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Old 11-16-2010, 12:05 AM   #1  
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Default The Secret to losing weight naturally, and for good!

God is so good, He has shown me that it's not the overeating that makes one fat, it is the obsession with dieting.

Dieting, counting calories, carbs, weighing my food, making list about what I eat... All of it, creates an unnatural desire for forbidden fruit. When I tell myself, "I will not eat that candy bar", my thoughts naturally focus on the thing of my desire, and that's all I can think about.

I didn't start to have a problem with food, until I started dieting. That is the whole secret. The sooner you stop dieting, thinking about being thin, thinking your fat... the sooner you will stop being obsessed with food, and you will stop gaining weight.

Here is how you do it, it's simple, every time you think about weight or related topics, just capture your thoughts. Think about something else, your obsession will subside, and you will naturally lose weight, without any effort.

Jesus, says all over the new testament that we are not supposed to be caught up in rules, in fact he specifically says "diet rules" and yet we feel righteous when we are being "good" on our diets. We are all doing exactly what the pharisees did. Telling each other about our diet, asking them about their diet, feeling judged when we are not being "good"... WE ARE FREE!
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Old 11-16-2010, 03:14 AM   #2  
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Well, I am an Atheist but this is a valid point. Just be good, free and roll with it right? I still say its less about fad diets or dieting at all, but calorie counting has helped me. Some of us have such bad habits or psychological issues with food that we need to stay accountable and feel proud of our progress or that we tried at all. But like you I stay away from diets and focus on lifestyle change, wellness and wholeness.

But if this works for you, I applaud it completely! <3
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Old 11-16-2010, 08:01 AM   #3  
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Hi Nebuchadnezzar, that is an interesting name... Thank you for your compliment, but I didn't just come up with on my own. The Bible is full of dieting advice, that is just as relevant for today, as it was in ancient times. Such as... Hebrews 13:8-9 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.
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Old 11-16-2010, 11:35 AM   #4  
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Hi Kelli, like always girl I am so glad your back, please stay! I been looking into this more Kelli and I totally agree with you but it is so hard to let go of the habit of diet. I have been dieting all my life since I was 11 years old and it is so hard not to count my calories or eat what I want when I feel guilty eating it. How do you stop dieting so easy and loose? How do you capture what your thinking on dieting so easy for it is not easy thing to do for me?

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Old 11-16-2010, 06:15 PM   #5  
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HI KELLI ~ nice to have you drop by again -- I do agree with your philosophy in that we must be careful not to obsess about what we eat or drink or wear, as JESUS said in the bible in Matthew 6:25. That scripture is one of my favorites and I remind myself of it often.

However, I am MINDFUL to eat healthy, wholesome foods that are good for my body. For a while now, I have just been eating three healthy meals and a few small snacks; but just choosing nutrient-rich, whole foods.

For me, if I am not at least mindful of what I choose to eat, then I eat things that cause me to gain weight. I do think there is a big difference between being MINDFUL and obsessing though. Our spiritual health should be our #1 priority, and then we do need to take care of ourselves, our families, etc the best we can.

It is true that so many people believe the only way to live a healthy lifestyle is to "diet" (as in denying ourselves food in some way), but I think that is incorrect ...

I am reading a book right now that says we don't need to diet or starve ourselves; obsess about our bodies or exercise like maniacs, etc in order to get healthy again. I love this book called "Win the Food Fight" by Sam Grossman, as it calls for us just to eat natural, healthy foods, in moderation -- no calorie-counting, no measuring, no special foods, etc.

It is funny that he and those who have studied him and his lifestyle, believe that Sam also has found The Secret to losing weight naturally, and for good too ... as it says in the book.

I really like this way of living: it's simple, easy, uncomplicated, economical, and just plain healthy ...

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Old 11-16-2010, 08:08 PM   #6  
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Hey you guys!! I missed you so much too! Rosebud, I think that I had become so obsessed with dieting and measuring myself by Hollywood standards that God had to take me on a journey of letting go. At first I did gain about 20 lbs, but then it stopped. I still have to capture my thoughts, when they turn to dieting, and comparing myself to others. How I capture my thoughts Bootsie, is whenever I think the diet, calorie, I am fat... thoughts. I immediately change my thought. I say in my head or out-loud if I am alone, "II Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,"

When Gary wrote that post about being only able to think one thought at a time, that really was a revelation for me, and helped me so much!

Rosebud, you probably are not as obsessed as I was, but I know there are others out there who are as addicted as I was... Not to food, but to dieting.

