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Old 05-02-2004, 08:19 PM   #1  
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Cool Patent Lean Real Or Fake?????????????

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Old 05-03-2004, 09:38 AM   #2  
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Well, from what I've read about it, it's just another 7-Keto-DHEA product.

Here's a link to an interesting article:

and a bit from another article:

Does the product PatentLEANTM work for weight loss?
PatentLEAN is a dietary supplement promoted for weight loss and body fat reduction in overweight people. In clinical studies, PatentLEAN led to a four-pound weight loss over a one-month period when combined with a low-calorie diet and aggressive exercise program.

The combination of PatentLEAN with the diet and exercise regimen studied is not realistic for the average consumer. Furthermore, PatentLEAN affects thyroid hormones, which can lead to long-term health risks. PatentLEAN has not been studied for long-term weight loss. Weight loss is not a one-time goal, but rather a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and regular physical activity.

What is PatentLEAN?
PatentLEAN is a dietary supplement that is promoted for weight loss and body fat reduction. The manufacturer claims that PatentLEAN increases the body's metabolism to help break down fat and calories. PatentLEAN contains an ingredient called 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone (sometimes called 7-oxo-DHEA).

7-oxo-DHEA increases a type of thyroid hormone (T3) in the body and therefore increase the body's ability to metabolize calories and fat. While 7-oxo-DHEA does increase T3, this effect does not last long because the body corrects this change over time. Within four to six weeks, thyroid hormones should return to normal levels.

Is PatentLEAN effective?
The manufacturer of PatentLEAN conducted studies to prove 7-oxo-DHEA works for weight loss. In these studies, overweight people were instructed to eat a reduced calorie diet (about 1800 calories per day) and to exercise for one hour, three times a week. Some of these overweight people were given PatentLEAN 100 mg pills two times daily while others received a sugar pill (placebo).

7-oxo-DHEA increases a type of thyroid hormone (T3) in the body and therAfter one month, the people who took PatentLEAN lost six pounds while the people who took the placebo lost only two pounds. The difference in weight loss between these two groups was four pounds in favor of PatentLEAN. The amount of body fat that was lost in the PatentLEAN group was 1.8 percent. People who took placebo lost 0.6 percent fat.

The people in these studies do not represent the average consumer. These results seem to support PatentLEAN for weight loss and body fat reduction. Unfortunately, the results from these studies are quite unrealistic for the average overweight adult. Anyone who exercises for one hour three times a week and eats a low-calorie diet should lose weight. How many of us regularly exercise for one hour three times a week?

The weight loss reported for PatentLEAN is not convincing. The number of overweight people enrolled in the PatentLEAN studies was very small -- involving just 30 people. As a result, the weight loss observed from PatentLEAN could simply be due to chance.

The overall weight loss that these studies report is just four pounds over one month. This means that the average overweight adult would expect to lose one pound per week over the course of one month. Does this weight loss continue after the one-month period? We don't know. Will the body counteract the effects of PatentLEAN? Probably.

Is PatentLEAN safe to use?
Side Effects: According to the studies on PatentLEAN, no one reported any immediate side effects. Unlike prescription and over-the-counter medications, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not review dietary supplements.

Although the name "PatentLEAN" implies the product is patented, it does not mean that PatentLEAN has been reviewed for safety. Furthermore, since there is no federal oversight of these products, the chance for contamination and impurities remains a concern.

Thyroid Concerns: PatentLEAN does increase one type of thyroid hormone (T3) briefly, while other types of thyroid hormone (TSH, T4) are not affected. Thyroid hormones are responsible for controlling a lot more than just our metabolism of calories and fat.

In women, increasing thyroid hormones in the body can lead to rapid bone breakdown. This could be very serious for adolescents whose bones are still developing. Furthermore, in menopause, this could worsen osteoporosis.

People who already have thyroid troubles or those who are taking thyroid-like medications should never use PatentLEAN. The truth is that scientists know increasing thyroid hormones for weight loss is very dangerous and can lead to serious health problems.

Weight Loss: Many people still believe that weight loss is a short-term goal. And weight loss products claim they can help people lose weight for just this purpose!

