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Alicia87 05-11-2010 09:09 PM

Oh, one other thing, where does the ab ripper fit in? Do you do just do that one each day along with the sweat or sculpt? Thanks :)

Cormac 05-11-2010 09:32 PM

Alicia, the ab-ripper is part of the Sweat workout. For level 1-2, it is 100 crunches, for level 3-4, 200 crunches (in theory -- some of us are "working up to" that 200 level even when we do level 3-4). If you just let the Sweat DVD play though it will automatically throw in the crunches. Good luck tonight and let us know how it goes!

Alicia87 05-11-2010 09:39 PM

Gotcha! Thank you!!

AllisonR 05-11-2010 10:04 PM

Hey everyone,

I just finished my last part of Doubles - Cardio X. I worked up quite a sweat.

Cormac - This post is mainly for you. I totally feel your experience. Yes, we all have those "meh" days that you just really don't feel like working out. And I think all that really matters is that we keep doing it, regardless of what we feel like. A poster here has a line as her signature (I forgot her username): "It's not about motivation. It's about commitment." I think that's what we should strive for. No one will feel great 100% of the time about working out, even if you're the sunny optimist of the board (which I love BTW). We all deserve and need those off-days.

It's really all too easy to self-sabotage ourselves. I really did not want to work exercise today, because I woke up really early and then had a nap. And since today is Tuesday, there are so many good programs on, e.g. GLEE! It would be so easy to become a couch potato. But I resolved to do Cardio while watching Glee, and while it's not the optimal experience, since I tend to miss all the witty Jane Lynch lines, I feel much better about myself as opposed to just sitting there and giving myself a guilt trip and beating myself up over it.

So here's my story: I'll be meeting someone special soon. And he's great. However, I'm still at least 20lbs from my goal weight. (I don't weigh myself regularly.) I have about a two week window to firm and tone up. I'm not crazy enough to think I will be able to lose 20lbs, or even 10lbs.

However, I know I can work my *** off, restrict caloric intake, and see if he likes me. If he doesn't, I can't help it. But I know it won't be from lack of trying.

Alicia87 05-12-2010 12:50 AM

I did it! I decided to do the sweat one first because i really need to get my butt moving! lol.

I finished the sweat 1-2 and ab ripper :) I paused a few times during the sweat part, but only for a few secs or so. It wasn't quite as difficult as I'd expected, so maybe I'm in *slightly* better shape than I thought!

I need to do some measurements and weights tomorrow, I think it'll be fun to track my progress with this!

bremro 05-12-2010 08:10 AM

Yesterday was rest day or Stretch X. I .... RESTED... in every sense of the word. I watched the movie "It's Complicated" and laughed so much it felt like an ab workout. I then in the middle of the day... went back to bed. Every now and then my switching back and forth from night routine to day routine catches up with me and I have a whole sleep day. It usually is right about TOM that this happens and sense it is only once a month I don't worry too much. I have eaten too many carbs the last few days and I am afraid it is going to bite me in the arse on weigh in day.

I managed to survive another night at the ball field. We had 2 kids playing... one at the 6pm and the other at 715pm. I fixed whole wheat spaghetti and ground turkey for supper and took water and magazines. I decided that if I kept my nose in the "Clean Eating" magazine people would get the hint and not bring their nacho cheese smeared faces near me. Didn't work so I tried growling... That my friends.... worked... Rob standing behind me explaining that I was eating clean and trying to give up ball park food helped from me becoming the town nut.... Really what has helped the most is my big mouth... I have told everyone that I am doing P90x and weight watchers so if I even tried to sneak some food I would hear about it.

So.. My middle child, the diva, saw someone at the ball park with a piece of cheese cake on a stick... and that isn't all they have dipped this 1000 calorie treat in chocolate. Last Thursday she begged and begged and I told her that there is no way I was paying $3 for something that was going to cost me $11 or more to lose at weight watchers. So last night here she comes bee bopping up to me with this treat... Mom this is so good... Apparently she had brought her own money. Of course this thing is huge and she can only maybe 1/2 of it so she brings it to Rob.... who sits there and EATS it... He kept telling me how horrible it was.... then asked if I wanted just one taste... I could have ripped his arm off and beat him with it....
That's okay I survived.... I came home and watched Biggest Loser and got excited thinking about how different I am going to look and feel after I lose more weight.