By the way Rosebud, you were right when you gave me the advice about my Bible study. Do you remember when you told me that I was wrong about "communing with demons" (It was right after my pecan pie story) Anyway, God has shown me, that once I give my weight loss to Him, he will give me a new heart. He is the one that will supply the faith I need, when it is time. I am not idol worshiping if I can't stop overeating... I am hurting. I love God, I wouldn't Idol worship. It took a long time for me to let go of the guilt and condemnation that Satan has used against me. I am in the process of rewriting it to be even more grace based.

I haven't been here for so long because I started to be a stumbling block for me. It was hard to keep my mind off of the things that were tripping me up... I am so glad to talk to you guys again!

Love, Kelli

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Old 11-16-2010, 08:30 PM   #7  
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Kelli when we hit stumbling blocks that is when we need each other the most. You hit that stumbling block because of all, God knew you would reach out and show us, how to over come it too when we hit it. I have hit it Kelli, I am tired of dieting but I am addicted to it also. There is no way I can remember all of that but I can remember one thing, to know God is to have self - control . I truly want to know him better, not to lose weight but to just know him better.
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Old 11-16-2010, 08:38 PM   #8  
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I'm a believer and I'm not sure I agree with you. God speaks to people differently though. We were all made different for a reason. I don't feel like I'm obsessing with my weight by eating a healthier diet. My method is not as extreme though as other people's methods of weight loss. I have lost 60lbs so far without counting a single calorie or starving myself. 8 months ago I decided to become a vegetarian, limit sugar and limit fatty foods. 3 months ago I became a vegan because dairy was making me sick (I'm most likely lactose intolerant) and I cut out eggs because they were starting to gross me out. I've never been a big fan of meat anyway so turning vegan was not hard at all.

God does tell us to have self control. As long as we have control of our diet (by not overeating or starving ourselves) then that is the best way to go about it. I've focused on foods that God made. I've really tried to cut out a lot of processed foods because really, the fruit, veggies, nuts, whole grains and lentils He's made are perfectly nutritious.
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Old 11-16-2010, 08:45 PM   #9  
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KELLI ~ there was a time when I did slip into that; and the LORD helped me nip that in the bud, so2speak ... ... obsessing about my weight and dieting (when I was in my twenties). We all can slip into that if we are not careful. Then I went through a "jaded" time; and a "not being mindful enough time" ... where I gained a lot of weight ... but sometimes, I think that I may have dieted myself right into obesity ...

Oh, the flesh is so weak ... so we have to be careful & mindful at least a little bit; but as JESUS said in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "... my strength is made perfect in weakness." We have to keep our focus on GOD first -- out of that will flow the healing we need for our body, minds, and souls ...

"II Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,"
That scripture would be a good one for the EMOTIONAL THREAD about how we think ... Indeed, we need to capture our thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts from the Word -- that can help us to heal and overcome many things in this life!

We are a constant "work in progress" aren't we, Kelli? We all are ...

KERIELAINE ~ I have some same issues as you; I had to cut down my dairy for the same reasons. I was just thinking about what you said; some of us can't eat lots of sugar, dairy, or high-fat foods; they make our bodies sick, so we have to be mindful of what we eat to some degree.

I lost my weight on the simple plan I shared above using portions only (no calorie counting). I started that for awhile but abandoned it, as it wasn't making any difference for me. I'm back to where I started and it's working for me, so why change it?

My main goal is to be healthier, and if I lose weight during the process, that will only make me healthier; and visa-versa. Your whole post is very good ...

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Old 11-16-2010, 09:02 PM   #10  
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Aint that the truth Rose Bud.

kerielaine, Please, please don't let what I am saying trip you up. I don't mean that anybody should just go insane and eat anything they want. What I am saying is that maybe we need to look at this differently.

For those of us who have been on this stupid roller coaster for so many years, and are so sick of dieting and worrying and thinking about what we look like... how would it feel to give up dieting all together??? Have you tried giving up dieting and without feeling guilty?

I know it goes against everything the WORLD tells us, but the things of God usually do. The more you try to abstain from something the more obsessed you become it's like a forbidden fruit. The Bible even talks about that. The following scripture is long but it perfectly illustrates what we have been doing with all our diet rules.

This is a long scripture, but worth it!!

