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YWeight 06-08-2010 12:35 PM

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.....catching up on my 300+ work e-mails. No, I did not work out while I was gone, Yes, I am now a week behind on my butt kickings by Tony......ugggggg, time to breath in and out. Let me get through these e-mails and I will come back and catch up with everyone.

bremro 06-08-2010 02:58 PM

Welcome Home!!! So glad to see you back.. I took a break with you so we can start back together!

AllisonR 06-08-2010 03:23 PM

I'm here!!!!

I will be doing Legs + Back and/or Cardio X today. Don't feel like doing Pylometrics, cuz I feel sick and am in a bad mood.

Welcome Nurse Michelle! Please help bring this board back to life!

Anyway, I hope people return!

NurseMichelle 06-08-2010 09:50 PM

Day TWO done....Power Sculpt...I found I could hang pretty well with it. I love love love lifting....the pushups not so much but I tried my best. And my weights were 5# but with higher reps I'm still feeling it, or as Tony says, form is most important first, I'll work my way up to heavier weights.

Do you guys wear shoes? I've been doing them in my socks and think I should put shoes on. And what size weights do you do? (i guess that will vary depending on what dvd you are on, since I'm only on circuit 1/2) and do you do any kind of supplement or at least a protein shake?

I did my day 2 today then took kids to the zoo. Its a small zoo, but about an hour of walking so I feel pretty great today. Diet wise I am struggling! I can hang all day then blow it in the evenings or dinner or after dinner. Need to plan better really.

WOOT WOOT....just keep swimmin, just keep swimmin....

bremro 06-09-2010 06:29 AM

I am scheduled to do yoga today and I am procrastinating as much as I can. I have to work tonight and I really need to get it done early and that explains why I am on here at 5 in the morning. Ugh....

Allison ~ how much jumping is in the Cardio X... I haven't done it and I can't do the high impact stuff yet? I was thinking of substituting that for the yoga.

NurseMichelle ~ I absolutely sucked at the pushups in the beginning and now I can do them without knees and they look half way decent. I am not breaking any records or anything but just by building up my strength and doing my best it didn't take long at all. I wore shoes for the Power 90 and I wear them for P90x except for the X stretch and Yoga... My weights vary from 5-15lbs. I moved up when the last few no longer were hard. On days that I workout and I don't have time to make breakfast I have a shake that has vanilla greek yogurt, vanilla protein powder, L-Glutamine powder, little milk, and frozen fruit. I love it because it tastes like ice cream. The greek yogurt and the protein powder give me plenty of protein to start my day. Other than that I take a women's one a day vitamin. I am struggling a little with my diet too.

Hope everyone has a great day.. I am off to do yoga.

YWeight 06-09-2010 11:45 AM

SERIOUSLY????? I had this fantastic post all written up then I went to resize my screen and I hit one of those STUPID ads and wiped out my post. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG....ok, I'll be back

AllisonR 06-09-2010 02:11 PM

Hey guys,

I did doubles!!! Cardio X around 5pm and Legs and Back at almost midnight. I paid for it in the morning, because I was so tired and had to wake up at 5:45 the following, I didn't do the stretch, hurt my neck sleeping, and felt so sick that I had to make myself throw up.

Anyway, I know. TMI. So here's the warning: please do the stretch/cooldown.

Bremro - I myself, highly recommend Cardio X. I am in no ways a Yoga person, so I can only get through 30-45 min of Yoga X before turning it off in disgust. As for how much Pylo/jumping is in it, I would say about 5 minutes worth.

A 42 min video - It's broken down into 5 min warmup, 7 min yoga, 10 min Kenpo, 10 min Core, 5-7 min jumping squats, plus cool down. Plus I still get to sweating, regardless of its being almost 18 minutes shorter. I also do it when I feel like I lack the motivation to do a full hour. It's not a huge difference, and it's basically cheating your mind. If you can do 45 min, you can do an hour, but when I'm feeling particularly lethargic, I just turn it on, and it makes me feel better than doing nothing.

