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Old 04-22-2013, 09:35 PM   #46  
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Originally Posted by nassmom View Post
I have just started my weight loss journey back up again and was thinking of going to QWLC. Is it really $600 to start? IF so, I will have to find something else to do. That is WAAY out of my budget!!
It was for me, but it looks like it differs from TX, FL and GA and it is based on how much weight you want to loose. I paid for the full plan up front to help me stay motivated. They factor how many weeks it will take you to loose it and that is formulated into your fee. For me they calculated 32-36 weeks of weightloss phase (6xs a week) and then they also include i think a 6 week stabilization phase (3xs a week) and then a 1 year maintenance phase (once a week visits). And that also included a startup kit of the supplements. Some of the products lasted about 2 weeks, others were a full month. I used a $100 off coupon from their website, so I would check for special offers. They also were offering $99 plans, but i think it was for a set amount of weeks and no products.

I also read on the thread that if you go in for a consultation and don't join, they call you the next week or so and offer you a reduced rate.

I have not been "pressured" to buy QWLC products and I have been able to find much cheaper versions of some of them online.

Good luck to you!
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Old 04-24-2013, 12:30 PM   #47  
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Default Update...

I was told today that they have increased the Quick Snacks to 3 per day, provided the additional snack is a soup or drink. They said that clients in a KS test market lost more weight having the additional protein snack...we shall see!!! (not sure if that is just a ploy to sell more products)

Originally Posted by i will lose weight View Post
Hi Joe,

Yes QWLC diet is limited to 2 Quick Snacks/day and only one of them can be a protein bar. I am putting in an order today at vitacost dot com for a variety of protein snacks similar to the QWLC ones. Vitacost sells Kay's Naturals Protein snacks and there are quite a few to choose from. They come 6 to a box just like QWLC, but they are in the $5 range as opposed to $17 at QWLC. I also ordered those Smart Styx today that are similar to the Boost.

Anyone recommend a good Fiber supplement? I have not been able to find one that has the exact same nutritional info as the QWLC Fiber Sticks Plus K. Kind of thinking any will do as long as it is low cal and sugar free.
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Old 04-24-2013, 07:24 PM   #48  
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They did a buster on me the other week...

2 eggs breakfast

1/2 orange

6oz chicken 2 c. lettuce

1/2 orange

beef 2 c. lettuce ...

+ supps, bars and snack...

could have 1 dressing a day... i dropped a pound...

Originally Posted by i will lose weight View Post
Hi everyone. I am ending week 3 at almost 13lbs lost (haven't weighed today and really hoping to get to the 15 mark). But I really want to hit the 20lb mark by end of week 4 and I am considering dong the Prep phase again in hopes of speeding up next week's loss. I have stayed on plan very strictly except for 2 days ago I ate Doritos and gained 2 ounces. Has anyone done Prep again when they stayed on the plan?? Any success?
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Old 04-25-2013, 10:49 PM   #49  
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I hope it works for you. I was suppose to start a plateau breaker today too, they said to do Plan 2 for 2 days (I am on plan 4). Mon I lost 2.5lbs (from Fri), than gained 4oz on Tues, then lost 1oz on Wed...BUT today when I weighed in I was down 2 lbs so they said never mind If they weren't offering the free week and buy 1 get 1 free snack for weighing in 5 times a week I really would only go 3xs. I just don't think it is all that accurate since your body may need more than 24 hrs to process a diet. I was totally on plan with no mistakes and that is how my weight fluctuated. Hoping to drop another 2.6lbs by Monday to hit my goal of 20lbs in the first 4 weeks.

Originally Posted by robbinOloxly View Post
They did a buster on me the other week...

2 eggs breakfast

1/2 orange

6oz chicken 2 c. lettuce

1/2 orange

beef 2 c. lettuce ...

+ supps, bars and snack...

could have 1 dressing a day... i dropped a pound...

Last edited by i will lose weight; 04-25-2013 at 10:55 PM.
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Old 04-26-2013, 12:19 AM   #50  
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Default An alternative to Quick Boost

Originally Posted by i will lose weight View Post
Hi guys...I'm chugging along. I have set a mini goal of losing 20 more pounds by June 1st. I have been searching the web for cheaper versions of QWLC products and supplements. So far I found a much cheaper version of the Boost drink mix here smartstyx dot com(won't let me post the link) The nutrition label is identical. I have not ordered any yet, but will this week and will let you know what I think.
I got my order today (placed it Monday) and it is the exact same product that QWLC sells. The packets are identical and have all of the same codes printed on them. I ordered 6 boxes of orange flavor and with shipping it came to $10.80/box. Compare to $25/box at the center.
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Old 04-26-2013, 08:12 PM   #51  
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Default Howdy!