Romans 7: 4-6 (The message) So, my friends, this is something like what has taken place with you. When Christ died he took that entire rule-dominated way of life down with him and left it in the tomb, leaving you free to "marry" a resurrection life and bear "offspring" of faith for God. For as long as we lived that old way of life, doing whatever we felt we could get away with, sin was calling most of the shots as the old law code hemmed us in. And this made us all the more rebellious. In the end, all we had to show for it was miscarriages and stillbirths. But now that we're no longer shackled to that domineering mate of sin, and out from under all those oppressive regulations and fine print, we're free to live a new life in the freedom of God.

7 But I can hear you say, "If the law code was as bad as all that, it's no better than sin itself." That's certainly not true. The law code had a perfectly legitimate function. Without its clear guidelines for right and wrong, moral behavior would be mostly guesswork. Apart from the succinct, surgical command, "You shall not covet," I could have dressed covetousness up to look like a virtue and ruined my life with it.

8-12 Don't you remember how it was? I do, perfectly well. The law code started out as an excellent piece of work. What happened, though, was that sin found a way to pervert the command into a temptation, making a piece of "forbidden fruit" out of it. The law code, instead of being used to guide me, was used to seduce me. WITHOUT ALL THE PARAPHERNALIA OF THE LAW CODE, SIN LOOKED PRETTY DULL AND LIFELESS,

*(MY Note here, this is what food has started to become to me... Dull and lifeless)

and I went along without paying much attention to it. But once sin got its hands on the law code and decked itself out in all that finery, I was fooled, and fell for it. The very command that was supposed to guide me into life was cleverly used to trip me up, throwing me headlong. So sin was plenty alive, and I was stone dead. But the law code itself is God's good and common sense, each command sane and holy counsel.

13 I can already hear your next question: "Does that mean I can't even trust what is good [that is, the law]? Is good just as dangerous as evil?” No again! Sin simply did what sin is so famous for doing: using the good as a cover to tempt me to do what would finally destroy me. By hiding within God's good commandment, sin did far more mischief than it could ever have accomplished on its own.

14-16 I can anticipate the response that is coming: "I know that all God's commands are spiritual, but I'm not. Isn't this also your experience?” Yes. I'm full of myself—after all, I've spent a long time in sin's prison. What I don't understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise. So if I can't be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it becomes obvious that God's command is necessary.

17-20 But I need something more! For if I know the law but still can't keep it, and if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don't have what it takes. I can will it, but I can't do it. I decide to do good, but I don't really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don't result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.

21-23 It happens so regularly that it's predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God's commands, but it's pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.

24 I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?

25 The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.

I really believe that we have been going about this all wrong. We need to stop the dieting and worrying about food and our weight. Capture our thoughts by using scripture, then the obsession will go away and we will naturally lose weight. You say you have tried everything... take a year and do this, what is there to lose. Pray about it. Ask God to show you the truth. How will that feel to be totally free of food... calories, weight, dieting, all the stuff that we become so occupied with. How will it feel for food to become DULL AND LIFELESS!!!

I feel like this is a promise and I am going to claim it. That God will make food, dull and lifeless.
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Old 11-16-2010, 09:09 PM   #11  
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Kerielaine how awesome, 60 pounds, in 8 months! You are so right we are all different. What might work for one may not work for another but thank God we have each other for support. I been giving up sugar and yeast because I feel so much better without it. I feel like I must be doing something right because I do feel better. I tried to drink some green tea with honey last night and it was just horrible to me. I love eating healthy foods and it makes me feel bad, not body wise but soul wise when I eat something I feel I should not eat. Maybe that is not a diet thing with me but God giving me guidance?

HE!HE! Kelli we must of posted at the same time. I will try, but like Kerielaine and Rosebud Kelli , yeast and sugar , well to me is like poison and I still will do with out them. My health has improved without them so much as for indigestion ect... I eat natural foods, but I think a-lot of my weight problem may be for I am going through menopause, and getting the old hen spread. I think I need more work on my soul than my body right now.

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Old 11-16-2010, 10:56 PM   #12  
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This thread makes me so sad! Every time I try to start a thread to discuss giving up dieting, I get a lot of replies about the diet of the week, and what you eat and don't eat.

I know it's scary, dieting is like a security blanket, but I know we all know that Jesus needs to be our security. If you don't agree with me, find me scripture to back it up. New testament scripture, under the new covenant. If you follow any of the dietary laws in the Old Testament, you have to follow all of them.

Hebrews 8:13 13 In that He says, “A new covenant, ” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

Please pray, this may not be for you yet... don't worry about it. Just make sure you pray and ask God to reveal the truth for you personally.