Y-Weight - You're back! How is the family?

So I'm not doing anything today except walking, as I'm writing this at work. Then I'm going downtown for my last class of night class! WOOT WOOT!

NurseMichelle 06-10-2010 09:24 AM

Wooohooo! I successfully changed my profile pic!!! Most of my files are too big, so I was excited it worked! :)

Anyone else on facebook? http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1582853872 is me if you wanna hit me up!

Getting ready to do day four....sculpt again. I'm giving myself credit for yesterday but my neighbor friend came over yesterday and distracted me but I only had like 6 or 7 min left anyways.

Any advice for dealing with shinsplints? I never had them before! impact is all bad for me. so no jumping/hopping around but I'm still stepping/walking instead of running, jumping.

YWeight 06-11-2010 01:11 PM

OK....Here I am....and really, I am not this important for everyone to be clamoring for my time and attention.

NurseMichelle - Welcome, welcome, welcome......How do you like it? I am somewhere around day 30, but I just came back from a week long visit with the (insert dramatic music here) family, so it's almost like I am starting all over.
Shin splints....no advice, I am just doing what you are doinging, take it down a notch until my poor feet and legs settle into the routine.
Keep at it, this really does work.

Allison - The (insert dramatic music here) family is fine, thanks for asking. We got the nephew all graduated and headed to Louisville. He's a good kid.
You are killing me with those doubles...next week I am going to pretend to do doubles. I'm going to get up a little earlier and walk the treadmill...and then, it's KICK BUTT time in the evenings. Keep your eyes on the prize!

Brem - Flying back to Seattle earlier this week I had to think of you. On the little screens Delta has in their planes, they show a map so you can track your flight (it's something to do while you are squished in a middle seat with the guy in front of you in a full recline), anyway, a short while after take off up on the screen pops Lynchburg TN. I'm not sure why, as I left from Cincinnati which is way north of TN, but hey there it was.

Cormac? Coooorrrrrrrmmmmmmaaaaccccc? - Please let us know you are ok. Because until I know you are ok, I can't dog you for dropping off the post. :D

Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND everyone.....I'm back in the saddle again....

AllisonR 06-12-2010 06:27 PM

Alright just completed Core Synergistics. I'm resting, eating, then continuing onto Cardio X or Kenpo X. It's raining heavily here in Toronto, so I can't speed walk and/or run.

My non-boyfriend has left for Europe for two weeks, so there will be no communication whatsoever. And I'm sad. At this point, I don't even know if we're "more than friends."

That's my personal bit.

I just finished my Cultural Studies course, so I'm thinking of relaxing and getting back on the ball with the doubles.

See you tomorrow!

YWeight 06-14-2010 11:00 AM

Morning Everyone ! !

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I am officially back on track.

Come Back Everyone, Come Back.

bremro 06-14-2010 05:48 PM

Sorry I have been feeling under the weather here lately. I hopefully will be back on course tomorrow

bremro 06-15-2010 08:43 AM

Ok so I got up this morning and pushed play. I am such a doofus. I dread pushing play but feel so much better afterwards. Why is it so hard for me to just get up and do it? So I am feeling better and proud to report of the 3 hours I have been awake I have done my workout and not eaten anything off plan yet. Woo Hoo!!! So lets see how the rest of the day goes....

Ok where is everyone? Cormac and Brandon? are you guys okay?

YWeight 06-15-2010 10:15 AM

It's the little steps that take us the farthest Brem....wow, that could be a bumper sticker.

Anyway....I've just read the news, Touchdown Jesus burns to the ground. I'm not sure why, but this is very disturbing to me. Weird

Nothing new going on out here. I'm just pushing play and waiting for the results.

OK, I'm going to take my gloomy gus self out for a walk or something.


AllisonR 06-15-2010 12:39 PM

Hey everyone,

I did Cardio X yesterday, then washed it all away with a sushi dinner and wine. Haha.

Today, I plan to do either Pylometrics or Legs and Back, depending on my motivation level.

I hope people come back soon!

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