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Cormac 04-24-2010 11:22 AM


The mall has my wallet, good thing I cancelled all my cards haha, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
:bravo: Sorry that you cancelled the cards, but finding it is still wayyyyyyyyy better than trying to reconstruct your life -- ID's, SS card, etc. Hope that the rest of your day continues to bring good stuff.

AllisonR 04-24-2010 11:30 AM

Okay, I only got Core Synergistics done, because I had some work to do, and part way through Cardio X , I started throwing up. Don't know what's wrong. I was just getting over a cold.

But hope everyone's day was better than mine. Let's see what I can do today!!! Woot! Woot!

bremro 04-24-2010 06:57 PM

I so want to respond to everyone's post and give encouraging shout outs so I am going to give everyone a big :hug: Worked out while listening to hubby order pizza and breadsticks then while I rushed to get dressed because I am running late he felt the need to tell me how they messed up his order and all I heard was "blah, blah, blah, pizza, pepperoni, blah blah breadstick, blah blah blah" then as I was making my protein shake my youngest asked if I could get the brownies down that dad made from the cupboard. So we now have some ground rules if you want to eat bad you are not allowed to speak those words to me or ask me to help you eat them.

Ev1 is doing great and I have just completed day 20/90 and I am feeling great. Got through EVERYTHING except for 30 secs of hippity hops.

Athene 04-24-2010 08:05 PM

bremo, GREAT rule! I think I am going to implement it in my house! I love that. What is 7-7-7 you mentioned in your previous post? Am I missing something?

Brendon! I am glad they called about your wallet! Sucks you had to cancel your CC's :(

My past couple days have been a pain in the rear posterior, but I am at least working out:) Just finished Kenpo X.. then while I am all sweaty and gross, the police come to my door.. and sadly, he was a BEAUTIIIIFUL POLICE MAN...

Story, in short...i hope...

**********WARNING I MAY OFFEND SOME BELOW!!**********

I rent a house. the landlord hired some douche bag to paint the fence. Wednesday, said douche bag stole my oldest son's $300.00 Long board. I watched the little bugger skate away on it! Tried to stop but he was long gone. Called landlord.. no response, called again, Hubby did actually. and said, you hired the little douche, you either get the board back, or pay to replace it. period. no response.. today, Saturday, we finally reach the landlord and say, your "employee' stole from us, YOU get it back or give us his info and we will get it back.. Landlord says ' no way that wouldn't happen, he is a good person, he hasn't been there in three days so you know he did not do it" umm yeah hasn't been in three days so he didn't do it. He hasn't been here because it was three days ago he took it!!So hubby says if you don't settle i will call the police. landlord pretty much replied with " i dare you"... so there is little 'ol me on my cell phone calling the police.. told them I just want it back...didnt' want it to go this far.. what do we do? Police say we will stop by with in 10 minutes to 5 hours ! LOL.. ok :) I have Kenpo time... so a Constable calls. I give him landlords number... Constable calls me back and asks me " is your phone recording this conversation at all"? i think that is a weird question... but no ...why? He then proceeds to tell me in very colourful words how much of a Dkhd my landlord is! I said I KNOW!!! lol He let me know that if he had gone to my landlords house and spoke to him personally he was 100% sure there would be a complaint against him because it took all of his BEING to not drive over there and punch him out LOL.. I like this Cop! SO anyway we are chatting on the phone about a number of things.. yada yada.. he says he is off at X time and will do what he can and let me know tomorrow what is going on.. .I am thinking damn.. this has really gotten out of hand.. but ok.


I KENPO OUT! working on cool down and that is when he showed up at my door. Turns out my Landlord told him that he hired a homeless person from a shelter to do all my "fixing" on the house. ARE YOU EFFIN KIDDING ME? seriously? Good for you for helping out that guy but to give him free range of my HOUSE? a house where YOU, THE LANDLORD, refuses to fix the locks on the windows?? ALL OF THEM including the windows that are at knee level that open up!!! AND DO NOT EFFIN LOCK!??! So point number one on why my landlord needs to get a good swift KICK. uug..