For example, we may want to lose a few pounds to fit into a pair of pants we haven't worn since high school, or maybe we want to lose some weight for that high school reunion or friend's wedding that is soon approaching.

Unfortunately, this is the wrong way to lose weight simply because drastic weight loss (starvation dieting, fad diets, extreme exercise, stimulant drugs) leads people to gain the weight right back.

Weight loss is a lifelong, long-term commitment to regular physical activity and healthy eating. People who are overweight or obese have serious health risks. Obesity increases the risk for heart disease (high cholesterol and heart attacks) and diabetes.

Obesity also affects energy, muscle strength and joint strength. Many people who are obese commonly complain of knee, hip, back or other pain. Losing weight and keeping it off can significantly help all of these conditions.

So what does this mean for me if I want to lose weight and body fat?
There is no magic bullet for weight loss (this includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements).

Weight loss is a lifelong commitment to eating healthy and regular physical activity.

PatentLEAN has not been studied beyond two months for weight loss; it should not be used to help you lose weight quickly.

PatentLEAN does not seem to cause immediate side effects; the possible long-term side effects, however, can be serious.

Check with your pharmacist before buying any weight loss product -- especially if you are currently taking prescription or non-prescription medications.

Discuss healthy and safe weight loss options with your physician and pharmacist.

A registered dietitian (RD) or nutritionist can help with practical meal planning and dietary considerations for weight loss.

Some gyms and other exercise facilities offer trainers that can help tailor an exercise program to meet your needs and lifestyle.

Set realistic short-range weight loss and exercise goals; don't get discouraged if you don't meet your goals right away since it takes time and persistence.
And lastly,'s analysis of the active ingredient in PatentLean:
Supplement 7-Keto-DHEA

Description 7-Keto (3-Acetyl-7-Oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone) is a naturally occurring metabolite of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). In the body, 7-Keto is not converted into testosterone or estrogen to any appreciable degree. 7-Keto, as a downstream metabolite of DHEA, is produced in the body during the degradation of DHEA. 7 Keto can be measured in the blood as a ketosteroid.

Claims Improves immune system function
Aids in weight reduction / Thermogenic
Supports thyroid function
Non-androgenic or estrogenic
Enhances memory

Theory Because 7-Keto is a downstream metabolite of DHEA it is promoted as being a “non-androgenic” or “estrogenic” version of DHEA. It is also promoted as a weight loss aid for its supposed thermogenic effect. Animal studies demonstrate that it can enhance thermogenesis, which may translate into weight loss. Because DHEA levels decline as we age and ketosteroids are made from DHEA, all conditions which may benefit from DHEA supplementation, may also benefit from 7-Keto.

Scientific Support 7-Keto supplements, at a dose of 200mg/day in adults ~25 to 55 years of age has been shown in one poorly designed trial to enhance weight loss, aid in the reduction of body fat and effect thyroid hormone levels. This two-month study also demonstrated that 7-Keto does not significantly effect blood sugar, testosterone, estradiol, liver or kidney function, but the “significant” weight loss benefits were more do to an unbalanced study designthan to any real benefit of the supplement (the group receiving the supplement were significantly heavier/fatter at the start of the study compared to the control group). Another study showed that 200mg/day of 7-Keto for 8 weeks does not effect dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol, cortisol and insulin levels in men 18-49 years of age. Several animal studies have demonstrated that 7-Keto, like other anabolic hormones, can induce thermogenic enzymes. One trial with 7-Keto demonstrated that it could bolster interleukin 2 production in lymphocytes, but this study was conducted in cells (in vitro) and not in humans. 7-Keto has also been shown in mice to improve memory (water maze procedure).

Safety 7-Keto appears to be safe in doses of 200mg per day. The two human trials to date have not shown any androgenic or estrogenic effects of high dose supplementation. Many of the claims for 7-Keto are based on petri dish studies, animal research and cell line studies, thus the data and findings cannot be carried over to the human model.

Value The scientific evidence for using 7-Keto as either an anabolic agent or for promoting weight loss is quite weak and more research is needed to substantiate if any of the popular claims made for this supplement are indeed justified.

Dosage The few human trials have used a 200mg/day dose – but commercial supplements typically provide about 50mg/day.
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