I got up early... had a protein shake and did my Chest and Back workout... Push and Pull... My least favorite of the workouts but i did better on everything but them darn military pushups... I upped my weight to 15lbs because I was breezing through the 10lbs... I really probably could up it to 20lbs but I don't know if I want to just yet. I was going to do the ab Ripper X and give it another whirl but I felt like after the shake and all the water I was going to hurl so I am holding off for awhile.

Brandon ~ We missed you.... so glad you are back... because of you I always check my position in regards to the ceiling fan before every exercise...I am a cat person and I am glad you got a new cat. It is kinda scary looking but to each his own....

Lido ~ How was day 2? hang with it....

Y - Only Yoga X is twisted I told the girls at work that the pose section is what I imagine how people in **** playing freeze tag. I have never done yoga before this program but I am hoping I will warm up to it in a little while.

Allison ~ I missed what was going on May 24th but I like that we are working towards something so I am here cheering you on.... You go Girl!

Cormac ~ everyone is allowed a "meh" day. I just don't think we are allowed to string more that two together.... :) I also love Bill Withers by the way.... Love the pics... You have a brave husband. I don't think Rob would let me post his pics and he is wearing the longest shorts I have ever seen. I will try to figure out how to post the video later.

Alicia ~ welcome to Crazy90ville..... You are doing alot better than I did the first day or even the first 14 or 28

Ok.. I have to take the kiddies to school.... And work tonight.. July I go PRN and I am going to work Wed Thur Fri so I be home on the weekends with the family. So I am getting excited about that change.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Cormac 05-12-2010 08:12 AM

Morning Drive By --

WTG Alicia! I am always flabbergasted by folks who can work out late at night. Nearly impossible for me. BTW, we are body doubles. :) I am 5'7", started at 184 (about a year ago), currently stuck in the 150-153 range, hoping to eventually be in the 140 range. The last 10 are proving a b*tch to shed, but I am going to stick with the plan until my body gives up.

Allison -- YOU ARE SO RIGHT. If I had to ask myself each day how "motivated" I felt, I would show up almost never. Many days I only work out because I promised myself that I was going to commit to this thing. And today was better. I had a full intensity work out, and now the arms and legs are both shaking. So there you go. And speakin of "there you go," WOOT on getting the Cardio in. I don't think that I could ever commit to doubles, but you are making it work. "Mr. Maybe" is going to be floored .... (and I must say -- the back story on "meeting him soon" has me intrigued as all get out!).

Have a great day all -- off to the salt mine.

Lidoffad 05-12-2010 10:50 AM

Just checking in - yes, I'm still with you. Goodness - I'm going to have to pencil in sometime today or tomorrow to respond to everyone. I can't keep up! :)

I was foolish and only got about 4 hours of sleep last night... therefore, Day 3 is being put on hold until after work. Hopefully, by then, I will be awake enough to keep my eyes peeled open.

Keep it up, everyone... I will talk at you soon! :)

YWeight 05-12-2010 12:21 PM

Hi Ho All.....

I'm sitting here quietly praying that it isn't a trick...my boss who usually gets here at 7 or so has not yet appeared. Now, I wish him no harm, but come on, who doesn't like a boss free day?

Anyway - pounded out sweat 1-2 last night and closed the books on day 11. I'm getting better at most of the stuff...the black eye hopping things are starting to irritate me. I so want to do the hops and stuff, but I really don't want to inflict any type of permanent damage. I suppose I could invest in an industrial strength containment unit, but I KNOW I will be losing weight soon and I have the proper attire just sitting in a drawer waiting for me. Ugggggg

:carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot: - no boss today, the e-mail just came out - :carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot:

OK, sorry, where was I?


The devil does indeed come in all forms. That is just wrong. I mean, here you are, at a softball game...for crying out loud, do people not see those bats that are within reach? A brave and fearless family you have there Brem, brave and fearless.