so anyway. that went to long.. this officer and I hit it off great.. i am home alone, because i don't work out in front of anyone and kick the family out LOL I told him I don't expect anything out of him.. I jsut want to find the little punk and get th board back, and if you just give me the info, i will gladly do it myself. THe land lord denies the homeless story to us... I dont' know what to believe.. because really? this little douche bag has been to my house numerous times... when the land lord was here... so obvisoulsy he can REACH the douche.. no? why protect him? I have lived here for over FIVE YEARS.. i have never EVER been late on my rent, i never EVER complain, once a YEAR I mention the locks... once every TWO MONTHS for TWO . 5 YEARS I MENTIONED THE BROKEN WATER HEATER!! When he promised to have the fence built PRIOR to us moving in and didn't get it done until THREE YEARS after we moved in and ONLY because the neighbor wanted to sell his house and complained to the city did it get done I NEVER ONCE EFFIN COMPLAINED... but now.. OOOH NOW.. you mr. landlord are in for a TREAT!

Now, while I look for a new place to live, you will get numerous phone calls a day.. The kitchen tap leaks, the windows don't lock.. the windows don't have screens, the heater is making a noise, the bottom propeller doens't spin on the dishwasher... .... Shall I go on?? or will you FINALLY stop being an effin cylindrical organ that is suspended from the pubic arch?

UGGGGG rant over.. this has gotten so stupidly out of hand, but it was a $300.00 board, and we are a single income family for 9 months out of the year and cannot replace it...

ok, shower time!

thank you for listening!!

Keep up the great work out work everyone!!!

moving forward...

Cormac 04-25-2010 02:37 PM

^^^ Wow -- unbelievable, and very scary. Seems like we've all had some lost/stolen issues in the last few days. Mine was last night. My nephew is a musician, and he had his first "headlining" performance last night. Terrific show, sold out, the crowd went bananas--a seriously great night. Untilllll ... this morning when I opened my purse and discovered (1) my blackberry was stolen; and (2) somebody "replaced" the blackbery with gobs of chewed up gum. Yep. What kind of sick do you have to be to do such a thing??? Ugh. The good news is that my blackberry is work-issued, and was security-locked. The idiot who stole it must have tried to unlock it. EPIC FAIL. They entered the wrong security code 10 times, and our awesome security program wiped the entire thing and killed the device. So, the thief now owns a completely dead device that cannot be reactivated. Congratulations idiot.

Ughhhhh. I still kind of feel like throwing up, particularly because I never put my purse down -- I was wearing it! In fact, I purposely selected a purse with a long strap that I could wear across my body. Obviously, it was long enough that the thief was able to get into it without pulling on it hard enough for me to feel it. I was pickpocketed!!! The only good news is that I did not bring my wallet -- just a credit card and ID that i kept in my pocket.

Ok -- ENOUGH WITH MY WHINING. It could have been worse, and it's just a stupid, replaceable electronic device. My IT department rocks, and they will fix everything tomorrow. In the good news department -- IT IS MY REST DAY. I lurrrrve a good rest day. Unfortunately, I have to work. But at least I get to do that at home. Also -- just realized that bad news comes in 3's, and between Brandon's wallet, the crazy landlord, and the psychotic gum-chewing blackberry thief, this board has now had its triple. We're done!

Brem -- too funny about the new "house rules." Love them. My husband also has not embraced clean eating, but he is incredibly supportive of mine. During the week he cooks me an egg white scramble every morning after workout, then packs me a lunch of lean protein & veg, plus 2 healthy snacks. He is a gem. BTW -- congrats on getting through sweat! It has got to be incredibly tough for you on Saturdays, given your work schedule. Way to make it happen!

Athene -- the 7/7/7 (also frequently referred to as the 7/3/5) is a torture device that lies within the P90 program (some of us are doing P90, not P90x -- I think that it is just you and Allison who are x-ing). The 7/7/7 is a pushup combo where you do 7 with a very wide hand position, 7 with an extremely narrow hand position (elbows scrape your sides and go straight back--nearly impossible to do until the triceps get developed), and then 7 standard hand position. Wide and standard are not too bad, but when you throw the narrows in the middle it is a serious challenge.

Ok--I've stalled on working for long enough. Hope that you all have a wonderful Sunday!

AllisonR 04-25-2010 03:06 PM

Hey everyone,

Cormac and Athene - I'm sorry to hear about your misfortunes. I'm sending out good thoughts!

Cormac - Your dog is so adorable. I also want a husky!!

So I got through Legs + Back and halfway through Cardio yesterday, before I was interrupted, and never got motivated to finish it.