Hi all-
I found this site when I googled 'quick weight loss supplement cheap' and after reading through all you had to offer wanted to join to first of all say THANK YOU and also have some partners in crime on this weight loss journey! I've bought from Diet Direct and the 'styx' site listed earlier and agree that the products, if not an exact fit, are close enough!

I started on Jan 1st (went to the center on Dec 31st at my heighest non-pregnancy weight EVER of 299) and as of today have lost 44 lbs! Overall, I have found the plan easy to adhere to, but won't say it's the easiest plan to stick to (as my slip ups - hello, I am a wine lover! - are well documented). However, to be down almost 50 lbs in 4 months has been such an amazing feat!

I just finished my second 'break' week and they have sent me down to Plan 2. Like another member posted, they told me this week that I can now have 3 snacks a day as long as one is a smoothie or similar, but I also agree that it might be a marketing gimmick. I'll try to focus on the positive results it will have on my daily diet instead!

As an FYI (and my way of adding some value besides a 'hooray!' for our successes) I did find a brand of Omega 3-6-9 fish oil at my local HEB today (I honestly didn't realize I was running out and was just going to get some of the basic stuff when I stumbled on this). The brand name is Nordic Naturals - not sure if it's an exact match, but it's the only one I've found OTC that has all 3 Omega's. It was $16-ish which is about 1/2 of what they sell them for at the centers (w/o any of their special specials!).

I've also found the fish oil online at Diet Direct and I'm still trying to find the most comparable Carb Blocker option, so if anyone has some ideas thanks in advance!

keep on keepin on!

Last edited by tinnymc222; 04-26-2013 at 08:16 PM.
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Old 04-27-2013, 11:47 AM   #52  
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I hate going in more than once a week...
i can weigh myself 3 time in an hour and i will be up and down up to 3 pounds... they write some crap down and ask me if i have been eating all my stuff.... they they try to get me to buy some stuff...??? I hate keeping the journal (it was handy the first month) now it is a pain in the bum!!

I have stuck to the diet %100, i did have 1 koloache (one of the students who works for me bought it specifically for me and she makes 1/6 of my salary (how do you say no to that??))

I started at the center at 196, I couldn't afford the program so I went on a payment plan for 4 weeks...

Through my self dieting I dropped to 188. I started at 188 on 3/18 and now I am around 169.. I was a size 14/16 and now I am in a 10/12. I have lost a whole "roll" of fat on my belly instead of 3 big'ens i have just 2.

I am still INSANELY tired!! I fell like i have had a beer or glass of wine without food. I always feel light headed and slightly buzzed... I have had people suggest that it is low iron, hypoglycemia, or maybe a thyroid problem. ( iam going to the dr friday)

They center said that the diet would never make me feel like this, in fact i should be more energized. I feel so tired...

i was running 3 miles 3 times a week and going to a aerobic class a couple more times a week.. but i went once recently and didn't think that I was going to make it through the class!!

has anyone heard of this? My husband thinks that it is the diet... it is the only thing that changed drastically! idk!

Originally Posted by i will lose weight View Post
I hope it works for you. I was suppose to start a plateau breaker today too, they said to do Plan 2 for 2 days (I am on plan 4). Mon I lost 2.5lbs (from Fri), than gained 4oz on Tues, then lost 1oz on Wed...BUT today when I weighed in I was down 2 lbs so they said never mind If they weren't offering the free week and buy 1 get 1 free snack for weighing in 5 times a week I really would only go 3xs. I just don't think it is all that accurate since your body may need more than 24 hrs to process a diet. I was totally on plan with no mistakes and that is how my weight fluctuated. Hoping to drop another 2.6lbs by Monday to hit my goal of 20lbs in the first 4 weeks.
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Old 04-27-2013, 04:20 PM   #53  
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Originally Posted by tinnymc222 View Post
Hi all-
I found this site when I googled 'quick weight loss supplement cheap' and after reading through all you had to offer wanted to join to first of all say THANK YOU and also have some partners in crime on this weight loss journey! I've bought from Diet Direct and the 'styx' site listed earlier and agree that the products, if not an exact fit, are close enough!
Hi and welcome! Congrats to a great start and thanks for contributing. I agree that the diet has its pros and cons and the no alcohol is a big con. I have been good so far, but summer is just around the corner and I know boat drinks will be had

So first off is a break week a part of the program or just taking a break from the diet? Only being on the plan 4 weeks I don't really know of what's to come or the lingo.

