my doctor yesterday and all my levels are great. After my initial 15 lb loss l went down from 25mcg to 20mcg of the Cytomel and I am still taking 100mcg of Synthroid.

I use the IP sea salt. I watch the carbs on my veggies, weigh everything, take 1.5 tsp of olive oil a day, and drink a gallon of water.

I also saw my coach yesterday and while she approves of my having only two (2) 1/4's of restricted items, along with a half of a non-restricted item a day, she said that was fine. I don't eat restricted veggies, except for green beans - 1 cup/week, but I was having 1/8 to 1/4 cup of tomatoes a day instead of 1 cup/2x week. She told me to cut out tomatoes all together for a week.

I sleep 7 - 8 hours/night. I take potassium, calcium, minerals, omega 3/6/9, magnisium for constipation. I can't eat soy because it blocks my thyroid medication. So I don't eat the IP entrees, soy nuts, puffs, etc... I'm not allergic to any foods. I eat WF dressings with my salad and occasionally have one of there other products in very small amounts maybe once every 3 - 4 days.

I am still retaining water despite the potassium.

Thanks for all your questions and concerns. I really do want to figure out why I'm slow, but I figured I would be being hypothyroid, menopausal and with my stress level.

Your great!!!!
You are so welcome! I understand how it can be to want something so much, be committed and "doing it" and, feeling like maybe it is a little off somewhere.
Also, congrats on being able to reduce the cytomel! I hope that means your T3 levels are going up and the thyroid health is improved!!

Of the things you mentioned these stood out to me.:
You mention that you had an early menopause, do you use hormone replacement of any kind? Do you have your hormone levels evaluated by any DR of a GYN or Endocrinology level? Maybe you have a hormone imbalance impacting the loss. (You never said the if you had a fertility issue or if the medications were for another circumstance, and what I mention now may not be your circumstance AT ALL, but, if a person were facing infertility as a result of PCOS (polycystic Ovarian syndrome) they likely have insulin resistance. That person would be prone to hormone imbalances and would still have the insulin resistance issues despite entering menopause in many cases.) Female hormones in general are very important to our weight loss. Having an imbalance of estrogen) to progesterone (just in a ratio form, not even stand alone hormone levels) is enough to slow weight loss and cause estrogenic hair loss. Having too little progesterone or testosterone for a woman can prevent the development of muscle and reduce the metabolic functions, in addition to other things.
The olive oil is at 1.5 tsp per day but how much omega 3/6/9 are you taking? Some people who are highly insulin resistant also have metabolic syndrome and do well with MORE fat in the diet and very very few carbs. You might experiment some week and try increasing your oils a bit and see if there is a change.
I am not sure I understood your coach’s instructions. Are you allowed ¼ each of two different restricted items and ½ of a nonrestricted item per day? Just a suggestion, you might want to eliminate them all together for a week and see if that improves your loss. If your body is still trying to “reset” the pancreas and you are only 8 weeks into the process, your system may not be ready for the added carbs and more processed food product. The restricted items use more rice bran, rice syrup, and agave syrup in them and do have more carbs as a result. If you are still sensitive to carbohydrates there can be an unequal response between the carbs ingested and the glycemic change you experience. That means just a small amount of carb can cause a BIG jump in insulin still.
I think your coach is right about tomatoes. Tomatoes are known in the type2 diabetic community to be a very tricky item for many people. They tend to not have an equal response on the insulin level based on what the carb content is. You may be getting just enough tomato sugars to prevent you from seeing the best ketosis results.

Helpful Foods
Foods that are helpful for the thyroid function are: spinach, asparagus, olive oil, oily fish, kelp, seaweed, celery, parsley, Swiss chard, wheat grass, zucchini, alfalfa, leafy greens, beet tops, green peppers, sprouts, and watercress, yellow vegetables, eggs, and dark green vegetables. beef (range free), , chicken (range free), seafood, tuna, (the next items are good BUT not until phase 3 or 4 !) oatmeal, dried beans, bran, seeds, and nuts. yeast, legumes, nuts, and raisins.
Unhelpful Foods
The following foods are considered goitrogenic and should be eaten in small quantities and COOKED: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, rutabaga, mustard greens, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peaches, pears, strawberries, and radishes, millet, and African cassava. These foods should not be eaten in large quantities and generally not raw especially if you are on thyroid replacement hormones and still have a thyroid because they can negatively interact with your medication, nullifying its effects. Cooking seems to break down the enzymes enough to make the anti-thyroid effect a non-factor. Also, avoid using too much caffeine. It is a stimulant for both the thyroid and the pancreas.

Interesting that you are still retaining water, so am I!! The added potassium didn’t do much for me either. Just keep that in mind as you weigh in.

Surprisingly, I am still losing a lot of inches even when I am not losing weight. Maybe you will do the same so, if you aren’t measuring each week, start keeping track. It may be more helpful for you.

Good luck! JUST REMEMBER, when trouble shooting change only one think at a time so you can be sure of the result. It may take awhile but once you know it will be worth it. Since you are to remove tomatoes this week, maybe wait til next week to try to change something else!

If nothing else, know you have support from those of us here!

Last edited by showgirlaz; 04-04-2010 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 04-04-2010, 02:25 PM   #525  
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Originally Posted by RebekahDapar View Post
Wyosun-I know this doesn't really help you but the IP program here in Las Vegas is done through Trim Care and they make some products on their own. They have a drink that is Pineapple Orange and it is to die for. I don't know if Trim Care is in any other states or not but if so I would check to see if they have any. In fact in my IP program, it's a mix of IP foods and the Trim Care brand foods.
Which TrimCare clinic do you go to? I'm using the one at Trop/Rainbow.
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