Today, I just finished Kenpo. If I'm up for it, I might do half of Cardio too? I don't know. I make it up as I go along. I definitely cannot follow the routine to a tee.

As for my personal life, hmm.... I have two weeks off before my summer course. So basically, I'm just lounging around, trying to find a job. I have one as a research assistant, but there isn't many hours, so I need another job. I'm also volunteering at a school starting next Thursday.

There's a boy in the mix, and I want to look my best before I meet him for a "real date," so hence the doubles.

Until tomorrow...

Cormac 04-25-2010 07:13 PM

Hi All,

Wanted to re-post, since I have now managed to "move past" the blackberry theft. I am sad that there are people in the world who can happily move on after stealing a blackberry and replacing it with wet gum, but after a few hours to calm down I am able to appreciate that I should not allow his/her/their lack of moral compass dictate how my day goes. Despite the mishap, seeing my nephew perfom before a sold out crowd (not a huge venue--but about 1200 guests) was amazing, and his humble and grateful response to the whole thing was even better. I am going to hold on to the good memory of the event, and let the ever-so-talented IT people at my job sort out the rest.

Back to work. Deadline is tomorrow.... eek.

Athene 04-25-2010 07:41 PM

UUUG! Cormac, you are right to just remember your nephews performance! and i think 1200 is HUGE! doesn't sound like the community centre type performance to me! Congrats to him!!

Alison, legs back and halfway through cardio?! you sound like a super hero to me :) Unmotivated or not, that is a great work out!

and as for 7/7/7... ha! i wouldn't stand a chance!!!

Today is my rest day as well, i was going to do stretch, but my hubby is in pain with a bad tooth ache :( Been a long day trying to nurse him. I can't stand this, and I have been so focused all last week on the new life style change and working out, tracking and messge boards regarding, I havne't edited a pic all week!! I have to catch up!! so on my tukas, working when I am not playing nurse maid today...

Tomorrow I am judging a photography contest in the am a crap load of deliveries all over the city and need to go to the bank.. I hope I get my Core syn in before 4pm!

wish me luck!!

brandon43512 04-25-2010 10:42 PM

Just did sculpt and my arms feel like jello. I really need to focus more on my diet. I think I could be losing a lot more if I stuck to a plan for once. I just always buy one weeks of stuff, eat that, then I go back to eating whatever is here. I mean I still got 71 days left on my program, but I feel like I should be getting what I paid for and get the results I want. Curse you inexpensive/tasty foods : (

bremro 04-26-2010 07:28 AM

Finally got to read all the posts. I had just skimmed through them yesterday we were so busy. I got a little more than 2 hours of sleep then we were gone all day. I did however sleep like a rock from 915pm to 540am. I never get that much sleep and I feel like the energizer bunny this morning.

I am so sorry that tragedy struck.... stolen wallets and blackberries and crazy landlords. OMG... Makes my drama in my life seem like child's play. I live in such a small town that I never think someone would swipe something. I need to be more on guard I guess.

Had a great day off. Hubby came to me with a little panic in his voice and as I was dozing off last night.... "Did you forget to work out?" Nope scheduled day off... I do admit that I felt like I had to work out all day but just staying awake was a workout in itself

BTW Yesterday was the big weigh in..... I lost 5.2lbs! After all that sodium I drank water like I was on fire. Apparently it worked. One of the girls at work suggested that I take a water pill. Ok that is one thing that I promised myself starting this was that I wasn't taking pills and no gym membership. No pills because I went that route and I didn't like how it raced my heart then I gained it back with a vengence. Gyms destroy my self confidence. First you have mirrors everywhere that make you suck in your stomach the whole time and you can't get a really good breath so add in the fact you are oxygen deprived. I end up wishing harm on the Barbies that all gather on the treadmills by the window and talk loudly amongst each other about how they ate a carrot and are running to work it off but when a large person walks by they whisper and giggle. Makes me want to hurl a weight in their direction but I can't walk too fast because I don't want anyone to see how I jiggle when I move so I look all stiff with my stomach sucked in and unable to accomplish anything. So yeah gym membership not such a good idea.

My goal this week is to move up to big girl push ups instead of knees.. I refuse to say boy pushups (sorry Brandon) Well at least doing one or two. And to drink more water instead of diet soda. So if I want a diet soda I have to drink a jug (18oz) of water first.