About the George Forman grill. I tried using one, but nothing every browned. The chicken was a very sickly looking white color....no appetizing at all. But perhaps that's the point.

OK, I obviously have nothing to say today, therefore I'm Off. Later.

Cormac 05-12-2010 01:50 PM

Brem, our posts must have crossed in the mail. Somehow it took until now for me to learn about the cheesecake-on-a-stick. I just spent 15 minutes looking for an emoticon that could convey the extent to which this confection is appropriate in no realm of the universe, but none were equal to the task. It is particularly unkind that this thing made its appearance at a ballpark. "Soft-serve armor on? Check." "Nacho's armor on? Check." "Cheesecake-on-a-stick armor on? WTH?" It's like going to the movies and being confronted with fettucini alfredo. Congrats to you for resisting both tasting and manslaughter.

Y-- Does the 15 minute rule apply at your office? I say you just pack it up. About the GF grill -- that is weird, although now that you mention it I wonder if I am just used to it. Fish definitely browns, and chicken gets grill marks, but maybe it is otherwise an unnatural color? Hmm, IDK, I've been eating it for so long it seems normal.

Lido-- Good to know that you are still here! Never feel like you have to post, much less respond to everything. I once quit signing in to my own thread (used to have one on the BBody site) because I got so overwhelmed by the volume. I think it was the beginning of the end of my workouts. Anyway -- we are big believers in drive-bys and posting vacations. Hope that work was tolerable with short sleep.

OK -- lunch break over. I should go try to accomplish something.

Good day all.

Alicia87 05-12-2010 06:52 PM

bremo - I am more impressed than I can say by your resistance of cheesecake-on-a-stick...especially considering it was dipped in chocolate!! That is amazing!

Cormac - wow, that's awesome!! I can't wait to even be in the 150 range!! That's so awesome! I actually prefer to work out in the morning (I feel more energized for the day) but I am definitely a night person, and waking up in the morning is not my best thing!

Alicia87 05-12-2010 11:08 PM

Woohoo! Finished Day 2! I thought my 2 lb weights were gonna be too easy - at first. I think I'll do it this way for a few weeks and then move up...my triceps are soo weak. Those fly backs were hard!! lol. I finished though! The hardest part was probably the pushups...I'm soo terrible at those, hopefully this will improve them!

Cormac 05-13-2010 08:18 AM

Good Morning Sunshines! Woot Alicia! I agree on the pushups, but I think that you will see progress sooner than you think .... chair dips are still my nemesis though. I think I need to try pausing the DVD at that spot -- I might be able to do a few more if I had a little more time.

Sweat done (yikes -- only a week till day 60 -- hopefully this will be a good motivator) ... off to the rain locker. Have a good day all.

bremro 05-13-2010 03:38 PM

Quick Drive by.....

Survived Plyometric ****..... Knees still intact... Floor joists.... not so sure...

Summary.... Lots of Hippo Ballet sounds, grunting, praying for the last 10secs to hurry up..... MODIFY MODIFY MODIFY... Sweating like crazy.... and now craving an egg roll..... Whats up with that?

Ok yes I am sleep deprived and the above message probably makes no sense so never mind I will post after I get back from the ball games and have gathered my mind....

Cormac 05-13-2010 07:45 PM

Hey Cats and Downward Dogs,

Decent workout today, my mind and body both decided to show up together. "Thank you mind and body, and what will it take to have you do this again tomorrow?" Other than that, I've got nuthin' to report.

Brem--once again you are my inspiration. Other than my job I don't have many obligations, and I am constantly amazed at your ability to fit a Tony-hour into your day, along with (seemingly) daily baseball, WW, family events, replacing floors, etc. You rock, and I hope that the ballpark wasn't serving brie-wrapped-in-puff-pastry and pheasant under glass tonight (the only "unexpected delicacies" that I could imagine topping the cheesecake-temptation).

Had a good day at work and hubby is taking me to dinner. Not to worry, we are going to our local "favorite" --they serve grilled salmon w/no butter/sauce and plain steamed veg. That sounds awful, but the salmon is fresh (!!) and with a little lemon it is actually one of my favorite meals.

Good night and Rock On my friends.

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