Also I recently ordered that same brand of omegas from Vitacost, but in the liquid form. I am having a hard time swallowing those EFA pills. They keep getting stuck in my throat. I am looking forward to it arriving early next week so I can't comment on it yet, but the calorie and fat content compared very closely to the total of 9 pills/day. It does have a much higher amount of the omegas with just a once a day dose. I also ordered Renew Life Organic Clear Fiber. It does not have the added potassium like the QWL fiber sticks, but Sam's Club sells a Potassium supplement pretty cheap if I need to add that back in. I will say that I only have taken the 1 starter box of fiber sticks since I have been on the diet. This last week I have felt like my body could have used some added fiber.

I am also looking for a carb blocker so if I come across one I will be sure to post it.

Thanks and good luck on hitting the 50lb mark quickly!
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Old 04-27-2013, 04:51 PM   #54  
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Originally Posted by robbinOloxly View Post
I hate going in more than once a week...
i can weigh myself 3 time in an hour and i will be up and down up to 3 pounds... they write some crap down and ask me if i have been eating all my stuff.... they they try to get me to buy some stuff...??? I hate keeping the journal (it was handy the first month) now it is a pain in the bum!!
Hi Robbin,
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. I hope you will get some answers from the Dr. I personally have not experienced any real health changes since I have been on the diet. I do have fatigue issues, but not because of the diet. I had my thyroid removed 5 years ago (long story) and that is the root of my fatigue problem. I take synthroid daily and my dosage seems to get changed/tweaked a lot. I go to the Dr. on Wed and I am going to ask to have it raised again if the blood work does not already suggest that I need it.

The Boost really helps me, especially with the mid-afternoon blahs. I usually drink both of mine between lunch and dinner.

I will say that I do second guess the "quick" part of this program for me. I mean I am not saying nearly 20lbs in 4 weeks is not quick, but almost 9 of those lbs were from the 3 day Prep. So that is really almost 11lbs in 3.5 weeks on the plan. But I am going in the right direction and I can't argue that this diet is not working for me. But honestly by week 3 I was in a rut. So tired of eating bland food...and chicken. I broke down and bought some of their soup mixes to use and that has helped me out some. But prepping food for the week is really a key to my success. If I can clean and chop all of my veggies and weigh and portion all of my meat it really helps me stay focused. I cook for my diet and I still need to cook something else for my family. So anyway to save time is helpful.

Good luck this week and hang in there!
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Old 04-27-2013, 05:59 PM   #55  
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Originally Posted by i will lose weight View Post
Hi Robbin,
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. I hope you will get some answers from the Dr. I personally have not experienced any real health changes since I have been on the diet. I do have fatigue issues, but not because of the diet. I had my thyroid removed 5 years ago (long story) and that is the root of my fatigue problem.
I also wanted to mention that yes food journal does suck and the form they give you is just awful and hard to follow, in my opinion. I made a spreadsheet and it helps me see my whole week at a time and makes it easier for to see when I ate things that are limited (like brown rice and red meat) so I know when I can or can't eat them again. My spreadsheet is super simple, but if you would like a copy of it, I would be happy to share it with you. I keep it on the fridge to help me remember.
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Old 04-29-2013, 09:49 AM   #56  
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Originally Posted by i will lose weight View Post
I also wanted to mention that yes food journal does suck and the form they give you is just awful and hard to follow, in my opinion. I made a spreadsheet and it helps me see my whole week at a time and makes it easier for to see when I ate things that are limited (like brown rice and red meat) so I know when I can or can't eat them again. My spreadsheet is super simple, but if you would like a copy of it, I would be happy to share it with you. I keep it on the fridge to help me remember.
I made a spreadsheet too - all the food broken down into meals, supplements, water and exercise in column A, then 7 columns for each week. SOOO much easier than their crap. I was actually told at the beginning that I could use whatever worked best for me and for about a month used my phone to log everything on the Spark people app, but then I had someone tell me that no, I MUST use paper so they can see everything, make comments on the paper, blah blah blah. After rolling my eyes and saying 'WHATEVER' several times in my head, I told them that's fine but that the beauty of my phone is I ALWAYS have it on me but I often won't bring my paper journal. They still want the paper - so we'll see how many times I remember it. So there - hahaha!
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:04 AM   #57  
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Originally Posted by i will lose weight View Post
Hi and welcome! Congrats to a great start and thanks for contributing. I agree that the diet has its pros and cons and the no alcohol is a big con. I have been good so far, but summer is just around the corner and I know boat drinks will be had

So first off is a break week a part of the program or just taking a break from the diet? Only being on the plan 4 weeks I don't really know of what's to come or the lingo.