I really feel like Jesus want's all of us to stop running after the flesh. I know so much of my time was spent on the latest diet, I wasted so many years, worrying about my body. Our body is not even close to as important as our spirit, in fact compared to our spirit our body can be thrown away. God says that if your hand causes your spirit problems, cut it off. If we all spend the time we spend on dieting, discussing diets, making list, watching food programs on TV, etc., and get busy doing the tasks God sent us here to do, we would stop thinking about food, and before you know it, it will become an annoyance at times.

I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings, I speak from one who has suffered. It is not me to be so bold, God enables me, because I love you.
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Old 11-16-2010, 11:04 PM   #13  
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I really don't know what to say here. I am torn to even say anything because it no way shape or form do I want to hurt anyone here.

I wish we could all sit around my dining room table and have this conversation

Earlier today I decided to stay out of this thread so as not to upset my friend Kelli....but something she said has me thinking I need to share my thoughts on this matter.....and that is when she says she hopes someday for food to become dull and lifeless

I will try very hard to be brief here as so much is going through my head right now

First I am so happy Kelli that you are reaching your goals and foremost that you are going through Christ. God reaches us in so many different ways

I "think" you are telling us not to "diet" because our focus then is not on Christ, it is in fact on the diet.

Our Lord has blessed us with common sense, resources and knowledge. Just as we seek Him, if we are true to his WORD, our knowledge with diets and nutrition will become clearer.

I feel our Lord wants us to have healthy "diets"....healthy eating habits. He provides those options to us.

Unfortunately, many times, we fail at eating healthy....we fail ourselves, parents fail us, our government fails us. we find ourselves running to junk and away from healthy foods.

Just as we do in life...we run away from Jesus sometimes to "life"...the junk in life.

Jesus feeds us with His WORD....Jesus feeds us with blessings of food He has given us.

If we take God's WORD and ask Him for understanding, as we study and seek, we will receive blessings beyond our imagination...however, if one takes God's WORD and then adds a bunch of stuff to it....things that people claim they were told...and only them...then you have junk!

If you take an apple from a tree grown with water and sunshine, you will have a very special treat.....however, if you take that apple, cut it into pieces, add a bunch of chemicals and put it into a crisp on a TV dinner then you probably will have junk!

Many people have come here and lost weight that don't know Christ. Many more have come here and did not lose weight.....some of them do know Jesus as their Savior.

My personal feeling on this is that God wants us to eat be the best we can be in body and spirit to share the Message He commands us to.

I am not a fan of folks dieting...I do think you have a point that people become preoccupied with the "rules" of dieting.

For some of those counting calories helps, others find giving up sugar works, so many different ways.

I think if a person lost weight in a healthy way that God would want them to share that with others. He created us all different and unique.

He wants us to interact and share our experiences with the same time giving Him the GLORY...because, as Christians we know ALL good comes from Him and only Him.

Kelli, God wants us to focus on Him as He leads and guides us on our journey to better health and eating habits...but at the same time we need to use His resources and share with others....

I may be wrong...I am a lot of the time but I really-REALLY feel God wants us to love appreciate the gift of it...the times we have sharing and breaking bread with others.

The washing of Jesus feet....the feeding of the people with loaves of bread and fish....The Last Supper....manna from heaven....

all of those events God blessed those present with food.....

Nothing dull and lifeless about those events....

I am sure He doesn't want you to feel food as such.....God wants us to "feel" and enjoy all HIS blessings....

in moderation of course!
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Old 11-16-2010, 11:44 PM   #14  
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Hi Gary!

Do you have scripture to back that up???

I am sorry, and this may not be for you, I am really talking to those who are addicted to dieting. They are the ones who were like me, dieting themselves to death. Frantically dieting finding no peace whatsoever. We all respect your opinion so much. I do, you have helped me immensely, but this is too important to not ask you to please back up your claims with scripture.
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Old 11-16-2010, 11:50 PM   #15  
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Oh by the way, sorry I didn't address this in the last post, but you talked about food being joyful, it is... when you have a healthy relationship with the food. Which God will give you when you let go and let him have control of your eating. Did you read the scripture verse I put in the post you are talking about? The one that talks about sin becoming dull and lifeless. That's what I was talking about. The "sin" being unhealthy eating.

Love you brother, and am so very glad we are having this dialogue. The worst thing it could do is get us all looking in the Word...

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