Well big day. Kids have dance, ball games and my oldest is getting her first adjustment on her braces. She brags about how getting them on was not painful at all (she forgets that I gave her ibuprofen before and then again later that day). Plus the long to do list that I have. Sculpt is on for today. Starting to stress that my 30 day pic is coming up. I measured myself because my hubby kept saying he could see a difference and I couldn't and I have lost some inches.

Ok got to get the kids moving..... Hope everyone has a great day!

YWeight 04-26-2010 12:09 PM

Good Morning All....back at work. Sorry to hear about all the tomfoolery that is going on, but glad that it seems like everyone weathered the storm in stride.

I'm one of those IT people that gets to blow stuff up when there is a breach in security. It's the best part of the job.

No news on the whereabouts of my dvd's, but I am getting ready. I can't wait to try the 7-3-5's.

Keep up the good work everyone.

AllisonR 04-26-2010 03:46 PM

Just finished my Legs + Back. I attempt to do more of this video because my legs are my trouble areas, and I feel like it has a good mix of back/arm exercises that I don't feel like I'm neglecting my upper body.

Anyway, I don't feel like the Cardio and/or Kenpo is enough for me. So today, I'm going running instead of doing another Cardio X video. Maybe the jiggling of my jiggly bits will help me lose the last few sizes. Hahaha.

As for results, I can really feel the muscles, but it seems like I'm building muscle, and not losing enough fat; therefore, I feel heavier? I don't if that makes sense. When I was just running, I lost weight seemingly much faster with little muscle tone, but it didn't seem like I can't get those results. I tried last summer, and it didn't seem to work. Maybe my metabolism has slowed down. But I think combining P90X and cardio via running outside will still work, right? Right? RIGHT?


Have a good day, everyone.

AllisonR 04-26-2010 07:14 PM

Hey guys,

Just to add, finished my 30-min run. But technically it was more 60:40 run to walk ratio. Didn't sweat too, too much, because my foot hurt and my ear phones kept coming loose.

Anyway, let's see where I am in two weeks.

Cormac 04-26-2010 10:22 PM

Hello All,

Had to at least say "hello" even though I am *STILL WORKING* on this crazy deadline. At this point mostly line-edits to finish the work-product, but still gruelling. I have been living in my head on this project for too long -- due mostly to the fact that it is outside of my comfort zone. I feel like somebody just asked me to take over a job I've never done in my life. And "oh by the way, it better be good." I like challenges in my own world, but Do.Not.Like. challenges that make me wonder if a more experienced person would be doing a significantly better job.

Whatevs. How weird is it that I am sharing totally non-fitness-related info right now? Just occurred to me that I am utterly sleep-deprived and likely to say anything. So I will HALT.

In truth, I logged in to see how you all were. I've got to say y'all, though I don't read too many other boards, this one has got to made up of "the toughest in show-business." Yeah, we bit*h a lot, but we still somehow keep coming back day after day to report that "yep we did it again." (NO intended Britney reference). I think that is awesome, especially since so many boards seem to fizzle after a post or two. It has been a lonnng time since I thought that I might complete a 90-day program, but I am suddenly (while knocking on wood) thinking it possible. Erm, if you all stick about.

RATS--just got another version of doc I have to read/edit. The love-marathon is hereby cut short. BUT NOT without the BIGGEST ever SHOUTOUT to our founder, Brem, for a crazy-ridiculous > five lb. loss this week... Are you KIDDING me?!?!? Amazing, and regardless if some was water or whatever, it is still ALL the product of hard work. As I knock on wood, I think about that article we read about the bodies' initial reaction to exercize (DOM), the subsequent acclimation, etc. Anyway, whatever the explanation, I attribute it to your very har work. WOOT.

Ugh. I want to stop and say hello to everyone, I swear, but it is after 10 PM and I still have to review this stinkin' document. Will do better tomorrow. "Big ups" to everyone on this board (and, oh yes, I do have dozens of teenage neices and nephews who impolitely inform me when I am using uncool language). I think "big ups" is still cool.

Best, and sending this without time for spell-check . . .

YWeight 04-27-2010 11:04 AM

Status = Out for Delivery.....woohoo, they are on their way. I'm almost a month behind but I will soon be P90'ing with you.

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