Also I recently ordered that same brand of omegas from Vitacost, but in the liquid form. I am having a hard time swallowing those EFA pills. They keep getting stuck in my throat. I am looking forward to it arriving early next week so I can't comment on it yet, but the calorie and fat content compared very closely to the total of 9 pills/day. It does have a much higher amount of the omegas with just a once a day dose. I also ordered Renew Life Organic Clear Fiber. It does not have the added potassium like the QWL fiber sticks, but Sam's Club sells a Potassium supplement pretty cheap if I need to add that back in. I will say that I only have taken the 1 starter box of fiber sticks since I have been on the diet. This last week I have felt like my body could have used some added fiber.

I am also looking for a carb blocker so if I come across one I will be sure to post it.

Thanks and good luck on hitting the 50lb mark quickly!
mmmmm - boat drinks! I'm going to New Orleans for Jazzfest this weekend, so am going to be SOOO super strict so I won't feel too guilty when I have a hurricane and a beniget! But honestly - I've decided that in order to keep myself motivated, I can't NOT do certain things, like celebrate an anniversary, but I know I will not go hog wild either. Come too far to blow it!

So the break week - not a break from the diet (Drats!) but a break from your eating plan. Basically stock up on grapefruit, salad stuff, and protein for 5 days, then the last 2 days are just like prep but you get all your supplements and snacks, so definitely not as bad. My last two days is when I go bonzangas on beef fajitas because you can have unlimited protein. It has helped to 'restart' some of the quickness of the weight loss for a spell.

Thanks for the tip on the potassium - when I ran out of the fiber sticks I was using an OTC brand but do think the potassium is a key ingredient, so that is definitely good to know.

Weighing in tomorrow - here's to hoping for a great week for us all!
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Old 04-29-2013, 08:07 PM   #58  
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I am jealous...wish I was going to JF! But I am not so sure I could be good, even in moderation As for the potassium, I use Tony Chachere's salt free and Morton Salt Free in addition to my 1/2t of MLS and both of those have a good amount of potassium in them. I think once I start working out, I will add the supplement to my regimen.

Thanks for explaining the break week. Kind of looking forward to that, although not sure when it occurs. Is it when you reach a certain weight or they move you to a new a plan? Please share your beef fajita recipe! I am in a rut and the cook book on their website is not user friendly. Really wish you could search or view an index instead of scrolling through each page. I have been making Red peppers stuffed with a ground turkey mixture.

Well I weighed in this morning and did not hit the 20lb mark I was extremely good so I was disappointed to only have a 2oz loss. I started a plateau breaker today and will do it again tomorrow. So fingers crossed it will happen soon. TMI (Although I start my cycle this week so who knows).

Good luck to you this week!
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Old 05-01-2013, 11:04 PM   #59  
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Hello all!

I did the qwlc diet a couple years ago and tried looking for everything I had but to no avail . I would really like to get back on the horse and after reading all 38 pages on this site decided to join you guys on your journey. I have found the cheap supplement site - diet direct - and Im currently trying to fill my cart with all the things I need.

Can anyone send me any information they have on the diet - like what is a starch serving, approved foods list/ What do I eat each day, how many supplements I'm allowed, any information on any meal/maintennce plan would be great, !!!!

My email is dainty3 at

Thank You guys in advance and good luck one and all!!!
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Old 05-02-2013, 05:10 AM   #60  
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Red face Looking for help QWLC

Hi all!!

This is a great site, I LOVE all the support I am seeing on here from each other going through the same things.

I did the QWLC diet about 7 years ago and had great success!!! Lost 40 pounds and boy did I feel like a new woman. The best I had felt since I was in my 20's!! Since then, I have moved out of the country and gained some of the weight back. In the process of moving I have lost all of my booklets and pamplets on the approved food list and all of my phases. There is not a QWLC here in Perth and was hoping that someone could email them all to me so I can start up again. I am hoping I can still have success without the supplements since I am not able to get them here.

My email address is [email protected] Thank you so much for helping me. I look forward to getting support on here posting on my success, especially since I don's have the support here.

Thanks so much!!
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